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The Empire of Kjørefelt Constitution

We the People of the Kjørefelt (pro. “K-J-EU-REE-FELT”), have come together to create a perfect nation
where everyone is equal in the eyes of the emperor and prime minister. WE shall come together and
wreck the tyranny that other nations have called to their offices. The pursuit of happiness will be
dedicated more than ever in this nation of joyous opportunity, and as so, the Constitution of Kjørefelt.

Article I

Section 1
The prime minister of Kjørefelt will have multiple requirements to run for the position. They will have to
have opened their own market, online or physical, to run, along with having 100+ hours community
service, approval of province governor, and voting in to run by province population. If all requirements
are made then select person will be allowed to run. Prime ministers must be at the age of 30 years old for
it to be suitable. Every four years a new prime minister will be elected.

Section 2
The emperor of the Empire of Kjørefelt will be selected via voting and each first child of said person will
be emperor. If said person who has been given the right to be emperor has no said child to be given the
title of emperor too, then once said emperor dies, then we will have the governors and population of each
province to come up with a suitable child that has made many great achievements for our schools and
they must be at least 10 years of age, then congress will take a vote for the child that shall be the new
emperor. The first child of the emperor must be of 10 years of age and if said child is not of age when the
emperor dies then the emperor's most trusted accomplice to be emperor until the child is of age.

Section 3
Province Governors will be elected by the people of a newly annexed land and parliament and congress
will decide if said person is suitable for the job. If parliament and congress do not agree then the prime
minister will choose. The province governor must have at least 50+ hours of community service so it is
shown he or she knows how to care for the land, they must also be 20+ years of age. If parliament and
congress do not agree then the prime minister will choose.

Section 4
Congressmen, women, and parliament will be all elected all the same way. Like the province governor,
the people of each province, will elect a person that will be sent to the capital. Then the prime minister
will see if they are suitable enough for the job and if they are, they will join. The person must be 20+
years of age and must be aligned with a party.
Article II

Section 1
The Emperor of Kjørefelt will only have select powers, only being able to make laws for the capital and if
the parliament thinks the rules are unconstitutional then the bill will be rejected. The Emperor has control
on what happens within his own house and property, the emperor will not have control over the entire
empire and will only have control over holidays. The emperor will be able to determine along with the
prime minister if land is suitable to be annexed.

Section 2
The Prime Minister will have control over the laws that happen throughout the empire, he or she will have
the power to veto laws produced by congress, he or she has control over the police forces. The prime
minister will be able to determine along with the emperor if land is suitable to anex.

Section 3
Governors represent provinces and make laws for that specific province as long as parliament accepts the
law and says it is constitutional. Unlike congress, who has to get their bill approved by parliament and the
prime minister, the governor only has to ask approval for bills by parliament. The governor also has
control over the police force in that area unless the prime minister says otherwise.

Section 4
Parliament is a group of people that veto or proceed with bills produced by congress. If they decide that
the bill is constitutional then they will send it to the prime minister who will either approve or veto it. If it
is vetoed by the prime minister the bill will go back to congress, get sent to parliament again, and after
evaluation, will be determined to be constitutional or not again, and if constitutional, then, it will be sent
back up to the prime minister, in which if he or she does not respond, then it becomes federal law.
Parliament also holds the control to message what congress has told the military to do, parliament can
control what congress wants the military to do. Parliament also holds court for people who have broken
the law and with vote can sentence them to prison or make them have fines.

Section 5
Congress is a group of people that make bills that sometimes eventually get turned into a law. Congress
also has control of the military as long as parliament says that the message is ok to send. If parliament or
the prime minister vetoes a bill or proves it unconstitutional, then it is sent back to congress where it will
be reworked and sent back to parliament.

Section 6
The branches of government mentioned in this article can only do what they are said to do in there own
sections. They cannot do what another is doing.
Article III

Section 1
If there is a case for civil wars then there shall be no harm done to the citizens of either side unless they
have been enlisted in the army. They shall not destroy property unless on the battlefield.

Section 2
All military personnel will carry a standard M11 Pistol, M500 Shotgun, M14 Enhanced Battle Rifle, and a
M7 Bayonet. A standard cop will carry a M11 Pistol, M7 Bayonet, Taser, and sometimes a M500

Section 3
For police forces there shall always be a police chief that will guide police officers in each province
unless the prime minister says otherwise.

Section 4
For military forces, there shall always be a general commanding the forces of troops and will comand
what congress does tells the military to do.

Article IV

Section 1
Congress shall make no law about religion and every religion is welcome in the empire as long as they
start no fights are cause a major civil war.

Section 2
People have the right to bear arms and during times of war they can make their own militia to protect their

Section 3
No soldier or officer can come into a house of a citizen that is not part of the government unless they have
such permit to do so. Only the Prime minister has these permits and chiefs will have to go and ask the
prime minister for investigation.

Section 4
The people have the right to say anything they want in this country. They have the right to talk bad about
the government and emperor, but if they make any threats to anyone, it will be investigated by police
Section 5
No person shall be held accountable for the government unless parliament decides that what they are
doing is illegal. Available sentences are two weeks in prison, a month in prison, a year in prison, 15 years,
50 years, life in prison and the death sentence.

Section 6
Only sentences that have been provided above may be sentenced on criminals.

Section 7
No laws made by congress can denounce any one with a different language or religion, and they have the
right to believe and speak in whatever language and religion they want, just as long as a translator for
languages is provided.

Section 8
Anyone from any gender can marry anyone from any gender.

Section 9
Anyone that is racist, homophobic, or hates a certain religion or ethnic group is not permited in bounds of
the empire and will be exiled if part of the empire. If exiled then the land we annexed will stay annexed
but said person will be kicked out and not allowed to entire again.

Section 10
Any race is allowed and no slavery is allowed in the empire.

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