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GROUPS Language use Originality in Creativity in Theoretical Reflection about MARK

selection of activities background intercultural awareness
song proposed

1- Guillen-Prados- Rossi Exc- VG+- VG+   Exc Nice and deep analysis 10-9-9
-Check pronunciation of of lyrics and the
culture/cultural and conclusion intercultural issues
-Tendency raised in the song.
-Own profit Intertextuality.

2- Arrigazzi- Barrandeguy- Coronel VG+- VG+- G   Exc Excellent analysis of 9-9-7

-Empathy (you need to the song.
-Raise issues be more Well organized
confident and analysis of the song’s
control main topics.
nerves, Dani!)

3- Domé- Carabajal- Valdez Poor  (you didn´t poor poor Weak analysis of the 2
-childrens share the song.
-provide us with lyrics) Too repetitive.
-people IS (said more than once)
-Don´t invent words! (increasment)
-The song tackles…/deals with
-it comes about to
Many pronunciation mistakes (final
4- Cornejo- López- Camus (very good, Good use of   Exc Too long: some topics 3
Santiago) language in were unrelated to the
-Be careful with verb tenses general intercultural issue and
-Be careful with pronunciation so much info
overshadowed the
main points you could
have made. Be more
Limit the amount of
text on each slide.
5- Quinteros- Zelarayán- Saiquita VG- Poor- VG Unrelated  Poor Not appropriate 2
- Be careful with verb forms Not Forced
- Pronunciation appropriate The song dealt with
- Do not invent words!! (strofe??? environmental
for stanza) awareness.
- Lyrics.
6- Berent- Toconás- Tolaba (you need Good-   Exc Very good! 5
to be more confident, Gisel. You can well- + interaction with your
do it!) thought! classmates in the
Be careful with mistakes like: presentation!
-you doesn´t like
-must to tell
-pronunciation of giggle
7- Saldías- Pelayes- Fernández Cadar VG+   VG Very good! 9
-Check “stigmatized” (You gave us a Even if the Good selection and
nice surprise - song was in division of the song’s
you must Spanish, it topics.
speak more in was rich in
class!!) intercultural
selection of
8- De Lima- Salvatierra (well done, G+- G-   VG Interesting!!! 7-5
Araceli!- Lore, be more careful with Very good analysis of
S-V agreement, final “s”) the lyrics and video.
- Pronunciation of ignorance and

To all:

- Very nice presentations!!!! Congrats!! Remember to share them on the platform, please! 
- Check pronunciation of culture/cultural
- Some of the activities should have focused more on the intercultural issues raised in the songs rather than on vocabulary or language.
- Remember it’s a good idea to interact with your classmates during your presentations.

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