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To eat well in England, have breakfast

three times a day.


1 GRAMMAR countable I uncountable nouns; 2 VOCABULARY food

aI an, sorne I any a Complete rhe crossword,
a Whar did Sarah and 1arrin buy when rhey wenr shopping
.esrerday? Write a, a11, or some in rhe blanks,
1 ~mg_ ,;ausage<; 6 '.drn oran ge
2 '¿___ len u ce 7 a. pineapple
3 ~e eggs 8 ~Ol'tYl\'..:'. poraro chips
4 :')Cl'í'f\e _ carrors 9 _f. IOIYf\e cookies
5 el-- jam 10 milk
b Write rhe senrcnces in rhe affirmativcGor
negative [:] form.
There's sorne cheese in che refrigeraror,
EJ ThereÍSIL 't a11y clieese in tite rejrigcmtor
2 There are sorne strawberries in our ga rden.
E] There 31-Q.._l'(¡lt CY'<\l\, 5\~wC>E'\\.e'.) \f'f)_ q_,1301
3 1 didn'r hav anegg for bre~fast.
[±] I~ \9f" 'o'S?ct \óJ-t
4 There isn'r an · sugar in rea.
E] There V R ~Q SU~r \,'Y\ ~ k'o Clues clown~
S I didn't eat anv snack yesterday.
G I ~· ~-\é
~~e ~'Yi:,l~::> ~C'_.'.)~ldt'j ~
6 There weren't any sandv iches in the kitc'lí'en.
El There \\.)(?)(:_ :::)O"<'f\P '.::,oC'QLJU,h~ \D'.'.) -\h.:>
7 l bought a pineapple ar rhe supermarker. \Cl,. 1c<.n(M
(:] [ d1..urd :t ~~~ e) ?':üC' awle z1.- :1Y:)9. tei ~
8 There was sorne br;; in che cupboard, ::,~E'\"1'/'0i
[:] There . ..J cJ,;:,f'01± ~ ~WQJ \[Y) .\re
e Complete the dialogue with a, an. some, or a,~v. C.1J~~1d

A What do we need to buy for our dmner party? Let's make a List.
B Well, 1 want to make 1
a: lasagne, so we need 2
__Q\ b
pasta and 3
s:tuf: meat.
A Pasta ... and meat. What about tomatoes? Are there
•~ tomatoes in the refrigerator?
B Let's lo'b{. There's s onion, but there aren't
d<'l\j tomatoes. Put those on the list, too. Vegetables
A OK ... tomatoes. Is there ~ cheese? (c!IO'I:,;;,
B Yes, there's • mozzarella cheese, so that's perfect. {YYlv;J\ icP'\'J\ ::>
A Let's have 9 "';;f::)":lfe salad with the lasagna. ÚC'f\\ni' ::>
B OK. Then we need to buy w lettuce.
A What about dessert? Is there u
B No, there isn't, Let's get 12
-af'<\'ó fruit?
a ~the word with a differenr sound. a Listen to four speakers talking abour rheir
favorite meal. Complete rhe rneals.
";) r ~ Speaker I roasr \,(..(: 'f-
1 meat~ tea
Speaker 2 tikka masala
tree Speaker 3 hot dng and f ienu'\ _(:.) e ~
peaker 4 sweer and sour tofo and ".}2.f;f-\ ~\E';i
1 2 bread healthy ~ b Listen again. Match rhe speakers to che sentence .
egg Speaker I l?2J A-foftcn car it oursidc.
Speaker ... [] B 1 alwavs order rice wirh ir,
peaker 3 ~ ~ have ir ar a local restaurant.
Speaker 4 füJ D I ear ir when l v isit my parenrs.

