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Nirel Wiggins

Dr. Le

AP Lit, Per. 2

1 November 2021

"The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson - Guiding Questions to Better Understand Literary Symbols

1. Archetypal symbol- A repeated pattern in human cultures with longstanding

historical values.

Universal symbol- Embodies ideas and emotions that the author or the reader share in

common as a result of their social or cultural heritage.

Conventional symbol- A usage of a variety of different colors, signs and symbols to

present any information. Used to suggest ideas that are more universal than the

physical thing itself.

Literary symbol- An object, a person, a situation, or an action that has a literal

meaning in a story but suggests or represents other meanings.

2. A lottery is a term that is used often to describe a raising of money in a form of

gambling. The definition of this term vs. the meaning of the story is widely different

because the term is often associated with money. However, when it comes to this

story, that is the complete opposite. The story’s title is quite ironic because the idea of

a lottery is all about excitement of winning money to where is in this story, the

resolution is about getting stoned to death.

3. Two examples of contrasts in this story are when Jackson uses the differences

between innocence and evil and the difference in behavior between the adults and the

children. Jackson introduces the story as a beautiful summer day to compel the
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audience to assume that everything in this town is full of happiness. Then leads up to

an unknown event that can make the readers believe that since this story starts off as a

beautiful day that the event will be full of hope and purity. Though, that is proven

otherwise as soon as everyone is throwing stones at Mrs. Hutchington at the end of

the story. Another contrast that is revealed within the story is amongst the difference

in behavior between the adults and the children because the kids who don't know any

better think it's an opportunity to play and talk together. This is shown in the

beginning of the plot when the two boys are mindlessly picking out stones and filling

their pockets. Then this behavior is contrasted with the adults because they have

actually experienced this event before, so they’re more informed about what the event

is about and our prepared for the results. Two complexities within this storyline are

when the citizens of the town are blindly accepting the traditions of their ancestors

without questioning whether those practices are necessary in their own society. They

just simply let the course of events that are happening take place, without any thought

of it. Another complexity is when Mrs. Hutchington is struggling against the towns

people when they are throwing stones at her. It comes off as very unexpected since in

the beginning she was very nonchalant about the event but as soon as she gets chosen

as the winner, she opposes the whole idea of it especially the horrors that come with


4. Three modern customs that have developed from primitive origins are kissing under

the mistletoe, pinky swear, and having birthday candles on a birthday cake. Kissing

under the mistletoe originated from the ancient celts who had primarily used

mistletoes to increase the fertility of the sheep, though as time went on by simply just
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hanging it somewhere, people started to believe that something romantic should occur

instead. Then there is the pinky swear, which is known to be the highest evaluation

when it comes to making a promise to someone. Though if this promise is broken

then the other person will have the ability to “cut off” your finger. This idea of a

promise primarily was invented in Japan for it is known as the highest regard out of

all promises. Though instead of being called the pinky swear, it is originally called

the “yubikiri” and instead of faking a finger cut off they used to actually do it. Lastly,

a third modern custom that has been developed from primitive origins are birthday

candles on birthday cakes. These custom traces all the way back to the Ancient

Greeks for instead of using it to celebrate the number of years someone has been alive

for; it was used as an offering to many gods and goddesses as a way to pay tribute.

Then they would bake round cakes to symbolize the roundness of the moon.

5. The setting of the story, “The Lottery” is highly significant to the plot because it

evokes a pleasant mood of tranquility and peacefulness within the story. With the

descriptive background of, “…was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-

summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green.”

Implies that this day is full of purity and an abundance of joy. The conventional

symbolism is presented throughout the environment and surroundings of the plot of

the story. For it indicates a day filled with positivity.

6. Some universal symbolisms that are presented throughout the story are the stones, the

black box, and the dark marked slip of paper. The stones in this story indicate an

abundance of death for it is used to kill the victim of the one who is selected as the

“winner”. The winner is usually demonstrated as someone who has just won
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something beneficial though in this case of the story it is used to represent the next

chosen one for death by the hands of those around you. The stones also represent a

means of violence because of its repetition throughout the plot and the way the

citizens of the town are easy to accept the ways of this event and the stones as a

means of violence and. Then there is the black box, this box represents the

importance of this tradition. With its shabbiness and the way its faded, its old age it

also indicates how long this tradition has been around for because of how old the box

is. It also represents how serious the towns people are willing to participate keep this

tradition going for they never think about replacing the box or discontinuing this

practice. Lastly, there is the dark mark slip of paper for it symbolizes the mark of

death because of its obscure shade. This one slip of paper being marked amongst the

other slips of paper that are blank, manifests the idea that there can only be one who

wins this event every year. The annual event presents the dangers of the villagers

blindly following the ways of history. For it showcases how the entire village lottery

culminates in a murderous act each year because it has been around for so long.

