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INTRODUCTION: Cookies ave smatt data fites, used ag Unigue identifiers. fach cookie is Unige to your web browser. A cookie contains anonymous information and is sent fyom the sevrer of the welsite you ave viewing to yur computer ov mobile phone. It witt be stored on yoy device and onty that sewer will be able to vetvieve ov vead the contents of that cookie. Sent cookies may sent back to the website’s sewrers with updated data os you browse the website. Cookies, in theiy simplest form, ave tittle clusters of data. A Web Server passes These data clusters throiugh Co your computer aftey you hare Landed on a website. Your computer then stoves the data as files inside yoy browser cache Cookies may be set by the website you ave wistting (/fivst party cookies’) ov they may be set by organization ubich ave not the ouner of the website you ave Viewing (‘third party cookies’). for example, they may be set by other websites which yun content on the page you ave viewing oy by a thivd party analytics company. The website you ave visiting may also contain content embedded from other website and these ses may also set their own cookies. A website might use. a thd party advertising network to delirey targeted adirertising. These cookies may atso be able to track your browsing across different sites cookies, for the most part, can’t and don’t CranSfer malware Oy other maticious programs onto yoy device. It/s typically safe to accept cookies, lout there ave times when you might unt to veject them ADV ANT AGES: -7 They vememler your preferences, so pou/tt only typically see ads, searches ov yecommendations that axe velevant to you => They save your passwords and usernames so theve’s no need for you to vemember these details when you Jog onto different wekstes =? They/ve easy to dedete and control DISADVANTAGES: => It’s sometimes possiole for thivd parties to access information stored by cookies, ubich vaises obvious privacy concems =? Some vivises may be disguised as cookies, and in other cases, cookies yeeveate themsetres after they/re been deleted - these ave colloquially known as “zombie” cookies TYPES OF COOKIES: Session cookies: Session cookies axe stove onty temporarily diving a browsing session and ave deleted from your device when the browser is closed Persistent cookies: This bype of cookie ig saved on your computer for a fixed period (usually a year ox Longer) and is not deleted when the brouser is closed. Persistent cookies ave used to identify you from one lovoussing session to the next, for example, to stove yauw prefevences, so that they ave vemembered for the next visit Some Other cookies ave: Secure Cookies: A Secuve cookie can only be Lvansmitea ovey an enevypled connection. A Secuve ceckie, also Rnoum aS an HTTP Onty cookie, is a file that is stored on a usey’s hard dyive. It is used for transmitting http ov https ovey the inteynet. HTTPS is a seclve protocol and provides a secte method of sending data over yy intewet connection. HTTP Onty Cookie: cookies can onty be used when transmitted via HTTP (or HTTPS). They axe not accessible through non-HITP APIS such as JarnSewpt. This vestvietion etiminntes the thvent of cankie theft win cvoss— site sevpting (XS), bite Leaving the threats of cvoss-site tracing (XCT) and cross-ste vequiest forgery (CSRF} intact Zombie Cookie: Zombie cookies ave cookies that ave automatically after being deteted. This is accomplished with the help of a ctient-side scvipt. The Scvipt stats by stoving the cockie’s content in mutiple Locations. When the Sevipt detects the cockie’s absence, it vecveates the cookie using the data Cookies can atso be categorized based on what they do: -7 Strictly necessary cookies: Some cookies axe essential for the operation of our website. These cookies ave essential for using the features accessing secuive/authenticnted aveas af the website => Performance cocties: These cookies simply help us Improve umy the Website works => Punctionatity cookies: These cookies attow the brouser to vemember your preferences => Targeting cookies: Targeting cookies help us make sue the adyrertisements ave yelerant to the inevest of the user SECURITY POL Icles: Pe per the cookie sectivity policies, weasites must do two things before they can instal cookies in your byouser oy device: =? Tell you about the cookies they use => Get your consent to using these coskies, Why do they need to get yor consent? It comes clown to the type of information that cookies can gather. Coskies can collect uhat/s known as "personal cata” ov “personal information.” Personat data &, broadly speaking, any information that can be used to identify you oy you household. fxamptes include: => Nome -> IP addvess/ HAC addvess =? Email adevess > session details => Puthovization details Tn addition to the privacy issues, cookes carry sectivty implications as WELL. Many sites use cookies to implement access contyol schemes of Various sorts. For example, a subscrption site that vequives a Username and password might pass a cookie back to your brouser the fivst time you. Aog in. Thereafter, the site with gire you access to vestvicted pages if yoy brouser can produce a vati cotkie. This can have severat advantages for the ste, not the Least of ubich @ that & can avoid the overhead of Looking Up your Username and password in a database each Time yo access a page. BUC These comRIES can be exploted by third Parties Browsers genevally Use ONS to detewmine what cookie belongs to the sewer, it is possible to trick a brouser into sending a cookie to a vogue sever Gtolbat privacy Laws attow consumers to: 7 Reslyicl who has access Lo pevsonat information 7 Revoke consent to a company holding your personal data at any time => Refuse to accept marketing and other Unnecessary cookies that collect personally identifiable information, Host importantly, if a company wants to use cookies, consimers haire the sight bo Know: =? Why they axe using cookies => Specifiently ubat type of infowmaton they plan on collecting => Yow they use the data, and ubo they shave it with =? Hou to vevroke consent =? How to detete cookies Companies shoutd set out these vights in what is called a Cookie Poticy. You wilt ether find ths inside the Priracy Poticy, ov it with be a Seprvntely. Linked Anctimenk. Commonly, yatt silt find the Policy tinted ak the bottom of the website in the footer. When you access the Cookie Poticy, yo can see how the company uses cookies and why, atong with other velerant information. The only exception to the wte of consent is if the cookie ig “strictly necessary’ for the website’s functionatity - for example, session cookies. Tf you do not want: to accept stvictly necessary cookies, that is fine, of couse, but you won’t be able to use that website. So, if websites need your consent to using cookies, how do they get ic? Most often they use Cookie Notices, oy popups The notice wilt tet you that the website uses cookies, and t should gire yp the option to view the different cokes before you proceed. Lf you cick “no” you will go straight bo the Cookie Poticy where you can set your specific preferences. You wilt note that strictly necessary cookies ave tumed on by defaute CONCLUSION For websites to work property, they vely on cookies. Cookies ave small files containing computer code that can sometimes identify you, your preferences, and your broussing. behaiiottr: Thee ave many types of cockies, and they cottect different types of data. Howerer, because cookies can collect information that is used to personally identify you, websites need your permission befove they install them on your deitice oy brouser You can detete cookies ab ang time ly clicking thyough the menu options in yur brouser. PUe simply, youve atunys in control of what happens to pay personal data and who has access to it

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