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Redactor şef: Dan PRELIPCEANU

adjuncți: Dragoş MARINESCU

Cătălina TUDOSE

Secretar de redacţie: Valentin MATEI

Vasile CHIRIŢĂ (membru de onoare
al Academiei de Ştiinţe Medicale,
Michael DAVIDSON (Professor, Sackler
School of Medicine Tel Aviv Univ.,
Mount Sinai School of Medicine,
New York)

Virgil ENĂTESCU (membru al Academiei de
Ştiinţe Medicale, Satu Mare)
Ioana MICLUŢIA (UMF Cluj-Napoca)
Şerban IONESCU (Universitatea
Paris VIII, Universitatea Trois-
Rivieres, Quebec)
Mircea LĂZĂRESCU (membru de onoare al
Academiei de Ştiinţe Medicale,
Juan E. MEZZICH (Professor of Psychiatry
and Director, Division of Psychiatric
Epidemiology and International
Center for Mental Health, Mount
Sinai School of Medicine, New York
Teodor T. POSTOLACHE, MD (Director,
Mood and Anxiety Program,
Department of Psychiatry,
University of Maryland School of
Medicine, Baltimore)
Sorin RIGA (cercetător principal gr.I)
Dan RUJESCU (Head of Psychiatric
Genomics and Neurobiology
and of Division of Molecular and
Clinical Neurobiology, Department
of Psychiatry, Ludwig- Maximilians-
University, Munchen)
Eliot SOREL (George Washington
University, Washington DC)
(cercetător principal gr.I)
Tudor UDRIŞTOIU (UMF Craiova)



QUARTERLY CNCSIS B+ p-ISSN: 1454-7848 e-ISSN: 2068-7176



& Sindromul burnout 33

Dan Prelipceanu, Raluca Barbu


& ABB – Criminalul norvegian. Psihoză versus psihopatie - analiză medico-legală psihiatrică 36
Gabriela Costea


& Aspecte genetice ale alcoolismului 48

Maria Bonea, Ioana V. Micluţia
& Factori psihosociali care influențeaza sindromul Asperger 52
Mihai Gabriel Alin Șuiu Apostol, Oana Boantă, Mihnea Manea, Iuliana Dobrescu


& Nivele ridicate de fibrinogen, un posibil indicator al dezechilibrului psihic și al depresiei 55

Traian Purnichi, Gabriela Puiu, Ileana Marinescu, Mihail C. Pîrlog, George Paraschiv, Silvia Ristea,
Ruxandra Banu, Ioana G. Pavel, Mihai Bran, Lavinia Duică, Ruxandra Grigoraș, Valentin P. Matei
& Factori asociați cu aderența la tratament la pacienții cu schizofrenie 59
Ana M. Romoșan, Felicia Romoșan, Liana Dehelean, Mihaela A. Simu, Virgil R. Enătescu,
Cristina A. Bredicean, Ion Papavă, Iris Druț, Mihaela O. Manea, Ioana Riviș, Simona D. Rădulescu,
Radu Ș. Romoșan
& Evaluarea sindromului metabolic și calitatea vieții într-un eșantion de pacienți în tratament cu
olanzapină depot 65
Ana-Anca Talașman, Mihaela Nae, Alexandra Dolfi,Irina Luca, Mihai V Zamfir
& Incidența delirium-ului postoperator și a stresului oxidativ în chirurgia laparoscopică 69
Andreea D. Stanculescu, Dominic G. Iliescu, Octavian Dragoescu, Andrei Drocas, Mihail C. Pirlog,
Stefania Tudorache, Florea Purcaru, Traian Purnichi, Nicoleta A. Dragoescu


& Episod psihotic acut la un pacient cu encefalopatie cauzata de infecția cu HIV 74

Ana-Anca Talasman, Alexandra Dolfi, Mihaela Nae


Revista Română de Psihiatrie este indexată de Consiliul Naţional al Cercetării Ştiinţifice din
Învăţământul Superior la categoria B+. Apare trimestrial.

Colegiul Medicilor din România acordă abonaţilor la această publicaţie 5 credite EMC/an.
Articolele ştiinţifice publicate în revistă sunt creditate cu 80 credite EMC/articol.

Revista Română de Psihiatrie este editată de Asociaţia Română de Psihiatrie şi Psihoterapie

şi Asociaţia Medicală Română


Dan Prelipceanu1, Raluca Barbu2

Online dictionaries provide a suggestive degree of satisfaction, is disrupted by something

translation for the burnout concept: „The tubes burned out unpleasant or disappointing that later becomes stressful.
easily and had to be constantly replaced...”.This is the Oftentimes, work-related stress can be induced by an
sequence of events that leads to the syndrome: the unsatisfied expectation that later becomes frustration. The
depletion of one's own intellectual energy, usually directly intensity of this frustration depends on one's narcissism
tied to the profession one has, presumably exerted with regarding one's value in relation to professional success.
great passion and dedication, after a long lasting effort. This psychological selfishness, as it is named by some
The most accurate definition, including the psychologists and philosophers, may be the starting point
eventual prophylactic actions to be taken, is based on the of workaholism as a gratification for a creative but
context in which this syndrome manifests: the surpassing hedonistic individual who sees professional success as the
of one's resistance to professional effort and of one's payoff for the effort invested in it, but also overlaps with
capability to recuperate (1,17). Its manifestation, the pleasure of feeling it subjectively, contemplating the
perceived by others and by the affected individual consists success from the height of one's vanity. This is why using
of behaviors and feelings, more or less subjective, noticed the term burnout is often excessive: it should be limited
by the individual and/or those around him/her. The most only to those individuals who manifest these symptoms in
common symptoms overlap those found in various types the context of an intense professional activity (some call it
of depression: fatigue, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, work-related stress) with high stakes (researchers, top
irritability, depressed mood, lack of pleasure and positions that require a lot of personal, emotional and
motivation for daily activities concerning - surprisingly – intellectual involvement). In some professions the risk of
those linked to professional activity. Other symptoms are burnout is a priori accepted, and thus these professionals
included in the psychosomatic category: headaches, benefit from financial gratification or prolonged
lumbago, gastrointestinal problems, breathing difficulties, recreation leaves (psychiatrists have salary increments
loss of appetite, various cenesthetic complaints. and prolonged recreation leave, the so called “dangerous
If we use the word symptoms we must include our conditions bonuses”, and so do coroners, pilots, train
description in the biological model, which is not necessary operators etc.).
the case here. Official psychiatric classifications do not Due to burnout, the individual experiences a decrease in
recognize burnout as a form of depression. International the capability to cope usual work-related requirements
Classification of Diseases (ICD 10, 1992) (2) includes this and situations, which he/she easily and pleasurably
syndrome in the last chapter (amongst “Factors resolved before, followed by an increasing lack of interest
influencing health status and contact with health services” for these activities, despondency and loss of motivation to
codes Z00-Z99, in “Problems related to life management further pursue them. Finally, the individual begins to
difficulty” code Z73.0 together with other “problems”, question whether one's professional pursue, so personally
such as “Accentuation of personality traits” including type and intellectually invested upon, has any meaning at all.
A behavior pattern, “Lack of relaxation and leisure”, “ Trying to quantify the subjective disturbances burnout
Stress, not elsewhere classified”, “Inadequate social skills, casts upon the individual, authors write about
not elsewhere classified”, “Social role conflict, not “exhaustion, cynicism, lack of personal accomplishment”
elsewhere classified”, ranging from Z73.1 to Z73.5), all of as defining dimensions from a social psychology point of
which do not refer to nosological entities, but to view, in contrast to the “energy, involvement, efficiency”
particularities varying with context and eventually with prior to the onset of burnout (4).
the individual's psycho-social vulnerability. Recent arguments stand for the extension and
We can thus define burnout as a cumulation of equalization of the burnout concept to chronic stress that
psychological symptoms, more or less interchangeable can appear in various circumstances, not only work-
with the psychiatric equivalents, already indexed among related (5). These authors believe that “unresolved stress”
the diagnostic criteria of some psychiatric disorders cannot be taken in consideration only when it comes to
(exhaustion depression, stress disorders etc.) (3). It is true professional activity and thus, this disorder should be
that, given time, these psychological symptoms and considered as a multidimensional one, with positive
disfunctions can translate to actual depressive symptoms. consequences in the research of chronic stress in general
Because burnout is, in fact, a surpassed work-related state, and especially regarding prevention. Many branches of
it is wise to be aware that the onset of the symptoms might medicine and psycho-sociology are, indeed, connected to
show a change in the individual's professional life. This this syndrome even if it isn't a nosological entity in the
means that the professional act, which one performs with a official classification, which in change contains many

MD, PhD, Prof. of Psychiatry, IX Ward Prof. Dr. Al. Obregia Academic Psychiatric Hosp., Bucharest,
MD,Psychiatry second year resident, IX Ward Prof. Dr. Al. Obregia Academic Psychiatric Hosp., Bucharest
This paper is based on: Dan Prelipceanu, Burn - out - a price paid to scientific creativity, published in Jurmed.Jurnalul de Sanatate,2016 issue.
Received January 7, 2017, Revised February 26, 2017, Accepted March 8, 2017.
Dan Prelipceanu, Raluca Barbu: Burnout Syndrome: A Marginal Psychiatry Disorder?

formulations of clinical symptoms as consequences of (Untergrund) and the role these play in the moment facing
chronic stress, be it work-related stress or any other form. the stressor (10). These authors have plastically described
We can, therefore, deduce that, what we often call burnout this mechanism as an “Achilles heel” that is responsible
can, in some situations, be reinterpreted as chronic for the vulnerability permitting the event (or a sum of
stress/acute stress disorder/posttraumatic stress events) to create the subjective experience of burnout,
disorder/depressive reaction to stress or other concepts reactive depression, exhaustion depression etc.
from the official or unofficial medical or psychiatric We find this mechanism in the list of possible work-related
jargon. circumstances and situations, as a premonition of burnout
However one may call this aggregate of onset, as the term was first coined by Herbert
psychological symptoms, which, in time, becomes (or F r e u d e n b e rg e r ( 1 9 7 4 ) ( 11 ) : p r o f e s s i o n a l
not) characteristic of psychiatric/psychosomatic dissatisfaction/even that of personal life, which appears as
disorders, it is often accompanied by biological findings a daily useless waste of energy, the onset of fatigability
(an increase in serum level of stress hormones, linked to then exhaustion, perceiving all daily activities as
major clinical consequences), negative functional pointless, onerous, as if slowing down one's thinking, the
outcome (a decrease in working efficiency), somatic activity lacks drive, all of this being perceived by the
comorbidities, some with severe or even fatal individual and those around him/her, including superiors.
consequences (cardiovascular disease, myocardial This setting takes shape when work seems to lose its
infarction), psychiatric comorbidities or complications motivation, when it is not longer recognized by those
(depression, suicide, transient cognitive impairment), significant for the individual, when there is a lack of
worsening of some psychosomatic disorders (respiratory, results or when positive results are assumed by others etc.
cardiovascular, immune, dermatological issues). New Therefore, the person afflicted by burnout goes trough
research is showing just how devastating this kind of feelings of disengagement, hopelessness, self
occupational stress can be to the brain, causing changes depreciation, detachment and abandonment from others.
both in the structure and function of this organ. The It is useful for those who are active and
emotional and cognitive turmoil of burnout leaves a competitive to know the alternative to burnout so they can
signature mark in specific brain areas associated with take precautions: avoiding chaotic activity under the self
cognition, memory, attention and emotional response, imposed pressure of being performant at any cost,
MRI results showing a reduction in gray matter in the avoiding unrealistic expectations, avoiding losing control
medial prefrontal cortex, hipoccampus, caudate and over the rhythm of one's work, avoiding the workaholic
putamen and an enlargement of the amygdala (6). Burnout defective lifestyle which involves the lack of necessary
can alter neural circuits, R-fMRI showing weaker periods of relaxation, rest and sufficient recovering sleep,
connections between the amygdala and areas linked to avoiding perfectionism and learning how to delegate
emotional distress (anterior cingulate cortex) and tasks. In type A personality (12), characterized by
executive function (medial prefrontal cortex) (7). Data hipercompetitivity-ostility, ambition, eagerness to
from animal experiments show that stress causes an complete the set professional objective (by means of total
enhanced release of glutamate, neurotoxicity affecting professional implications which leads to work-
regions such as the medial prefrontral cortex, the anterior dependence known as workaholism), all of these
cingulate, and the basal ganglia. These results are behaviors developing under the pressure of time, the
consistent with neuroimaging findings in subjects who situation must be recognized by others or by oneself in
have experienced severe early-life trauma. In addition to order to take the appropriate measures to adapt it to reality:
dysregulation in brain function, emerging evidence the potential pessimistic view of the world must be
suggests that burnout also leads to stress-related changes replaced by a positive, constructive one, the social support
within the regulation of the body's neuroendocrine system must be used in order to socialize when one feels
system, especially the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal overwhelmed, so does the “trusted-confident” system to
axis. Chronically elevated cortisol levels eventually lead depressurize moments of decision over one's own choices.
to the down-regulation of this stress hormone to Once installed, burnout can be counteracted with
abnormally low levels, a state called hypocortisolism. coping and self-care strategies. The Resilience
Hypocortisolism induces low-grade inflammation Development Model defines resiliency as a cyclical
throughout the body, arteries responding with a buildup in process of uncovering, using, and developing the innate
plaque over time, leading to cardiovascular disease (8). self, motivating life force, human spirit, or strength that
Like all psychiatric/psychosomatic disorders, the lies within (13). Yoder suggested strategies which include
importance of stress depends on the subjective taking vacations, changing assignments, developing
significance of the traumatizing/stressful event every supports, developing personal awareness, having rituals,
individual perceives, according to the classical model and changing jobs. Other self-care strategies included
given by German psychiatrists of the mid-20th century (9) maintaining adequate sleep patterns, good nutrition,
of “key moment”/”formative experience” regular exercise, and relaxation (14). Developing
(Schlusserlebnis). Just like a key (the acute or chronic techniques such as meditation, mindfulness, deep
stress event) fits to the subjective “lock” (the specific breathing, self-reflection, and humor and massage could
vulnerability given by the personal significance of the also be therapeutic (15). As for health care professionals it
stressor for the individual), the stressor becomes more is important to be able to set boundaries to maintain
severe if it “fits” to the area of maximal personal personal/professional balance (16, 17).
motivation of the individual. Kurt Schneider underlined
the importance of immediate subjective context
(Hintergrund) and that of the background affect and mood

Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. XIX, No.2, 2017

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Gabriela Costea1

Rezumat: Abstract:
Anders Breivik, criminalul terorist norvegian nu a reținut Anders Breivik, the norwegian terrorist offender has
atenția comunității internaționale doar prin faptele sale captured the attention of the international community not
abominabile ci și prin disputele științifice psihiatrice pe only for his horrific acts but also due to the psychiatric
care le-a generat. În acest articol sunt prezentate cele scientific discussions created by the event. This paper
două rapoarte de expertiză medico-legală psihiatrică presents the two resulting files from the forensic
precedate de o introducere ce cuprinde tematica legată de psychiatric expertise, with an introduction discussing
terorism în general și de extremismul naționalist al terrorism in general and the national extremism of the
criminalului. Cele două expertize medico-legale offender. The two forensic psychiatric evaluations
psihiatrice reprezintă adevărate lecții de psihiatrie și mai represent solid lessons of psychiatry and forensic
ales de psihiatrie medico-legală. psychiatry in particular.
CUVINTE CHEIE: psihoza paranoidă, tulburare de KEY WORDS: paranoid psychosis, personality disorder,
personalitate, terorism, omor, extremism. terrorism, murder, extremism.

INTRODUCERE pentru a schimba forma de guvernământ a unui stat; se

La data de 21.07.2011 întreaga planetă resimțea caracterizează prin folosirea deliberată şi sistematică a
undele unui șoc ce paralizase una din țările cu cel mai unor mijloace violente sau ameninţări de natură să
ridicat nivel de trai – Norvegia; un tânăr ucisese un număr provoace teamă şi neîncredere, panică şi nesiguranţă, cu
de 70 de persoane și rănise alți 240. Povestea lui Breivik ignorarea a oricăror norme umanitare. ”Jihadul” (2)
Anders Behring continuă și în prezent. Cu același interes denumește conceptul de ”război sfânt”, al islamului, de
cu care au fost urmărite evenimentele privind activitatea apărare a religiei mahomedane.
ucigașă, comunitatea internațională a urmărit și comentat 2. ”COUNTER – JIHAD” (CJM) (3,4,5,6) este o mișcare
expertizele medico-legale efectuate de către psihiatrii transatlantică care militează pentru împărtășirea
norvegieni. În vederea înțelegerii aprofundate a disputelor ideologiei extermiste antiislamice printre europeni și
psihiatrice voi prezenta, succint, definiții și caracteristici americani prin conectarea zilnică între bloguri și site-uri
tehnico-operaționale ale unor subiecte/domenii/fenomene Web pe ambele maluri ale Atlanticului; principalul blog
”nepsihiatrice” dar tangente la sistemele de raționament CJM a devenit vizibil în anul 2004 și principalul grup a
medico-legal psihiatric (în speța ”Breivik”) precum și apărut în anul 2006, în Viena (”Gates of Viena”); mișcarea
cadrul (comparativ european) în care se desfășoară a devenit semnificativă după 11 Septembrie 2011. În
expertizele medico-legale psihiatrice. concepția acestei mișcări, ”scena anti-jihad” ar fi
1. CONFORM DICȚIONARULUI EXPLICATIV AL reprezentată de un scenariu în care Europa și SUA sunt
LIMBII ROMÂNE (1), ”Creștinismul” reprezintă amenințate de lumea islamică (agresivă) care dorește să
ansamblul religiilor bazate pe ”credința în persoana și preia Europa, preluare ce ar consta printr-un proces de
învățăturile lui Iisus Cristos” / pe ”Vechiul și noul islamizare îndepărtarea simbolurilor creștine sau
testament”; ”Islamismul” / mahomedanismul este o religie evreiești, impunerea tradițiilor islamice și crearea de zone
monoteistă bazată pe ”preceptele Coranului”; nedisponibile pentru non-musulmani; în acest sens,
”extremismul” definește o ”atitudine, doctrină a unor Europa –în declin și în plină decadență – se află în
curente politice care, pe baza unor opinii, idei, păreri imposibilitate de a rezista preluării de către islam (mai
exagerate, unilaterale, extreme, urmăresc prin măsuri puternic din punct de vedere spiritual). Discursul anti-
violente sau radicale să impună programul lor”; jihad este o mixtură între preocupările privind terorismul
”naționalismul” reprezintă o ”doctrină politică bazată pe inspirat de jihad și probleme politice complexe relaționate
apărarea (uneori exagerată) a drepturilor şi aspiraţiilor cu imigrația în Europa, sugerându-se că amenințarea nu
naţionale”; ”extremismul nationalist” definește este produsă de extremiștii islamici ci și de Islam ca atare,
ideologia/politica care urmăreşte întreţinerea izolării şi de unde, prin extensie, toți musulmanii din Europa (o
aţâţarea neîncrederii şi urii între diferite naţionalităţi, ”coloană a V-a”) ar reprezenta o amenințare pentru
tendinţa de a aprecia exclusiv şi exagerat tot ceea ce populația europeană creștină, pentru identitatea și valorile
aparţine propriei naţiuni”. Terorismul reprezintă acesteia.
totalitatea actelor de violenţă comise de un grup sau de o 3. ORGANIZAȚII ȘI PARTIDE EXTREMISTE: În afară
organizaţie pentru a crea un climat de insecuritate sau de mișcarea ”anti-jihad”, în Europa mai sunt active multe
Medic primar psihiatru, INML ”Mina Minovici”, București
Received January 5, 2017, Revised February 21, 2017, Accepted March 15, 2017.

Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. XIX, No.2, 2017

alte organizații și partide. În anul 1984, partidele toate teritoriile din Țara Sfântă; în următorii 200 de ani au
extremiste europene au format alianța ”Grupul dreptelor devenit o putere socio-economică, situație ce a creat
europene” , denumit în prezent ”Grupul Europa – libertăți, condiții ca regele Franței, în anul 1307, să ordone arestarea
democrație”; în anul 2001 s-a constituit ”Alianța și executarea capilor ordinului iar Papa să emită bula prin
europeană pentru libertate”, recunoscută de Parlamentul care ordona arestarea templierilor din toată Europa și
European (7). Dintre organizațiile extremiste cea elenă, confiscarea averilor. În anii 1700, în Scoția, —ritualul
denumită ”Zori Aurii” este responsabilă de uciderea York a încorporat unele simboluri și ritualuri ale
muzicianului antifascist Pavlos Fyassas. Extremiștii templierilor; au constituit o filială, existentă și astăzi,
(grupați sau nu în organizații sau partide) militează pentru numită (în prezent) ”O—rdinul Cavalerilor Templieri -
o Europă fără musulmani și imigranți, pentru antisemitism S—uveranul Ordin Militar al Templului din Ierusalim”
și pentru măsuri discriminatorii împotriva țiganilor și (fondat în anul 1804); ordinul are statut de organizație
săracilor (8). Relativ la Anders Breivik se menționează caritabilă non-guvernamentală, recunoscută de către
apartenența la ”Partidul Progresului” din Norvegia și la ONU (din anul 2004 există și în România o priorie a
”Liga Engleză de apărare” (9). Partidul Progresului este Ordinului Suprem Militar al Templului din Ierusalim -
format din indivizi proveniți din clasa de mijloc și din OSMTH). Printre caracteristicile (cu valoare de simbol)
rândul intelectualilor; ideologia este centrată împotriva Ordinului Templierlor se numără îmbrăcămintea și crucea
musulmanilor; din anul 2013, partidul a intrat la roșie specifică (simbol al martiriului, moartea în luptă
guvernare. ”Liga Engleză pentru apărare”, apărută inițial fiind o mare onoare); Anders Breivik a desenat pe
în mediul virtual, a devenit activă prin organizarea și manifestul său o cruce roșie asemănătoare cu cea a
coordonarea de marșuri, campanii și de răspândire a templierilor și a afirmat că era pregătit să fie omorât (în
cunoștințelor și tacticilor de luptă extremistă; analiștii timpul prinderii sale sau ulterior).
consideră că ideologia acestei organizații a reprezentat, de 6. MASONERIA (13,14) este „o asociație de oameni liberi
asemenea, o sursă de inspirație pentru Anders Breivik și și de bune moravuri care conlucrează pentru binele și
pentru alți teroriști. progresul societății prin perfecționarea morală și
4. ODINISMUL (10) este religia antică dedicată zeilor intelectuală a membrilor săi” iar ca instituție, este un ordin
panteonului norvegian. Odiniștii se referă la ei înșiși ca inițiatic ai cărui membri sunt înfrățiți prin idealuri comune
urmași ai lui Asatru. Religia denumită în prezent morale, spirituale și sociale, prin inițierea conformă unui
”Odinism” reprezintă tradiția indigenă a ramurii ritual comun, prin jurământul depus pe una din cărțile
germanice a popoarelor indo-europene, fiind de origine sfinte ale marilor religii (Biblia, Coranul, Dao de Jing,
precreștină cu caracteristici documentate din paleolitic. Vedele hinduse, Tripitaka budiste, sau alte scrieri
Ritualul odinic (cu apel la ”Wotan”) a fost reorganizat în considerate sacre) și, în majoritatea ramificațiilor, prin
anul 1972 în Anglia; au fost înființate ”comunități credința într-o „Putere Supremă“ spusă „Mare Arhitect al
odiniste” în mai multe țări (inclusiv ”nongermanice”) dar Universului“. Organizații masonice se află în majoritatea
există și grupuri de ”odiniști individuali” (mai ales în țările țărilor lumii; conceptele teoretice sunt generoase,
scandinave). Din anul 1973, ”Odinismul / Asatru” a fost umanitare, tolerante; astfel sunt excluse concepțiile de tip
recunoscut oficial de către guvernele Islandei, extremist dar ideologia comunistă respinge masoneria
Danemarcei și Norvegiei. Odiniștii moderni își însușesc (unul din aspectele care l-a atras, probabil, și pe Anders
un cod de viață bazat pe respectarea a nouă precepte dintre Breivik care s-a declarat anticommunist). Organizațiile
care se rețin (ca având valoare în dezvoltarea masonice se întâlnesc sub forma ”obediențelor
personalității): curajul, adevărul, onoarea, fidelitatea, autonome”, ”mari loje” sau ”Mare Orient”; acestea sunt
disciplina, ospitalitatea, perseverența. Regulile sunt compuse din ”loji albastre” numite și ”ateliere” de câte 7 –
exprimate prin exprimări cu iz de zicale, de tipul: ”Forța 50 de persoane; ierarhizarea ”clasei lojilor albastre”
este mai bună decât slăbiciunea”, ”Curajul este mai bun prevede trei grade (ucenic, calfă / companion și meșter /
decât lașitatea”, ”Bucuria este mai bună decât vina”, maestru). Cele mai răspândite rituri sunt ”Ritul York” și
”Onoarea este mai bună decât dezonoarea”, ”Libertatea ”Ritul Scoțian Antic și Acceptat”. Masoneria are un
este mai bună decât sclavia”, caracter cvasiezoteric prin îmbrăcăminte, ritualuri,
” Înrudirea este mai bună decât înstrăinarea”, ”Realismul simboluri a căror origine și înțelesuri rămân, practic,
este mai bun decât dogmatismul”, ”Vigoarea este mai necunoscute chiar majorității membrilor săi (în funcție de
bună decât lipsa vieții”, ”Familia este mai bună decât gradul care îl deține în cadrul ierarhiei); de aici și interesul
universalismul”. Învățăturile de căpătâi sunt formulate pentru ”mister” al unei largi categorii de oameni dar și
astfel: "tăria peste slăbiciune, mândrie peste umilință și incapacitatea de a înțelege, accepta sau a aprecia
cunoaștere asupra credinței". Odiniștii slujesc zeii ”normalitatea” practicanților a altor categorii; există
educându-și "gândul, curajul, onoarea, lumina și posibilitatea ca după accederea în ”interior” sistemul
frumusețea". Odiniștii extremiști moderni sunt adepți ai valoric să nu mai mulțumească pe noii adepți (mecanism
Wotanismului. psihologic posibil și la Anders Breivik).
5. ORDINUL CAVALERILOR TEMPLIERI (11,12) a 7. EURABIA (15,16) – neologism politic care definește o
apărut în anul 1119 (după prima cruciadă) cu misiunea de a ”teorie a conspirației a elementelor globalizante,
proteja pelerinii din Țara Sfântă; a fost recunoscut de către presupuse a fi conduse de puteri franceze și arabe, de a
Biserica Catolică. În timp, ordinul a ajuns deosebit de islamiza Europa, slăbind astfel cultura existentă”; teoria a
bogat (au inițiat primele ”scrisori de credit”) și puternic. devenit mai acceptată după septembrie 2011. Anders
Templierii s-au aflat uneori în conflict cu celelalte două Behring Breivik, în manifestul ”2083: Declarația
mari ordine creștine, cavalerii ospitalieri și cavalerii europeană de independență”, susține, pe larg, teoria
teutoni (germanici); în condiții și circumstanțe istorice "Eurabia". În verdict cu Breivik, instanța a menționat:
specifice, cavalerii templieri au pierdut, în anul 1302, "mulți oameni împărtășesc teoria conspirației lui Breivik,