b isren and heck. hen

listen and repeat rhe words,
Learn these words and phrases,
cream k11 1
a Read rhe anide and match the headings dishes d I
m rhe paragraph . ingredients Úl! idionts
popcorn •ll K ')1'11
coconut water popsicles roast
b Read rhe anide again. Write T {true) sweet corn
or F (faL e). (food) to go I oo q oo
Thc Bcdouin people eat roasr del icious d 1 ' J.,,
carnel on special occasions. T vegetarían , 00:;,'ti:1 ion
2 Ther are seven ingredienrs in
rhe Bedouin mea l. \
3 Frank Epperson's drink froze
because rhe weather v as cold. 't
4 1 le sold bis first ice pop when ·
he was 29 yt"ar ukl. -t
5 According to the anide. you
can find cocouur water in ali
coconurs. 1 _j\c_oQ,)t' ('or1:1e
6 oconur water has a lor of sugar. The Bedouin people, who live in the deserts of Africa, sometimes prepare a very big
rneal to celebrate weddings. The cook uses some eggs, sorne fish, sorne chlcksns, a
e Guess che meaning of rhe highlighted
sheep, and a carne! to prepare it. He stuffs the fish.with the eggs, the chickens wlth
word .. Check in your dictionar ·.
the fish, the sheep with the chickens, and the camel with the sheep. Then he cooks
all the ingredients together in an enormous oven in the ground.

2 \?o~Sl\6
lt was an 11-year-old American boy who invented these. In 1905, the boy, Frank Epperson,
wanted to make a drink. He put sorne soda powder in a cup of water and used a stlck
to míx lt. Then he forgot about the drink and left it outstde. That night lt was very cold,
so the mixture froze. Eighteen years later, he made some more of the frozen mixture
and sold hts first one atan amusement park. The British can them "ice pops."

3 (Ol()n(Jl° ~'
You can ñnd thís liquld in young frult that is still green. Peo ple drank lt in South-East
Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean before it became popular as a health drínk. Today,
athletes drink it after playing sports. lt is very good for you as lt is low In fats
and sugars. Ooctors sometimes use it in an emergency because it is similar to
human plasma •
Human beings are 70% water.
With sorne people, the rest is collagen.

1 GRAMMAR quantifiers: how much I how mañy, a lot of, etc.

a Complete rhc que rions. Then complete rhe senrcnces,

w much saltdo
put on your food?
( z: Haw ~
~you put in your tea?
sugar (= \-9,0
C'f'<'(t/\ ú.
~kies do you eat? J

Notmu~ Alot2 Notma~

2 He -~IJ -t 'o l_2-\-

\+,o \<??,

( ~C\_ü_ li'{})C.Y) (_e.~ ~-\ cups

~ndy do you buy? ~coffee do you drí'nk?

6 She chro\< l'<\Orne..

C)~ ~

b Read the informarion and write questions.

There ís .81 ounces of sugar in an orange.

There aré abovt 125 calories In a banana.

There are about 18 oranges in a carton of orangejuice.

There is .04 ounces of salt in a bowl of cereal.

There are twelve eggs in a carton.
There are 16 ounces of jam In a jar.

2 VOCABULARY food containers 4 LISTENING
a Unscramble the words to make food conrainers, a Listen ro rhe radio program about food
1 rja group . Complete the example of the group~.
2 bxo
3 rncoar
4 gab
s cpeagka
6 nea
7 rorble e
b Complete rhe senrence: with a container from a.
She wa thir ty. o he boughr a
2 Do you nced the cissors to open rhe

o~, \ \
3 He rook rhe --.vb.u?i='t)-+--- of ~n·a, berry jam our
of rhe cupboard.
4 There is a large ~' t \(a¿) e
of potara chips un
rhc table.
S We alwaj s rake a bcrt--\- \ e
of water when we
go for a walk,
6 Ken feels sick becau. e he are a big ,
ce__ ,
I carbohydrates: bread. pasta.
of cookies. potatoes
7 l gave her a __ e_p rto M of chocolate ro ay 2 fruit and vegerables: apple , oranges,
thank -ou. carrot
3 protein: mear, '1ó<?} ':)
3 PRONUNCIATION !JI and I 4 milk and dairy: o.., 'V\er.::::J?.. , y<1gurt
S fat and sugars: cake. . (.10cK1...'-::i, candy. chip
a ~the word wirh a differenr sou ud.

s. 1~ salad
b ~
one word.
Listen again. Fil! in'the blanks wirh
V f1 oe\ C{J1).
Carbohydrarcs giYc us
2 Fruir-, and v gerables contuin imporranr .!'\) \ ~?.)l'('l\~\\.J
2 sure fresh ~ 3 Proreiu hclps our bodies ro )O~<o and rcpair.
shower 4. lilkanddairvareimporranrforourbunes

s 3 rice science
and ~e e.\~ .
5 You shÓuld ear fats and sugars ·0:n C.. "t or
~ ~\,té: a week,

