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Commercial separation

of unburned carbon
from fly ash

eparation Technologies Inc.’s (STI) electrostatic separation technol-
ogy is a dry, continuous process for the separation of discrete par-
ticles. This high-volume process does not require any additives nor
E. Tondu, member SME, is any additional waste produced.
W.G. Thompson, In December 1993, STI, in cooperation with New England Power
D.R. Whitlock, J.D. (NEP), installed an 18-t/h (20-stph) prototype electrostatic separator at
Bittner and A.
NEP’s Salem Harbor plant. The plan was to convert waste streams of type F
fly ash into commercially valuable products.
E. Tondu,
Vasiliauskas are In July 1995, a second separator was installed at NEP’s Brayton Point
W.G. Thompson,
marketing director, vice plant. Fly ash feed, ranging from 6% to 25% carbon (loss-of-ignition fly ash
president, technology
or LOI), is separated into <3% LOI “clean” ash and sold as a portland ce-
ment substitute in the New England concrete markets.
D.R. Whitlock,
inventor, vice president The carbon-rich fraction has value as a recycled utility fuel, a cement kiln
J.D. Bittner and
of technology and vice raw material and other uses. Depending on feed LOI, clean ash equals 60%
president of operations,
to 80% of throughput. Present production rates of commercial fly ash at
Brayton Point are between 5.9 and 6.3 kt/m (6,500 and 7,000 st/month).
A. Vasiliauskas
respectively, with
Separation Technologies Background
STI was founded in late 1989 to develop and commercially exploit its
Inc., 10 Kearney Rd., unique patented electrostatic technology for the high-volume separation of
Needham, MA 02194 fine powders. Initial efforts focused on applications that offered an impor-
tant technical solution and the potential for high value-added benefits. Three
key application areas of separation were targeted — industrial minerals,
wheat flour and fly ash from coal-burning utilities.
Fly ash is the world’s fifth-largest mineral resource. Its handling, process-
ing and ultimate use and/or disposal are important to the utility industry and
other generators of coal-derived fly ash.

STI’s electro-
static separator
for dry, con-
tinuous fine
powder separa-
tion of fly ash
feed. The unit
is in operation
at New England
Brayton Point


Flowsheet of Separation Technologies’electrostatic
separation process. The electrostatic separation is in
operation at New England Power’s Salem Harbor and
Brayton Point power plants.

rolls are the only moving parts. The electrodes are sta-
tionary and are composed of an appropriately durable
material. The belt is an open-mesh polymer. Overall
separator length depends on the specific application.
However, it usually about 6-m- (20-ft-) long in addition
to the space required for the rolls and end hoppers. The
belt speed is the same as that of pneumatic conveying
systems. Power consumption of the electrostatic power
supplies is negligible. Power consumption of the belt
drive is about 1 kWh/t processed.
Critical features of the separator are the short gap,
the very high voltage field, the counter current flow, the
vigorous particle-particle agitation and the self-cleaning
action of the belt on the electrodes (Fig. 2).
Overall separation performance attributes include:

STI technology, overview • Broadness of feed particle size distribution: The

Process description. STI’s triboelectric separation separator can process material with a particle size
process, with a new patented separator geometry, solves from greater than 250 to <5 µm (60 to <2,500 mesh).
scale-up problems and improves electrostatic separation • Electrical conductivity of feed particles: Separation
by four or more orders of magnitude. This improvement is irrespective of electrical conductivity. This makes
allows the economical dry separation of materials that it possible to separate good insulators (dielectrics)
were once inseparable by other means. It is effective and good conductors (metals).
with small-particle separations. • Low power consumption: The separator has demon-
Material is fed into the thin gap between two paral- strated at full-scale (23 t/h or 25 stph) a power con-
lel-plane electrodes (Fig. 1). The particles are then swept sumption of less than 1 kWh/t of feed.
up by a moving open-mesh belt and conveyed in oppo- • Scalability: The capacity of the separator is a linear
site directions. The moving belt sets up a counter current function of separator width. A separator has been
plane-couette flow-field independent of the electric field. operated for thousands of tons at rates up to 23 t/h
The particles charge by contact with their neighbors. (25 stph).
The electric field moves opposite charged particles
up or down depending on their sign of charge. The field
need only move the particles a fraction of an inch to Separation principle
move a particle from a left-moving to a right-moving Electrostatic separators that use contact potential
stream. The belt moves the particles adjacent to each differences between materials are also known as tri-
electrode toward opposite ends of the separator. The boelectric separators. Triboelectric is a misnomer be-
counter current flow of the separating particles provides cause electrostatic charging occurs as a result of surface
for multiple opportunities for separation and results in contact. Rubbing and the resultant friction is unimpor-
good separation and recovery. tant except to increase the degree and area of surface
The separator is simple. The belt and the associated contact.

