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Exercice conjugaison anglais: le passé1

Exercice 1
Choisissez la bonne réponse à la forme du passé qui convient :
1. We (went / were going / had gone / had been going) to the theatre last Friday.
2. He put a glass on the table that I (cleaned / was cleaning / had cleaned / had been cleaning)
only a minute before.
3. Yesterday at ten he (sat / was sitting / had sat / had been sitting) in front of the computer.
4. When their dad got home, the girls (watched / were watching / had watched / had been
watching) TV for three hours.

Exercice 2
Complétez les phrases au passé simple :
1. Sam watched a movie. (to watch)
2. He carried a box. (to carry)
3. They helped their friend. (to help)
4. Wendy and John swapped phones. (to swap)
5. I talked to Tony. (to talk)
6. Sonya danced with Nico. (to dance)
7. The boys tried soccer. (to try)
8. We planned a trip to China. (to plan)
9. She washed her hair. (to wash)
10. The car stopped at the traffic lights. (to stop)

Exercice anglais sur le preterit (le past simple)


Exercice 1
Mettez le verbe entre parenthèse au prétérit:
1.Sam (visit) visited his girlfriend last weekend.
2.Ray (arrive) arrived two days ago.
3.We (go) went to the cinema last night.
4.I (be) was at the supermarket this morning.
5.She (see) saw Sarah at the bar last week.

Exercice 2
Complétez les phrases à la forme négative:
1.I phoned Tina yesterday. => I didn’t phone Tina yesterday.
2.I tidied up my room. => I didn’t tidy up my room.
3.Sam became a lawyer. => Sam didn’t become a lawyer.
4.We found the map. => We didn’t find the map.
5.He spoke Japanese to her. => He didn’t speak Japanese to her.

Exercice 3
Faites des questions avec les mots entre parenthèses:
1.(you/dance) Did you dance at the club last night?
2.(she/do) Did she do her homework?
3.(Sam/work) Did Sam work at the post office?
4.(He/help) Did he help you with the cleaning-up?
5.When (I/say) did I say that?

Exercice 4
Mettre les verbes entre parenthèse au prétérit à la forme nécessaire:
1.We left for Paris yesterday. (leave)

2.My friend travelled (travel) to Japan last year.

3.I (live) lived with my grandparents when I was a child.
4.We (work)worked the whole night.
5.She (spend) spent the whole day working at the mall.
6.We (play) played video games for an hour.
7.Our team (win) won the rugby trophy last year.
8. you not (receive) didn’t receive my letter?
9.She (not know) didn’t know what she was supposed to do.
10.The dog (enter) entered the room when I was sleeping.

Exercice 5
Mettre les phrases suivantes au prétérit:
1.We buy some food. → We bought some food.
2.They catch a fish. → They caught a fish.
3.He crosses the road. → He crossed the road.
4.They do not sell cookies. → They didn’t sell cookies.
5.Does she play football? → Did she play football?

Exercice 6
Posez les questions qui conviennent sur les parties en gras: ?
1.Tom swam in the lake. => Where did Tom swim?
2.Tina paid the rent. => What did Tina pay?
3.The lady gave me this cake. => What did the lady give me?
4. I felt bad. => How did I feel?
5.His stomach hurts because he ate too much. => Why do his stomach hurt?

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