4 short information
Learn these words and phrases.
b Li ten and check. Then li ten and gol<l . .,,Id
rcpcat tlu; words. spoon ~1 i.n
vitamins a1t;,m;,nl
e Listen and repeat rhe senrences,
She aw usan •tanding outside the rudy.
spoonful , untul
2 Shav n said orry for. it1ging in rhe shower.
insread of m'sre 1 '"
3 Steve pur six s poons of sugar on hi cereal.
-l: S -lvia spend Saturday in the shopping ccnrer,

lmagination is more important than knowledge.
Albert Einstein, Germanscientist

1 GRAMMAR comparative adjectives 2 VOCABULARY high numbers

a Writc rhe compararivc forros of rhese adjecrive: in rhc a Listen and9rhc correct numbers.
correcr circle.
(!)104 304
2 586
32~ ~
4~ 9,905
5 11.750 ~
1 vowel + 1 consonanr
= doublc consonanr + -cr - • 30 553.830

l or 2 svllables
+ Y'\\J'(\ ('(\ E'¡- b
ending irÍ v = + -ier

dl les=-.
2 or more vllables 'p\J0031fC
= more+ a<ljective
t'Ob'e bE'<:¡t}tj ~\), ~\\'r)_~r
C.Ocrn ~ od·n l...'e be+±e,

b Wrice sencences using che opposite adjecrive. a Write the words in the chart.
1 A bike is slower than a car.
A car isfaster tlutn a bik»' bigger ch~r co)'Í?r dirt?e', drier' easier
hea~r hi#er slovwr thinner w~ ¿'
2 Lion are smaller rhan rigers.
Tigers o
\e.. "O,E'J;f-:::i'>r:: ~l'f) \ 10'Y\)
3 Brazil is wett~r rhan A~gentin\."
Argentina. l\"€5" "0\-'--'o'-,_ _
o ar
4 January i, longer rhan February, tree ! fish bir~ egg phone bike
February \ ~ Sro\\e > -t}):<;,M 0:3ff\Jc) \j
5 A laprop is more e,·pen ive than an iPod. ~ cdQ?; ~ bctter \oweí J
An iPod \__!:;, -\fl CJ('{) o \o~ ki~. ~ ~r~ J\(?c,\~€)aj0~ \\\~~
6 Frida.y are berrer rhan Mondav .
Mondays ~\Q. W())Se - ~\ri Of'f) f ~' 00c9 S b Listen and repeat.
7 stove is hotter than a refrigerator.
Arefrigeraror i,;) c.o\cler ~]'JN\ e,- :::i~
8 Spanish i. easier rhan Engli h.
Engli h ~"' @a)e. c),~~llu\\ ..\.n'orn S~'"%Y)

e Listen and underline rhe 5 LISTENING
stressed words.
· Listen to a conver ation berween a couple ralking
A .ESOcil is lici1pcr than a P;.!l· about rwo cides with rhe ame name. Write T (true) or F (fal e).
2 China is bigger than
1 More people live in Birmingham, K than Birmingham,
3 The kirchen i dirtjer than theJl,·ing room.
2 Birmingham, US is bigger than Birmingham. K.
4 An ª.!~.Ple i. hfaltbier than a cookie,
3 Birmingham, US isgrccncr than Birmingham, l 'K.
5 Cariada is older than 1exico.
4 Birmingharn. US is older rhan Birmingham. K.
6' Ever~t i highg~ than Kilimanjaro.
~ 5 Birmingham. US is werter than Binningham. l K.
d Listen again and repear rhe 6 Birmingham. US ¡., hotter than Birmingham. ·K.
senrence . .C.Up rhe ~thm.


a Read rhe senrences, o you think the. are T (true) Learn rhese words and phrases,
or F (fal e)? Then read the anide and check. comestanrs k 1. ll·,t "' t~
I There are fewer car accidents on T ax Day. F population Jp)il 1Jn

