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Design API with RAML

1. Login into Anypoint Platform

2. Go to Design Center
3. Click On + Create New button click on New API Spec from drop down
4. Specify ‘API Title’ as OYO Hotels REST API click on Create API Spec button
5. Define the operations in RAML as shown below


6. Add query parameters to /hotels GET operations as shown below
        type: string
        required: true
          - Hyderabad
          - Mumbai
          - Delhi
          - Bangalore
        type: integer
        required: false
        example: 2500
        type: string
        pattern: ^(([0-9])|([0-2][0-9])|([3][0-1])) (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) \d{4}$
        example: 25 Oct 2020
        required: false
        type: string
        pattern: ^(([0-9])|([0-2][0-9])|([3][0-1])) (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) \d{4}$
        required: false
        example: 28 Oct 2020

7. Click on the + button in the Files browser and create two folders with name examples and
dataTypes as shown below
8. Click on kebab menu (3 vertical dots menu) on the dataTypes folder  import
HotelDataType.raml file from ‘…\Training Data\Oyo Hotels\’ folder. Click on kebab menu on
examples folders  import HotelExample.raml and HotelsExample.raml files from ‘…\Training
Data\Oyo Hotels\’ folder as shown below

9. Define custom data type with name Hotel in the RAML by using below RAML definition. Use
yellow colour highlighted text from ‘Complete RAML’ word document that is attached below

  Hotel: !include dataTypes/

10. Add responses to /hotels GET operation. FYR use either the below snippet or open the below
file, use the yellow highlighted text from it

            example: !include examples/
            type: Hotel[]
11. Add request body and responses to /hotels POST operation as shown below or use the file FYR

        example: !include examples/
        type: Hotel
              message: Hotel has been added

12. Add responses to /hotels/{hotelId} GET operation

              example: !include examples/
              type: Hotel

13. Add request and responses to /hotels/{hotelId} PUT operation

          example: !include examples/
          type: Hotel
                message: Hotel has been updated

14. Add responses to /hotels/{hotelId} DELETE operation

                message: Hotel has been delete

End of the Lab

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