Gabriela Costea: ABB – criminalul morvegian. Psihoză versus psihopatie - analiză medico-legală psihiatrică

inclusiv teoria Eurabia. Curtea constată că foarte puțini psihiatriei, dar cu statut autonom (operează cu categorii
oameni împărtășesc ideea lui Breivik că presupusa" științifice proprii raportate la un subiect limitat, dispune
islamizare "ar trebui să fie combătută cu teroare". de metodologii specifice de lucru, stabilește o identitate
8. ORGANIZAȚII NEOFASCISTE: Ulterior, anders științifică între constructele elaborate și realitatea faptică /
Breivik s-a identificat ca susținător al conceptelor fasciste juridică prin criterii științifice delimitate și prin
/ neonaziste și a afirmat că anterior discursul său de tip argumentare logică) (18, 19, 20). Practic, psihiatria
contra-jihad a fost necesar în vederea protejării medico-legală operează cu noțiuni precum capacitate
”etnonaționaliștilor”. psihică, discernământ, periculozitate, competență psihică
9. SERIAL KILLER, MASS-KILLER, SPREE-KILLER specifică etc.; sintagmele specifice se analizează în raport
În funcție de domeniul specialiștilor care abordează tema cu o faptă, în raport cu o situație juridică bine delimitată în
violenței și a crimelor de omor, există o multitudine de care este implicat un individ la un moment dat bine
clasificări ale ”ucigașilor”. Pentru economia articolului nu stabilit; medicii stabilesc condiția psihiatrică / somatică /
sunt necesare discuțiile privind omorul patologic / omorul psihologică apte de a modifica capacitatea psihică a
nepatologic. Raportat la crimele comise de către Anders individului examinat (19,20,21,22,23,24). Psihiatria
Breivik, referirea se face la ucigașii în serie, ucigașii în medico-legală are funcții descriptive și evaluative
masă (ucideri multiple) și la ucigașii ”de ocazie” / ”de (25,26,27,28,29,30) precum și funcții epistemice (a logicii
sindrofie” ( ucideri multiple). Trebuie să reținem că la științifice) care implică aplicarea conceptului ”medicina
ucigași, de regulă, se descrie o stare de ”tensiune” bazată pe dovezi” (31), ”articularea gândirii medico-
antefaptică urmată de o ”stare de liniște” postfaptică (ceea biologice cu gândirea social-juridică” (18,20,32),
ce explică și dificultățile de interpretare a testărilor stabilirea legăturii de cauzalitate între statusul psihiatric și
psihologice. Pentru difernțiere operațională se redau comportament exprimat prin implicație juridică (18),
definițiile general acceptate și agreate de către FBI. integrarea dimensiunilor medicale, antropo-culturale și
”Ucigașii în serie” sunt acei ucigași care comit ”o serie” de socio-juridice într-un concept unic (18,20). Practic,
crime de omor pe o perioadă lungă de timp - uneori, de-a speciliștii în psihiatria medico-legală se referă, în
lungul deceniilor; frecvent se constată un pattern al principal, la un status psihiatric ”atunci și acum” (la
modului de comitere și (mai rar) al tipologiei victimelor; momentul implicării judiciare și la data examinării), la
ucigașii nu au beneficii materiale (ca la alți ucigași cu periculozitatea pendinte de statusul psihiatric și la
crime multiple de tip ”asasini plătiți”); sunt prinși cu necesitatea instituirii, sau nu, a unor măsuri medicale;
dificultate. Studiile multidisciplinare au conchis că aceste concluziile sunt argumentate, pe model integrat
crime sunt comise ”cu discernământ”. Ucigașul ”în multidisciplinar, și răspund la obiectivele instituției care a
masă” comite ucide, ”pe scară largă”, (ex. masacrul solicitat opiniile medicale.
Columbine), cu intenție, un număr mare de oameni aflați, 10.2. În toate țările lumii se efectuează expertize medico-
la un moment dat, într-un singur loc. De la caz la caz, se legale psihiatrice, atât în spețe penale cât și în alte spețe;
poate delimita, uneori, o motivație care ar putea fi acestea sunt reglementate legal, cadrul de efectuare a
caracterizată ca patologică. (totuși, în aceste situații, acestora depinzând de legislația și jurisprudența fiecărei
numărul victimelor este, de regulă, mai mic). ”Spree țări (33). (Tabelul nr. 1)
killer” (ucigaș ocazional, ”de sindrofie”) omoară un Specialiștii care pot efectua expertize medico-legale
număr mare de oameni în două (teoretic, posibil și mai psihiatrice dispuse oficial sunt, de regulă, medici psihiatri
multe) locații diferite, într-o perioadă scurtă de timp (după dar, nu numai; persoanele numite pentru a efectua
prima ”crimă” nu a intervenit perioada de ”liniște” / expertize medico-legale psihiatrice, de regulă, au
”relaxare”). Se discută, la acest tip de ucigași, dominanța certificate de ”competență” sau supraspecializare în
mecanismelor psihologice în detrimentul celor ”psihiatrie medico-legală” (Tabel nr. 2, nr. 3). Experții
sociologice. Mai mult, se consideră că orientarea spre o ”independenți” sunt ”numiți” de către apărare dar
modalitate sau alta de a comite un omor (mai ales mod aprobați, pentru fiecare caz în parte, de către instanțe;
”spree” sau mod ”mass” ar putea fi relaționată și cu tipul experții oficiali, în majoritatea țărilor sunt ”înscriși” pe o
de model matern, intrând în discuție implicarea relației listă de pe care sunt ”aleși” de către instituțiile care dispun
gen-personalitate în comportamentele heteroagresive. expertizarea. Codurile deontologice ale experților sunt,
Precizările cu privire la definire și diferențiere a acestor sau nu, precizate oficial (exemple: Canada are
crime de omor au fost elaborate de către anchetatori reglementări punctuale, bine precizate/delimitate; în
criminaliști (17). În practică, exceptând caracteristicele Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii și Irlandei de Nord codul
cheie, apare dificil de diferențiat (mai ales în ceea ce deontologic al experților ”independenți” era în curs de
privește ”omorul în masă” față de ”spree murder”). Anders finalizare în septembrie 2016). În România, în prezent,
Breivik a comis crimă de omor în centrul capitalei și după calitatea de experți ”independenți” (”experți parte”) pot fi
aproximativ două ore pe o insula dar a motivat prin eșecul (legal) doar medicii legiști dar, în anumite situații,
primei acțiuni, subliniind că avea și planul ”B” (pentru instituțiile care solicită acest tip de expertiză pot aproba,
situația menționată), insula fiind aleasă rațional (era o pentru apărare, prezența la lucrările comisiei de
tabără de vară a tineretului muncitor – adică tineri cu expertizare, a unui ”specialist psihiatru”. Reglementările
orientare de stânga). Din punctul de vedere al psihiatriei legale, în toate țările sunt mai clare în ceea ce privește
medico-legale, aparent, este mai puțin important dacă la ”experții oficiali” (Tabel nr. 2).
Anders Breivik a fost un ”spree killer” sau ”mass killer”, În anul 2005, Comisia Europeană pentru Sănătate și
contând conotațiile psihiatrice în raport cu legislația Protecția Consumatorului a întocmit, în colaborare cu
Norvegiei. Institutul Central de Boli Mintale de la Mannheim o
10. EXPERTIZA MEDICO-LEGALĂ PSIHIATRICĂ cercetare privind legislația si practica tratării infractorilor
10.1. Psihiatria medico-legală este un segment al bolnavi psihici, cercetare la care au participat 15 țări

Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. XIX, No.2, 2017

membre UE, înainte de extensia din anul 2004 . Scopul dinamică, personalitatea premorbidă (pornind de la
studiului a fost de a delimita prevederile legale si genitori), caracteristici comportamentale, atitudini
conceptele, evaluările și practica de rutină, probleme ale specifice, examinare pe functii, investigații și consulturi
respectării drepturilor omului si pacienților, serviciile interdisciplinare, investigații biologice, imagistice etc.,
medico-legale și date epidemiologice. Ca în orice astfel de examinări psihologice specifice, aplicare de scale
proiect, s-au obținut și informații adiacente, corelate logic specifice, precizari diagnostice, opinii cu privire la caz,
cu subiectul cercetării. Axiomatic, s-a considerat : recomandari, discuție de caz, concluzii privind
specialiștii în psihiatrie medico – legală sunt acele raspunsurile la obiective. Stiintific raportul reprezinta o
persoane care se ocupă atât de tulburările mintale ale prezentare de caz. Raportul de evaluare are valoare
infractorilor (sau ale altor persoane care au probleme individuala si stiintifica generala. In toate tarile se
judiciare) cât și de istoricul lor infracțional / juridic, în aria subliniaza atitudinea neutra a medicului si prudenta
de competență intrând evaluarea stării mintale, întocmirea deontologica (in cazurile penale, persoana evaluata se
unui raport scris, expertiza testimoniară, tratamentul poate apara prin negarea faptei, situatie care trebuie
acestui segment de bolnavi, cunoașterea legislației privind reflectata in continutul raportului sau pacientul refuza
sănătatea mintală. (34). Sub aspectul cunoașterii evaluarea, aspect ce, deasemenea se mentioneaza, fiind
legislatiei se constată ca în cele 15 țări europene care au urmata de descrierea comportamentului). Se constata,
participat la proiect, prevederile legale sunt pendinte astfel, ca diferentele apar mai ales in terminologie,
majoritar de Codul Penal Roman (exceptând Regatul Unit prevederi redundante, esenta continutului raportului fiind
si Irlanda), de sistemele naționale de sănătate și de similara in cele 15 tari. Tendinta actuala este de evaluare
asigurările de sănătate, naționale sau private (Austria, cat mai aprofundata, cu accent pe analiza riscurilor si a
Belgia, Franta, Germania, Luxemburg, Olanda). cazurilor victimologice. In ceea ce priveste formatul
Terminologia vizând conceptele psihiatrice la care se rapoartelor, ca atare, tendinta este de specificitate pe grupe
refera prevederile legale diferă (Tabel nr.1), are, frecvent, de varsta, sex, tip de cauze, gravitatea faptelor. Se asteapta
caracter redundant și reflectă atât concepțiile fiecărei țări de la aceste evaluari posibilitatea analizelor predictive.
cât și flexibilitate scazuta în acordarea la concepte 10.3. În ceea ce privește formatul expertizelor
medicale moderne. Totuși, se remarcă efortul de asimilare medico-legale psihiatrice (în speța analizată), atât în
a unei nosologii mai apropiate celei moderne, mai ales pe România cât și în Norvegia se analizează / se solicită
segmentele în care definitiile sunt acordate la instrumente aceleași informații (47,48,49) dar în Norvegia nu există
internaționale. În practică, ca expresie a unei bune (ca în România) comentarii privind baza legală a
colaborari intre justitie si medicina, se folosesc, solicitărilor experților și nici nu se impune efectuarea
obligatoriu, instrumentele ICD cu permiterea apelării și la expertizei în baza doar a anumitor documente sau a
alte instrumente precum ”DSM”, experții acordând, anumitor pagini. În Norvegia, experții alcătuiesc planul
explicativ, aceste instrumente, la formularea concluziilor. activității de expertizare și, comform normelor legale,
Expertizele / evaluarile sunt dispuse, in majoritatea țărilor acționează direct în vederea obținerii informațiilor
de catre instanțe. Marea majoritate a tarilor nu precizeaza, necesare; în România, experții nu se pot implica activ
i n l e g i s l a t i e , n r. d e e x p e r t i . ( t a b e l n r. 3 ) (exceptând documentația medicală psihiatrică cu privire
(35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46). In majoritatea la care există prevederi legale) în obținerea informațiilor;
tarilor, expertii sunt medici psihiatri cu pregatire in ca atare, rol activ, în acest sens, îl pot avea doar instituțiile
psihiatria medico – legala (pregătirea durând, de la țară la care solicită expertiza. Astfel, în speța ”Anders Breivik”,
țară, între 1 și 3 ani, medicii care se pregatesc pentru o formatele expertizelor medico-legale psihiatrice
asemena specializare trebuind sa indeplineasca si alte (comparativ Norvegia – România) arată astfel:
conditii). 10.3.1. PRIMA EXPERTIZĂ MEDICO-
In baza normelor legale prezentate sumar, se intocmesc LEGALĂ PSIHIATRICĂ – NORVEGIA: 1. Formalități /
rapoarte de evaluare. In toate tarile enumerate, exista 1.1 Mandatul / 1.2 Taxe / 2. Documentația de bază / 2.1
prevederi legale cu privire la aceste rapoarte si la formatul Evaluarea documentelor de poliție care trebuie raportate
lor (33). Prevederile comune vizeaza cauzele in care se fac în declarația psihiatrică legalizată / 2.2 Observație
evaluari, cu accent crescut pentru cauzele penale cu preliminară / 2.3 Declarațiile victimelor / 2.3.1 Victimele
infracțiuni de violență, maltratare – abuzuri fizice si legate de actele criminale de către clădirile guvernului /
psihice – rele tratamente, cauze victimologice, 2.3.2 Victimele legate de actele criminale de la Utøya / 2.4
competența, capacitatea de a răspunde în fața instanței și Declarațiile lui Breivik către poliție / 2.4.1 Explicație din
de a urma regimul de detenție fara repercursiuni negative 22 iulie 2011, doc. / 2.4.2 Rezumatul incarcerii 23 iulie /
asupra sănătății psihice. Obligatoriu, in cauzele penale se 2.5 Rezumatul interogării persoanei aflate sub observație
evalueaza potențialul agresiv, riscurile de comportament pe DVD 20 / 2.5.1 Interogarea înregistrată pe CD din data
violent si de recidivă. Obligatoriu, aprecierile asupra de 22 iulie 2011 20 / 2.5.2 Interogarea în continuare a
riscurilor se fac de catre medici. In toate tarile se persoanei aflate sub observație înregistrată pe DVD 21 /
precizează, pe larg, capitolul introductiv care cuprinde 2.6 Examinarea martorilor / 2.6.2 Martor XXXXX,
date pașaportale ale persoanei examinate, modul de jumătate sora din partea tatălui persoanei aflate sub
adresabilitate privind persoana evaluata. Se stipuleaza observație, doc. / 2.6.3 Martor, XXXXX, cel mai apropiat
obligativitatea mentionarii surselor de informatii. In ceea prieten al persoanei aflate sub observație, doc. /2.6.4
ce privește evaluarea psihiatrică, majoritatea țărilor nu o Martor XXXXX, prieten al persoanei aflate sub
detaliază prin norme legale dar ea trebuie efectuată în așa observație, / 2.6.5 Martor XXXXX, prieten al persoanei
fel încât să răspundă dezideratelor evaluării. Absența unei aflate sub observație, / 2.6.6 Martor XXXXX, prietena
detalieri impune respectarea standardelor psihiatrice, unui prieten al persoanei aflate sub observație, / 2.6.7
prevazute de WPA, ceea ce înseamnă că se analizează, în Martor XXXXX, prieten al persoanei aflate sub

Gabriela Costea: ABB – criminalul morvegian. Psihoză versus psihopatie - analiză medico-legală psihiatrică

observație, / 2.6.8 Martor XXXXX, prieten al persoanei medico-legale privind psihiatria / 24. Concluzie.
aflate sub observație, /2.6.9 Martor XXXXX, 10.3. NOUA EXPERTIZĂ MEDICO - LEGALĂ
cunoașterea persoanei aflate sub observație, / 2.6.11 PSIHIATRICĂ – ROMÂNIA: Preambul (comform prev.
Martor XXX, fost prieten, / 2.6.12 Alți martori cu Codului de procedură)/ A. Istoric comform documentației
cunoștințe personale ale persoanei aflate sub observație / înaintate / I. Motivarea solicitării unei noi expertize
2.6.13 Martorii pe continent (Utøya doc 09,01,01, medico-legale psihiatrice / II.. Obiectivele expertizei / III.
09,01,02 și 09,01,15) / 2.6.14 Utøya: Raportul șefului Istoricul faptei / 1. Comportament antefaptic / 2. Mod de
operațiunii de poliție Gåsbakk, doc. 07,01,01 / 2.7 comitere a faptei / 3. Comportament postfaptic / IV.
Serviciul de bunăstare a copilului / Serviciul de asistență Declarațiile expertizatului în fazele de anchetă / judecată /
socială / Psihiatria copilului și adolescentului / 2.7.1 Caz V. Declarații martori / VI. Antecedente penale / VII.
de îngrijire a copilului 1981-1984 2 /2.7.2 Cazul custodiei Consum de substanțe psihoactive / VIII Evaluări / anchete
copilului 1983 / 2.7.3 Cazul de îngrijire a copiilor 1994- sociale / IX. Alte informații privind istoricul / X.
1995 / 2.8 Compendiu scris de subiect, denumit și Documente medico-legale/ XI . Documente medicale / B.
manifestul / 2.8.1 Ipoteze pentru revizuirea de către Constatările comisiei / I. Date anamnestice și de
experți a compendiului / 2.8.2 Observație importantă: / personalitate premorbidă / II. Internare în vederea
2.8.4 Considerații speciale / 2.9 Avizul expertului din expertizării (dacă este cazul) / III. Examenul stării psihice
partea Autorității de Sănătate Publică privind intoxicația / prezente / IV. Investigații complementare / C. Discuția
2.10 Raport Laborator (Laboratorul norvegian pentru cazului / D. Aprecieri asupra periculozității / riscurilor
analize doping) / 2.11 Scrisoare adresată mamei de la sora (inclusive de recidivă) / E / recomandări special (dacă este
subiectului, din 2009 sau 2010 / 3. Informații obținute / 3.1 cazul) / F. Răspunsuri punctuale la obiective / Concluzii.
Medicul generalist XXXXX / 3.2 Urmărirea serviciului Deoarece, în România, experții nu au rol activ în
de sănătate la închisoarea Ila / 3.3 SC SCAN / 4. Interviuri obținerea informațiilor, formatul prevede (din motive
cu persoane care cunosc tema / 4.1 Interviu cu mama deontologice) separarea netă a informațiilor avute la
subiectului de către ambii experți la 14 august 2011 / 4.2 dispoziție (înaintate initial și/sau solicitate și primate) de
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx / 5. Contextul și mărturia subiectului / constatările comisiei; discuția cazului este integrată. În
5.1. Primul interviu acordat ambilor experți la 10 august România obiectivele sunt formulate de către instituția care
2011. / 5.2 Al doilea interviu efectuat de ambii experți la solicită expertiza în timp ce în Norvegia obiectivele se
12 august 2011 / 5.3 Al treilea interviu efectuat de către referă la articole de lege.
ambii experți la 23 august 2011 / 5.4 A patrulea interviu CAZUL ANDERS BEHRING BREIVIK
efectuat de ambii experți la 25 august 2011 / 5.5 Cel de-al Deoarece cele două expertize medico legale
cincilea interviu efectuat de ambii experți la 30 august psihiatrice au un total de aproximativ 250 de pagini nu le
2011/ vom prezenta în baza propriilor structuri ale acestora ci în
5.6 Cel de-al șaselea interviu acordat ambilor experți la 1 baza ”faptelor”, prezentarea fiind organizată,
septembrie 2011 / 5.7 A șaptea conversație cu ambii aproximativ, comform formatului românesc.
experți la 5 septembrie 2011 / 5.8 Cea de-a opta I. GENERALITĂȚI
conversație cu ambii experți, la 13 septembrie 2011 72 La data de 22 iulie 2011, Anders Breivik a parcat o
/5.9 Cea de-a noua conversație cu ambii experți din 16 mașină încărcată cu explozibili în fața Biroului primului
septembrie 2011/ 5.10 A zecea conversație cu ambii ministru norvegiande la Oslo și a detonat explozibilul; în
experți la 20 septembrie 2011 78 explozie au fost uciși 8 oameni; a parasit locația și a plecat,
5.11 Cea de a unsprezecea convorbire cu ambii experți la înarmat, pe insula Utøya unde se afla o tabără a Ligii
22 septembrie 2011 / 5.12 A douăsprezecea conversație cu Tinerilor Muncitori; a început să tragă, ucigând 69 de
ambii experți la 2 noiembrie 2011/ 5.13 A treisprezecea tineri cu vîrste cuprinse între 15 și 19 ani. La sosirea
conversație cu expertul Husby la 21 noiembrie 2011/ 6. polițiștilor s-a predat. A fost arestat imediat. În aceeași zi,
Psihometrie / 6.1 Selectarea Testelor / 6.2. Evaluarea anterior atacului din Oslo, Anders Breivik a lăsat pe P.C.
globală a funcționării (GAF) / 6.4 SCID 1 / 6.5 MADRS / un ”manuscris” caracterizat de către autor ca fiind
6.6 YMRS / 7. SINTEZA / 8. DISCUȚIE / EVALUARE / ”manifest politic” și denumit ”2083 – O declarație
8.1 INTRODUCERE / 8.3 RĂSPUNSUL DETALIAT LA europeană a independenței”; manifestul fusese diseminat
MANDAT / 9. CONCLUZIE . și pe internet.
10.3.2. A II – a EXPERTIZĂ MEDICO- Anders Breivik s-a născut la Oslo, la data de
LEGALĂ PSIHIATRICĂ – NORVEGIA: 1. Formalități / 13.02.1979; mai este cunoscut sub numele de Anders
2. Observații generale / 3. Mandatul / 4. [cenzurat] / 5. Berwik, Sigurd Jordalfare (în cadrul ”Ligii Norvegiene de
Extrase din documentele relevante / 6. Documentația de Apărare” ) și Andersnordic (în cadrul organizației ”World
aprobare (ministere) / 7. Testele privind utilizarea clinică of Warcraft”). La data arestării s-a declarat adept al
și avizul experților / 8. Interogarea acuzatului / 9. Bisericii Creștine Norvegiene.
Manifestul / 10. Condiții economice / 11. Interogarea La data de 28.07.2011, Curtea Districtuală Oslo a
familiei, etc. / 12. Interogarea prietenilor / faimosilor / dispus efectuarea unei expertize medico-legale
cunoscuți psihiatrice; dispoziția a fost complectată la data de
13. Intrebarea martorilor / victimelor, diverse / 14. 11.08.2011; la data de 29.10.2011, raportul a fost înaintat
Informații privind sănătatea / 15. Observarea forțată a Curții (cu precizarea că în perioada de efectuare a
actului de procedură penală / 16. Ideologie, istorie și expertizei, cei doi medici psihiatri nu au mai avut altă
politică / 17. Examinarea de către experți a observațiilor / activitate). În mod normal rapoartele de expertiză medico-
18. Investigații suplimentare / 19. Psihometrie / legală psihiatrică nu sunt publice dar sub presiunea
20. Rezumat / 21. Evaluarea diagnosticului / 22. populației atât rapoartele cât și rechizitoriul au fost
Răspunsul mandatului / 23. Sub rezerva declarației publicate.

Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. XIX, No.2, 2017

II. PRIMUL RAPORT DE EXPERTIZĂ aplică sancțiunile speciale în caz de nebunie psihică
1. Obiectivele raportului au fost precizate comform 7. Dacă experții consideră că Breivik era într-o stare
legislației norvegiene (47): descrisă în Codul Penal § 44 sau dacă există îndoieli în
”1. Experții sunt rugați să ia în considerare elementele legătură cu acest lucru, ei sunt rugați să investigheze
enumerate mai jos, ca parte a unui examen psihiatric prognosticul bolii / afecțiunii. Experții sunt rugați să ia în
criminalistic. Experții pot coopera în pregătirea considerare ce tratament și ce alte măsuri sunt necesare
declarației scrise, dar se presupune că aceștia fac evaluări pentru a obține un prognoză optimă, îmbunătățirea pe care
independente. Trebuie să fie descris în mod clar modul în o poate realiza și timpul necesar pentru aceasta. Sprijinul
care experții au lucrat și în ce domenii pot avea evaluări pe care Breivik îl poate obține din sistemul de sănătate va
diferite. Trebuie să existe o referință sursă pentru toate fi examinat în mod special. De asemenea, experții sunt
informațiile incluse în declarație (de exemplu, informații rugați să examineze prognosticul, inclusiv riscul viitoarei
din documentele de caz, dosarele de sănătate și persoanele violențe, dacă Breivik nu primește un astfel de tratament /
care cunosc persoanele aflate sub observație [în urmărire”.
continuare Breivik, remarca traducătorului]). Toate 2. Concluziile raportului
concluziile trebuie să fie justificate. Incertitudinile din Experții au concluzionat că ”acuzatul” prezintă
evaluări ar trebui subliniate. Dacă experții trebuie să își ”psihoză paranoidă”, a fost psihotic la data comiterii
bazeze aprecierea asupra perceperii faptelor cauzei, care faptelor și în perioada examinărilor (în număr de 13) și
nu sunt ușor evidente din documente sau care pot fi incerte prezintă pericol de sinucidere și de heteroagresivitate.
sau contestate, acest lucru trebuie menționat explicit. 3. Experții își susțin concluziile astfel:
Apoi, ar trebui să apară și dacă evaluarea experților ar fi 3.1. Examinări psihiatrice: la toate interviurile, experții au
fost diferită dacă s-ar fi aplicat un alt fapt. Dacă este nevoie constatat absnța modificărilor perceptuale, existența unor
de investigații suplimentare pentru a identifica premisele idei de supraevaluare, absența simptomelor depresive,
evaluării psihiatrice medico-legale, experții pot contacta abesnța empatiei, modificări de limbaj, în sensul ”crearii”
procurorul poliției Kraby la districtul de poliție din Oslo. unor ”noțiuni” (cuvinte neuzuale în vocabularul
2. Experții vor examina clinic viața lui Breivik înainte, în norvegian). În ceea ce privește personalitatea premorbidă,
timpul și după faptele infracționale, cu un accent special experții s-au referit doar la faptul că, în copilărie, a fost în
pe comportament, inclusiv funcționarea psihologică și atenția serviciului social dar fără a se lua hotărârea de a fi
socială și orice posibilă evoluție a bolii, precum și asistat de către stat. Experții au luat notă de antecedente de
tratamentul. Trebuie obținute informații relevante. Cea abuz de steroizi. Examinările psihologice dispuse au
mai recentă versiune a sistemului internațional de constat doar în SCID I (secțiunea referitoare la ”psihoze”,
diagnosticare (trecut ICD-10) trebuie utilizată pentru teste privind afectivitatea (ex. MADRS)(?); experții au
diagnosticarea și diagnosticul diferențial relevant pentru apreciat GAFS = 23 (?). Discuția cazului a fost făcută pe
evaluarea psihiatrică medico-legală. Dacă mandatul modelul DSM IV (cu detalierea tuturor ”modulelor”) dar
conține întrebări referitoare la prognoză, experții trebuie în concluzii se referă la ICD 10. Concluziile sunt stufoase,
să descrie în mod specific metoda utilizată în cadrul reluând informații din conținutul raportului (un total de
anchetei și care sunt posibilele surse de eroare. Dacă este 104 pagini) și din ”discuția cazului”. Aprecierile
necesară o investigație sau o testare suplimentară pentru a psihiatrice nu sunt susținute de exemplificări
răspunde mandatului, experții sunt rugați să realizeze 3.2. Aprecieri cu privire la ”Manifest” și susținerea ideilor
acest lucru. Dacă experții sunt de părere că un alt expert ar de grandoare și ”paranoia”:
trebui să efectueze un astfel de raport intermediar, ” Experții subliniază faptul că nu au luat poziție cu privire
autoritatea delegatoare trebuie să fie contactată pentru la mesajul politic sau la punctul de vedere al subiectului.
aprobare. Evaluarea sancțiunii și posibilele motive pentru Acest lucru este, evident, dincolo de mandatul experților.
reducerea sancțiunilor De asemenea, experții nu au calificări pentru a evalua
3. Experții sunt rugați să ia în considerare dacă Breivik a calitatea literară a compendiului sau calitatea materialelor
fost psihopat, inconștient sau handicapat mental într-un pe care le-a citat sau le-a produs în alt mod. Pentru experți,
grad înalt la momentul actelor criminale (Codul Penal § în compendiu a fost o preocupare egocentrică, care a avut
44). importanță și interes, și anume importanța percepută a
4. În cazul în care experții concluzionează că Breivik nu subiectului, atît derivată direct din evenimentele istorice,
era într-o situație menționată la alineatul (3), trebuie să ia cît și importanța sa ulterioară, dată de sine, pentru Europa
în considerare dacă Breivik la momentul faptelor și lume. …. Experții au fost imediat nedumeriți de
infracționale: conceptul compendiului. Subiectul a proclamat intenția
A avut o tulburare mentală gravă, cu o capacitate …. salvarea Europei de la multiculturalism și preluarea
semnificativ afectată de a evalua realist relația sa cu lumea islamică și el a spus experților că răspândirea
exterioară, deși nu a fost psihotică sau a fost retardat ușor, compendiului a fost scopul său final al întregii operații. Cu
sau a acționat sub o perturbare puternică a conștiinței toate acestea, el a avut mai multe abordări față de acesta
(Codul penal § 56 c). din urmă. … experții consideră că este rezonabil să pună la
5. Dacă experții cred că Breivik la momentul actelor îndoială motivele pentru care a fost elaborat un astfel de
criminale a avut o perturbare a conștiinței care intră sub text. …. Modul în care acest lucru apare experților,
incidența Codului Penal, §§ 44 sau 56 c, motivul compendiul, atât în ​ansamblul său, cât și în detaliu, … dă
(motivele) pentru aceasta trebuie să fie investigat. Experții suspiciuni clare despre iluzii de bază și subiacente de
nu trebuie să se pronunțe asupra faptului dacă perturbarea grandoare. O astfel de egocentricitate poate fi foarte bine
conștiinței a fost provocată de sine. explicată ca o funcție a lipsei distanței și a autocriticii în
6. Experții sunt rugați să ia în considerare dacă Breivik a amăgirea de bază a măreției. Acest lucru se reflectă în
fost psihotic la momentul investigației. În plus, dacă se modul în care subiectul își tratează importanța și felul în

Gabriela Costea: ABB – criminalul morvegian. Psihoză versus psihopatie - analiză medico-legală psihiatrică

care, în cele din urmă, ajunge să se numească ca moașă a prin contactele cu el în conversațiile noastre și în cursul
noii ere și a noii Europe. … atenția și interesul experților interogatoriului, că de fapt, atât din punct de vedere
au fost secțiunile privind proiectarea și construcția emoțional, cât și în realitate are percepția despre război,
comunității pe care el o descrie ca fiind Cavalerii distrugere și propria sarcină de salvare. Subiectul se
Templieri, …. Experții observă pasiunea și fascinația descrie ca fiind într-o situație cu doar două rezultate:
evidentă cu care subiectul teoretic "construiește" o distrugerea culturii și a existenței sale sau mântuirea prin
organizație cu premii și decorațiuni până la cele mai mici martiriul și victoria pe termen lung, cu victoria finală din
detalii. Inspirat în primul rând de tradiția militară a SUA, anul 2083”. (NOTĂ: manifestul are aproape 1800 pagini)
el folosește o mulțime de timp și spațiu pentru a crea o 3.3. Experții afirmă: ”Subiectul nu este capabil să
glorificare ierarhică a eroilor și a martirilor, de asemenea recunoască sau să-și descrie propriile sentimente. Apare
în conformitate cu martiriul islamic și pe un fundal astfel cu alexitimie și expresie emoțională proeminentă.
medieval. …. În compendiul său, subiectul se descrie ca … Subiectul crede că motivul pentru execuții este de a
având o importanță națională viitoare în calitate de reorganiza scara politică. El se așteaptă ca acțiunile sale să
comandant național al Marelui Maestru Cavaler sau o conducă la simpatia și sprijinul milioanelor de europeni și
importanță europeană - comandant pan-european al că politicile sale vor fi orientarea politică dominantă a
Marelui Cavaler. Subiectul a dobândit un fel de uniformă viitorului. Ideile sunt considerate ca iluzii grandioase.
și, cu toată seriozitatea, a fost fotografiat, decorat cu El subliniază faptul că motivul principal al uciderilor a
medaliile pe care el crede că le merită. Imaginea face parte fost că operațiunea îmi exprimă iubirea față de poporul și
din concluzia compendiului și este pusă împreună cu poze țara mea și va contribui la eliminarea răului din țară. El
ale lui în poziția de luptă. …. Pentru experți, părțile crede că, în ciuda riscului perceput pentru propria viață, s-
interviului care se concentrează asupra clarificării a sacrificat pentru poporul său. El crede că înregistrările
detaliate a opiniilor politice ale subiectului sunt de o acțiunilor sale în această perioadă vor oferi îndrumări
importanță mai mică. …. Descrierile subiectului amintesc pentru acțiuni similare viitorilor revoluționari. Ideile sunt
de figurile istorice / religioase anterioare ….”; Experții considerate ca iluzii grandioase. … El a avut planuri
citează din ”manifest”: ” Întotdeauna voi ști că sunt diferite, inclusiv aruncarea în aer a clădirii guvernului,
probabil cel mai mare campion al conservatorismului detonarea la castelul regal și uciderea familiei regale,
cultural, pe care Europa l-a avut vreodată din 1950. Sunt uciderea Blitzers, ziarul Dagsavisen și la sediul partidului
unul dintre multele distrugătoare ale marxismului cultural socialist. El descrie, de asemenea, gânduri persistente cu
și, ca atare, un erou al Europei, un salvator al poporului privire la declanșarea convenției naționale a Partidului
nostru și al creștinismului european - implicit. Un Laburist și a conferinței pentru jurnaliști din cadrul
exemplu perfect care trebuie copiat, aplaudat și sărbătorit Grupului…. Experții au întâmpinat ocazional dificultăți în
… mi-am dorit întotdeauna să fiu cavalerul perfect. Un urmărirea subiectului. În unele părți ale conversației, el
Justice Knight este un distrugător al multiculturalismului pare să aibă o tulburare moderată de asociere și o tulburare
și, ca atare, un distrugător al răului și un purtător de de gândire formală sub forma perseverenței. Nu există o
lumină. Voi ști că am făcut tot ce am putut pentru a opri și a latență sau un blocaj de gândire în timpul conversației.
inversa genocidul cultural și demografic european și Subiectul apare complet fără gânduri depresive sub formă
pentru a pune capăt islamizării Europei”. Experții de vină, rușine, deznădejde sau gânduri despre propria
comentează: ” compendiul poate apărea similar cu modul moarte prin sinucidere. El neagă experiența tristeții, lipsa
în care salvatorii anteriori au fost descriși în cărțile de bucurie, inițiativa redusă sau lipsa de inițiativă. Nu
asociate. Se poate vedea asemănarea cu Biblia, care este, există, așadar, nici o dovadă de stare depresivă. …
de asemenea, împărțită în cărți diferite. Compendiul Discursul subiectului este coerent și cu o sintaxă normală.
conține numeroase descrieri care evocă asociații cu iluzii El este "afectiv stabil". Nu există nici o dovadă de lipsă de
religioase, cum ar fi grandoarea. Exemple sunt cei 12 control al impulsurilor, nici verbal, nici fizic. Nu există,
fondatori ai Templului Cavalerilor din Londra (care așadar, nici o dovadă a unei dispoziții ridicate.Subiectul
amintesc de cei 12 discipoli ai lui Isus), ispitele altora, apare fără suspiciune clinică de a fi intoxicat. Subiectul
aspectul salvării, pregătirea pentru martiriu și împărțirea neagă că are gânduri sau planuri de sinucidere”.
unei sticle de vin cu rudele apropiate înainte de martiriu. 3.4. Aprecieri ale experților: ” Subiectul începe să
…”. (de remarcat că experții au crezut ca Breivik se referă acționeze în conformitate cu amăgirile sale la începutul
la o persoană și nu la prioria cavalerilor templieri din anului 2010, cu achiziții și planificarea acțiunilor armate.
Londra). …. Fără a intra în hotărârile politice ale În ultimele optsprezece luni înainte de acțiunile criminale,
subiectului, experții observă că percepția sa asupra stării și-a dedicat tot timpul și atenția universului său delirant,
Europei și a statului Norvegiei este extremă. Multe dintre iar mama lui confirmă simptome extinse, comportament
interpretările și afirmațiile sale nu sunt fundamentate. vizibil și lipsă de abilități de comunicare până la
Totuși, se pare că cea mai mare parte a acestui material este evenimentele actuale. Subiectul recunoaște că a efectuat
mai degrabă o aplicație a curenților politici existenți decât acțiunile penale. Acțiunile sunt considerate a fi în corelație
o creație proprie, deoarece multe dintre ele sunt tăiate și directă cu lumea delirantă în care percepe că este într-un
lipite de pe diferite site-uri web și surse istorice. Aceasta război civil, cu amenințarea cu dispariția rasei sale,
înseamnă că citatele și concluziile sale sunt împărtășite de precum și cu frica de violență și genocidul a ceea ce el
un număr de persoane din Norvegia și din alte părți ale descrie ca popor al meu. El susține că are responsabilitatea
Europei. de a decide cine va trăi și va muri în țară. Universul său
Cu toate acestea, experții sunt afectați de intensitatea extrem de egocentric, cu aproape toate ideile de măreție,
terminologiei de război a subiectului și de experiența și caracterizează toate aprecierile și aparența sa, indiferent
descrierea sa de a fi într-un război care duce la actele de context, și apoi devine forța motrice a acțiunilor sale
criminale. Experții pot constata, atât în ​compendiu, cât și din 22 iulie 2011. Nu există dovezi ale modificărilor

Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. XIX, No.2, 2017

abrupte sau intermitente ale simptomelor psihotice ale mama până în anul 2009. Din adolescență a consumat
subiectului în perioada anterioară evenimentelor actuale. steroizi pentru ”condiție fizică” (cerințe ale odiniștilor); a
Astfel, nu există nici o dovadă că schimbarea simptomelor jucat, exagerat jocuri video (World of Warcraft și Modern
subiectului a fost modificată ca urmare a administrării Warfare 2); la vârsta de 30 de ani sora sa îi scria,
steroizilor sau a stiva revigorantă a medicamentelor ECA exasperată, mamei, că nu se lasă de acest ”viciu”. După 20
înainte de actele criminale. Pe baza descrierilor, experții de ani a călătorit mult și a intrat în contact cu cercuri
constată că manifestarea simptomelor sale rămâne extremiste; s-a înscris în Ordinul Cavalerilor Templieri
neschimbată înainte de acțiunile penale și de-a lungul (varianta modernă) înaintând în ierarhie; și-a procurat
întregii investigații. Concluzia este că subiectul este singur îmbrăcămintea (aspect simbolic al ordinului); a
considerat a fi fost psihotic la momentul acțiunilor cochetat cu ”odiniștii” dar ”nu s-a putut identifica cu
criminale și că a fost psihopat în timpul observării”. aceștia” deși a apreciat cultul martiriului. A activat ca
4. Concluzii finale: ” După efectuarea unei blogger extremist și a aderat la diferite grupări extremiste
examinări psihiatrice medico-legale a lui Behring Anders (a se vedea capitolul ”introducere” de la începutul
Breivik, născut la 13/02/79, experții găsesc următoarele: I. articolului). În mediul virtual și al diferitelor grupări
În ceea ce privește nebunia psihică (§ 44) 1. Subiectul a extremiste europene era cunoscut ca un extremist sever
fost psihotic la momentul actelor criminale; (”îi știam numele dar nu știam cine e”). A activat pe site-ul
2. Subiectul a fost psihotic în timpul observării; 3. ”Document. no” cu nume real până în anul 2009 dar se
Subiectul nu a fost inconștient la momentul actelor consideră că apoi a scris sub alt nume. Exemple de postări:
criminale; 4. Subiectul nu este întârziat mental într-un ”musulmanii ca naziștii” … „Mi se pare ipocrit să tratezi
grad înalt; II. PRIVIND CODUL PENAL § 56 C: 1. musulamnii, naziștii și marxiștii în mod diferit”, își
Subiectul nu a acționat sub tulburarea puternică a începea mesajul. „Sunt toți susținători ai ideologiilor
conștiinței; 2. Subiectul nu este retardat mental” bazate pe ură. Nu toți musulmanii, naziștii sau marxiștii
III. REACȚII LA RAPORT sunt conservatori, cei mai mulți sunt moderați. Dar
Inițial,”Comisia medico-legală” din cadrul Consiliului contează asta? Un nazist moderat, să spunem, după ce s-ar
regal de Medicină Legală” nu a reacționat la conținutul și confrunta cu o fraudă, ar putea alege să devină
concluziile raportului. Opinia publică și numeroși conservator. Un musulman moderat poate, după ce i se
psihiatri norvegieni și străini au criticat concluziile refuză intrarea într-un club, să devină conservator etc. Este
raportului stipulând, în principal, nerecunoașterea de către clar că susținătorii moderați ai unor ideologii bazate pe ură
experți a subculturii ideologice extremiste; s-au sesizat și vor decide la un moment dat să devină conservatori.
contradicțiile din conținutul raportului (49). A fost Islamismul a dus la moartea a 300 de milioane de oameni,
analizat, de către psihiatri / psihologi etc. ”manifestul”. comunismul la moartea a o sută de milioane, nazismul la
Personalul penitenciarului (inclusiv cadre medicale și moartea a 6-20 de milioane de oameni. Toate ideologiile
psihologi) au declarant că Anders Breivik nu are un bazate pe ură ar trebui tratate în mod egal”; ” Patriotismul e
comportament ”psihotic”. Comisia medico-legală a numit azi extremist”; „Ce o să facă globalizarea și
reanalizat raportul și informațiile și a dispus efectuarea modernizarea împotriva imigrării în masă a
unei alte expertize. musulmanilor”, ... „Sau poate n-ați auzit de Japonia sau
IV. EXAMINATUL ANDERS BREIVIK Coreea de sud? Aceste țări sunt exemple de succes și
Din informațiile trecute în revistă se pot sintetiza regimuri moderne care au respins multiculturalismul în
următoarele: anii 70. (...) Poți numi o singură țară unde
1.Informații relevante privind personalitatea premorbidă a multiculturalismul a reușit unde a fost și islamul implicat?
subiectului expertizei: Singurul exemplu istoric de succes al multiculturalismului
S-a născut la Oslo, din familie organizată (tatăl economist în societate sunt SUA, dar acolo minoritățile nu sunt
la ambasada Norvegiei de islamice”…. „Problema cu Europa este că a pierdut
la Londra, mama asistentă medicală); primul an a locuit la Războiul Rece încă din 1950, din momentul în care le-au
Londra; părinții divorțând a rămas în grija mamei fiind permis marxiștilor/ anti-naționaliștilor să-și facă de cap
crescut și educat la Oslo. A fost un elev mediocru. În jurul (...). Rezultatul, în Norvegia și Suedia este că atitudinea
vârstei de 11 ani a prezentat tulburări de conduita, fiind marxistă extremistă a ajuns să fie acceptată zi de zi, în timp
monitorizat de instituțiile de protectie a copilului și ce fostul sistem de adevăruri patriotice și conservatorism e
adolescentului; nu s-a luat măsura de scoatere din familie. numit azi extremist (de către marxiști și umaniști)”
Ambii părinți s-au recăsătorit având frați de la ambii (postare, 30 decembrie 2009) … ” „O zonă liberă de
părinți (relațiile fiind inconstante, în funcție de musulmani este: 1. Acolo unde o femeie non-musulmană
comportamentul său). În jurul vârstei de 15 ani a intrat beată se poate plimba pe stradă fără să fie amenințată cu
într-un anturaj nefavorabil și a prezentat tulburări de violul, jaful, hărțuirea, violența. 2. E un loc unde tinerii
conduită dar a fost o singură dată cercetat de poliție fără a care nu sunt musulmani se pot plimba fără să fie în pericol
fi sancționat / pedepsit; a renunțat singur la acest anturaj; să fie hărțuiți de găști de musulmani sau indivizi
după aceste evenimente, relațiile cu tatăl (stabilit în musulmani. 3. E o zonă unde cei care nu sunt musulmani
Franța) s-au intrerupt (fiecare afirmând că celălalt le-a se pot exprima liber, în cele trei forme (religios, sexual,
intrerupt). Un coleg a afirmat că susnumitul i-a povestit, cultural) fără amenințarea iminentă că vor fi hărțuiți
în detaliu, cum a chinuit o pisică dar A. Breivik. a negat. A psihologic”. S-a înscris în partidul norvegian de extremă
absolvit liceul economic. La 20 de ani a câștigat ”primul dreaptă dar a fost scos din evidență pentru neplata
million” din ”afaceri”; ulterior a mai câștigat dar a și cotizației. Asculta muzică cu tematică extremist –
pierdut mulți bani prin afaceri riscante (acest aspect a fost naționalistă și violentă. Citea cărți cu aceeași tematică dar
probat și nu poate fi caracterizat ca idei de tip expansiv sau engramarea acestora apare ca nepotrivită, nivelul de
mitomanie). A trăit mai mult din expediente. A locuit cu ”cultură” fiind submediocru (de unde uzitarea unui

