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Biomolecules Test

I. Objective:
1. To test for the presence of biomolecules (carbohydrates, proteins
and lipids) in some foods by the pictures provided because it’s an
online class

II. Introduction:

Go foods supply the body with energy. They belong to the group
of substances called carbohydrates. Foods rich in carbohydrates
include cereals, bread, rice, tubers, and pasta. These foods contain
large amounts of starch that provide body energy. The presence of
starch in food samples can be easily determined by examining its
reaction with iodine. Iodine reacts with starch to produce a different

Foods essential for growth and repair of worn-out tissues are

classified as grow foods. These foods are rich in proteins. Proteins are
obtained from variety of sources, including plants and animals. Meat
eggs, milk and fish are good source of animal proteins, while beans are
the main source of plant proteins. Proteins are made of amino acids
which, when digested, enters the cells and are used in production of
the different proteins needed by the body. Proteins could also serve as
sources of energy in the absence of carbohydrates. The presence of
proteins in foods could be tested through the Biuret test. The test
involves a color reaction when sodium hydroxide and copper sulfate
solution react with proteins.

Glow foods include foods that are made up of fats or lipids. Fats
provide the body with twice as much energy as carbohydrates can
provide. Lipids are part of the light –absorbing pigments such as
chlorophyll. Fats may be classified as saturated or unsaturated fats.
Most plant oils, such as olive oil and some fish oils, contain mostly
unsaturated fats. Animal fats, on the other hand, are often made up of
saturated fats.

Fats are insoluble in water. They are soluble, however, in alcohol.

When water is added to the solution of fats in alcohol, a cloudy white
emulsion is formed. This test is called ethanol emulsion test. The
presence of fats could be observed by the formation of a translucent
spot on a piece of brown paper. This test is called grease spot test.

III. Test Results

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Test Samples

A.Iodine Test
(Test for

B. Biuret Test
(Test for

C. Ethanol
Emulsion Test
(Test for Lipids)

Fruit Egg Starch Oil Water

juice white

VI. Data and Observation(Test Results Pictures): (12 POINTS)

Put (+) if the biomolecules is present in the sample and (-) if
Test Water Oil Egg Starch Fruit
White Juice
(Test - - - + -
for Starch)

E. -Biuret
Test - - + - -
(Test for

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F. Ethanol
Test (Test - + + - -

VII. Analysis:
A. Answer the following questions below. (5 POINTS EACH)
1. Based in the results which food sample could be best
source of carbohydrates. Why? – Based on the results, a
sample that could be a source of carbohydrate is a starch because due
to the presence of iodine in it as you can see on the picture above that
it turns into deep blue/black so it means it detected a presence of
complex carbohydrates.
2. Other than the food samples tested in this activity,
enumerate at least five other sources of
carbohydrates. – White meat Poultry, Beans, Lean Beef,
seafoods, and yogurt
3. Cellulose is a type of carbohydrate found in plant cells
in form of fibers. Why can’t human utilize cellulose as
an energy source? – Cellulose is very difficult molecule to break
down because the appropriate enzymes to breakdown the beta acetal
linkages are lacking and only a relative few organisms can manage it.
4. If one of the food samples did not react with the Biuret
test, does this mean that the food sample contains no
protein? Defend your answer. – Yes I agree to that because
the point of having a buiret test is to test if there’s a present of
polypeptides. If the color of that certain test sample changed into a
purplish violet color, It contains a peptide bonds while of an certain
test sample did not change it’s color then it basically lacks polypeptides
which means it doesn’t have a proteins on it at all.
5. What is the relationship of the intensity of color
reaction with the amount of protein tested from food
samples? – the relationship of the intensity of color reaction with the
amount of protein tested can be a about the peptide bonds contain of
every color intensity that can either be proportional or not to the
intensity of the color.
6. Why do children require two to three times more protein than
adults? Support your answer. – Children need more proteins
than the adults it’s because that is needed in requirement for growth.
Childre are growing and accumulating extra lean tissue so the amount
of protein in their bodies are increasing as we get bigger.
7. Why should fatty foods be avoided despite the fact
that they provide more energy as compared to
carbohydrates? Support your answer. – Yes, fatty foods can
be great in providing energy in our body but too much eating can raise
a ldl cholesterol in your blood, which can increase the risk of heart
disease and stroke.
VIII. Conclusion: (5 POINTS)

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(answers the objective of the activity and relate the result to personal
life experience or realizations)

- Based on the results and objectives of the study, I conclude

that a starch, egg whites, and oil has certain biomolecules
present in them with the help of different test methods. So
basically, you are what you eat everyday since often foods
you eat obtained these substances.

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