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OH @ sus so! al BB (SS) 33> ST ae “My aunt will be down presently, Mr. Nuttel” said a very self- possessed young lady of fifteen; in the meantime you must try and putup with me” Dae ek pe GN pan oe ne eft tA Hp se soe iS il ola Erumion_Nuttel_endeavoured to say the correct something which should duly later the niece of the moment without unduly discounting the aunt that was to come, Privately he doubted more than ever whether these formal visits on a succession of total strangers would do much towards helping the nerve cure which he ‘was supposed to be undergoing. a oS I aps AE Oe gM kl Dal oh A a ok A a ly Gl Ty Cs Mga 6g ae ge ae a ae a "I know how it will be," his sister had said when he was preparing to migrate to this rural retreat; "you will bury yourself down there and not speak to a living soul, and your nerves will be worse than ever from ‘oping. I shall just give you letters of introduction to all the people 1 know there, Some of them, as far as I ean remember, were quite nice." a at A ype Ke A eat Na tel ey Ue al as es Bt Al I iy AG al hel aay Be Cs Dy AF Rab Sea espn i php 2D RM gel hat Mae SPPPPPPPBSPPPAEBAADE PABA PR REP ERAN EP EAE PPPPPEPPPSPPPEEPPPPPEPEPSPPPEPESPRREE EP BR A FRR wondered whether MEISEBIEA, the ty vo whom he was presenting one ‘ofthe letters of intradution, came imo the nice division. “Do you know many’ of the ‘people round here” snked the mice, when she judged that they ac had malficient silent communion. “Hardly a soul, said Examton, SMRHEE was staying her rectory you know, some four years ago. and she gave me letters of introduc some of the people here.” He made the las statement in atone of distinc eget Ad aH aD ae ah ISA a6 ella aS a a Sess ae sgh Lae iA lle Ale 98 De a al elon ee aL al gaged Un gh CAS aelF Gal a A RAS Bp pales Maye GSI ad ely ae "Hordly a souk sid Pramton, “My sister was staying here, athe rectory, you know, ‘some four years ago, and she gave me leters of inteduction to some of the people there” He made the last statement in a tone of disint repre. “Then you know racially nothing about my aunt” pursved the slf-possessed young lay. "Only her ame and adios.” admited the caller. He was wondering whother Mes, Sappiton, was in HTHERED or widowed st An undefinable something about the sao ‘seemed to suggest masculine habitation. "Her great tragedy happened jus three years 0." sid the cil "that would be since your sister's ine.” sh a gon Sin SL Cy fi Ab AS Sa 9 0 Se Ee Satan a yaa gah Dg BS ape eth Sac gn lg AA en at dA he OG VUE py ad Aaa op ad BS oe Maal Seat TSC cn ML MNCS a) BN Ae A ga ng 4) HD oe A gh Gs Sa tat eeu ula alle We ies Tae ancsy a Das i a ae Fd Ala eee ye G1 2 SPPPPPPPBSPPPAEBAADE PABA PR REP ERAN EP EAE PPPPPEPPPSPPPEEPPPPPEPEPSPPPEPESPRREE EP BR oth PSY alll 9351 LL gS SPPSPLPPEPEPIPEEPDEEEDEPOPEEBDEE BREESE E eal! See Nouet gall BO "Out trough that window. tree years ago 1 a day, er husband and her two young brother went off fr their day's shooting. They never came back. In cronsing the moor to their favourite snipeshooting ground they were all three engulfed in tweacherous piece of bog. chad been that dred wet summer, you know, and places thot were tle in other years gave way siMdenly without warning. Thieb never recovered. That was the deal pat of i" Het the chills voice lst Posen mote and became faltering human, “Poor sant aways thinks that ‘come back some day, they and the tithe brown spanicl that was Jost with them, and ‘alk in at thot wingow just as they used to do. That i why the windows is kopt open ‘very evening tlt isqute dusk, Poor dear aunt she has often wld me how they west ‘ou, hee husband with his white wateroof coat over his arm, and Ronnie, het ‘youngest brother. singing ‘Bere, why do you bound?’ as he always did oteate her, ‘because se said it got on er nerves. Do you know, sometimes on stil, quiet evenings like this, almost get a ‘creepy feeling that they will all walk in through that window - " She broke off witha little shudder. It was a relief to Framton when the aunt bustled into the room with a whirl of apologies for being late in making her appearance een lately ge SS pale cin Stes Lite chp al ce Bea ea ae CMY A Ea a =m Guy Massediegd AMD ISON Ad yen A BR PPPPPBPSPPBEPEEEBEPSPBBEP EBB ESP P REPS P e aAnmed © sHwhelh ew Y BB SPPPPDEPIPEBPREPBDE PIPE BIRR BIDE BIDE BEE, HG OH "Uhope Vera hes been amusing you” she sid. "se has hoon very interesting." said Beamon, “nope you dont mind the open window," said Mr, Sapteton briskly: “my banband ‘and breters wil be home directly fom shooting, and they always come inthis way. “They've boon out for snipe in the marshos to-day, x0 they make ine most over my oor carpets. So like you men-folk, sats” SIS AOL fabian cats app sae Ga AN la yeaa kB AEA Be as a li nil om i a A Da ay 3S TREE ol es All Bla ce me ta ‘Se red on chewy shout the shooting and the scary of Bide and the specs for dock inthe wir To Eamon twas all pry howl, He mae 9 desperate ot ony partly sce effort ot he alk onto a sss topic: Ine was conscious tht his hostes was giving him only a fragment of her anton, and ter ees were coma sraying pau him i open no sd he aw beyond 1k was cruinly an unfotmste coincidenc that be sould have pd is vist. this sri over 68g Ay A ACs AD yy 1 Ne SS {Rea ie pny Ca di nn a ly Cayige Jy St gt BAAD RUD Ge ARN See GAS, A ed je i Sg gx A Saray tie wit cae ed ahh, "The doctors agree in omdering me complete rest, an absence of mental excitement Py Sag ey Se tel and Be Up ah id 2 a eatt R588 RR RR PPPPPBPSPPBEPEEEBEPSPBBEP EBB ESP P REPS P SPPSPLPPEPEPIPEEPDEEEDEPOPEEBDEE BREESE E Susy all SlalaS gual BB “Nor ssid Mrs. Sappleton, in a voice which only replaced a yawn atthe lat ‘moment, Then she suddenly brightened into alert attention - but noc wo what FA ‘war saying. “Hore they ae at lst!” she cried. "Justin time fortes, and dont they lok as if they were muddy up othe eyes!” ys Re A hat a RAD hg Dae de cay la PS AT PB dy IHF ala AP NG A a ISL Mai a Ss In the deepening ewilight dws figures were walking across the lawn towards the ‘window; they all carried guns under their sem, and one of them was additionally ourdomed with a white coat hung over his shoulders. ured brows spaniel kept close a theic heels, Nolsslessly they neared the house, and then a hoarse young voice chanted out ofthe dusk: “sid, BER. why do you bound” VAS LUN os at pe oye pa SN ee i ES a Sy pe ts ie Co a SE Ee I, Ce Mp Giog sel SA ebb apa [Bxamton grabbed wildly this suck and tat: the balled, the gravel-delve ad the front gate were dely-noted sages in his headlong retreat A cyclist coming along the ‘oad hod 10 ron into the hedge to avoid an imminent collision. “Here we are. my ‘dear sid dhe Bearer ofthe white mackintos, coming in trough the window: “fairly ‘mod, but most of ifs dry. Who was that wo bolted out as we came Up?” Ry sB geal inn jy ae ng Sly Any Ha le 9 a Aid Sah a Le Dh aah il Cty Sy Sealy SDDS oe GN pe SON Rs RNS A HD nha ay a Nts eS yl CASES PPPPPBPSPPBEPEEEBEPSPBBEP EBB ESP P REPS P SPPSPLPPEPEPIPEEPDEEEDEPOPEEBDEE BREESE E BO "A most extraordinary man, a Mr. Nuttel” said Mrs. Sappleton; “could only talk about his illnesses, and dashed off without a word of good-bye or apology when you arrived, One would think he had seen a ghost.” (epee hg al ce IS Guy 4S al go JN SB COBH Gn RAE Lt de ihe ae eI ey Lk Os “Lexpect it was the spaniel’ said the niece calmly. ‘he told me he had a horror of dogs. He was once hunted into a cemetery somewhere on the banks of the Ganges by pack of pariah dogs, and had ta spend the might in a newly dug grave with the creatures snarling and grinning and foaming just above him. Enough to make anyone their nerve” Romance at short notice was her speciality Sa gh AM ky Sl 52d Ng nl Gaal gn a tal ald AA ats I Sy GI ln he ae aS hae gal gla re Lt ay AS GAS eS Oe (A lad Fhe Gaal Cll al Se pel ly ph ata CS Nenana BR PPPPPBPSPPBEPEEEBEPSPBBEP EBB ESP P REPS P

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