FIG. 1

Diagram of the STI separator.


Contact-charging theory bors.
All solids are held together by chemical bonds. NEP was concerned about the increasing cost of dis-
These bonds result from the energy structure of elec- posing its fly ash, as well as the potential for environ-
trons in the material. Some electrons are held tightly in mental and other liability conflicts. These concerns are
bonds, some are free to move and some can only move if shared by most electric utilities.
a sufficient activation energy is provided. The magni- The Salem Harbor plant has about 330 MW of coal-
tude of the activation energy for electron migration de- derived capacity. Three units burn coal, primarily sup-
termines if a material is a metallic conductor, an plied from Colombia and South Africa.
insulator or a semiconductor. The semiconductor indus- NEP agreed that the Salem Harbor plant was the
try is based on the electrical properties that originate at most logical site for the first separator. It refurbished an
the junction between different material phases. existing building for the unit. The building contains a silo
When two materials are in contact, electrons move for holding the fly ash received from the plant. This ash
(or tunnel) until the energy of electrons in each material serves as the feed material to the separator. The feed fly
at the interface is equalized. The material with a higher ash is trucked to and then pumped into the feed silo. It
affinity for electrons gains electrons and charges nega- is conveyed to the separator’s feed port by a balance-of-
tive. The material with the lower affinity loses electrons plant system that includes a rotary feed valve and a final
and charges positively. air-slide leg.
A measure of the relative affinity for electrons is the The separator separates the feed ash into two
work function. This is the energy needed to move an streams — a clean ash portion and a carbon-rich portion
electron from the surface to infinity (99% of which — with an average respective weight split approaching
amounts to 10-8 meters). The work function depends on 70:30. End hoppers take these two streams to separate
the chemical composition of the surface. Two surfaces of trucks to be removed from the building.
different work function in contact will exchange elec- This first-of-a-kind separator successfully performed
trons until there is a voltage between them equal to the its separation task from the beginning. However, it was
difference in their work functions. a prototype machine that was functioning at a beta site.
Charge transfer continues between the two materi- Several technical, logistical and mechanical issues
als until the developing electric field at the interface needed to be handled. These issues were the natural off-
equalizes the energy of electrons at the surfaces of the shoot of the scale-up from the laboratory-sized units to
two materials. As the materials are then moved apart, the commercial-scale field unit. Mechanical issues in-
charge can no longer transfer across the intervening gap cluded fly ash feed transport and placement, bearing and
and the two particles now possess equal but opposite roller wear, belt tracking control and belt wear and re-
sign charges. placement.
The contact exchange of charge is universally ob- The belt wear issue continues to be a major area of
served for all materials. This causes the electrostatic nui- focus. Much time and money has been spent developing
sances that are a problem in some industries. Contact more durable belt materials and construction. This on-
charging of a surface is necessarily an averaging of going program has achieved some positive results by in-
charge exchange at many points. A particle exchanges creasing average belt life by about 300%.
charge with every particle it contacts. So its net charge Logistical problems revolved primarily around truck
fluctuates around an average that depends on its neigh- delivery and take-away operations. Others included

New England Power/STI’s building

at Brayton Point in operation as of
July 1995 at a rate of 218 kt/a
(240,000 stpy).


