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0 Child Therapy Needed by The Children

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT) is a talking therapy that can help you manage
your problems by changing the way you think and behave.It’s most commonly used to treat
anxiety and depression,but can be useful for other mental and physical health
problem.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT) is a short-term and problem-focused type of
behavioral treatment.It focuses on helping clients consider the relationship between
beliefs,thought and feelings and following behavior patterns and actions.During CBT ,clients
learn that their perceptions influence directly on responses to specific situations.In
particular,a client’s thought process guides his or her behaviors and actions.Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy is not a discrete treatment technique,but it is a general term refers to a
group of therapies.Through treatment by CBT ,the therapists use many techniques including
relaxation,social,physical and though exercises to raise a client’s awareness of his or her
emotional and behavioral patterns,challenging beliefs,mindfulness-based
interventions,journal writing therapy or writing therapy and time management methods.

Furthermore,Cognitive Behavioral therapy has many benefits,especially if you don’t

want to spend years in therapy or counseling.It addresses behaviors and thought patterns and
works in the present time rather than analyzing the past.Cognitive behavioural therapy is not
about diving into what you or yours parents did when you were a child ,rather ,it aims to
focus on the present issues at hand.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy teaches self-
awareness,moderating your thinking and dealing rationally with behaviors and thought
processes.The average length of a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy between client and
therapist is 16 sessions.This cuts down on both time and money.Cognitive Behavioral therapy
is all about giving you concrete tools to nagivate your emotions,control your thinking and
eliminate unwanted behaviors.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy operates well for all cultures
and ethnicities as it is about common.Universal human behaviors and thought patterns.It is
focused on the goals of the client.Cognitive sessions are not just random chats.They are more
structured for better therapeutic results.The basic premis and principle of Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy is that the way we think determines our behaviors and changing our
thinking changes how we live.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is therapy for the modern
working person and also for people for whom protracted therapy techniques do not work .It
helps you set goals and shows you how to create the steps to achieve those goals.It is
pragmatic in its essence and won’t allow you to dally around in your past.Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy is often the only choice for those who have been stuck and going around
the circles.It is concrete ,quick and very successful for many.

Other than that,Cognitive Behavioral is based on the concept that your

thoughts,feelings,physical sensations and actions are interconnected and that negative
thoughts and feelings can trap you in a vicious cycle.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy aims to
help the children deal with overwhelming problems in a more positive way by breaking them
down into smaller parts.You’re shown how to change these negative patterns to improve the
way you feel .Unlike some other talking treatments,Cognitive Behavioral Therapy deals with
your current problems,rather than focusing on issues from your past.It looks for practical
ways to improve your state of mind on a daily basis.

Finally,Cognitive behavior therapy have do a treatment plan either on therapy session,

small groups during physical session or online session. The parents, caregiver, therapist and
counselor will discuss the goals to avoid the problem based on children’ issue. The counselor
will identify children issue and they will called the children for having a test. The example
of the test is cognitive test. The counselor will do verbal reasoning test to the children and
they will start to observe and find a solution regarding to the issue. It is not just a test on a
piece of paper, they will observe the children’s attention in a classroom and their social
development among people that the children always met. In addition, parents as an important
role to their kids have to observe children’s behavior and indicates positive behavior to the
children. Other than that, siblings or other who are close to the children can give some advice
and courage them to play indoor or outdoor games and avoid them to keep playing gadget

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