Gabriela Costea: ABB – criminalul morvegian. Psihoză versus psihopatie - analiză medico-legală psihiatrică

amalgam de noțiuni). Necăsătorit, fără copii. Se descria vizite mai multe din partea personalului penitenciarului
creștin, conservator, patriot, antifeminism, antimarxist, pentru a sta de vorbă). A. Breivik a sesizat Curtea
antiislamic cu concepții antimulticulturale. Era pasionat Drepturilor Omului și pentru unele dintre cereri a avut
de vânătoare. câștig de cauză.
2.Comportament antefaptic general 5.5. În vederea efectuării celei de a doua experize, a fost
În anul 2009 și-a cumpărat o fermă în estul Norvegiei, monitorizat (inclusiv video) timp de trei săptămîni;
folosită drept paravan pentru a comanda mari cantități de personalul care l-a monitorizat (inclusiv psiholog, medici
nitrat de amoniu, (îngrășământ chimic, utilizat în generaliști) și casetele video nu au evidențiat
producerea de bombe artizanale).Era caracterizat drept comportament psihotic.
fermier ”de oraș” în sensul că nu se pricepea și nu se V. A I I - a E X P E RT I Z Ă M E D I C O - L E G A L Ă
preocupa de fermă. În această perioadă a scris PSIHIATRICĂ
”manifestul” care exprimă cu claritate: antiislamismul, 1. Comisia Medico- Legală a înaintat observații la raportul
antimulticulturalismul, antimarxismul și concepțiile efectuat anterior, dintre care cele mai importante sunt:
antifeministe; sub aspect ”literar” maniera este de premizele asumate de către experți, privind criteriile ICD-
”blogger” cu concepte extremist – violente survenite pe un 10 sunt insuficient susținute și nu s-a luat în discuție
nivel cultural general submediocru dar cu mare aderență la tulburarea de personalitate, nu au fost obținute informații
”subcultura ideologică extremistă”. Pe acest manifest complete privind perioadele ”copilărie, adolescență și
apare crucea roșie cu caractere ”templiere”. În conținutul vârsta adultă și anii în care a trăit un adult cu mama sa”;
manifestului este desenată o hartă a Europei cu notații comisia subliniază că apare necesară ”o evaluare a
privind țări / orașe în care vor avea loc ”explozii”; harta semnificației discrepanței dintre funcționarea socială
este însoțită de precizarea geografică (latitudine și descrisă în contextul observării și reacțiile emoționale pe
longitudine) a locațiilor respective. A. Breivik s-a care le manifestă față de acțiunile” sale. Comisia
informat cu privire la școala de vară a Partidului Laburist subliniază, de asemenea necesitatea evaluării
(aproape 600 de participanți). comportamentului în perioada de custodie … ” Cazul
3. Comportament antefaptic imediat actual a demonstrat că reprezintă ”provocări neobișnuite
În ziua comiterii crimelor s-a pregătit pentru ambele de diagnostic în psihiatrie”. … ”posibilă concluzie fals
situații (aspect ce ar pune sub semnul negativă”, existînd posibilitatea ca examinatul să-și fi
întrebării caracteristici ale ”spree murder”). S-a îmbrăcat ”adaptat declarațiile la ceea ce el a găsit cel mai bine
cu o uniformă de polițist, a încărcat mașina cu explozibil și servit. Aceasta se referă în special la descrierea sa a
arme (pistol, armă automată și pușcă de asalt) și a plecat la organizației Cavalerii Templieri. În faza timpurie a
Oslo. investigației, el a dat o minunată relatare despre presupusa
4.Mod de comitere a faptelor organizație și despre propria sa poziție în ea”.
Ajuns la locul stabilit anterior, a detonat bomba artizanală 2. Experții au stabilit strategia de expertizare: observare
și apoi a plecat; a luat feribotul spre insula (a ajuns după video și prin intermediul personalului penitenciar,
aproximativ 2 ore). Ajuns pe insulă, a cerut tinerilor să se consfătuiri cu medicii și psihologii penitenciarului,
adune în jurul său pentru a se face auzit mai bine ( le-a spus reevaluarea documentelor avute la dispoziția, îndeplinirea
că a venit să afle indicii despre explozia ce avusese loc în cerințelor privind completarea informațiilor privind cursa
urmă cu câteva ore la Oslo) după care a deschis focul. Zeci existențială a examinatului, examinări clinice psihiatrice
de oameni au sărit în apă. După ce a deschis focul a început seriate, discuții cu examinatul privind convingerile /
să strige: "O să vă ucid pe toți! Vom muri cu toții". Trăgea concepțiile sale, aplicarea de scale clinice și teste
la întâmplare, întâi în cei de pe insulă și apoi în cei care psihologice adecvate ca SCID II, chestionarul Minessota,
săriseră în apă. La venirea poliției s-a liniștit și s-a predat. test PANSS etc. Experții nu au constatat la examinări și nu
5.Comportament postfaptic au delimitat, pentru ziua comiterii, crimelor simptome cu
5.1. A colaborat cu poliția, cu personalul penitenciar și cu caracter psihotic.
comisia de expertiză; a recunoscut faptele susținându-și 3. Experții au demontat aprecierile de idei expansive, de
conceptele extremiste; mărire demonstrând că referirile din raportul anterior nu
5.2. A fost nemulțumit de concluziile primului raport de sunt corect interpretate (lămuresc ”nedumeririle” privind
expertiză medico-legală psihiatrică. tema Cavalerilor Templieri, masoneria, fluctuațiile
5.3. A acceptat verdictul. A fost condamnat la 10 ani financiare, caracteristicile exprimărilor ”naționaliste
închisoare; pentru ”periculozitate” a fost închis în condiții extreme” etc.). Experții subliniază coerența acțiunilor,
de izolare (având la dispoziție 3 camere: dormitor, camere bine etapizate și organizate.
pentru televizor și pentru exerciții fizice). În penitenciar 4. În ceea ce privește ”neologismele” experții precizează:
are relații amiabile cu personalul, nemanifestându-se că limba norvegiană este flexibilă, alăturarea de cuvinte
agresiv; încearcă să difuzeze ideile sale; s-a înscris într-un pentru a da alt înțeles este frecventă și dacă aceste noi
partid neonazist. Nu i s-a permis învoire pentru mama sa. cuvinte vor fi folosite de mai multe personae vor intra în
Are la dispoziție mașină de scris electrică. Nu are acces la vocabularul obișnuit; ” Anumite declarații pe care le-a
internet. făcut / scrise pot fi interpretate ca niște iluzii grandioase,
5.4. A dat în judecată statul norvegian pentru rele însă el le poate explica mai târziu, iar modul său de a spune
tratamente (ex. nu i s-au acordat destule compensații lucrurile (formulările de vârf) exprimă mai mult
pentru faptul că este închis la izolare, comunică cu personalitatea sa decât spectrul psihotic. …. Nu există
vizitatorii prin ”geam”, nu are termos pentru cafea caldă, neologisme … dar el a pus împreună cuvintele existente
nu are destul spațiu de plimbare, jocurile PC puse la (de la Templieri, Ordin Masonic, Justiție), care îi oferă
dispoziție sunt sub nivelul său etc.). Curtea a respins semnificație, dar acest lucru nu poate fi văzut pe un
solicitările (exceptând faptul că i s-a permis să primească neologism. Unele așa-numite neologisme, așa cum au

Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. XIX, No.2, 2017

subliniat experții, pot fi căutate pe Internet. Nu a prezentat and Islam: New directions?". Journal of Political Ideologies. 13 (3): 321–
nici un fel de "neologism” în cursul examinării. Se 16. Fekete, Liz (2012). "The Muslim conspiracy theory and the Oslo
apreciază că nu are tulburări de gîndire, ”cu excepția massacre". Race & Class. 53 (3): 30–47;
faptului că are o ideologie extrem de extremă”. 17.
5. ”Nu se observă semne de simptome negative … apare spree-and-serial-killer; Bustle; FBI – Records Public Domain;
18. Gabriela Costea, ”Abordarea conceptuală în psihiatria medico-
cu lipsa de empatie. … are o rigiditate”, dar apare mai mult legală”, în Diana Bulgaru – Iliescu, Gabriela Costea, Alexandra Enache,
pendinte de ”personalitatea sa decât rigiditatea descrisă la Liviu Oprea, Valentin Gheorghiu, Vasile Astărăstoaie: Expertiza medico-
persoanele cu schizofrenie”. legală psihiatrică – abordare interdisciplinară, Ed. Timpul, Iași – 2013,
6. Testele psihologice și scalele clinice nu evidențiază pg. 29-68;
19. Dan Prelipceanu, ”Capacitatea psihică. Teoria discernământului”, în
itemi caracteristici unor tulburări psihotice dar se Diana Bulgaru – Iliescu, Gabriela Costea, Alexandra Enache, Liviu
delimitează trăsăturile tulburării de personalitate de tip Oprea, Valentin Gheorghiu, Vasile Astărăstoaie: Expertiza medico-
antisocial (ceea ce explică deficitul empatic) și de tip legală psihiatrică – abordare interdisciplinară, Ed. Timpul, Iași – 2013,
narcisistic (asociere frecvent întâlnită la persoanele cu pg. 97-108;
20. George Talău, ”Fundamente și particularități în psihiatria medico-
potential agresiv). legală”, în Diana Bulgaru – Iliescu, Gabriela Costea, Alexandra Enache,
7. A fost efectuat diagnosticul diferențial cu patologia din Liviu Oprea, Valentin Gheorghiu, Vasile Astărăstoaie: Expertiza medico-
spectrul psihotic și cel al tulburărilor de personalitate. legală psihiatrică – abordare interdisciplinară, Ed. Timpul, Iași – 2013,
8. Experții au concluzionat că Anders Breivik nu a pg. 109-125;
21. Dan Prelipceanu, ”Normalitate și boală psihică”, în Diana Bulgaru –
prezentat în ziua comiterii crimelor și în perioada Iliescu, Gabriela Costea, Alexandra Enache, Liviu Oprea, Valentin
examinărilor simptomatologie psihotică; prezintă Gheorghiu, Vasile Astărăstoaie: Expertiza medico-legală psihiatrică –
tulburare de personalitate antisocială și narcisistică. abordare interdisciplinară, Ed. Timpul, Iași – 2013, pg. 117-22;
22. Dan Prelipceanu, ”Sănătate mintală vs. tulburare psihică”, în Diana
Bulgaru – Iliescu, Gabriela Costea, Alexandra Enache, Liviu Oprea,
CONCLUZII Valentin Gheorghiu, Vasile Astărăstoaie: Expertiza medico-legală
1.Personal, consider că este vorba de o tulburare de psihiatrică – abordare interdisciplinară, Ed. Timpul, Iași – 2013, pg. 23-
personalitate conturată antisocial, narcisistic și paranoid. 28;
2.Conceptele exprimate și acțiunile sale caracterizează 23. Dan Prelipceanu, ”Periculozitate psihopatologică”, în Diana Bulgaru
– Iliescu, Gabriela Costea, Alexandra Enache, Liviu Oprea, Valentin
extremismul terorist (”terorism creștin”) ceea ce nu Gheorghiu, Vasile Astărăstoaie: Expertiza medico-legală psihiatrică –
implică patologie psihotică (ar însemna că toți extremiștii abordare interdisciplinară, Ed. Timpul, Iași – 2013, pg. 387-394;
fanatici care comit acte teroriste ar trebui să fie etichetați 24. Gabriela Costea, ”Crima de omor – particularități de abordare în
ca psihotici). materia de expertiză medico-legală psihiatrică”, în Diana Bulgaru –
Iliescu, Gabriela Costea, Alexandra Enache, Liviu Oprea, Valentin
3.Diagnosticul diferențial a fost dificil și datorită modului Gheorghiu, Vasile Astărăstoaie: Expertiza medico-legală psihiatrică –
de expertizare (inadvertențe, contradicții, alegeri abordare interdisciplinară, Ed. Timpul, Iași – 2013, pg. 395-430;
neadecvate a investigațiilor, deficit de informații privind 25. George Talău, ”Abordare semiologică și taxonomică în psihiatria
cursa existențială etc.). medico-legală”, în Diana Bulgaru – Iliescu, Gabriela Costea, Alexandra
Enache, Liviu Oprea, Valentin Gheorghiu, Vasile Astărăstoaie: Expertiza
4.Se constată necesitatea ca pentru fiecare caz în parte, medico-legală psihiatrică – abordare interdisciplinară, Ed. Timpul, Iași –
expertul să se informeze și asupra problemelor tangente; 2013, pg. 145-158;
cunoșterea psihopatologiei nu este suficientă în cazuri 26. Dan Prelipceanu, ”Schizofrenia, tulburarea bipolară, tulburarea
complexe cu implicații juridice (a se vedea introducerea delirantă, tulburarea anxioasă”, în Diana Bulgaru – Iliescu, Gabriela
Costea, Alexandra Enache, Liviu Oprea, Valentin Gheorghiu, Vasile
detaliată a acestui articol). Astărăstoaie: Expertiza medico-legală psihiatrică – abordare
5.Din perspectiva jurisprudenței românești, opiniez că interdisciplinară, Ed. Timpul, Iași – 2013, pg. 159-162;
Anders Breivik a acționat cu discernământ (a avut 27. Dan Prelipceanu, ”Tulburările de personalitate în psihiatria
capacitate psihică de apreciere critică asupra conținutului judiciară”, în Diana Bulgaru – Iliescu, Gabriela Costea, Alexandra
Enache, Liviu Oprea, Valentin Gheorghiu, Vasile Astărăstoaie: Expertiza
și consecințelor social – negative ale faptelor sale). medico-legală psihiatrică – abordare interdisciplinară, Ed. Timpul, Iași –
2013, pg. 163-180;
28. Dan Prelipceanu, ”Alcoolismul”, în Diana Bulgaru – Iliescu,
1., Dicționar explicativ al limbii române |
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interdisciplinară, Ed. Timpul, Iași – 2013, pg. 181-186;
29. Gabriela Costea, ”Imaginația în materia expertizei medico-legale
4. Pipes, Daniel (July 27, 2011). "Norway's Terrorism in Context: The
psihiatrice. Simularea”, în Diana Bulgaru – Iliescu, Gabriela Costea,
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5. Bodissey, Baron (20 November 2009). "The Counterjihad Manifesto",
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30. Gabriela Costea, Funcția volitivă în material expertizei medico-
6. Lee, Benjamin (4 September 2015). "A Day in the "Swamp":
legale psihiatrice; competența psihică”, în Diana Bulgaru – Iliescu,
Understanding Discourse in the Online Counter-Jihad Nebula".
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Vasile Astărăstoaie: Expertiza medico-legală psihiatrică – abordare
interdisciplinară, Ed. Timpul, Iași – 2013, pg. 283-300;
31. Gabriela Costea, George Talău, ”Procesarea taxonomică psihiatrică
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și managementul obținerii informațiilor necesare ți a investigațiilor /
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psihiatrică”, ”, în Diana Bulgaru – Iliescu, Gabriela Costea, Alexandra
10. Viktor Rydberg's, "Teutonic Mythology: Gods and Goddesses of the
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11. Nicholson, Helen. The Knights Templar: A New History. Sutton,
32. Gabriela Costea, ”Perspectiva sociologică și criminological în
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în psihiatria medico-legală”, în Diana Bulgaru – Iliescu, Gabriela
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Gabriela Costea: ABB – criminalul morvegian. Psihoză versus psihopatie - analiză medico-legală psihiatrică

33. Costea S. Gabriela, Dragomirescu Simona, ”Raportul de expertiza Salize & Harald Dreßing, Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim,
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România; anders-behring-breivik; Meloy, J. R., & O'Toole, M. E. (2011). ...
34. Hans Joachim Salize, Harald Dreßing, sub. red., “Final Report of Psychiatric forensic report on Anders Breivik translated into English;
Research Project – Placement and Treatment of Mentally Ill Offenders – 48.
Legislation and Practice in EU member states”, of the European psychiatric-report-2012-04;
Commission – Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General”, A collection of documents relating to Anders Behring Breivik.
Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany 2005, p.12-30, 49.; › NCBI › Literature › PubMed Central
225-238; (PMC); The Breivik case and what psychiatrists can learn from it - NCBI
35. David James, “Final Report of Research Project – Placement and by I Melle - ‎201;
Treatment of Mentally Ill Offenders – Legislation and Practice in EU
member states”, of the European Commission – Health and Consumer TABEL NR. 1 - TERMINOLOGIE FOLOSITA IN
Protection Directorate General”, sub red. Hans Joachim Salize & Harald PREVEDERILE LEGALE
Dreßing, Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany 2005,
36. Hans Schanda, Göllersdorf - “Final Report of Research Project – AUSTRIA BOLI MINTALE, DEFICIENTA MINTALA,
Placement and Treatment of Mentally Ill Offenders – Legislation and MODIFICARE PROFUNDA A
Practice in EU member states”, of the European Commission – Health CONSTIINTEI, ALTE CONDITII MENTALE
and Consumer Protection Directorate General”, sub red. Hans Joachim ANORMALE, ANORMALITATE MENTALA
Salize & Harald Dreßing, Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, BELGIA DEFICIENTA MINTALA, RETARDARE
Germany 2005, p. 91-98;. MINTALA, DEZECHILIBRU MENTAL
37. Pierre Lamothe, Frederic Meunier, “Final Report of Research Project SEVER, INSANITY
– Placement and Treatment of Mentally Ill Offenders – Legislation and DANEMARCA BOLI MINTALE, STATUS EGAL CU BOLI
Practice in EU member states”, of the European Commission – Health MINTALE, RETARDARE MINTALA
and Consumer Protection Directorate General”, sub red. Hans Joachim MODERATA SAU PROFUNDA,
Salize & Harald Dreßing, Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, DEZVOLTARE NEADECVATA,
Germany 2005, p.145-150;. MODIFICARE SAU TULBURAREA A
38. Dermot Walsh, “Final Report of Research Project – Placement and
Treatment of Mentally Ill Offenders – Legislation and Practice in EU
member states”, of the European Commission – Health and Consumer MODIFICARE MENTALA (CAND
Protection Directorate General”, sub red. Hans Joachim Salize & Harald TRATAMENTUL POSIBIL ARE SANSE DE
Dreßing, Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany 2005, SUCCES), MODIFICARE MENTALA
39. Helena Silfverhielm, “Final Report of Research Project – Placement NU ARE SANSE DE SUCCES), TULBURARE
and Treatment of Mentally Ill Offenders – Legislation and Practice in DE PERSONALITATE (CAND
EU member states”, of the European Commission – Health and TRATAMENTUL POSIBIL ARE SANSE DE
Consumer Protection Directorate General”, sub red. Hans Joachim SUCCES), ALTE DISABILITATI MINATLE
Salize & Harald Dreßing, Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, FINLANDA NEBUNIE, ABSENTA SENILA A
Germany 2005, p.215-224;. INTELEGERII, CONDITII SIMILARE,
40. Catharina H. de Kogel, “Final Report of Research Project – BOALA MINTALA
Placement and Treatment of Mentally Ill Offenders – Legislation and FRANTA TULBURARE MINTALA CU
Practice in EU member states”, of the European Commission – Health MODIFICAREA DISCERNAMANTULUI SI
and Consumer Protection Directorate General”, sub red. Hans Joachim
Salize & Harald Dreßing, Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim,
Germany 2005, p. 189-196; ANORMALITATE SEVERA MENTALA,
41. Francisco Torres Gonzalez, “Final Report of Research Project – DISABILIITATE INTELECTUALA
Placement and Treatment of Mentally Ill Offenders – Legislation and GRECIA PERTURBARE MORBIDA A FUNCTIILOR
Practice in EU member states”, of the European Commission – Health INTELECTUALE SAU PERTURBARE A
and Consumer Protection Directorate General”, sub red. Hans Joachim CONSTIINTEI
Salize & Harald Dreßing, Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, IRLANDA BOALA MINTALA, HANDICAP MINATAL,
Germany 2005, p.207-214;. DEMENTE SAU ALTE BOLI MINTALE
42. Paul Cosyns, Roel Verellen, – “Final Report of Research Project – ITALIA DEFECT MINTAL, HANDICAP MINTAL,
Placement and Treatment of Mentally Ill Offenders – Legislation and DEMENTA SAU ORICE BOALA MINTALA
Practice in EU member states”, of the European Commission – Health LUXEMBURG TULBURARE MINTALA CU
and Consumer Protection Directorate General”, sub red. Hans Joachim MODIFICAREA DISCERNAMANTULUI SI
Salize & Harald Dreßing, Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, A CAPACITATII DE AUTOCONTROL,
Germany 2005, p.99-104;. IMPOSIBILITATE PUTERNICA DE
43. Michael Osterheider, Bernd Dimmek, “Final Report of Research STAPANIRE, TULBURARI PSIHICE
Project – Placement and Treatment of Mentally Ill Offenders – SEVERE CU PERICULOZITATE
Legislation and Practice in EU member states”, of the European OLANDA DEFICIENTE DE DEZVOLTARE (PSIHICA),
Commission – Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General”,
sub red. Hans Joachim Salize & Harald Dreßing, Central Institute of
Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany 2005, p. 152-159;
44. Angelo Fioritti, Rimini, “Final Report of Research Project – PERCEPTUALE
Placement and Treatment of Mentally Ill Offenders – Legislation and SUEDIA TULBURARI MINTALE GRAVE,
Practice in EU member states”, of the European Commission – Health TULBURARI MINTALE, TULBURARI
and Consumer Protection Directorate General”, sub red. Hans Joachim SEVERE DE PERSONALITATE
Salize & Harald Dreßing, Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, NORVEGIA BOALĂ PSIHICĂ GRAVĂ, STAREA DE
Germany 2005, p. 176-183; CON?TIIN? Ă, DEBILITATEA MINTALĂ
45. Peter Kramp, “Final Report of Research Project – Placement and ROMÂNIA DISCERNĂMÂNT, PERICOL SOCIAL,
Treatment of Mentally Ill Offenders – Legislation and ALIENARE MINTALĂ, DEBILITATE
Practice in EU member states”, of the European Commission – Health MINTALĂ
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46. Riitakertuu Kaltialla-Heino, “Final Report of Research Project –
Placement and Treatment of Mentally Ill Offenders – Legislation and
Practice in EU member states”, of the European Commission – Health
and Consumer Protection Directorate General”, sub red. Hans Joachim

Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. XIX, No.2, 2017









Maria Bonea1, Ioana V. Micluţia2

Abstract:Contrary to the stigmatizing perception, alcohol new approach was needed - genome wide association
dependence is not a mark of moral decay, but the result of studies (GWAS) that do not depend on a pre-existing
combining environmental, social, cultural and especially hypothesis and highlighted new polymorphisms
biological factors, family studies finding that about 50% of associated with susceptibility to alcoholism. A review of
the risk is due to heredity. Genetic linkage and association family, twin, linkage, candidate genes and GWAS will be
studies have failed to identify significant risk alleles, briefly presented.
except for the alcohol-metabolizing enzyme genes. Thus, a Keywords:alcoholism, gene, polymorphism, genetic study

