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Zinc is an essential mineral which is required for several metabolic activities and helps promote growth
and development. It also plays a beneficial role in the synthesis of protein and collagen which is required
for healthy skin and wound healing. Zinc helps to stimulate more than 300 enzymes for proper
functioning of the body. It also helps to regulate carbohydrate metabolism and protein synthesis. Zinc
assist in DNA synthesis and is also needed for ovulation and fertilization.

Zinc is also known to regulate the production of cells in the immune system which help to boost
immunity. It is manly found in muscles but red blood cells and white blood cells also contain high
concentration of zinc. Bones, skin, pancreas, liver and kidneys are other areas of the body in which zinc
is found in adequate amounts. Deficiency of zinc can affect immunity and may increase the risk of pre-
eclampsia in pregnancy and post-natal depression.

Severe zinc deficiency can also lead to growth retardation and delayed sexual maturation. Zinc
deficiency generally occurs due to poor malabsorption or due to poor dietary intake. Crabmeat, turkey,
pumpkin seeds, chicken, lobster, clams yeast, peanuts, salmon are some of the best dietary sources of

Zinc oxide

Zinc oxide is an inorganic compound which plays a beneficial role in preventing skin damage from ultra
violet rays of the sun. It is an opaque chemical compound which formed due to the combination of one
zinc atom and one oxygen atom (ZnO). It can disperse and reflect light, and hence it is used for
protecting skin against penetrating harmful UV rays. It is responsible for the healing of wounds and to
soothe irritated skin. It also reduces the risk of skin inflammation and may prove beneficial in the
treatment of skin cancer.

Zinc oxide helps to regulate androgenic hormonal effects which cause acne. Zinc oxide is a potent skin
care mineral which protects the epidermis layer of the skin from the harmful UVB rays that damages the
DNA structure of the skin cells. It eliminates the formation of oncogenes that transform normal cells into
malignant tumor cells. Zinc oxide is also known to slow down age related macular degeneration and thus
help in maintaining healthy vision.

Zinc benefits

Zinc plays a major role in many biochemical reactions and boost immune system by activating white
blood cells to fight infections.

Prevent cellular damage: It also helps to prevent cellular damage which is caused due to free radicals.
Zinc is one of the crucial antioxidant mineral which is engaged in the metabolism of carbohydrates,
proteins and fats. It is required for the cellular immunity and collagen metabolism.

Fertility: Zinc improves sperm production and helps to keep prostate gland healthy. It facilitates normal
growth and development and enhances fertility, especially in men.
Regulate glucose levels: It helps to maintain normal sugar levels by stimulating insulin functions. It
reduces the risk of impaired glucose regulation and aging by fighting against oxidative stress caused due
to free radicals.

Boost immunity: Zinc helps to boost immune system cells and thus increases resistance against fungal
infections, pathogens and viruses.

Gene expression and cell development: It assists in the production of genetic material for DNA and
RNA. Zinc aids in the absorption of manganese and thus helps to build and maintain healthy bones. It
helps to regulate body's immune response through the production of T-cells, protein synthesis and
insulin metabolism. It is used to prevent spasms and also used to treat swelling of the urethra. Zinc plays
a fundamental role in gene expression, cell development and replication.

Joint health: It helps to prevent joint related complication such as osteoporosis by helping the body
absorb calcium.

Digestive health: Zinc also aids in maintaining healthy digestive tract by reducing the risk of
gastrointestinal infection and ulcers. It acts as a major constituent of digestive enzyme for hydrolysis of

Anti-inflammatory properties: It helps to improve immunity against common cold, throat infection and
cold sores. Zinc is a potent antioxidant which poses anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce the
appearance of acne.

Skin care: It also plays a vital role by protecting the skin against harmful UVA and UVB rays of the sun
and thus reduces the risk of skin cancer. It acts as a key component in the transfer of carbon dioxide
from tissue to lungs.

Brain development: Zinc is plays a crucial role by enhancing brain functions and may prove to be useful
in the treatment of schizophrenia.

Muscle function and mood regulation: Zinc and magnesium increases muscle strength and helps in
transporting neurochemicals essential in muscle function and mood regulation.

