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Perilaku seseorang/negara diproyeksikan untuk sesuai dengan harapan

orang/negara lain (lingkungannya).
Harapan untuk berperilaku dibentuk oleh poisisi formal seseorang di
Perilaku of “others” mempengaruhi self-conception seseorang.

Self conception adalah cara pandang seseorang dalam melihat dirinya.

Kajian psikologis social, melihat perilaku seseorang dibentuk oleh jenis

kelamainnya, status perkawinan, masa kecilnya, norma nidaya, dsb.
Kerangka dasar
Role Theory menekankan pada interaksi antara Role Prescription of the alter AND Role Performance of a position

• Role Performance : terkait

attitudes, decision, dan
actions pemerintah
• Self defined National Role
• Role Prescription: aspek-
aspek harapan dari
lingkungan eksternal
• Position: system yang
membentuk role
Type of Roles
Sakhiri, 2009

1. Liberation supporter: A state feels that it has a duty to support liberation movements and export revolution as a result of a horrendous
colonial experience, a revolutionary background, or a victorious war for independence.

2. Regional leader: A state perceives itself to have sufficient resources and capabilities to enable it to dominate a regional sphere.

3. Regional protector: Due to its regional standing or various capabilities, a state feels that it has a duty to protect its regional arena.

4. Active independent: A state takes on the task of pursuing an independent and active foreign policy, that is, a foreign policy which serves
state interests rather than foreign pressures and aims to increase and diversify interactions with different international units.

5. Anti-imperialist agent: A state adopts the stance of being anti-imperialist as a result of its historical background, such as having been a
victim of colonization, or as a consequence of supporting certain ideologies such as communism.

6. Defender of the faith: A state feels that it has a duty to protect and promote certain principles and beliefs. These beliefs can be political
such as the protection and promotion of democracy and freedom or religious such as the protection and promotion of Christianity, Judaism
or Islam.
Type of Roles
Sakhiri, 2009

7. Mediator: A state perceives itself as capable of carrying out specific tasks in order to reconcile conflicts and misunderstandings
between states, blocs and individuals.

8. Developer: A state feels that it has a duty to assist and develop the underdeveloped world. 9

9. Model: A state pursues certain policies in order to promote its prestige, to gain influence and to be a role model either in the
international system or in a particular region or regions.

10. Peace maker: A state takes on the task of promoting peace and concord in the world.

11. Policeman: A state feels that it has a duty to fight and punish evil states and regimes.

12. Faithful ally: A state known by its lasting and absolute support for another state or a bloc of states.

13. Anti-terrorism agent: A state takes on the task of fighting terrorism due to experiences of terrorist threats or experience in combating
terrorism. As already mentioned, the article will now investigate the emergence of the Role Approach as a theoretical framework for
the study of foreign policy
Types of Roles
Sangat dipengaruhi oleh Identitas: Teori Constructivism

• ”Good International Citizens”: Swedia dan Nordic countries

(Bergman, 2007)
• Dikenal sebagai negara yang memiliki kebijakan ekonomi
dan social justice yang baik.
• Swedia aktif berparitisipasi dalam misi perdamaian dunia
(UN Peacekeeping).
• ”Norm Entrepreneur”: Negara Scandinavia (Finnemore, 1998).
• Negara Skandinavia sangat baik dalam hal kebijakan
lingkungan, keamanan, dan kesejahteraan social.

• Algeria is known for its attempts to play an

array of roles including the roles of
“Mediator in the North-South and South-
South Frameworks”,
• “Regional Leader in the Maghreb”,
• “Anti-Imperialist Agent” and “Liberation
• Since 1992, Algeria has perceived for itself
the role of “Anti-Terrorism Agent” as a
substitute to its prominent role of
“Liberation Supporter”.