INTRODUCTION argument for the role of genetics in the development of

According to the World Health Organization alcoholism are laboratory animals genetically
(WHO), harmful alcohol consumption is responsible for manipulated to present features such as the preference for
5.9% of the global mortality, with a 3-4 times higher risk of alcohol, sensitivity to the sedative effects or withdrawal
premature death for alcoholics compared to the general symptoms. (7)
population. The association with behavioral and
psychiatric disorders is well known, alcohol dependence FAMILY AND TWIN STUDIES
has become one of the most important public health Cognitive tests applied during functional MRI
problems through its social and economic impact and revealed inappropriate activation of long neural pathways
strong functional and quality of life impairment, even at a that connect temporo-parietal regions to prefrontal areas.
young age. (1) These brain disturbances occur in families with a strong
It is estimated that in developed countries, up to 80% of history of alcohol dependence, supporting a biological
male and 60% of female adults use alcohol at some time in basis, genetically determined. The impairment of
their lives, the prevalence of dependence for men reaching, cognitive functions and work memory required to resolve
according to some studies, even 10%. (2) conflicts generates the disinhibited, even antisocial
Current diagnostic criteria, established by the behavior. (8)
International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition (ICD- Twin studies report that 50-70% of the risk of
10) and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental developing an AUD is given by genetic factors. The
Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5), do not match perfectly on strongest association was with the reducing risk genotype,
this topic. If DSM-IV-TR describes two distinct disorders, the allele ALDH2 * 2 (the gene encoding the
alcohol abuse and dependence, DSM-5 integrates these mitochondrial hepatic enzyme aldehyde
two entities into a single one Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). dehydrogenase).The polymorphism, common in Asians,
(3) At the more severe end of the spectrum, the dependence but rare in Europeans, leads to altered alcohol metabolism
implies tolerance, withdrawal, loss of control, compulsion with the development of facial erythema, tachycardia,
("craving") to drink daily or almost daily, despite sweating and gastrointestinal symptoms, creating
significant disability. The disorder may be aversion. (9)
underdiagnosed, some studies revealing that only a quarter
of addicts receive treatment. (4) By applying DSM-5 LINKAGE STUDIES
criteria, in the US, 36% of men and 22.7% of women The COGA study (Collaborative Study on the
develop AUD during their lifetime, in the younger Genetics of Alcoholism) identified regions of interest on
population, gender differences have narrowed. (5) chromosomes 1, 2, 10, 13. (10) Depending on the
In the “Alcohol related disorders” chapter, ICD- components of alcoholism, regions on chromosomes 1
10 differentiates between harmful use (assuming physical and 11 were associated with the initial response to
or mental impairment) and alcohol dependence, that alcohol, the age of onset with areas on chromosome 9,
requires three out of six positive criteria: strong desire or while a maximum alcohol use, with regions on
compulsion to drink, difficulties in avoiding initial use, in chromosomes 12 and 18. Signals from the chromosomes
discontinuing and controlling the consumed quantity, 1, 6 and 22 were correlated with tolerance, while the
withdrawal or alcohol use to avoid its symptoms, severity of the withdrawal was linked to a region on
tolerance, neglecting other activities / interests to obtain, chromosome 2. (11)Likewise, regions encoding the
use or recover after consumption, continued use despite structure of the Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Type A
physical, psychological or cognitive problems. (6) Receptor, Alpha2 Subunit (GABRA2), located on
Besides several types of genetic studies, another chromosome 4 were correlated with addictions in

Psychiatry Resident, PhD student, Children's Emergency Hospital, Cluj Napoca. Correspondence: Bonea Maria, Psychiatry Clinic, Victor Babeș Street
no. 43, Cluj-Napoca, România. E-mail:; Phone: 004 0727 187 292
Professor Doctor, Head of Psychiatry Department, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Hațieganu" Cluj-Napoca
Received January 29, 2017, Revised February 29, 2017, Accepted March 17, 2017

Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. XIX, No.2, 2017

general.(12) In the same way, the muscarinic Solute Carrier Family 6 Member 4 gene promoter region
acetylcholine M2 (CHRM2) genes, located on (SLC6A4), on chromosome 17, encoding the serotonin
chromosome 7q were found to affect cognitive functions, transporter, has been evaluated in multiple studies
depressive symptoms and the development of alcohol regarding its association with alcohol dependence, but a
dependence.(13, 14) meta-analysis concluded that this relationship does not
ASSOCIATION (CANDIDATE GENE) STUDIES exist. (31) On the other hand, in the case of alcoholism
Association studies, that test candidate genes in comorbid with depression, homozygous carriers of the S
regions discovered through linkage studies, confirmed the allele of the serotonin-transporter-linked polymorphic
protective effect of Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1B (Class I), region (5HTTLPR) have an increased risk. (32)
Beta Polypeptide alleles ADH1B*2 (found in Asian Lastly, glutamatergic system genes seem to play
populations) and ADH1B*3 (more specific for African a role in addiction development. Thus the N-methyl-D-
Americans) and also of the Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1C aspartate (NMDA) subunit of the glutamate receptor 2B
(Class I), Gamma Polypeptide allele ADH1C*2, which (Glu2B) is overexpressed in the hippocampus after
stimulates the metabolism of alcohol to acetaldehyde. A chronic exposure to ethanol. (33) SNPs of the
similar lower risk of dependence was associated with the metabotropic glutamate receptor 3 gene (GRM3)
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2 Family (Mitochondrial) modulates the prefrontal cortex activity in alcoholic
allele, ALDH2*2 (that hampers acetaldehyde patients, influencing the executive functions. (34)
Most of the known neurotransmitters play a role in the Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS)
development of addiction. The polymorphism of the conducted on samples of thousands of alcohol addicted
Ankyrin Repeat And Kinase Domain Containing 1 of patients, is a more recent approach, different from genetic
the D2 dopamine receptor (DRD2/ANKK1), involved in linkage studies, which can discover unknown alleles
reward pathways that activates pleasure-generating involved in the development of a certain pathology. The
behaviors (consumption of carbohydrates and fats, sexual criterion for statistical significance in this type of study is
very restrictive (p5x10- ), so only a few genes have been
activity) and also the survival instinct, was correlated with
alcohol preference. (16) reported to be associated with alcoholism. Unlike
Polymorphisms of the genes encoding type A association studies, GWAS do not require the involvement
GABA receptor (GABRA2, the most widespread class of of a particular gene hypothesis that should be tested. (34).
cerebral inhibitory receptors that influences the subjective GWAS does not search for a specific gene,
response to ethanol) and of the type B GABA receptor instead millions of SNPs across the entire genome are
correlate with alcohol dependence. (17,18). Other studies analysed. The first positive study of this kind on
refute the relationship between GABAergic system genes alcoholism was published in 2009 by Treutlein et al, that
and alcoholism, limiting it only to specific situations such identified two new loci on chromosome 2q35, near the
as poly substance abuse or a particularly strong family gene for the peroxisomal trans-2-enozil-CoA reductase
history. (19) (PECR, the key enzyme of fatty acid metabolism,
Neuropeptide Y gene (NPY), with the G1258A correlated with depression and with P300 response
single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and the NPY Pro7 amplitude, related to decision making). (35, 36)
allele modulates risk of alcohol dependence in the central Most GWAS have identified risk polymorphisms
amygdala by translating negative emotional states in of ADH and ALDH genes, others, which studied the
anxiety generated behavior. (20,21,22). In the same way, comorbidity with nicotine addiction, frequently
the polymorphism of the corticotropin releasing factor 1 associated, found SNPs near the Microtubule Affinity
receptor gene (CRF1-R) influences the anxious Regulating Kinase 1 gene (MARK1, that influences the
phenotype that leads to excessive ethanol consumption. migration of neurons in the hippocampus) and near the
(23) diethylazodicarboxylate Bis(oxazoline) helicase 6
In the cholinergic system, the beta 2 subunit of (DEAD-Box Helicase 6, DDX6, involved in cell
the nicotinic cholinergic receptor (CHRNB2) was development and differentiation). (37, 38, 39)
associated with the response to alcohol and nicotine. (24) Chen et al. revealed that the ankyrin repeat
Imaging studies and animal models support the domain-containing protein 7 gene located on
involvement of serotonin receptor and transporter. chromosome 7q31 (ANKRD7, which influence the
Alcohol and nicotine co-dependence, but also attention- functioning of the cerebellum) and cytokine-like1 gene on
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) appear to be chromosome 14p16 (CYTL1, correlated with bipolar
influenced by genetic variants of the Importin 11 region of disorder and schizophrenia) could play an important role
the 5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 1A (IPO11-HTR1A). in risk developing alcohol dependence. (40)
(25, 26) Changes in the presynaptic 1B serotonin WHOLE GENOME SEQUENCING
autoreceptor gene may determine the susceptibility to Genomics is constantly developing techniques
alcohol dependence, and also to cocaine and heroin abuse, for sequencing the entire genome, with the cheaper
some studies suggesting that the polymorphisms HTR1B version of the whole exome sequencing (WES) becoming
A-161 could represent a genetic marker for alcoholism. increasingly more affordable. In this way, rare recessive
(27, 28) mutations can be identified in exonic regions (areas that
The gene for the serotonin receptor 4 (HTR4), located in encode proteins). These techniques found point mutations
the limbic system, specifically in the hippocampus, in autism spectrum, affective and psychotic disorders, so
involved in the development of depression by generating favorable results in connection to addiction could be
anhedonia, could have a role in the pathogenesis of expected. (41)
alcohol dependence. (29, 30) The polymorphism of the

Maria Bonea, Ioana V. Micluţia: Genetics of Alcohol Use Disorder

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Mihai Gabriel Alin Șuiu Apostol1, Oana Boantă2, Mihnea Manea3, Iuliana Dobrescu4

Abstract: confidence in overcoming some existantial obstacles and

Asperger Disorder is influenced in its evolution by social broader personal skills in school; and the ones with low
factors such as: Anxiety, Self-esteem and Aggression. Self-esteem have an inferiority complex in relation with
Anxiety can manifest itself in different ways based on the other children and are distrustful in their academic
life experience of the individual. Recent studies have possibilities. Aggression is a form of behavior oriented in
shown that cognitive behavioral therapy based on social a destructive way, being able to cause matierla, moral or
skills represents an efficient treatment in persons with psychological damage. In subjects with Asperger
Asperger Disorder. Strong Self-esteem in childhood is a Disorder, provocative behaviors including physical
protective factor against family demands, social pressure aggression, appear as a necessity to communicate the
and some defiant behaviors in the next stages of life. needs in the absence of expressive language.
Children with high Self-esteem present safety and Key words: aggression, anxiety, self-esteem, Asperger

Anxiety, Self-esteem and Aggression are Although anxiety is seen in a very high percentage in the
psychosocial factors affected and consequently influence symptoms of children with Asperger Disorder, anxiety
Asperger Disorder. There are discussions about the disorders are less diagnosed (3). Sometimes
distinction between anxiety as a comorbidity and anxiety aggressiveness arising from an anxious behavior may be
as a base symptom in Autism Spectrum Disorder. The lack perceived as a behavior associated with Asperger
of social skills in children with Asperger Disorder leads to Disorder (4), differentiation being very difficult,
anxiety, frustration, anger crisis which affect the self- especially when the anxiety symptoms are long lasting.
esteem. Aggression as a challenging behavior occurs in Cognitive deficits may prevent anxiety Disorder with
children with Asperger Disorder as a way to communicate substantial cognitive components like social phobia (2).
the needs; a consequence of poor expressive language. Children with Asperger Disorder who attend normal
schools can be more exposed to stress factors versus
ANXIETY others, contributing to the development and maintenance
It is a natural reaction of the body to danger, of anxiety.
manifested by being afraid, fear, neurodegenerative Ashburner, J., Ziviani, J., and Rodger, S. (2010) (5)
disorders (palpitations, polipnee, sweating). suggested the following stress factors related to school:
Anxiety can manifest in different ways based on the life -the complexity of the schedule and of the curriculum
experience of the individual: area;
-phobic anxiety disorders: -agoraphobia -frequent changes in their limited interests;
-social phobias -lack of order and regularity in school activities;
-panick attacks; -lack of relational flexibility;
-obsessive compulsive disorders; -relational vulnerability (possibility of aggression or
-adjustment disorders; social exclusion).
-conversion disorders; There are more causes that can develop anxiety to the
-somatization disorders; children with Asperger Disorder:
Among adolescents with autism spectrum disorder, there -parents with autistic children are prone to anxiety,
is an increased frequency of anxiety and depression possibly symptoms can be transferred to the children
compared to the general population, the prevalence rate of under various forms;
anxiety ranging from 13.6% (1) to 84% (2). It is difficult to -hard to develop social relationships;
distinguish between anxiety as comorbidity and anxiety as -marginalization of children with autism in social
a base symptom in Autism Spectrum Disorder. For relations;
children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, although there is -possibility of difficult communication.
an increased risk of developing a form of anxiety, not all The prevalence of anxiety disorder in children and
children with autism show also anxiety, and the ones who adolescents with Asperger Disorder was attributed to
show it exhibit various forms along the way. neurobiological predispositions. The prefrontal cortex,
There is a real dispute around this controversy. limbic system and serotonin are responsible both for:

MD PhD student Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest
MD PhD student, C.F.2 Clinical Hospital, Bucharest
MD PhD, Senior Lecturer, Psychiatry and Psychology Department, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Dental Medicine,
MD PhD, Primary Doctor in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department “Prof. Dr. Al. Obregia” Psychiatry Hospital
Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest
Received January 29, 2017, Revised February 29, 2017, Accepted March 17, 2017

Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. XIX, No.2, 2017

-fear (6) strategies, to maintain his emotional balance by taking

-anxiety (7) deep breathes, thinking of pleasant things, avoiding
-aggressivity (8) uncomfortable situations.
-violence (9) 10.Constant correction of the behavior of the child with
as well as for the etiology of autism spectrum.(10) Asperger Disorder may be perceived by him as a
Neuropsychology studies of Autism have developed criticism; therefore it must be agreed from the beginning
several theories that try to make cognitive connections that this is only an attempt to change the negative behavior
between brain abnormalities and behavioral symptoms in with a positive one.
autism (11). The mind theory refers to the difficulties
people with autism have in planning and organizing AGGRESSION
activities, in understanding other people's intentions and Aggression is a form of behavior that is oriented in a
desires (12). These theories have been applied to destructive way, being able to cause material, moral or
understand autistic thinking in therapeutic intervention. psychological damage. Aggression should not be
Discussions are at the possibility of applying the cognitive confused with antisocial behavior, delinquency or
behavioral therapy as treatment option for anxiety in crime.
Asperger Disorder, having difficulties associated with the There is an aggression: physical, relational, outer
emotions of identification and cognitive inflexibility (13) (hetero aggression), inner (auto aggression), active or
or behavioral cognitive therapy lends itsfel well to the reactive (15).
intervention in Asperger Disorder due to the structured In subjects with Asperger Disorder, due to
systematic approach specific to the autistic thinking style. deficiencies in communication, provocative behaviors
Recent studies have shown that cognitive behavioral including physical aggression, appear as a necessary to
therapy based on the social abilities represents an efficient communicate the needs in the absence of expressive
treatment for anxiety in people with Asperger Disorder language.
(14). Aggression in school is a maladaptive behavior,
leading to social exclusion and disciplinary actions.
SELF-ESTEEM Anger is a primordial emotion that can be expressed
through behaviors with aggression or violence.
Developing a strong self-esteem in childhood McKinnie Burney, D., & Kromrey, J. (2001) proposed two
represents a protective factor against the family demands, forms of anger:
social pressure and a few deviant behaviors in future -instrumental anger – a negative emotion that takes place
stages of life. Children with high self-esteem have safety, to obtain certain desired purposes
confidence in overcoming existential obstacles and -reactive anger – immediate response to challenging
broader personal skills in school. Conversely, those with events.
low self-esteem have an inferiority complex in Both can lead to aggression in the absence of control.
relationships with other children and are distrustful of (16).
their academic possibilities. There are more strategies to reduce aggression in subjects
Lack of social skills in children with Asperger with Asperger Disorder:
Disorder makes it hard for them to develop social 1.Aggression manifested by the destruction of objects can
relationships and live the feeling of relational rejection. be transformed into a creative distruction (crushing carton
Although social awareness is low in children with or aluminum cans for recycling, or transforming old
Asperger Disorder, yet they realize they are different. clothes into rags).
Social failures can lead to anxiety, frustration, anger crisis 2.Building a menu of activities to reduce the stress level
which affect self-esteem. (relaxation by listening to music, massage or soothing
Strategies can though be developed to increase self- bath)
esteem with these children. 3.Setting up a list of signs that can increase the stress level
1.Tell the child that he is very precious, that he is capable the child should know to avoid (offensive words,
and endowed with special qualities. challenging gestures)
2.Maintain constancy and safety in daily relations with the 4.Trying to burn tension and anxiety with an uncontrolled
children, creating an existential comfort zone. physical activity (sport, dance)
3.Maintain the child's living space as a safety and friendly 5.Discuss the consequences of aggressive acts.
4.Show a positive self-esteem and confidence in your REFERENCES:
child's achievements. 1.Kim, JA., Szatmari, P., Bryson, SE., Streiner, DL. & Wilson, FJ. (2000)
5.Help him learn to use words and expressions through The prevalence of anxiety and mood problems among children with
autism and Asperger syndrome. Autism, 4, 117-132
which he can express his ideas and pleasant or unpleasant 2.Muris P. et al (1998) Comorbid anxiety symptoms in children with
feelings. pervasive developmental disorders. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 12 (4),
6.Inform people who come into close contact with your pp. 387-393
child (family members, teachers, and friends) about the 3.MacNeil, B.M.,Lopes,V.A.,&Minnes,P.M.(2009).Anxiety in children
and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Research in Autism
techniques you are using to increase the self-esteem. Spectrum Disorders 3(1), 1–21.
7.Seek to connect with other families who have children 4.Tsai,L.Y.(2006).Diagnosis and treatment of anxiety disorders in
with Asperger Disorder. individuals with autism spectrum disorder
8.Encourage and congratulate each achievement of the .InJ.G.M.G.Baron,G.Groden,&L.P.Lipsitt (Eds.), Stress and copingin
autism (pp. 388–440).NewYork: Oxford University Press
child with Asperger Disorder. 5.Ashburner,J.,Ziviani,J.,&Rodger,S.(2010).Surviving in the
9.Teach the child with Asperger Disorder to build positive mainstream: capacity of children with autism spectrum disorders to

Mihai Gabriel Alin Șuiu Apostol, Oana Boantă, Mihnea Manea, Iuliana Dobrescu: Psychosocial Factors Influencing
Asperger Disorder

perform academically and regulate their emotions and behavior at psychopathology. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
school. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 4(1), 18–27. 1996;37:51–87.
6.Amaral, D.,Bauman,M.,&Schumann,C.(2003).The amygdala and 13.Chalfant, A.M., Rapee, R. and Carroll, L. (2007). Treating Anxiety
autism: implications from non-human primate studies. Disorders in Children with High Functioning Autism Spectrum
Genes,Brain&Behavior 2(5), 295– 302 Disorders: A Controlled Trial, Journal of Autism and Developmental
7.Kim, J.,&Gorman,J.(2005). The psychobiology of anxiety. Clinical Disorders, 37 (10), 1842-1857.
Neuroscience Research 4(5–6), 335–347. 14.Weiss JA, Lunsky Y (2010) Group cognitive behaviour therapy for
8.Blair,R.J.R.(2010). Psychopathy, frustration, and reactive aggression adults with Asperger syndrome and anxiety or mood disorder: a case
:the role of ventromedial prefrontal cortex. British Journal of series. Clin Psychol Psychother 17: 438-446.
Psychology, 101(3), 383–399. 15.Card, N. A., & Little, T. D. (2006). Proactive and reactive aggression
9.Siever,L.J.(2008).Neurobiology of aggression and violence. The in childhood and adolescence: A meta-analysis of differential relations
American Journal of Psychiatry 165(4), 429–442 with psychosocial adjustment. International Journal of Behavioral
10.Eigsti, I.-M.,&Shapiro,T.(2003).A systems neuroscience approach to Development, 30(5), 466-480.
autism: biological, cognitive ,and clinical perspectives. Mental 16.McKinnie Burney,D.,&Kromrey,J.(2001). Initial development and
Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews 9(3), score validation of the adolescent anger rating scale. Educational and
205–215. Psychological Measurement 61(3), 446–460.
11.Happe, F. And Frith, U. (1996) The neuropsychology of autism.
Brain, 119, 1377-1400.
12.Pennington BF, Ozonoff S. Executive functions and developmental ***



Traian Purnichi1, 4, Gabriela Puiu1, Ileana Marinescu2, Mihail C. Pîrlog3,
George Paraschiv4, Silvia Ristea4, Ruxandra Banu5, Ioana G. Pavel6, Mihai Bran7,
Lavinia Duică8, Ruxandra Grigoraș9, Valentin P. Matei10

Abstract: Depressive disorder represents the leading evaluated using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression
cause of disability worldwide. An increasing body of Scale (HADS). From the total number of patients 64%
evidence suggests that patients presenting psychological were female, with a mean age of 67 years, from the urban
distress and depression show alterations in immunological area (92%), retired (80%).We found a mean value of
markers. The aim of our study was to observe the fibrinogen of 301.16 mg/dL (SD ± 63.20). At HADS-global
correlation of fibrinogen as a potential biological marker the patients presented a mean value of 15.9 (SD ± 7.31),
for psychological distress and depression. Data analyzed while at the HADS-D the mean value was 6.41 (SD ± 3.60).
in this paper refers to patients (N=100) included in a Low statistically significant positive correlations between
prospective study conducted between 01 February-30 fibrinogen and HADS-global ( rs(98)= .30, p= 0.0023) and
June 2016, males and females, age>18 years, recruited HADS-D (rs(98)=.36, p=0.0003) were found. Our study
from the patients whom presented for diverse para-clinical results were consistent with the data literature reported
evaluations in the outpatient clinic National Institute of from previous studies showing a significant positive
Gerontology and Geriatrics “Ana Aslan” (NIGG “Ana correlation between psychological distress, depression
Aslan”), Bucharest, Romania. Socio-demographic and fibrinogen. Also, we found higher levels of plasma
information collected included: gender, age, marital fibrinogen when we compared patients presenting
status, environmental origin, level of education, socio- psychological distress with those without psychological
economic status. For all the participants of the study distress, even though the effect size was rather small.
fibrinogen was measured using a turbidimetry method. Keywords: inflammation, emotional distress, fibrinogen,
Psychological distress and depressive symptoms were major depressive disorder

Introduction neuroplasticity, inflammation and the circadian rhythm

Depression is a pervasive, complex and heterogeneous (3, 4, 5). Immunological mechanisms have been
disorder and represents the leading cause of disability implicated in the complex pathophysiology of depression
worldwide in terms of total years lost due to disability (1). providing leads for further investigation of the hypothesis
Current neurobiological theories are based on studies considering that inflammation represents an important
investigating psychosocial stress and stress hormones, etiological factor of depression. Despite the fact that the
neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine, exact disease mechanism is unknown, some previous
dopamine, glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid studies have shown that low-grade inflammation possibly
(GABA), altered neuro-circuitry function, altered plays a role in the development of depression by
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity, neurotrophic indicating an association between depression and
factors, and circadian rhythms (2). Several hypotheses elevated inflammatory markers such as cytokines and
concerning the biologically based cause of depression acute phase proteins (6, 7, 8). Also growing evidence
have been suggested over the years, including theories indicates that psychological distress is accompanied by
revolving around monoamine neurotransmitters, activation of the innate immune system, resulting in

MD, Hospital of Psychiatry „Prof Dr. Al. Obregia”, Bucharest
MD, PhD, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry; Clinical Hospital of Neuropsychiatry
PhD, Senior lecturer, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Department of Medical Sociology, Clinical Hospital of Neuropsychiatry
PhD student, University of Medicine in Craiova
MD, National Institute of Geriatrics in Bucharest
MD, Anima Clinic in Bucharest
MD, Colțea Hospital in Bucharest
MD, University Lucian Blaga Sibiu, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry; „Gheorghe Preda” Psychiatry Hospital, Sibiu.
MD, Voila Psychiatric Hospital
MD, PhD, Senior lecturer, University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Carol Davila” Bucharest, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry; Hospital
of Psychiatry „Prof Dr. Al. Obregia”, Bucharest
Received February 2, 2017, Revised February 29, 2017, Accepted March 17, 2017

