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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationship: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape
Character: Severus Snape, Hermione Granger
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe -
Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Non-Magical
Stats: Published: 2021-11-16 Words: 476

by adavison


Severus spends every Saturday at the same cafe. It isn't just for the coffee.


For Charlie9646.

He had seen her there before, of course.

How could he not have? She practically ran the whole damn coffee shop. While the manager faffed
about in the back, probably playing Candy Crush on his phone or other such nonsense, H–that was
all it said on her nametag, it seemed all of the employees went by initials–made sure every order
was correct. She stayed on top of inventory and her coworkers. She kept the whole place afloat and
it was captivating to watch. The cafe's dark roast might not have been the only reason he chose to
grade papers there every Saturday afternoon.

This Saturday was no different. Severus entered the cafe at precisely half-three. His large dark
roast was ready and waiting for him by the time he reached the counter. He allowed an
infinitesimal twitch of his lips in response to H's warm smile and made his way to what he thought
of as his table in the far back corner.

His grading load today was significantly heavier; term papers were a bitch. However, he soon
found a rhythm, only taking breaks to sip his coffee and steal a glance at H.

He wanted…
Fuck. What he wanted was inappropriate. She couldn't have been much older than his undergrads.
But this, furtive glances and consuming overpriced coffee… It could be enough.

"Excuse me," H's lilting voice pulled him from his thoughts.

Severus blinked and realized that the cafe had emptied out. They were the only two left.. The lights
had dimmed significantly. Streaks of pink and orange could be seen across the sky. H was bathed
in the glow of the setting sun. Her slightly frizzy curls a halo around her head.

"We're closing a bit early for inventory," she continued, an apology in her eyes.

Severus cursed under his breath, remembering the sign posted on the door when he came in.

"My apologies," he said, voice a bit rough with disuse. "I'll be out of your way momentarily."

He gathered his papers with care, moving quickly, but methodically. It wouldn't do to disrupt his
carefully constructed order.

"Severus," H called, just as he stood up to go. In her hand, she held a large paper cup filled with
what he could only assume was dark roast coffee. She smiled a bit sheepishly and mumbled
something about having to pour out the coffee anyway.

He took the cup, allowing their fingers to brush. It was the only type of physical contact he ever
had with her, and yet the touch somehow felt more intimate than a kiss.

Instead of a thank you or his customary curt nod, Severus found himself staring into eyes as dark
and rich as the coffee in his hand. Somewhere around his heart he felt a little jolt and found himself
asking: "Please, may I have your name?"

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