Brayton Point production results (typical daily average, %)

Feed LOI Low LOI ash stream High LOI stream Yield of low LOI
10.88 2.39 25.46 62.9

FIG. 2

Cross cut section of electrodes.

timely loading and unloading procedures, particularly been designed to adapt to the existing plant equipment.
when throughput capacities began to increase. The feed fly ash is received at one of the silos and
Solutions to the mechanical and logistical problems the resultant clean ash is transported to a second silo.
have proven to be relatively straightforward. However, The utility uses the remaining two silos for other disposal
technology-related issues have been more challenging. needs. Therefore, for now the carbon-rich material from
The operators had to learn how to handle continually the STI process is being mixed with this other NEP ma-
changing LOI levels in the incoming fly ash feed mate- terial. It is anticipated that this setup will be altered once
rial while maintaining a consistent, contract mandated the permanent facility becomes operational.
<4%, clean-ash product to be delivered to the concrete The separators for the permanent Brayton Point fa-
end user. cility incorporate several machine design improvements.
Differing coals and varying burner operations posed These were prompted by field experience at the Salem
different challenges to the STI technical personnel. Harbor unit and a 9-t/h (10-stph) that unit has been op-
Similar problems had to be addressed concerning the erating in the industrial minerals industry since January
temperature and/or the relative humidity of the feed fly 1995.
ash and how best to handle it before delivery to the sepa- Primary consideration was given to ease of belt re-
rator. placement and an overall reduction in machine mainte-
Once NEP became sufficiently comfortable with the nance. The equipment is easy to use and requires only
operating capabilities of the prototype separator in- routine lubrication of bearings and a few other moving
stalled at the Salem Harbor plant, it ordered a second parts. The commercial machines presently use Allen
generation unit for its Brayton Point facility. NEP and Bradley motors and controllers that are designed to
STI agreed that the Salem Harbor machine should re- minimize operator intervention. The separator has
main in operation but with a different short-term re- proven to be reliable, low maintenance and uses less
search and development-related mission. than 1 kWh/t of throughput.
For example, as part of its present function, the Sa- The Brayton Point unit has been in 24-hour commer-
lem Harbor separator has the added responsibility of in- cial production for almost one year. Its production re-
vestigating the production of very high LOI material sults are impressive. The initial production focus has
(>60%) with an eye towards higher valued uses of the been on the consistency of the low LOI clean ash. A sec-
material. This joint STI-NEP effort will continue for the ondary focus will be on improving the yield split be-
foreseeable future. In trials conducted during August tween the low and the high LOI streams, much of which
1995, the STI process has produced high-carbon materi- depends on the LOI levels of the incoming feed fly ash.
als with LOI levels of more than 70%. Laboratory trials indicate that the present average two-
third/one-third yield split can be increased to levels ap-
Brayton Point power plant installation proaching 80:20.
In July 1995, STI delivered its second 18 t/h (20 stph)
fly ash separator to the Brayton Point plant. Brayton Summary
Point operates three coal-burning units generating about STI’s electrostatic technology efficiently and eco-
1,200 MW. A fourth unit fires oil. At present, STI’s tech- nomically separates fine powders on a continuous and
nology does not address oil ash separations. high-volume basis. Based on triboelectric or contact-
To get the machine operational as soon as possible, charging principles, the unique geometry of the design
STI designed a mobile system that would operate in a allows for production rates of more than 18 t/h (20 stph)
temporary space. The existing fly ash handling system with good separation performance and high product
consists of four 910-t (1,000-st) silos with a drive-through yields. The Brayton Point station is operating around the
area underneath for truck removal. The separator rests clock. It is processing fly ash with LOI percentages that
on a flatbed trailer under one of the silos. The controls average more than 10%. The plant is producing consis-
and the necessary balance-of-plant equipment to deliver tent <3% LOI ash that is currently being sold to the con-
fly ash to and remove material from the separator have crete and construction markets of the Northeast. ■


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