Traian Purnichi, Gabriela Puiu, Ileana Marinescu, Mihail C. Pîrlog, George Paraschiv, Silvia Ristea, Ruxandra Banu,
Ioana G. Pavel, Mihai Bran, Lavinia Duică, Ruxandra Grigoraș, Valentin P. Matei: Elevated Plasma Fibrinogen a
Possible Biomarker for Psychological Distress and Depression
increased monocyte production of the pro-inflammatory Scale (HADS). HADS was designed to rate the symptom
cytokines interleukin (IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor level of depression (HADS-D) and anxiety (HADS-A)
(TNF)-α and upregulation of the acute phase response and emotional distress in non- psychiatric populations
with increased synthesis of fibrinogen and C-reactive (22). There are two subscales, each of which has seven
protein (9). Fibrinogen exerts pro-coagulant function as a items to rate depression (HADS-D) and anxiety (HADS-
precursor of fibrin in the coagulation cascade and as A) on a 4-point Likert scale (0 = not at all, 3 = mostly;
cofactor for platelet aggregation and also a major acute range = 0–21 points). The recommended cut-off of ≥ 8
phase reactant synthesized by the liver during points to identify cases of elevated levels of anxiety and
inflammation (10). Jensen et al. showed that fibrinogen depression symptoms had a sensivity and specificity of
stimulates synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines such both subscales consistently in the range of 0.70 to 0.90
as interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α from (23). The approval for the HADS scale used was obtained.
peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and hereby to This study was approved by the I.O.S.U.D. U.M.F.
increase levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines (11). These Craiova ethical committee. We also had a collaboration
pro-inflammatory cytokines may activate the enzyme protocol with the outpatient clinic NIGG “Ana Aslan”.
indolamine-2,3-dioxygenase, which degrades the For all participants in the study fibrinogen was measured
precursor of serotonin, tryptophan (11). The decreased using a turbidimetry method (Coa-DATA 2001- a 2
concentrations of tryptophan determine a reduced channel coagulation analyzer from Dutch Diagnostics).
serotonin synthesis, which may lead to the development of All measurements were done by laboratory technicians.
depression (12, 13). As fibrinogen is the precursor of The normal fibrinogen range is considered to be 200 to
fibrin for production of thrombi, another possible 400 mg/dL, although normal value ranges may vary
hypothesis could be that increased fibrinogen levels could slightly among different laboratories. Values above
lead to increased risk of thrombus formation in vessels in 400mg/dL were considered as a marker of inflammation.
the brain, that secondary may lead to psychological In the final analysis entered only 100 participants because
distress and depression. On the other hand another the scale for one patient got lost.
possibility is that psychological distress and depression
could lead to increased fibrinogen levels. In several Statistical analysis
studies increased levels of depressive symptoms, and All the statistical analysis was performed with SPSS
clinical depression, respectively, have been associated version 21 (SPSS Inc., Chicago Ill.) and included the
with elevated fibrinogen (6, 14, 15, 16), although others following tools: descriptive analysis, as the data were
failed to find a significant association (17-21). skewed, not normally distributed, we needed to use the
The aim of our study was to analyze if there is a correlation Spearman correlation coefficient as a measure of the
between the inflammatory markers like fibrinogen and correlation and Mann-Whitney U to determine effect size.
depressive symptoms and if fibrinogen could be a The correlation analyses express the strength of linkage or
potential biological marker for psychological distress and co-occurrence between to variables in a single value
depression symptoms severity. between -1 and +1. This value is called the correlation
coefficient. A correlation coefficient of 0 indicates that no
Material and methods relationship between the variables exists at all. The
Data for present paper was obtained after an analysis of a correlation coefficient “rule of thumb” interpretation is
prospective study conducted between 01 February - 30 the following: 0.90 to 1 (-0.90 to -1)= very high positive
June 2016, on a sample comprised 101 adult participants, (negative) correlation; 0.70 to 0.90 (-0.70 to -0.90)= high
males and females, aged over 18 years, recruited from the positive (negative) correlation; 0.50 to 0.70 (-0.50 to -
patients whom presented for various para-clinical 0.70)= moderate positive (negative) correlation; 0.30 to
evaluations in the outpatient clinic National Institute of 0.50 (-0.30 to -0.50 = low positive (negative) correlation;
Gerontology and Geriatrics “Ana Aslan” (NIGG “Ana 0 to 0.30 (0 to -0.30)= negligible correlation (24). A
Aslan”), Bucharest, Romania. Details of the study were positive correlation coefficient indicates a positive
explained to every patient and a written informed consent relationship between two variables (the larger variable
was obtained from all participants. The socio- “A”, the larger variable “B”) while a negative correlation
demographic data collected included: gender, age, marital coefficients expresses a negative relationship (the larger
status, environmental origin, level of education, socio- variable “ A”, the smaller variable “B”) (25).
economic status. Data about family history, pathological Effect size (r) was determined for each pair of groups with
personal history, diagnosis of depressive disorder, the formula r= Z/√N [3] (where N= is the total number of
symptoms at onset, number of hospitalizations for participants in a pair of groups) and we used Cohen's effect
diagnosis of depressive disorder, previous antidepressant size estimates (0.2 ='small', 0.5 = 'medium' and 0.8 =
treatment, association with psychotropic medication, 'large' effect size) (26).
quality of response and side effects of medication, and
somatic comorbidities were also collected. For all patients Results
were recorded the following laboratory results: CBC, The main clinical and demographical data regarding the
GGT, glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, TSH, entire group are presented in table 1. daregardingheentire
fibrinogen, VSH, CRP and CRP-hs. All the participants group are presented in table 1
required to complete the Hospital Anxiety and Depression

Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. XIX, No.2, 2017

and psychological distress. Comparing the two groups of

patients that we created (“distress” and “non-distress”
group) we observed a statistically significant higher level
of fibrinogen in patients with psychological distress.
However, the effect size was rather small (r=0.364). Our
study results are consistent with the data reported from
previous studies in literature showing a significant
positive association between depression and fibrinogen.
As a heterogeneous disorder presenting a wide range of
symptoms, the treatment success of depression varies
among patients. Some studies showed that high plasma
fibrinogen levels were associated with a poor
antidepressant response and indicated an elevated
inflammatory status present at non-responders (27).
Table 1: demographic data of the study population Geiser et al. found decreased fibrinogen levels in patients
The mean value of fibrinogen was 301.16 mg/dL (SD ± treated with serotonergic antidepressants compared to
63.20). At the psychometric scale HADS-global the patients without use of serotonergic antidepressants and
patients presented a mean value of 15.9 (SD ± 7.31), while healthy controls (28), although others did not find that use
at the HADS-D the mean value was 6.41 (SD ± 3.60). of antidepressants in general was associated with
There was a low but statistically significant positive decreased fibrinogen levels ( 16). Also, some suggest that
correlation between fibrinogen and psychological distress MDD patients with increased inflammatory protein levels
(HADS-global), rs(98)= .30, p= 0.0023 (graph 1). tend to be treatment resistant (29).
The potential clinical implication of fibrinogen as a
predictive response marker in the case of antidepressant
resistance would be that those specific patients could be
subjected to medication that modulates fibrinogen levels
before starting drug treatment to increase the likelihood of
response. If further studies will confirm the putative use of
fibrinogen level in resistant depressed patients it may be
possible to better manage these patients by not exposing
them to lengthy antidepressants trials but rather to use also
other therapeutically methods.

Psychological distress and depressive symptoms were
statistically significant and positively correlated with
elevated levels of plasma fibrinogen. Also, patients
Graph 1: the statistical correlation between fibrinogen presenting psychological distress had higher levels of
values and depression symptoms severity assed by HADS plasma fibrinogen compared to patients without
rating scale of a rs(98)= 0.30 and a p value of 0.0023 presenting psychological distress, even though the effect
Also we found a low positive correlation, yet statistically size was rather small.
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Ana M. Romoșan1, Felicia Romoșan2, Liana Dehelean3, Mihaela A. Simu4,
Virgil R. Enătescu5, Cristina A. Bredicean6, Ion Papavă7, Iris Druț8,
Mihaela O. Manea9, Ioana Riviș10, Simona D. Rădulescu11, Radu Ș. Romoșan12
Introduction: Patients with schizophrenia require medication Introducere: Tratamentul schizofreniei necesită medicație
that is taken regularly for long periods of time. Non-adherence to administrată regulat pe termen lung. Non-aderența la medicația
antipsychotics is considered the main reason for hospital antipsihotică este considerată principalul motiv pentru
readmission. reinternările in spital.
Objectives: To assess the prevalence of non-adherence in Obiective: Evaluarea ratei de non-aderenţă la tratamentul cu
schizophrenic patients under antipsychotic treatment and to antipsihotice la pacienţii cu schizofrenie, identificarea factorilor
identify socio-demographic and clinical factors that might socio-demografici şi clinici care ar putea influenţa aderenţa la
influence adherence to treatment. tratament.
Methods: This prospective study was conducted in several Metodă: Studiul a fost efectuat pe 60 de pacienţi, între octombrie
psychiatric private practices located in Timișoara, between 2014 şi octombrie 2016, aflaţi în evidenţă la diverse cabinete
october 2014 and october 2016 and included 60 patients medicale de psihiatrie private din Timișoara, diagnosticaţi cu
diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia according to ICD-10 schizofrenie paranoidă (conform criteriilor ICD-10) și
criteria, that were followed-up for six months. Clinical monitorizați timp de 6 luni în ceea ce priveşte aderenţa la
interviews, the BPRS – Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (used to tratamentul cu antipsihotice. La evaluarea iniţială au fost
assess symptom severity) and a shorter version of the ROMI – colectate date clinice privind pacienții și au fost aplicate scalele
Rating of Medical Influences scale (used to rate patient attitudes BPRS – Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (pentru aprecierea
toward adherence) were applied at baseline. The BPRS was also intensității simptomatologiei psihiatrice) și ROMI – Rating of
used in the follow-up visits (once a month). We divided the Medical Influences (utilizată pentru evaluarea atitudinii
patients into two samples considering treatment adherence and pacienților față de aderența la terapie). Scala BPRS a fost
we compared data. aplicată ulterior și pe parcursul monitorizării (o dată pe lună). În
Results: For the whole sample, the mean disorder duration was funcție de aderență, pacienții au fost împărțiți în două loturi,
12.6 ± 7.6 years and the mean number of hospitalizations was 6.4 analizate comparativ.
± 4.5. Younger patients were more adherent to treatment than Rezultate: La nivelul întregului lot, durata medie a bolii a fost de
elderly patients, whilst single patients or those living alone were 12.6 ± 7.6 ani, iar numărul mediu de spitalizări 6.4 ± 4.5.
more frequently non-adherent. We obtained statistically Aderența la tratament a fost mai bună la pacienții tineri.
significant differences between the study groups (adherent vs. Pacienții necăsătoriți și cei trăind singuri au fost mai frecvent
non-adherent) regarding disorder duration (p=0.04) and mean neaderenți. Am obținut diferențe semnificative între cele două
number of hospitalizations (p=0.02). The main two reasons for loturi (aderenți vs. neaderenți) privind durata bolii (p=0.04) și
non-adherence to pharmacotherapy were discomfort caused by durata medie a spitalizării (p=0.02). Principalele motive pentru
the medication's adverse effects (37.5%), and the fact that non-aderență au fost disconfortul cauzat de efectele adverse ale
medication is not currently needed – from the patient's standpoint medicației (37.5%) și faptul că tratamentul nu mai este necesar –
(21.8%). The most important reasons for adherence to din punctul de vedere al pacientului (21.8%). Cele mai
pharmacotherapy were: the perceived daily benefit brought on by importante motive pentru aderența la terapie au fost considerate:
antipsychotic medication (32.1%) and relapse prevention beneficiul zilnic adus de către medicația antipsihotică (32.1%) și
(17.9%). prevenirea recăderilor (17.9%).
Conclusions: Age, marital status, and disorder duration are Concluzii: Vârsta, statutul marital și durata bolii sunt factori
factors with the most important influence on treatment care influențează aderența pacienților la tratament.
adherence. Cuvinte cheie: complianță, non-complianță, psihoză,
Key words: compliance, non-compliance, psychosis,

MD, PhD Candidate, ”Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timişoara, Romania; 4th year medical resident in adult psychiatry,
SCJUPB Timisoara.
MD, PhD, Mara Institute, Timișoara, Romania.
MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience, ”Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timişoara, Romania.
MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Neuroscience, ”Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timişoara, Romania.
MD, PhD, University Lecturer, Department of Neuroscience, ”Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timişoara, Romania.
MD, PhD, University Lecturer, Department of Neuroscience, ”Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timişoara, Romania.
MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience, ”Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timişoara, Romania.
MD, PhD Candidate, ”Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timişoara, Romania; 2nd year medical resident in adult psychiatry,
SCJUPB Timisoara.
MD, PhD Candidate, ”Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timişoara, Romania.
MD, 3rd year medical resident in adult psychiatry, SCJUPB Timisoara.
MD, PhD Candidate, ”Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timişoara, Romania; 4th year medical resident in adult psychiatry,
SCJUPB Timisoara.
MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience, ”Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timişoara, Romania.
Correspondence to:Romoşan Radu-Ștefan, MD PhDAsst. Prof., Department of Neuroscience, Discipline of Psychiatry, 2 Eftimie Murgu Street,
300041, Timişoara Tel: +40724.981.888, E-mail:
Received November 19, 2016, Revised January 11, 2017, Accepted January 31, 2017
Ana M. Romoșan, Felicia Romoșan, Liana Dehelean, Mihaela A. Simu, Virgil R. Enătescu, Cristina A. Bredicean, Ion
Papavă, Iris Druț, Mihaela O. Manea, Ioana Riviș, Simona D. Rădulescu, Radu Ș. Romoșan: Factors Associated with
Medication Adherence in Patients with Schizophrenia
INTRODUCTION located in Timișoara, Romania from October 2014 to
From the perspective of any disorder with a October 2016. Inclusion criteria in the study were age
significant degree of chronicisation, including between 18 and 65 years, the International Classification
schizophrenia, ensuring patient adherence to medical of Diseases 10 (ICD-10) diagnosis of paranoid
treatment starting from the first episode of the illness is schizophrenia, and the prescription of at least one
essential. The treatment's main objective for patients with antipsychotic agent. Cases of abuse or addiction to alcohol
schizophrenia is full control of symptoms with minimal or drugs and those with limited capacity to give valid
impact on functioning, thus ensuring optimal quality of consent were excluded from the study. All patients used
life. The chronic evolution of the disorder translates into conventional or atypical antipsychotics and the method of
the fact that most patients require antipsychotic administration was oral. Upon study entry, patients gave
medication for long periods of time, sometimes life-long, their informed consent and the research was approved by
in order to achieve good control of symptoms and to the local ethics committee. The study was conducted
prevent the recurrence of acute psychotic episodes and according to the principles stated in the Helsinki
progressive cognitive impairment that are associated with Declaration and the authors received no funding from any
them (1,2). Therefore, constant adherence to source.
antipsychotic treatment is a major determinant for a Demographic and clinical characteristics of the
favorable outcome. Unfortunately, a significant patients (gender, age, marital status, educational status,
proportion of patients do not adhere to therapeutic professional status, the clinical form of schizophrenia, the
indications. Treatment non-adherence rates in patients duration of illness, number of hospitalizations, and
with schizophrenia cited in the literature varies, antipsychotics used) were recorded. Data was obtained
depending on the authors and the definition itself: between from the medical records supplied by the clinician and
20% and 89%(3) with an average of 49% of cases(4). The from the patients during the interview.
most significant consequences of antipsychotic treatment The term “adherence” was defined as the degree
discontinuation are: increased number of relapses and to which individuals follow directions for taking
hospitalizations, increased severity of symptoms during prescribed medication. Medication adherence was
relapse, worsening of residual symptoms, substance assessed through physicians` subjective perception, by
abuse, and increased social cost (5,6,7). Although factors direct questioning the patient or by questioning a family
which influence adherence frequently overlap or member. Adherence was assessed monthly by using the
influence each other, it's still possible to distinguish report given by a family member designated as
factors related to: the patient (psychopathology, cognitive responsible for this task. Non-adherence was defined as
impairment, age, gender, personality traits, absence of taking less than 75% of the prescribed dose within the
insight, cultural beliefs regarding illness and health), preceding 30 days (adapted from Buchanan et al.,1992)
treatment (tolerance, duration of treatment, onset of action (11).
and efficacy, unrealistic expectations in terms of benefit / At baseline, positive and negative symptoms and
risk ratio, delayed therapeutic effect and early side effects, severity of hallucinations and thought disorder
subjective discomfort caused by the side effects), (conceptual disorganization) were quantified using BPRS
environmental (social environmental attitude towards the (Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale) – the extended version,
psychiatric treatment, availability of the family to support, with 24 items (12).
assist and supervise the treatment, social support, stigma, An abbreviated version of the Rating of
financial situation), therapist-related factors (patient- Medication Influences (ROMI) Scale was used to assess
psychiatrist relationship, therapeutic alliance, informing the attitudinal and behavioral factors that influence
the patient about the disorder and treatment, perceived medication adherence (13). The ROMI Scale is a self-
interest regarding the therapist's interest towards the assessment scale which has two parts, the first part being
patient's problems) (8,9,10). Adherence to treatment in semi-structured and includes questions about the patient's
schizophrenia is also affected by the duration and the lifestyle, treatment, patient and family attitudes towards
consequences of discontinuing the medication: the treatment, active/passive adherence. The second part of
consequences of non-adherence are mitigated by the the scale is divided into two sections, comprising the main
insidious manner in which symptoms develop after reasons for adherence or non-adherence. This study used
treatment is discontinued so that the relationship between the second part of the ROMI Scale.
cause and effect becomes sometimes blurred both for After clinical interview, the BPRS Scale and
patients and family, which can lead to maintaining non- the ROMI Scale were applied at baseline. We divided the
adherent behavior. Although this grouping of factors is patients into two groups (adherent and non-adherent to
somewhat artificial, it can help the clinician to detect the treatment), that were assessed comparatively. The BPRS
various reasons for which the patient has developed non- was used in the follow-up visits (on a monthly basis).
adherence issues and to intervene accordingly. Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics
The aim of the study was to assess the rate of non- for Windows (version 20). Statistical data processing
adherence to antipsychotic treatment in outpatients with calculated the statistic descriptive indicators, frequency,
schizophrenia, to identify socio-demographic and clinical mean and standard deviation for numerical data. Because
factors that may influence adherence to treatment and to of the relative small sample size, a normality test was
record the reasons given by the patients as to why adherent applied (the Shapiro-Wilk normality test). The test
or non-adherent behavior occurred. revealed a non-gaussian data distribution and therefore, to
MATERIALS AND METHODS compare groups, we used a non-parametrical test (the
The study involved 60 patients diagnosed with Mann-Whitney U test). For comparing categorical data,
schizophrenia from various psychiatric private practices we utilized the χ² test. The level of significance was set at

Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. XIX, No.2, 2017

0.05. All results were two-tailed. can be applied to a large sample of patients. The rate of
non-adherence found in our sample over a 6-month period
RESULTS (53.30 %) is in agreement with those found in the literature
Baseline characteristics of the patients are – approximately 50% (11,15,16,17). Socio-demographic
presented in Table 1. characteristics did not differ much between patients who
Thirty-one were female (51.7%) and twenty- had good adherence and those who were non-adherent.
nine (48.3%) male and their mean age was 36 years The non-adherent group had a higher mean age at the
(SD=11.4). Out of the 60 patients, 23 (38.3%) were baseline assessment than those in the adherent group.
married, 37 (61.7%) were single (not married, separated or Literature is equivocal in terms of age, some studies
divorced). Upon entry into the study 23 patients (38.3%) finding more often non-adherent behavior in young age
were employed, 28 (46.7%) were retired and 9 of them groups (10,18), other report adherence problems in older
(15%) were unemployed. In terms of educational level 27 people (19,20). Possible explanations are the tendency to
of them (45%) had completed elementary school, 28 be non-conformant, thus refusing to follow a rigorous,
(46.7%) were high school graduates and 5 (8.3%) college planned schedule for the young and in the case of older
or university graduates. people the potential presence of memory disorders and
We noted statistically significant differences concomitant medication for various somatic disorders that
between groups considering mean age, the duration of the may contribute to lower adherence (21,22). A significant
illness and mean number of hospitalizations, as can be correlation was found regarding non-adherent behavior
observed in Table 2. and the marital status. Single patients and especially the
We noticed that younger patients were more ones who lived alone were more likely to be non-adherent.
adherent to treatment than elderly patients, whilst non- The correlation found between illness duration and non-
adherent were significantly more frequent single patients adherent behavior is in concordance with the literature
(χ²=2.315, p=0.05) and those living alone (χ²=3.115, data, supporting the idea that risk for non-adherence
p=0.002). We found no significant statistical associations increases in parallel with the disorder duration, and
between adherence and educational level (χ²=0.21, acknowledged as being present in other chronic
p=0.156), between adherence and professional status psychiatric or non-psychiatric disorders (23,24). The
(χ²=0.159, p=0.23), or between adherence and gender mean number of hospitalizations/ non-adherent case
(χ²=0.135, p=0.38). suggests the role of risk factors for relapses and
The mean BPRS values obtained in the consequently a more unfavorable development which can
evaluations show a mild severity of symptomatology, occur because of non-adherence to treatment. A
which was maintained relatively constant during the study significant difference regarding symptom severity
in both groups of patients. The difference between the between adherent and non-adherent patients was not
groups during the direct evaluation regarding increased found in our study. The severity of the disorder has been
symptom severity in the non-adherent group was not found by many authors to correlate with adherence, which
validated from a statistical point of view (Table 3). is understandable since patients presenting more severe
Another aspect studied was the patient's psychopathology would be expected to be less adherent to
motivation towards medication adherence or non- treatment. On the other hand, it's known that non-
adherence. The most important reasons for adherence, adherence to treatment is determined by multiple factors,
after ROMI Scale were: the perceived daily benefit including the severity of symptoms but this is not
brought on by antipsychotic medication (increased quality considered a unique and necessary cause (11,25). The
of sleep, decreased anxiety levels, diminished main motivation for adherence was the perception of a
hallucination frequency and intensity, increased control potential benefit. Patients need to feel better, regarding
over their thoughts), relapse prevention, positive family something that disturbed them (example: sleep
beliefs and supervision, fear of being hospitalized and a disturbance, anxiety, hallucinations). The perception of
positive patient-clinician relationship (Table 4). benefit and a subjective perception of well-being seem to
The most important reasons for non-adherence have been more consistently correlated with adherence
were discomfort caused by the adverse effects of the (26). Supervising the intake of medication by family or
medication (extrapyramidal and anticholinergic effects, friends and positive attitudes towards medication was
weight gain), followed by “medication is not currently frequent in the adherent patients. A positive relationship
needed” – from the patient's perspective, denial of illness, with the clinician was quoted by only 10.71% of patients
treatment without benefit, social stigma and interference as a reason for adherence. In other studies, this reason is
with ideals in life, opposition from family. Data are more frequently cited (27)than in our study. The clinician-
presented in Table 5. patient relationship is however difficult to assess in terms
DISCUSSIONS of methodology. It is widely recognized that a good
The study investigated reported non-adherent therapeutic alliance can influence patient attitude towards
forms of behavior and their detection by clinicians in the disorder and treatment. The information the clinician
patients with paranoid schizophrenia. Before discussing provides his patients with, regarding the disorder, about
the findings in detail, it is important to comment on the use the effects and usefulness of treatment, also about their
of self-report measures of adherence. No method of side effects, can significantly contribute to improving
adherence assessment is perfect, but the specificity of self- adherence. The most common reason quoted by non-
report is considered to be comparable with plasma adherent patients was the adverse effects of
measurements and event monitoring techniques (14). antipsychotics. Side effects, particularly extrapyramidal
Stephenson (15) suggests that the sensitivity of self-report and anticholinergic effects are the source of considerable
is less reliable but is a simple and low-burden measure that distress, they have a stigmatizing role and potentially