2 Elephanrs remember more rhan prize I' .uz
rher anima 1 . approximarely k~;,m::itli
3 South America is bigger rhan "in a comperirion 111 J ~omp;i t 1Jn
Norrh America.
+ largarine is healthier rhan butter. FILE 9
b Guess che meaning of rhe hlghlighred words.
Check the mcaning and pronunciarion in
your dicrionary,

1 Elephants have brains that are bigger than any 3 When the American Medica( Assoctation studied the
other land mammal. The expression "an elephant never number of people lnjured in traffic accidents in the US,
forgets'' suggests that the bigger an animal's brain is, they gota surprise. They discovered that there were
the better that animal can remember things. Animal more dangerous car accidents on Tax Oay. Tax Day is
researchers discovered that this is actually true for every year around April 15. People in the US are busy
elephantsl These animals can remember details about around this time!
areas of land as big as 1,200 square miles!
Experts have different opinions about margarine
There are 12 countries in South America including and butter, and there is a big argument about which
Argentina and Brazil. lt has an area of 6,888,062 one is better for you. The truth is that margarine today
square miles and its population is over 371,090,000. is better than it was in the past beca use producers use
North America includes Canada and the US, but it also a different tvpe of vegeta ble oil. Butter still contains
contains the countries of Central America. lt covers a lot of animal fat. Margarine today contains less fat
an area of about 95,401,198 square miles, and its which it healthier than butter.
population is almost 529 million. This makes it bigger

than South America.
a restaurant
a l.ook at tbe rncnu and answer the quesrion . Complete rhe dialogue with Qlli! word in
1 Which is the besr apperizer for somebody on a diet? ..\\'.e.~~1 \~~i'ri each blank,
2 What main course can a vegetarian have? 5o\ocl <.:, 1
. e d v ,\-\"112 e i e;:>•1
\Ol.>-1' F.,.\ A Good eveníng. Do you have a 1 J~sen•atio11 ?
::s:.º O, \., n "'~

3 CaL1 you have f ruir 10[ esserr? 1e s l v

..o:) Q. B Yes, a 2 _ .i.;· far two. My name's
4 How many rypes of coffee are there? -\-\,JJO \ C,1.<~l(l '-.olce. \ Regina Margan.
5 Do children pay rhe same as adults? N'\ -\-\-\eu., 1.,\,,-\l\Jll''i\
\.o· A Come this 3 º"::s:f:'- , please.
...-----~---- ---- <..2 :f~ M_\.0.~0~,-- A Are you ready to ' ~é;C 5= ?
B Yes. The grilled vegetables and the mushroom
Taste of Heaven Restaurant e
risotto, please.
s _rt
\ \. like the shrimp cocktail and
then the roast beef, please.
A What would you 6
·\...).) 'o""\ to dnnk?
e ' ~ ::>\ water far me.
Appetizers 8 A bottle of mineralwater, please.
Chicken soup S6.50 A 0 ' :)-..)
•. <.J 1. ci or sparkling?
Shrímp cocktail 59.25
8 ls sparkling OK?
Grilled vegetabtes with Low-fat cheese (Vl S6.75
e Yes, sparkling.
A Thank you, madam.
Tossed salad !VI $5.50 B Thankyou.
Seafood salad S7.25

Main courses 3 SOCIAL.ENGLISH

Roast beef served with roast potatoes and vegetables S19.25 Match tbe senrences 1-6 to che correcr
Mushroom risotto with Parmesan cheese (Vl
responses a-f.
Grilled salmon served with French fries and peas St6.75
What do you do on your birrhday?
Desserts 2 Would you a desserr?
Fresh fruit salad S6.95
3 decaf espresso.
Chocolate brownie with cream SS.SO
SS.25 4 Can I use your phone?
New York cheesecake
5 G oocl newsr
Beverages 6 Could we have rhe bill. picase?
leed tea S2.75
Soda 52.75
a Nor forme. rhank ..
Coffee (espresso or latteí S2.25
:}("Ye.. 1 gor rhe job!
Today's specials e Notltiug special.
S19.95 (see the board for the daily specialsl d Yes, of course, sir.X.
e The same forme, please.
25% discount on children's portions
Jx...Ye , go ahead.
(V) Suitable for vegetarians

b Underline the words or phrases you don't know, Use your

dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciatiou.

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