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Speech ALS1

Today’s topic is Puno and it’s problems. As we know, Puno is not well known
as Lima and that’s in part why all last governments didn’t take real actions for
their citizens that have been exploted. The first and big problem is the ilegal
minery in La Rinconada, the residents of this place are literally gaming the
lottery. You will tell me why I said that, I said it because poor people were
hired by ilegal companies to work for them and if they do a good job, they
could earn some pieces of gold that they generates without any salary. The
biggest problem in La Rinconada is the exploitation of its natural resources
that are gold and the ilegal minery controls everything there. Let me at that
workers are being tricked with their “Jobs”, good economy and electricity,
which is principal in human services, don’t exist there and the weather is
extremely dangerous for people that live -15°C. The best solution could be to
take real actions by part of the Peruvian government, they have to throw
aways that ilegal companies that are being financed by foreign money and
get jobs for those people who don’t even earn 500 soles a month, it’s a big
challenge. In this graphic you can see the level of poverty in each city of
Puno, which has been always ignored by authorities. As you can see people
have to afront the extremely weather and the disease of food, children, who
don’t even have good education to maintain, grow up with body problems
because of this. Another point I want to make is that the citizens, who have
to left their city and move to a new one because government don’t
contribute to their neccesities. As we know, the excessive use of plastic by
ourselves made our natural resources contaminated. In Puno is another story
because big companies throw away their trash in the lakes and they
disappear. The best solution for this problem is made by our Peruvian
scientist friend Marino Morikawa, who has created an amazing solution to
restore the water in the Titicaca lake that works in only 15 days. This man can
convert all the lakes in our country safe again, he only needs a good financial
support to do this.

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