7. Households represent how the idea of a family is forced to participate in the activities

of this event because of its ancient origins. How one selection can affect the family as

a whole. Indicating that they are under such an obscure curse as soon as they are

selected. The Hutchinson family for example, gets selected because their name

signifies importance and that each and every individual’s fate is determined by their

family name. The traditional patriarchic family household and the father as the head

symbolizes the idea of authority and anarchy in the village as well. Another literary

symbol that occurs in the storyline is the setting because it displays the atmosphere
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and creates a certain mood within the audience. Although, it is very misleading, it is

highly consequential towards the climax of the story. It symbolizes how what is

shown on the surface does not always represent what is hidden deep down or to never

judge a book by its cover for there lies a deeper meaning within. For something that is

eye catching can be actually deceiving. Finally, the third literary symbol that is

presented within this story is foreshadowing. This literary device is used by Jackson

when the children are collecting stones and putting them in a pile. It symbolizes how

something bad may happen because of the abnormal activity. It makes the audience

question why it was significant for Shirley Jackson to add this in and what this

activity will lead up to later on in the story.

8. The names Graves, Adams, Summers, and Delacroix signify in the context of this

story is that it relates to ancient ideology topics. The name Graves can either

represent the burial of death or the fact that Mr. Grave maintains grand power and is

one of the many that remain supportive over this tradition. Or how he carries a three

legged stool and has presented himself as someone who may possibly have displayed

the idea of the holy trinity based off of that one scene. Then there is the name Adam,

which could indicate the bridge between that early state of grace and the later

intrusion of knowledge. Since the names are being called in alphabetical order, Adam

and his wife found it crucial to inform Old Man Warner of the recent news about how

this tradition has been discontinued in other villages. Though, it all comes down when

Adam gives in to the idea of throwing stones when he is in the front of all the

villagers as the stoning is about to occur. The name Summers is quite ironic in the

story because of how the season is presents as new growth and life while Mr.
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Summers is presented is presented as the complete opposite, for he takes away a life

instead of supporting new ones. Lastly, the name Delacroix is highly significant

within the story because of how easy it was for Mrs. Delacroix to dispose of her

friendship with Mrs. Hutchingson. When Mrs. Delacroix picks up one of the stones in

order to participate in the event that involved murdering her friend, she is all in with

no remorse. This scene proposes that the importance of this tradition comes before

all. How its significance towards the town is far more crucial than friendship and


9. In the ritual, the children play an engaging role within the story because of how they

are easily willing to participate in the horrific natures of this event with no thought of

its purpose. As a child, winning the lottery is very beneficial to them in their minds

because it indicates something special and significant with the idea of their family

winning something. The presence of the children symbolically represents how they

will carry on this tradition in the future. How these traditions are further passed on

through generation. With them being involved in this event, Jackson reveals the idea

of how as they get older they will become more exposed to why this ritual is crucial

to the town and why its important for them to continue it as time goes on. Their

symbolic role is also presented through relationships for it is the epitome between the

past, present, and future.

10. The symbolic significance behind how the characters dress in the story illustrates the

historical setting. It helps the audience indicate what kind of role the characters may

be presented as and how it can be used to imply their significance as an individual

throughout the story.

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11. The villagers somber and nervous behavior before the start of the event can indicate

foreshadowing about this ritual because it represents how alarmed and terrified they

are about the dark activities that they are about to take part in. Another foreshadowing

example is when Mrs. Hutchington is denial towards the fact that her family gets

picked first. It makes the audience question the idea of this ritual and why Mrs.

Hutchington was so upset. Makes the readers wonder, why be so upset with being one

of the participants in “the lottery”? For in their minds at that time of reading, they are

trusting the idea that the title of the story indicates something positive, but with the

way things are progressing throughout the storyline, it makes them question this. In

addition, there is some more foreshadowing being displayed when the nearly fallen

apart dark box is being pulled out. The box illustrates curiosity amongst the readers

for they question why something is so dark being introduced into this setting of the

story. However, with the way the citizens were acting before the events started taking

place it can definitely make one inquire what truly is “the lottery” and what its ritual


12. The significance of the fact that the original box has been lost and many parts of the

ritual have been forgotten because of how it highlights the madness within this

tradition by demonstrating how far these villagers are willing to go to keep this ritual

intact and how the practice of this ritual has been carried out simply because it has

been around for so long. The villagers themselves have no idea as to where it

originated from, but by simply letting it continue on seems honorable to them and

their atmosphere.
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13. By transporting a primitivistic ritual into a modern setting, the story reveals how

human nature and human society are capable of committing towards barbaric

atrocities and behaving in a malice way when one is condoned by society.

Furthermore, displays how being surrounded in an environment filled by peer

pressure involving a tradition can make one question their loyalty and what their

actual beliefs are.

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