Normal Birth: For pregnant women, zinc is required for the development of fetus and for the normal
growth of embryo to a baby.

Healthy vision: It also helps in the absorption of vitamin A and thus preserves the adaptability of the
eyes to darkness and to light.

Support normal growth and development: In children, it helps to prevent diarrhea and support normal
growth and development. Zinc also helps to improve memory and increase concentration.

Stress buster: It is an excellent stress buster which helps to relive symptoms associated with stress such
as depression, increased hunger and irritation.
Zinc deficiency

Zinc is an essential mineral which help to boost immunity and it is required for normal growth and
development. Deficiency of zinc is mainly caused due to malabsorption or when the body's requirement
for zinc increases. Smoking, poor diet, alcoholism, diabetes and gastrointestinal infections are some of
the major risk factors that affect the absorption of zinc. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for
zinc is 15mg per day.

Birth defects: Deficiency of zinc in pregnant women can lead to abnormal labor, retarded fetal growth
and other fetal abnormalities.

Impaired vision: Inadequate levels of zinc can lead to poor night vision and wound healing.

Impaired immunity: It affects the immune system and hence decreases the body’s ability to fight
against infections and other diseases.

Impaired reproductive health: Lack of zinc in the body generally results in the poor development of
reproductive organ and can decrease the production of sperms. Zinc deficiency can lead to delayed
sexual maturity, chronic renal disease and sickle cell disease.

Decreased sense of taste and smell: Zinc deficiency can also decrease sense of taste and smell.

Irregular periods: Zinc deficiency in women can disturb their normal menstrual cycle and they may
experience irregular periods.  

Age related disorders: It may damage cells and possibly cause premature ageing, heart disease,
hypertension, and cancer.

Prostate cancer: Zinc deficiency can also increase the risk of prostate cancer and impaired male fertility.

Autoimmune diseases: Low levels of zinc cause strands of DNA to break and several studies have linked
zinc deficiency to various types of cancer, infection and autoimmune diseases. Due to zinc deficiency
muscles can become flaccid and feeble.

Hypogonadism: In males, zinc deficiency can also lead to hypogonadism in which testicles are unable to
produce adequate testosterone which can result in impaired reproductive functioning, sterility and

Impaired oxygen consumption: Lack of zinc in the body can increase heart rate as well as reduces
capacity for oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide output.
Zinc deficiency symptoms

Zinc is one of the most important antioxidant minerals which is required for cell reproduction and plays
a major role in improving fertility. Zinc deficiency can lead to several health complications such as
stunted growth, delayed sexual maturity, retarded fetal growth, and infertility. Symptoms which are
associated with zinc deficiency are listed below.

o Dry skin
o Rashes
o Loss of appetite
o Impaired sense of smell or taste
o Retarded growth
o Poor nail growth, white spots on fingernails
o Diarrhea
o Acne, hair loss
o Reduced fertility
o Mental lethargy
o Fatigue
o Weight loss
o Delayed wound healing
o Intercurrent infections
o Pneumonia
o Liver cirrhosis

Zinc overdose

Zinc taken is recommended quantity is not harmful but when taken in excess quantity can prove to be
quite fatal. Overdose of zinc causes toxicity and can lead to respiratory problems such as shortness of
breath or cough. It can even lead to gastrointestinal infections or acute kidney failure. The
recommended daily allowance for zinc consumption is 15mg per day. Zinc side effects include following

o Nausea
o Vomiting
o Skin rashes
o Hives
o Fatigue
o Diarrhea
o Abdominal cramps
o Breathlessness
o Dark urine
o Yellow eyes or skin
Zinc foods

Zinc is required by the body for carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism and for proper growth and
sexual maturation. Poor diet is one of the major factors that lead to zinc deficiency. Lack of zinc can lead
to several health conditions such as impaired growth, delayed wound healing, prostate cancer,
infertility, miscarriages and liver cirrhosis. Eating healthy and well balanced diet can provide adequate
amount of zinc in the body. Following is the list of foods which contain high amount of zinc.

