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Pediatric Pulmonology

Subject: Invitation to Submit a State of the Art Review on the Main Effect Model of Positive
Affect and the rationale for its potential effect on pediatric asthma

Dr. David Gozal, a member of our editorial board, has recommended that you be invited to
submit a review of the above captioned field to our journal.   
Over the past several years we have strived to broaden the perspectives of our readers regarding
the complex epidemiology of pediatric asthma.
Such reviews are typically 2000 to 3000 words in length and feature colored diagrams or
cartoons that illustrate key principles.  We feel that such artwork enhances the potential impact
of the review if it is presented grand rounds types of presentations.
Please let me know in the next week or so whether or not you will be able to complete such a
review.  I would suggest a submission deadline of November 1, 2020.

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