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Dylan Martin

KNLS 120

Necessity of Protein Supplements

What is Protein?
A macro nutrient used to build and repair
tissues, make enzymes, hormones, and other
bodily chemicals, and it is an important building
block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and

What are the Benefits of Protein?

Improves muscular and bone health, strengthens immune and
nervous system, and provides a smooth flow of blood and
nourishment throughout the body.

How Much
Do I Need to Take
Protein Do I
Protein Supplements
to Get Enough?
The RDA is 0.36
No, most people can
grams per pound of
easily reach the
body weight on
necessary amounts
average and 0.5 to
through their usual diet
0.9 grams per
pound in highly
active individuals.
Can I Get too Much Protein?
Yes, an excessive amount of protein can
aggravate the conditions of heart diseases
and cholesterol problems as well as
contribute to other medical complications
such as gout and kidney stone and even
reduce muscle building potential.

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