• Owing to its remarkable economic achievements,

compared to other developing countries, Brazil has
emerged as a significant political and economic
power in Latin America and a key player in
international affairs.
• This helped Brazil to play prominent roles,
including the role of “Leader” in Latin America and
the rest of the Third World and the role of
“Mediator” in the North-South and South-South

• Despite the existence of many contradictions

in Castro’s foreign policy, Castro’s Cuba has
been unquestionably renowned for its
endeavors to play a range of roles, including
• (i) the role of “Anti-Imperialist Agent”
(as an opposition to United States-
sponsored imperialism),
• (ii) the role of “Liberation Supporter”
and (iii) the role of “Leader” of the so-
called the Third World’s radical bloc
Visi Politik Luar Negeri RI 2020-2024

• Visi yang ingin dicapai oleh Kemenlu

pada periode tahun 2020-2024 adalah
“Memimpin diplomasi yang aktif dan
efektif untuk mewujudkan Indonesia
Maju yang Berdaulat, Mandiri, dan
Berkepribadian berlandaskan Gotong
• Prioritas Politik Luar Negeri untuk lima
tahun mendatang yang bertumpu pada
Prioritas 4+1, yakni Penguatan
Diplomasi Ekonomi; Diplomasi
Perlindungan; Diplomasi Kedaulatan
dan Kebangsaan; Peningkatkan
Kontribusi dan Kepemimpinan
Indonesia di Kawasan dan Dunia; plus
Penguatan Infrastruktur Diplomasi.
Peran Indonesia dalam Resolusi Konflik Internasional

1. Kontingen Garuda I, dikirim pada 8 Januari 1957 ke Mesir

2. Kontingen Garuda II, dikirim ke Kongo pada 1960
3. Kontingen Garuda III, dikirim ke Kongo pada 1962
4. Kontingen Garuda IV, dikirim ke Vietnam pada 1973
5. Kontingen Garuda V, dikirim ke Vietnam pada 1973
6. Kontingen Garuda VI, dikirim ke Timur Tengah pada 1973 Kontingen Garuda VII, dikirim ke Vietnam pada
7. Kontingen Garuda VIII, dikirim dalam rangka misi perdamaian PBB di Timur Tengah pasca-Perang Yom Kippur
antara Mesir dan Israel
8. Kontingen Garuda IX, dikirim ke Iran dan Irak pada 1988 Kontingen Garuda X, dikirim ke Namibia pada 1989
9. Kontingen Garuda XI, dikirim ke Irak dan Kuwait pada 1992
10. Kontingen Garuda XII, dikirim ke Kamboja pada 1992
11. Kontingen Garuda XIII, dikirim ke Somalia pada 1992
12. Kontingen Garuda XIV, dikirim ke Bosnia dan Herzegovina pada 1993
Pada bulan November 2018, Indonesia mengukuhkan posisinya sebagai salah satu dari 10 negara kontributor terbesar untuk misi
pemeliharaan perdamaian (MPP) PBB (peringkat 7 dari 124 Negara-negara), dengan jumlah kontribusi 3.545 personel, termasuk 94 personel
Diplomasi Ekonomi

• Dalam periode 2015-2019, keberhasilan tersebut antara lain ditandai dengan penandatanganan lebih dari 200
perjanjian MOU (bilateral dan multilateral) kerja sama ekonomi serta penandatanganan perjanjian
internasional FTA/CEPA dan bilateral investment treaty (BIT/P4M), seperti ASEAN-Hong Kong FTA dan ASEAN-
Hongkong Investment Agreement, Indonesia – Chile CEPA, Protokol Amandemen dari Indonesia-Pakistan PTA,
Indonesia-European Free Trade Area (EFTA) CEPA, ASEAN- Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership
(AJCEP), Indonesia – Australia CEPA, Indonesia-Singapore BIT dan Indonesia-Mozambique PTA.

• European Union Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IEU-CEPA), Indonesia – Korea

Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IK-CEPA), Indonesia – Turkey Comprehensive Economic
Partnership Agreement (IT-CEPA), Indonesia-Fiji Preferential Trade Agreement (IF-PTA), Indonesia-Papua New
Guinea Preferential Trade Agreement (IPNG-PTA), PTA Indonesia-Mauritius, PTA Indonesia-Djibouti, PTA
Indonesia-Bangladesh, Tunisia, Maroko serta P4M RI-Swiss dan kelanjutan P4M RI-Kuwa

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