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Barte, Rosemarie Fe C.



Instruction: Answer the following questions using one (1) paragraph each.

1. What are your thoughts regarding the damage dealt by the COVID-19 Pandemic? If

you are part of the executive body of government, what policy or rule you will


The COVID-19 outbreak is impacting people all around the world, disrupting

economic activities, State’ functions, livelihood options and it is reshaping global

dynamics. Pandemic change the world for the worst, though this pandemic also made a

lot of positive outcomes the number of deaths, hunger, opportunity for education and

many more have lost by a lot of people in this time. If I will be part of the executive body

of the government, the policy I will implement crisis management exception approval

process, where in the event of a crisis, there are cases when companies must deviate

from standard policies and procedures to better meet the needs of their customers and


2. Do you think the government is doing its best to counter this pandemic? Why or why


Governments are not doing enough to counter this pandemic and their responses

are taking too long. The Philippines have the longest days of lockdown in the world, but

the number of cases are still increasing. Many Filipinos suffer from hunger, deaths, and
unemployment without taking actions by the government. In that case we clearly see

that the government are not doing anything. They prioritized stock market, the dominate

sand in the Manila Bay, the shutdown of ABS-CBN and etc., rather than addressing key

public health concerns.

3. As future business owners, what will you do if your business has been damaged by a

pandemic? (You can use any business as example)

If my business has been damaged by a pandemic, I will do my best, knowledge

and money to came up a new idea or to innovate my product/services that will revive or

survive to this period. If my business is in the food industry, I will make deliveries door to

door with the customers just to adopt to the current situation. I will post it online or make

some Facebook page to promote my own business and to tell them that despite of the

pandemic that people are too lazy to go outside the product that they purchase should

be there on their door. Business is not about profit, business is about how can you

survive in the changing environment for you to survive and to have a long run in the


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