o Brewer’s yeast
o Avocado
o Cauliflower, radish, spinach
o Peas, pecan nuts, pumpkin seeds
o Olives, onion, lettuce, kidney beans
o Sweet potatoes, strawberries, walnuts, wheat germ
o Turkey, chicken, pork, liver, oysters
o Lima beans, eggs, milk
o Crab, fish
o Black berries, brazilnuts, all bran cereals
o Yoghurt, soya beans, shellfish

Zinc supplements

Zinc is an essential nutrient which plays a vital role in protection and repair of DNA and helps to regulate
hormone levels. Zinc supplements help to enhance insulin functions and maintain normal sugar levels.
These supplements help to boost immune system and stabilize the metabolic rate. Zinc supplements
stimulate the body to produce antibodies to destroy virus and other invading microbes.
Supplementation of zinc plays a beneficial role in fighting oxidative stress and helping DNA repair. These
mineral supplements are also known to prevent attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Zinc
supplements also promote the production of healthy sperms and help to form genetic material which is
necessary for the development of healthy fetus. Zinc lozenges supplements help to reduce flu related
such as cough and cold. These supplements also help to keep skin nourished and prevent skin related
diseases such as acne and eczema. These supplements enhance fertility which is important for healthy
sperms production and sex drive. Zinc supplements can also reduce the risk of impaired platelet
aggregation and insulin resistance. In pregnant women, zinc supplements may help to reduce the risk of
miscarriages, retarded fetal growth and other defects. Sufficient intake of zinc supplements in children
helps in proper growth and development.

Zinc supplements for acne

Zinc plays a vital role in maintaining healthy skin by fighting oxidative stress which is caused due to free
radicals. Hormonal imbalance, impaired protein and collagen synthesis are the major factors which lead
to acne. Zinc plays a potential role by regulating these hormonal and biochemical functions and thus
prevents the outbreak of acne.   People suffering from acne disorder are more susceptible for illnesses,
bacterial infections and bad skin conditions. Hormonal imbalance of androgen in our body can lead to
increase production of sebum and that can lead to clogged pores and acne. Zinc also facilitates the
absorption of vitamin A which is beneficial for curing acne.

Zinc supplements for men

Zinc plays a major role in men’s health by improving sperm and prostate function. It plays a critical role
by strengthening the immune system and regulating hormone metabolism. Lack of zinc in men can lead
to infertility, decreased sperm production and maturity. Zinc also helps to reduce the risk of prostate
gland cancer and enlargement. Zinc deficiency can also lead to a condition known as hypogonadism in
which testicles fails to produce enough testosterone. Hypogonadism can lead to Infertility, erectile
dysfunction, and decreased sex drive. These mineral supplements are also beneficial for maintaining
healthy bones, especially in men.

Zinc supplements for children

Zinc is very beneficial for normal growth and development in children. It also helps to prevent childhood
diseases such as diarrhea, measles, mumps, diphtheria, influenza and ADHD. These mineral supplements
improve memory and also increase concentration. Zinc can also reduce the risk of sickle cell disease in
children. Supplementation of zinc helps to strengthen the immune system and increases the child’s
resistance to fight against infections and other diseases. Zinc also helps to improve neuropsychological
performance of children and also prevents delayed puberty.


Zinc, zinc oxide, ZnO, zinc benefits, zinc foods, zinc deficiency, zinc deficiency symptoms, zinc
supplements, zinc overdose, zinc toxicity, zinc side effects, zinc supplements for acne, zinc supplements
for men, zinc supplements for children, zinc supplements benefits, zinc skin care, zinc sources, zinc
supplements for children, zinc supplements for cold, zinc supplement overdose, zinc acne, zinc cold,
minerals, chromium, copper, vitamins, nickel, sodium, calcium, cobalt, potassium, magnesium, metals,
formula, aluminum, chemical, acne, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, hypogonadism, , hair
care skin care, cardiovascular, cardiovascular health, energy support, natural vitamins, vitamins
supplement, natural vitamins, multi vitamins, health vitamins, mineral vitamins, prenatal vitamins,
vitamin supplement, b vitamins, vitamin foods, skin health, heart disease, vitamin.

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