Ana M. Romoșan, Felicia Romoșan, Liana Dehelean, Mihaela A. Simu, Virgil R. Enătescu, Cristina A. Bredicean, Ion
Papavă, Iris Druț, Mihaela O. Manea, Ioana Riviș, Simona D. Rădulescu, Radu Ș. Romoșan: Factors Associated with
Medication Adherence in Patients with Schizophrenia
unpleasant consequences, decreasing the patient's quality who have various reasons for non-adherence are
of life as well as his desire to take antipsychotic associated with actual non-adherence and the ROMI Scale
medication ever again. The next reason quoted by the may be useful for predicting such behavior. Improved
patients was that medication is not necessary now, treatment adherence in schizophrenia can reduce the risk
reflecting the response of patients on disease knowledge of relapse and its morbid consequences and perhaps
and beliefs. It is obvious that if the patient feels well and promote higher functioning through better therapeutic
believes that schizophrenia is an unimportant disorder that engagement.
doesn't require continuous treatment, adherence will be LIMITATIONS
compromised. Our study must be interpreted in light of some limitations:
the relatively small patient samples, adherence wasn't
CONCLUSIONS studied according to antipsychotic classes, which could
In the present study, we found a high rate of non- have (potentially) influenced the end results. Like other
adherence during the 6-month follow-up of outpatients studies of medication adherence among individuals with
with schizophrenia. Non-adherent behavior was more psychotic disorders, the present study was hampered by
frequently found in the elderly and in those living alone. inherent selection biases, because individuals who
Disorder duration and the mean number of consent to participate in such research and complete the
hospitalizations per case were higher in the non-adherent required assessment are likely to be more compliant in
group, the second variable suggesting the role of risk taking medication.
factor for relapse that non-adherence to treatment AKNOWLEDGEMENTS
represents. In the opinion of the assessed patients, the All authors have contributed equally to the present study
most important reason for adherence was the perception of and approved its final version.
the daily benefit brought by the medication and for non- DISCLOSURES
adherence the discomfort caused by the side effects of the The authors have no conflict of interest to disclose for the
antipsychotics. Identifying and understanding the reasons present article.
for non-adherence to treatment represents a strategy of LIST OF ABREVIATIONS
improving the patient's commitment in long-term therapy. BPRS: Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale
The results suggest that outpatients with schizophrenia ROMI: Rating of Medication Influences

Table 1 – Socio-demographic data – adherent / non-adherent group

Adherent Non-adherent Statistical
n = 28 n = 32 significance

Mean age (± SD) at baseline 32.8 ± 6.8 years 36.9 ± 7.08 years Z=-2.043
assessment p=0.04

Males 11 18 χ2=4.93
Sex p=0.09
Females 17 14
Married 16 7 χ2=7.95
Marital status p=0.05
Single 12 25
Elementary school 11 16
Educational level High school 14 14 p=0.06
College/University 3 2
Employed 14 9
Professional status Retired 10 18 p=0.159
Unemployed 4 5

Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. XIX, No.2, 2017

Table 2 – Clinical variables

Adherent Non-adherent Statistical
n = 28 n = 32 significance

Mean age (±SD) Z=-2.043

32.8 ± 6.8 36.9 ± 7.08 p=0.04

Mean disorder duration (±SD) 8.72 ± 6.31 12.27 ± 8.04 Z=-2.07


Mean number of 5.29 ± 2.13 7.63 ± 4.15 Z=-3.31

hospitalizations / case (±SD) p=0.02

Table 3 – Mean BPRS-A Scale Scores – adherent / non-adherent groups

Duration of follow- Adherent (n=28) – BPRS mean Non-adherent (n=32) – BPRS
up (months) scores (±SD) mean scores (±SD)
0 29.50 ± 4.81 29.62 ± 5.72
1 29.76 ± 5.86 30.20 ± 6.54
2 28.58 ± 5.57 33.84 ± 7.50
3 28.42 ± 5.57 33.18 ± 7.95
4 27.80 ± 5.76 35.26 ± 8.04
5 26.96 ± 5.54 36.05 ± 7.07
6 26.88 ± 5.63 36.27 ± 7.93

Table 4 – Reasons for treatment adherence

Most frequent reasons for adherence Number of patients %

Perceived benefit brought by medication 9 32.1

Relapse prevention 5 17.9
Family supervision and attitude towards treatment 4 14.3
Fear of being hospitalized 4 14.3
Positive patient-clinician relationship 3 10.7
Insistence from family members 2 7.1
Respect for authority 1 3.6

Ana M. Romoșan, Felicia Romoșan, Liana Dehelean, Mihaela A. Simu, Virgil R. Enătescu, Cristina A. Bredicean, Ion
Papavă, Iris Druț, Mihaela O. Manea, Ioana Riviș, Simona D. Rădulescu, Radu Ș. Romoșan: Factors Associated with
Medication Adherence in Patients with Schizophrenia

Table 5 – Reasons for non-adherence

Most frequent reasons for non-adherence Number of patients %

Discomfort caused by side effects 12 37.5

Medication is not necessary at present 7 21.9
Denial of illness 5 15.6
Treatment brings no benefits 3 9.4
Social stigma 2 6.3
Interference with ideals in life 2 6.3
Opposition from family / friend(s) 1 3

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Ana-Anca Talașman¹, Mihaela Nae2, Alexandra Dolfi3,Irina Luca4, Mihai V Zamfir5

Abstract: 300mg i.m.,two shots per month (at 2 weeks distance). Two
BACKGROUND: Non adherence to medication is a major patients lost weight, the majority of them had no
risk factor contributing to relapse and hospitalization significant variation in BMI, one patient with increase of
among patients with schizophrenia. Treatment with 8,4units in BMI, two patients with stable BMI. 7 of 12
antipsychotics in depot patients had increased cholesterol levels, the rest of
formulations is recognized as safe and effective for biological parameters being normal. Two patients had
improving medication adherence.(1) post-injectional somnolence. 13 patients had no relapses,
OBJECTIVES: Metabolic and quality of life assessment of 3 patients were noncompliant, 3 had relapses, 3 were lost
patients treated with olanzapine depot from monitoring and 2 were changed on orally
METHODS: We studied 24 patients in treatment with administered olanzapine. 4 patients had total score above
olanzapine depot, monitored between 2011-2017. For 50 at the mental component of SF-36 and 4of them had
metabolic assessment we used data from patients' clinical total scoreabove 50 at the physical component of SF-36.
recordings (variation in Blood Pressure, glycaemia , CONCLUSION: In the studied sample, most of the patients
cholesterol, triglycerides, BMI) and for quality of life had a favourable evolution regarding clinical aspects,
assessment SF-36.questionnaire and data regarding familial and socio-professional reinsertion and metabolic
socio-professional, familial reinsertion, number of outcomes, which confirms the fact that olanzapine depot is
relapses and hospitalisations obtained from clinical a safe treatment associated with low incidence of relapses.
interview. Further studies are needed on large samples, in order to
RESULTS: The studied sample comprised 16 men and 8 evaluate quality of life in patients treated with olanzapine
women, diagnosed with schizophrenia, most of them being depot.
previously treated with oral olanzapine. Most of the Key words: treatment adherence, quality of life,
patients were under treatment with olanzapine depot olanzapine depot

BACKGROUND: and vital signs). For metabolic assessment we used data

Non adherence to medication is a major risk factor from patients' clinical recordings (variation in Blood
contributing to relapse and hospitalisation among patients Pressure, glycaemia, cholesterol, triglycerides, BMI) and
with schizophrenia(1). Treatment with antipsychotics in for quality of life assessment SF-36 questionnaire which
depot we applied to 6 of the 13 patients who are still monitored
formulations is recognized as safe and effective for and data regarding socio-professional, familial
improving medication adherence and it appears to benefit reinsertion, number of relapses and hospitalisations
non compliant patients with schizophrenia(1). obtained from clinical interview.
Hospitalization is a costing and stressful event associated
with relapse during treatment of patients with RESULTS:
schizophrenia (2). Olanzapine depot was associated with a The studied sample comprised 16 men and 8 women,
significant lower incidence of hospitalizations and a minimum age 28, maximum age 57 at the beginning of
shorter duration of hospitalization compared to olanzapine treatment, diagnosed with schizophrenia, 18 patients in
administered orally in therapeutic dose (2). anterior treatment with oral olanzapine, 1 with
flupenthyxol, 1 with aripiprazole, 1 with amisulpride, 2
METHODS: with quetiapine and 1 with risperidone.
We studied 24 patients in treatment with olanzapine depot, Olanzapine depot dosage used were the following: 8
monitored between 2011-2017. At every visit patients patients on 405 mg/month i.m., 15 patients with 300mg /2
were monitored for 3 hours in the hospital(clinical state weeks i.m., one patient with 210mg/2 weeks.

¹Senior Psychiatrist at The Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry”Prof. Dr. Alexandru Obregia” No.10 Berceni Road , District 4, Bucharest,e-mail:
²Psychiatrist at Clinical Emergency Hospital”Sf. Ioan”, No.13 Vitan-Birzesti Road, District 4, Bucharest,
³Resident in Psychiatry at The Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry”Prof. Dr. Alexandru Obregia” No.10 Berceni Road , District 4, Bucharest,e-
Resident in Psychiatry at The Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry”Prof. Dr. Alexandru Obregia” No.10 Berceni Road , District 4, Bucharest,e-
Physiology - Neurosciences Division, Faculty of Medicine, ”Carol Davila”University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest
Received December 3, 2016, Revised December 11, 2016, Accepted December 22, 2016

Ana-Anca Talașman,Mihaela Nae, Alexandra Dolfi,Irina Luca, Mihai V Zamfir: Metabolic Assessment and Quality of
Life in a Sample of Patients in Treatment With Olanzapine Depot (zypadhera)

for all monitored patients.

Triglycerides- all values within normal limits.
Cholesterol- 7 out of 12 patients had values above the
normal limit.
BP and pulse- values were in normal limits for all
monitored patients.
TGO and TGP were normal in majority of patients.

Figure no.3

Figure no. 1

Figure no. 4

Figure no. 2

Biological parameters monitored:

BMI-2 patients lost weight, most of them without Figure no.5
significant variation in BMI, one patient with significant
variation (an increase of BMI of 8.4 units), 2 patients with
stable weight. Glycaemia- values were in normal limits

Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. XIX, No.2, 2017

N Mini Maxi Mean Std. We registered 2 adverse events, two patients with
mum mum Deviation post injection somnolence. The two patients were
Gender 24 0 1 .33 .482 administered i.v. fluids and were monitored until next day
Age at beginning of 23 25.0 57.0 37.522 9.7602 in the hospital, their outcome being favourable and
treatment continued treatment with olanzapine depot with good
Dosage 24 0 2 1.29 .550 evolution at the present time.
No of visits 24 5 112 50.83 32.979 13 patients of the 24 monitored ones had no relapses, 3
BMIvariation 24 -2.1 8.4 1.296 2.0733 patients had relapses after 5 yers of treatment with
Glycaemiamedium 13 80 159 94.85 20.301 olanzapine depot, 3 patients were noncompliant after 5
TGMedium 12 56 292 133.08 69.886 years of treatment, 3 were lost from monitoring and 2 were
CholMedium 12 110 330 199.67 60.426 changed on orally administered olanzapine, on request
TGOmedium 13 12 34 22.69 6.688
TGPmedium 12 3 258 42.08 69.246
BPsMedium 14 100 140 120.36 12.475
PulseMedium 12 70 90 79.83 5.797
Initial treatment 23 1 5 3.04 .706
Relapse 24 0 1 .13 .338
Glycaemiamedium 13 .00 1.00 .0769 .27735
TGmediumCAT 12 .00 1.00 .4167 .51493
CholmediumCAT 12 .00 1.00 .5833 .51493

Table no.1 Descriptive Statistics

Conventions: 0=man Dosage: 0=210 1=300 4=405 For
a simple analysis we kept only systolic BP values.

Figure no.8

Figure no. 6

Figure no.7 Figure no. 9

Ana-Anca Talașman,Mihaela Nae, Alexandra Dolfi,Irina Luca, Mihai V Zamfir: Metabolic Assessment and Quality of
Life in a Sample of Patients in Treatment With Olanzapine Depot (zypadhera)

SF-36 questionnaire results: mental component- 4 3 of our studied patients are employed, most of the
patients obtained total score above 50, one patient a total monitored patients come alone to treatment, after only 2-3
score of 50 and one patient a score under 50; physical years of treatment they became independent, all of the
component- 4 patients with the total score above medium patients respect the visits' schedule and they stay 3 hours
and 2 with a score under the medium. in the hospital, being monitored at every visit.

Schizophrenia is a chronic disease in which relapses are
frequent during the life of the patients (2,3). During the
relapse the patient might be admitted to hospital for acute
treatment and control of psychotic symptoms, fact that can
lead to added costs and delays recovery (4,5), reducing
quality of life in these patients(6). This is why, it must be
found a treatment that contributes to increase in
adherence, lowering of the relapses and the costs and
improvement in quality of life of the patients.
In the studied sample, most of the patients had a
favourable outcome regarding clinical aspects, familial
and socio-professional reinsertion and metabolic
evolution, which confirms the fact that olanzapine depot is
a safe treatment associated with low incidence of relapses
which implies a low number of hospitalisations.
Further studies are needed, on larger samples, in order to
evaluate quality of life in patients treated with olanzapine

1.Ascher-Svanum H, Montgomery W, McDonnell D, Coleman K,
Figure no. 10 Feldman P. Treatment-completion rates with olanzapine long-acting
injection versus risperidone long-acting injection in a 12-month, open-
label treatment of schizophrenia: indirect, exploratory comparison.
International Journal of General Medicine 2012; 5: 391–398.
2.Ascher-Svanum H et al. Predictors of psychiatric hospitalization
during 6 months of maintenance treatment with olanzapine long-acting
injection: post hoc analysis of a randomized, double-blind study. BMC
Psychiatry 2013; 13:224.
3.Citrome L. New second-generation long-acting injectable
antipsychotics for the treatment of schizophrenia. Expert Rev of
Neurother 2013; 13(7):767-783, DOI: 10.1586/14737175.2013.811984
4.Robinson D, Woerner MG, Alvir JM, Bilder R, Goldman R, Geisler S,
Koreen A, Sheitman B, Chakos M, Mayerhoff D, Lieberman JA:
Predictors of relapse following response from a first episode of
schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1999,
5.Lieberman JA, Koreen AR, Chakos M, Sheitman B, Woerner M, Alvir
JM, Bilder R: Factors influencing treatment response and outcome of
first episode schizophrenia: implications for understanding the
pathophysiology of schizophrenia. J Clin Psychiatry 1996; 57(Suppl
6. Almond S, Knapp M, Francois C, Toumi M, Brugha T: Relapse in
schizophrenia: costs, clinical outcomes and quality of life. Br J
Psychiatry 2004; 184:346–351.


Figure no. 11



Andreea D. Stanculescu1, Dominic G. Iliescu2, Octavian Dragoescu3, Andrei Drocas4,
Mihail C. Pirlog5, Stefania Tudorache 6, Florea Purcaru 7, Traian Purnichi8,
Nicoleta A. Dragoescu9

ABSTRACT: Postoperative delirium is a common (MDA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were measured.
complication of all types of surgery, especially in elderly Postoperative delirium was assessed using Confusion
patients (2). Overproduction of free oxygen radicals and Assessment Method for the ICU (CAM-ICU). All patients
decrease of organism defense mechanisms is believed to be with delirium from both groups developed the condition on
involved in multiorgan failure, especially in the brain (4). the first postoperative day. In the sevoflurane group,
It is important to determinate the susceptibility, incidence postoperative delirium has observed in 6/14 patients
and preventive measures for postoperative delirium (8). (42%) and in the propofol group, 5/15 patients (33%) have
Our objective was to identify an oxidative stress indicator developed the same postoperative syndrome. There was a
that predicts the appearance of postoperative delirium in significant increase of malondialdehyde levels in the
patients that undergoes laparoscopic renal or delirium group compared to the non-delirium group in
gynecological surgery for malignant diseases and the patients, sevoflurane and propofol, at the end of surgery.
possible correlations between certain anesthetic drugs (p<0.05) There were statistical difference between
and postoperative delirium occurrence. This study delirium group and non-delirium group in both
included 29 patients that were treated for localized kidney sevoflurane and propofol patients, regarding superoxide
or uterine cancer by trans peritoneal laparoscopic radical dismutase levels before anesthesia induction (p<0.05).
surgery procedures (nephrectomy or hysterectomy) Postoperative delirium incidence can be predicted by
between 2014 and 2016. They were randomized in two preoperative superoxide dismutase levels assessment in
groups: the sevoflurane group (n=14 patients) and patients that undergoes laparoscopic urologic or
propofol group (n=15 patients). Blood samples were gynecological surgery for malignant diseases.
collected before anesthesia induction, at the end of surgery Key words: postoperative delirium, superoxide dismutase,
and at 24 h after surgery and the levels of malondialdehyde propofol.

INTRODUCTION Postoperative delirium is a common

Delirium is a transient mental syndrome of acute complication of all types of surgery, especially in elderly
onset which is defined by global impairment of cognitive patients. The incidence of delirium in elderly
status, a reduced level of consciousness, perceptual and postoperative patients is 15% to 53% and as high as 80% in
emotional disturbances, impairment of attention, elderly patients that require intensive care. (7) One-quarter
psychomotor activity abnormalities and impairment of of delirious elderly patients dies within 6 months. (8)
sleep, secondary to a general medical condition (1), having The cause of the high incidence of postoperative
a complex multifactorial, and not yet fully understood, delirium in elderly patients is unclear, but a few
etiology. mechanisms were proposed. The pathophysiology of
Delirium represents the most common delirium is associated with a variety of etiologies: reduced
psychiatric syndrome which appear in the general hospital cerebral perfusion/oxygenation (9, 10), imbalance of
setting, affecting between 15% and 60% of medical and noradrenergic/cholinergic neurotransmission (11),
surgical inpatients. (2) It is correlated with increased imbalance of phenylalanine/tryptophan (12), preoperative
morbidity and mortality, prolonged hospital stays, and cognitive dysfunction, as well as low antioxidant levels.
decline of cognitive status. (3, 4, 5) The prevalence of (13)
delirium in postoperative patients ranges from 10% to Increased oxidative activity associated with
51%. (6) decreased antioxidative parameters during surgery was

MD, Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Emergency Clinical Hospital Craiova, Romania
Lecturer, MD, PhD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova, Romania
Lecturer, MD, PhD, Department of Urology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova, Romania
MD, PhD, Department of Urology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova, Romania
Lecturer, Department of Medical Sociology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova, Romania
Assos. Prof., MD, PhD Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova, Romania
Prof. MD, PhD, Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova, Romania
MD, PhD student at University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova, Romania
Lecturer, MD, PhD, Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova, Romania
Correspondence author: Iliescu Dominic Gabriel, Str. Tabaci, no.1, Craiova, +40723888773,
Received December 10, 2016, Revised December 16, 2016, Accepted December 28, 2016
Andreea D. Stanculescu, Dominic G. Iliescu, Octavian Dragoescu, Andrei Drocas, Mihail C. Pirlog, Stefania
Tudorache, Florea Purcaru, Traian Purnichi, Nicoleta A. Dragoescu: Postoperative Delirium Incidence and Oxidative
Stress in Laparoscopic Surgery
proved by various studies. Oxidative stress means an both groups were routinely monitored by
increased formation of free radicals. The most affected electrocardiogram – DII derivation on ECG,
organ during the oxidative stress is the cerebral tissue pulsoximetry, capnography, pletismography, blood
because it has large lipid content, an increased oxidative pressure, and urine output. All patients were pre-
metabolism and a low antioxidant status. (13) Therefore, medicated 1 h before the surgery with midazolam 0.1
the cerebral tissue is highly affected by the increased free mg/kg.
oxygen radicals, hydrogen peroxide and superoxide In the sevoflurane group, patients initially
radicals. (14) received inhalator sevoflurane for anesthesia induction
The organism tries to protect itself against free started at 8% and gradually decreased until sevoflurane
oxygen radicals and produces antioxidant enzymes, such MAC (minimum alveolar concentration) reached 2-2.5%.
as superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase Subsequently remifentanyl 1 µg/Kg over 30-60 seconds
(GSH) or catalase (CAT), which represent a protective and rocuronium bromide 0.5-0.6 mg/kg was administered
mechanism. (13) intravenously. Patients were intubated with 7.5-8 mm
Overproduction of free oxygen radicals and cuffed endotracheal tube and ventilated with pressure
decrease of organism defense mechanisms is believed to ventilation mode: tidal volume 6-8 ml/kg, respiratory rate
be involved in multiorgan failure, especially in the brain. It 12-16 breath/minute, fraction of inspired oxygen 1, with
is important to determinate the susceptibility, incidence the aim to achieve a maximum of 45 mm Hg end-tidal
and preventive measures for postoperative delirium. It has carbon dioxide concentration. Anesthesia was maintained
been confirmed that oxidative stress markers and with sevoflurane 1-1.5 (MAC), remifentanyl 0.05-2
antioxidative markers can predict postoperative delirium µg/Kg/min and rocuronium bromide 0.1-0.2 mg/kg as
occurrence in cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. (13) needed. Fluid replacement was performed with 6-8
There are only few studies concerning the ml/kg/h of Ringer lactate solution. Extubation was
correlation between oxidative stress, antioxidant activity, performed according to Aldrett score. Patients received
anesthetic drugs and postoperative delirium in postoperative analgesia with morphine intravenous 0.1
laparoscopic surgery for urogenital malign pathologies. mg/kg alternated with paracetamol 1g intravenous
The aim of this paper is to identify an oxidative periodically at 6 hours.
stress indicator that predicts the appearance of In the propofol group, anesthesia was induced
postoperative delirium in patients that undergoes with propofol 2 mg/kg followed by remifentanyl 0.1-2
laparoscopic renal or gynecological surgery for malignant µg/Kg/min and rocuronium bromide 0.6-0.9 mg/kg.
diseases and the possible correlations between certain Patients were intubated and ventilated by same protocol
anesthetic drugs and postoperative delirium occurrence. described above. Anesthesia was maintained with
Sevoflurane is a volatile anesthetic drug used in propofol 0.1-0.2 mg/kg/min, remifentanyl 0.05-2
many surgical procedures due to its many beneficial µg/Kg/min and rocuronium bromide 0.1-0.2 mg/kg as
properties. It can be used both in the induction and needed. Fluid replacement, extubation and postoperative
maintenance of general anesthesia during surgery. analgesia were performed similarly to the sevoflurane
Propofol is an intravenous anesthetic with known group. None of patients received anticholinergic drugs at
antioxidant properties that is commonly used for the the time of extubation.
induction and maintenance of anesthesia during surgery. Blood samples were obtained from peripheral
veins preoperatively before anesthesia induction, at the
MATERIALS AND METHODS end of surgery and at 24 hours postoperatively in order to
We enrolled in this prospective study a number of measure the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA). Blood
29 patients that were treated for localized kidney or samples were separated by centrifugation at 1200 rpm
uterine cancer by transperitoneal laparoscopic radical within 45 min of sampling and stored at −20°C until they
surgery procedures (nephrectomy or hysterectomy) were analyzed. Malondialdehyde was measured by high
between 2014 and 2016. They were randomized in two performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with
groups: the sevoflurane group (n=14 patients) and fluorescence detection. Values were measured as µmol/l
propofol group (n=15 patients). of MDA. Blood samples for superoxide dismutase (SOD)
All patients enrolled in the study were elderly measurement were immediately stored at 2-8°C until they
patients (age above 65 years), with ASA (American were analyzed. SOB was assessed by the photometric
Society of Anesthesiology) evaluation I-III and technique (enzymatic method). Values were measured as
undergoing elective renal or gynecologic laparoscopic U/g Hb.
surgery for malignant conditions. Exclusion criteria Postoperative delirium was assessed using
included: a history of propofol or sevoflurane allergy, Confusion Assessment Method for the ICU (CAM-ICU)
multiple or severe comorbidities (severe cardiac disease, three times per day immediately after surgery. Delirium
severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, severe assessment is a part of the overall consciousness
hepatic disease or severe renal disease), preexistent assessment. The consciousness has two parts: level of
cognitive impairment. consciousness and content of consciousness. Initially the
The study protocol was conducted in accordance level of consciousness was assessed by a validated
with the Helsinki declaration (2008) and approved by the sedation/level of consciousness scale, such as Richmond
Ethics Committee of the Emergency Clinical Hospital Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS). Subsequently the
Craiova. Written informed consent was obtained from assessment of the content of consciousness, CAM-ICU
each patient. Score was performed. Content of consciousness was
All patients had general anesthesia. Patients from assessed only if RASS score is -3 to +4.

Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. XIX, No.2, 2017

Mean and standard deviation values were significant in both groups postoperatively at 24 hours to
determined for all parameters in the two groups. We used 6,3±1,1 µmol/l, respectively 6,0±0,5 µmol/l. In the
Student's t-test to analyze the differences between propofol group, malondialdehyde levels in non-delirium
variables in the two groups. P-values of 0.05 or less were group before anesthesia induction were 3,2±0,6 µmol/l
considered statistically significant. Data was analyzed by and increased to 5,9±0,7 µmol/l at the end of surgery and
MedCalc and SPSS statistical software. then decreased significantly to 4,5±0,5 µmol/l at after 24
hours after surgery. In the propofol group,
RESULTS malondialdehyde levels in delirium group before
Demographic data for age, height, weight, body anesthesia induction were 3,4±0,5 µmol/l, increased to
mass index (BMI), sex, living area, are shown in Table 1. 6,8±0,6 µmol/l at the end of surgery and then decreased
There were no statistically significant differences between significantly to 5,7±0,8 µmol/l at after 24 hours after
the two groups delirium and non-delirium in both surgery. (Table 3)
sevoflurane or propofol patients. (p = ns)

Table 3 Malondialdehyde levels (MDA) in the two

Table 1 Demographic data of patients (data expressed as groups (data are expressed as mean±SD)
mean±SD or percentage)
There were no statistically significant
There were no significant differences among the differences between the two groups, regarding
delirium or non-delirium groups in sevoflurane or malondialdehyde levels before anesthesia induction. We
propofol patients regarding surgery time, heart rate, mean recorded a high significant increase of malondialdehyde
arterial pressure, end-tidal carbon dioxide, peripheral levels in the sevoflurane group compared to the propofol
oxygen saturation, duration of anesthesia, and group, at the end of surgery (p<0.01) and 24 hours
intraoperative complications (p = ns). postoperatively (p<0.01). There were no statistically
All patients with delirium from both groups significant differences between delirium group and non-
developed the condition on the first postoperative day. In delirium group in sevoflurane patients, regarding
the sevoflurane group, postoperative delirium has malondialdehyde levels before anesthesia induction. The
observed in 6/14 patients (42%) and in the propofol group, same results were in the propofol group. There was
5/15 patients (33%) have developed the same significant increase of malondialdehyde levels in the
postoperative syndrome. (Table 2) delirium group compared to the non-delirium group in
patients, sevoflurane and propofol, at the end of surgery.
(p<0.05) We recorded a high statistically significant
difference between malondialdehyde levels in the
delirium group and non-delirium group in propofol
patients at 24 hours postoperative. (p<0.01)
Superoxide dismutase levels in the non-delirium
group from the sevoflurane group before anesthesia
induction were 2242,1±94,7 U/g Hb. Superoxide
dismutase levels in the delirium group from the same
sevoflurane group were lower, 2012,7±97,5 U/g Hb. The
SOD levels decreased at the end of surgery for both
groups, non-delirium and delirium, to 1846,4±64,7 U/g
Hb, respectively 1776,5±60,3 U/g Hb, and increased to
2039,4±106,3 U/g Hb, respectively 2062,8±72,9 U/g Hb.
Superoxide dismutase levels in the non-delirium group in
propofol patients before anesthesia induction were
Table 2: Parameters monitoring perioperative (data 2170,8±98,4 U/g Hb and significant lower in delirium
expressed as mean±SD) group from propofol patients, 2004,0±130,0 U/g Hb,
decreased slightly at the end of surgery to 2064,4±56,9
For patients that received volatile anesthetic (sevoflurane) U/g Hb, respectively to 1932,0±103,1 U/g Hb. Superoxide
malondialdehyde levels, were significantly increased in dismutase levels increased in the non-delirium group to
both groups, delirium and non-delirium, at the end of 2108,8±79,5 U/g Hb and in the delirium group to
surgery (7,3±0,8 µmol/l, respectively 8,1±0,8 µmol/l) 2064,6±71,7 U/g Hb postoperatively after 24 hours (Table
compared with those before anesthesia induction (3,3±1,0 4).
µmol/l, respectively 3,0±0,6 µmol/l). Subsequently,
malondialdehyde levels decreased gradually but not

Andreea D. Stanculescu, Dominic G. Iliescu, Octavian Dragoescu, Andrei Drocas, Mihail C. Pirlog, Stefania
Tudorache, Florea Purcaru, Traian Purnichi, Nicoleta A. Dragoescu: Postoperative Delirium Incidence and Oxidative
Stress in Laparoscopic Surgery
antioxidants. Oxidative stress is an expression of oxidant
and antioxidant biomarkers imbalance. (20) Thus, the
most correct approach for the determination of oxidative
stress is to evaluate and compare the oxidative damage
parameter and the antioxidant parameters. (21)
In this paper, we studied malondialdehyde as an
oxidative stress marker and superodioxide dismutase as an
antioxidant marker, and correlation between that two
Table 4 Superoxide dismutase levels (SOD) in the two markers, anesthetic drugs and postoperative delirium in
groups (Data expressed as mean±SD) laparoscopic surgery for urogenital malign pathologies.
We noticed a lower number of patients with delirium in the
There were no statistical difference between the two propofol group compared to those in the sevoflurane
groups, sevoflurane and propofol, regarding superoxide group (33% versus 42%)
dismutase levels before anesthesia induction and at 24 Malondialdehyde levels had a significant increase
hours after surgery. The results obtained at the end of immediately postoperative in the both groups, non-
surgery in the two groups differed high significantly delirium and delirium, in sevoflurane patients, followed
(p<0.01). There was statistical difference between by a similar decrease in both groups. Similar results were
delirium group and non-delirium group in both obtained by Rifat Karlidag et al in their study about
sevoflurane and propofol patients, regarding the same predictors of delirium using preoperative oxidative
antioxidant marker before anesthesia induction (p<0.05). processes in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass
We recorded a significant decrease of superoxide surgery, (13)] and Mu-Huo Ji et al in 2013 about the study
dismutase levels in both groups, delirium and non- on 83 patients with orthopedic surgery procedures and
delirium in all patients at the end of surgery, but there was early postoperative delirium. (22) We noticed that
no statistical difference between the same groups late after malondialdehyde levels increases is less significant in the
surgery. propofol group than in the sevoflurane group at both
immediate and late postoperative time points.
DISCUSSION Superoxide dismutase levels are decreased
Postoperative delirium has remained an preoperatively in all patients that developed delirium in
important issue for last years because may cause both sevoflurane and propofol groups, while
prolonged hospital stay, postoperative dependence, postoperative superoxide dismutase levels are
increased of morbidity and mortality especially of elderly significantly decreased in the sevoflurane group and
people. Delirium develops over a short period of time slightly decreased in the propofol group for all patients
(hours to days) after surgery and it is usually reversible. regardless of delirium development. Superoxide
(15) dismutase levels were increased at 24 hours
There are three subtypes of delirium: postoperatively in all patient groups.
hyperactive, hypoactive and mixed. Hyperactive delirium These findings suggest the involvement of oxidative stress
is characterized by agitation, patients attempts to remove in the postoperative delirium development. Patients with
tubes and lines. Hypoactive delirium is characterized by postoperatory delirium had lower antioxidant protection.
apathy, lethargy and decreased responsiveness. Mixed The results confirm the known antioxidant role of
delirium is when patients alternate between the two other propofol. Our data is in line with the study of Konstantinos
forms. (15) Kalimeris et al. from 2013 that studied the antioxidative
The cause of the high incidence of postoperative role of propofol vs. sevoflurane upon the postoperative
delirium in elderly patients is unclear, but a few delirium occurrence in patents with carotid
mechanisms were proposed. One proposed mechanisms endarterecomy. (23)
was imbalance between oxidative stress and antioxidant The risk of postoperatory delirium occurrence may
markers levels. (13) therefore be evaluated by preoperative superoxide
There are only a few researches about dismutase value. The patients with increased risk for this
postoperative delirium incidence in laparoscopic urologic syndrome could subsequently avoid it by receiving
and gynecologic surgery. postoperative prophylactic low doses of haloperidol that is
Laparoscopic urologic and gynecologic the standard treatment of postoperatory delirium.
surgeries are new techniques used for last decades all over Furthermore, patients with high risk for postoperatory
the world for kidney and uterine cancer treatment. The delirium may receive before surgery antioxidant agents to
method is preferred compared to the open surgical protect them against this syndrome.
technique due to its multiple advantages. The major
advantage of laparoscopic surgery is less stress than in the CONCLUSION
open operative techniques (16) Significant oxidative stress and antioxidant
Operative stress is characterized by oxidative activity is proved by the increased malondialdehyde and
stress. (17) Laparoscopic surgical techniques, being less decreased superoxide dismutase levels during
traumatic and less aggressive, are characterized by less laparoscopic surgery for malignant urologic and
severe oxidative stress than the open surgical techniques gynecologic conditions. Perioperative oxidative stress is
used in renal or gynecological surgeries. (18, 19) significantly decreased by propofol used in general
Oxidative stress is the presence of free oxygen anesthesia due to its antioxidant proprieties. Postoperative
radicals in excess of the buffering capacity of delirium incidence can be predicted by preoperative

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Ana-Anca Talasman¹, Alexandra Dolfi2, Mihaela Nae3

Abstract: Rezumat:
We present a case of a 29 year-old man who developed his Prezentăm cazul unui pacient de 29 de ani care a prezentat
first acute psychotic episode in the context of a HIV un episod psihotic acut în contextul unei infecții HIV în
infection Stage 3 complicated with leukoencephalopathy. stadiul 3, complicată cu leucoencefalopatie. Atât infecția,
Both the infection and the cerebral complications were cât și complicațiile cerebrale au fost relevate în cursul
discovered during his two weeks hospitalization in the spitalizării de două săptămâni în Spitalul Alexandru
Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry ”Prof. Dr. Al. Obregia” Obregia, între 4 și 19 ianuarie 2017, diagnosticul final
since January 4th to January 19th 2017, the final fiind de psihoză acută organică asociată infecției HIV.
diagnosis being of acute organic psychosis associated to Cele mai frecvent întâlnite simptome psihiatrice asociate
HIV infection. infecției HIV sunt demența și tulburarea depresivă. Cu
The most frequent psychiatric symptoms related to HIV toate că psihoza asociată leucoencefalopatiei HIV nu este
infection are dementia and depression. Even if secondary frecventă, acest diagnostic trebuie luat în considerare la
psychosis associated with HIV leukoencephalopathy is not orice pacient psihotic cu factori de risc asociați care se
common, this diagnosis must be taken into consideration prezintă la camera de gardă.
when a psychotic patient presents to the on call room, Cuvinte cheie: leucoencefalopatie HIV, psihoză organică,
especially if risk factors are associated. diagnostic diferențial
Key words: HIV leukoencephalopathy, organic psychosis,
differential diagnosis

BACKGROUND: Psychosis is probably one of the most during his two weeks hospitalization in the Clinical
intriguing and complex symptom in psychiatry. Hospital of Psychiatry ”Prof. Dr. Al. Obregia” since
Sometimes it's very hard to distinguish between a primary January 4th to January 19th 2017, the final diagnosis being
and a secondary (organic psychosis), especially when the of acute organic psychosis associated to HIV infection.
patient presents with a first psychotic episode and only a HISTORY: The patient presented in the psychiatry on call
brief examination is made in the on call room. Further room for 4 times during three days, being finally admitted
investigations need to be assessed, and differential for bizarre behavior, logorrhea and delusion of
diagnosis is of vital importance, mainly because the persecution. A man who presented himself as patient's
prognosis could be very different. brother brought him to the hospital. We found out a week
According to the World Health Organization, in the year later that the man was not his brother, but his partner. The
2015 36.7 million people were living with HIV virus type 1 first psychiatric examination performed in the on call
worldwide. (1) Because of the progresses made regarding room revealed polymorphous delusion (grandiose,
the antiretroviral therapy, life expectancy of the patients prejudice, delusion of being followed and persecution),
infected with HIV has increased tremendously in the last elevated mood, suspicion, interpretability and
decades. Because of increased life expectancy, clinicians mannerisms. The rest of the psychic exam was normal.
are more prone to encounter the neuropsychiatric The psychotic symptoms affirmatively started three weeks
manifestations of this disease. The most frequent before admission.
neurologic manifestations are minor cognitive and motor The patient had no history of somatic and psychiatric
disorder and HIV associated dementia, while the most disorders with no previous hospitalizations. He wasn't
common psychiatric manifestations are depressive under any medication at home and denied alcohol and drug
spectrum disorders. (2) Psychosis is nonetheless an abuse. He was living with his life partner, not married,
uncommon but serious complication of infection with without children. He was involved in a homosexual
HIV, new-onset psychosis being a possible manifestation relationship. This fact wasn't mentioned on the admission,
of HIV encephalopathy. (3) we found out about his sexual orientation during
hospitalisation. Family history: father deceased because of
We present a case of a 29 year-old man who developed his a colorectal cancer, his mother suffered a stroke and his
first acute psychotic episode in the context of a HIV brother is suffering from mental retardation.
infection complicated with leukoencephalopathy. Both the PSYCHIATRIC EXAMINATION: performed on January
infection and the cerebral complications were discovered 5 2017 revealed a conscious and co operant patient,

MD, PhD, Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry “Prof. Dr. Al. Obregia” Bucharest, No.10 Berceni Street, email:

Resident in Psychiatry, Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry “Prof. Dr. Al. Obregia”, Bucharest, email:
MD, Psychiatrist, Sf. Ioan Clinical Emergency Hospital,
Received November 1, 2016, Revised November 16, 2016, Accepted January 9, 2017

Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. XIX, No.2, 2017

oriented in time and space, autopsychic and allopsychic who want to harm me won't recognize me. When I was
oriented, visual and psychic contact easily to start and born I died for several minutes and the hospital was
maintain, expansive mimic and gesture, expressive facies, surrounded by tanks and soldiers because my father was a
spontaneous hyperosexia and no perception disturbances. colonel and a very important man." He was hyper familiar
The patient presents polymorphous delusion (grandiose, with the medical personnel, verbally disinhibited,
persecution, prejudice, delusion of being followed) logorrheic, with elevated mood, anxiety and impaired
related to his partner and his medical studies, although ne insight. His sodium valproate dose was increased to 2
never studied medicine: "My partner is a very important envelopes (2000 mg/day).
and influent man who is following me and wants to do me In the context of the modified para clinical parameters the
harm; I want to go to Paris for one month, to recover my patient did an internal medicine consult and a consult in
immune system and study medicine. Then I will go to the infectious diseases department (10/01/2017) where
Africa to exchange my appearance and sex. I'm going to Folic Acid 10 mg (2 tablets/day), C vitamin (1g/day),
make a research institute for people suffering from Cotrimoxazole 480 mg 1 tablet every 12 hours and
cancer" [...] "I will invest all the money I have into fluconazole 200 mg/day were added. The HIV screening
research. I bought 100 studio flats and tomorrow I'm going test was repeated in the infectious disease department and
to buy 100 luxury cars". He associates interpretability, the infection was confirmed (ELISA plus Western Blot
suspicion, accelerated flow and rhythm of speech and testing). The main indication was to treat the psychotic
thoughts, elevated mood, mannerisms (extremely polite, symptoms as soon as possible so the patient could be
feminine gestures, pretentious use of words and phrases). referred to an infectious disease service, for the treatment
Patient's appearance looked clean, hygiene was of his HIV infection.
maintained, but without attention to small details One week after admission, his Olanzapine dose was
(polished but cracked nails, the skin was peeled on his increased at 20 mg/day, the sodium valproate dosage was
face). He also presented disinhibited behavior, anxiety, decreased to 1500 mg/day and Lorazepam was
insomnia, decreased appetite, low activity and no insight. withdrawn. The treatment was modified because patient's
SOMATIC EXAMINATION: BP 120/80 mmHg, Pulse elevated mood, agitation and anxiety decreased and the
100 bpm, onychomycosis on all fingers of both hands, behavioral disinhibition disappeared but the delirium
laterocervical painless and mobile adenopathies, external persisted. Two weeks after admission the polymorphous
hemorrhoids and anal fissures. The rest of the clinical delusion also remitted, with slight elevated mood
examination was normal. maintained. The patient regained his insight with
PARA CLINICAL EXAMINATION: Abnormal blood retrograde amnesia of the first week of admission "I know
parameters (06/01/2017) leukopenia (2.88 x103/uL) with I had strange thoughts but I can't remember very much. I
lymphopenia (1.24 x103/uL), anemia (RBC 3.31 x106/uL, know I was thinking that somebody wants to harm me and
HGB 11.2 g/dL, HCT 33.3%), thrombocytopenia (131 I was believing a lot of untrue things ". Before discharge,
x103/uL) and increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (59 patient's insomnia remitted, his appetite increased, the
mm/hr). His toxicology urine test was positive for elevated mood being maintained with slight episodes of
benzodiazepines. Patient's informed consent was obtained prejudice and grandiose delirium. His reaction to the
for syphilis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV screening. unfavorable news of his newly discovered HIV infection
The screening tests for hepatitis B, hepatitis C and syphilis didn't seem to have a big negative effect, although he knew
came back negative, but the rapid screening test for HIV he was at risk "I didn't know I was infected. My partner
infection was positive (10/01/2017). It is important to isn't, he keeps doing his tests regularly. I've also done two
mention that the patient went to HIV screening two times tests last year and they came back negative "
the previous year and the screening was negative. His Given the favorable evolution under antipsychotic
blood parameters from 2016 were all normal, except for treatment and the regaining of his insight, after being
mild anemia. informed about the results of his para clinical
His neurological examination was normal, with normal examination, the patient was transferred to the National
abdominal echography, normal EKG and hypovoltate Institute of Infectious Diseases in order to monitor his HIV
EEG, normal neurosurgical examination. The native infection. He had the following treatment scheme at
cerebral CT (06/01/2017) showed inhomogeneous density transfer (19/01/2017): Olanzapine 20 mg/day (0-0-1),
of the cerebral white matter and cerebral atrophy Sodium Valproate 1500 mg/day (1/2-0-1), Folic Acid 10
incongruous with the biological age. The cerebral MRI mg/day (2-0-0), Cotrimoxazole 480 mg 1 tablet every 12
(12/01/2017) showed demyelination bilateral parietal hours and Fluconazole 200 mg/day (1-0-0).
lesions (FLAIR hyper signal in the parietal white mater, The patient was admitted to Matei Bals Institute of
diffuse, bilateral with no contrast adherence). The Infectious Diseases between 19/01/2017 and 23/01/2017.
pulmonary Rx showed discrete accentuated interstitial His last blood parameters were: leukopenia with
3 3
markings. lymphopenia (3100 x10 /uL, Ly 1100 x10 /uL ),
COURSE AND TREATMENT: Immediately after thrombocytopenia (64 x10 /uL ), CD4=37/mmc,
admission, treatment with atypical antipsychotic CD8=158/mmc, hypertriglyceridemia (270 mg/dL),
(Olanzapine 10 mg/day), anxiolytic (Lorazepam negative HVB and HVC markers, negative for syphilis,
1mg/day) and mood stabilizer (Sodium Valproate 1000 HTLV and toxoplasma, ARN HIV=472000 copies/mL,
mg) was started. The next two days patient's evolution was negative Ag HLA B5701. Lumbar punction: clear CSF, 4
stationary. He presented logorrhea, with persistent elements/mmc, normal biochemistry, negative microbial
polymorphous delusion of influence "I can read other cultures, EBV positive.
people's thoughts and they can read mine", grandiose and Discharge diagnoses: Stage C3 HIV infection (new case),
prejudice "I am gay but very special. I will go to Germany HIV encephalopathy, oral candidiasis, secondary
for an aesthetic surgery to change my face so the others thrombocytopenia, organic delusional disorder under

Ana-Anca Talasman, Alexandra Dolfi, Mihaela Nae: Acute Psychotic Episode in a Patient with Hiv Encephalopathy

treatment, seborrheic dermatitis of the face, lateral cervical bilateral adenopathies and mycosis on all
hypertriglyceridemia. In addition to the psychiatric nails. The blood parameters before admission were
medication (Olanzapine and Sodium Valproate) which normal except for a mild anemia. In conclusion we had an
was not modified, the patient was discharged with atypical debut for HIV infection, with a psychotic episode
antiretroviral and antibiotic treatment: Darunavir 800 mg with no other clinical or psychiatric symptoms.
2 tablets/day, Ritonavir 2 tablets/day, Tenofovir 1 The following differential diagnoses were excluded:
tablet/day, Dolutegravir 1 tablet/day, Cotrimoxazole 480 Psychotic disorder due to the consumption of multiple
mg 1 tablet every 12 hours, Clarithromycinum 500 mg 1 drugs or psychotropic substances, Acute mania with
tablet/day. psychotic symptoms, Serious depressive episode with
Patient's first ambulatory psychiatric examination took psychotic symptoms, Acute polymorphic psychotic
place on 14/02/2017. The psychic exam was normal with disorder and Delirium. (5) The most frequently observed
the exception of a slightly elevated mood and symptoms in secondary psychosis are delusions of
hypersomnia. He he had no delirium, no disturbances of persecution or grandeur, or somatic symptoms associated
perception. The patient had insight and was willing to with visual and auditory hallucinations and changes in the
continue his antiretroviral and psychiatric medication. emotional domain. (5) Our patient only had delusion, with
The Olanzapine was reduced to 10 mg/day (0-0-1) and the no somatic symptoms or perception disturbances. He also
Sodium Valproate decreased to 1000 mg/day (500 mg had mood changes and disinhibition regarding the
twice a day, 1-0-1). The psychiatric examination on his expression of his emotions. There aren't many studies
next consult (09/03/2017) was completely normal with no regarding the antipsychotic treatment in HIV stage 3
hypersomnia and euthymia, with a very good evolution associated psychosis, nor established protocols. We chose
both psychiatric and somatic. The favorable evolution to continue the treatment with Olanzapine as the evolution
maintained good until patient's last psychiatric consult on of our patient was very good and the risk of extrapiramidal
03/04/2017, his final treatment scheme being Olanzapine symptoms is low with this antipsychotic. It also helped to
10 mg/day (0-0-1) and Sodium Valproate 500mg/day (0- improve patient's low appetite and insomnia symptoms.
The patient is still psychiatrically monitored every month CONCLUSION: The most frequent psychiatric
and under antiretroviral treatment supervised by the symptoms related to HIV infection are dementia and
National Institute of Infectious Diseases. depression. Even if secondary psychosis associated with
DISCUSSION: HIV infection produces psychotic HIV leukoencephalopathy is not common, this diagnosis
symptoms indistinguishable from those seen in the must be taken into consideration when a psychotic patient
functional psychoses. (4) The main particularity of the presents to the on call room, specially if risk factors are
case presented above was the similarity with a primary associated.
psychotic episode. What could have been considered to be
a schizophrenia debut was, in fact, an organic psychosis. REFFERENCES:
The age, the symptoms and the clinical presentation, all 1.
suggested that the patient has a primary delusional 2. Dubé B, Benton T, Cruess DG, Evans DL. Neuropsychiatric
manifestations of HIV infection and AIDS. Journal of Psychiatry and
disorder, which could further evolve, in the context of Neuroscience. 2005;30(4):237-246.
more following acute psychotic episodes to a diagnosis of 3. HIV-associated psychosis: a study of 20 cases. San Diego HIV
schizophrenia. But his risky behavior raised a big question Neurobehavioral Research Center Group
mark (multiple partners in the past, involvement in American Journal of Psychiatry 1994 151:2, 237-242.
4. HIV infection associated with symptoms indistinguishable from
homosexual relationships) so the para clinical functional psychosis. N Buhrich, D A Cooper, E Freed. The British
investigations were continued revealing the diagnosis of Journal of Psychiatry May 1988, 152 (5) 649-653; DOI:
HIV associated encephalopathy, with secondary 10.1192/bjp.152.5.649 .
psychosis. Other important particularity is the fact that the 5. Calvo-Rivera MP, Porras A, Trigo-Rodríguez M, Martínez-Ortega JM,
Gutiérrez-Rojas L. Psychosis management in patients with hiv: case
patient didn't have any somatic symptoms. The only report. Actas Esp Psiquiatr. 2017 Mar;45(2):71-78.
anomalies noted on the clinical examination were the

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Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. XIX, No.1, 2017

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Tel. +40-21-334.84.06 - print edition - online edition



& Burnout Syndrome 33
Dan Prelipceanu, Raluca Barbu ASSOCIATE EDITORS:
& ABB - Norwegian Criminal. Psychosis vs Psychopathy - Cristinel ŞTEFĂNESCU
Psychiatric Forensic Analysis 36 Cătălina TUDOSE
Gabriela Costea
Executive editor: Valentin MATEI
Vasile CHIRIŢĂ (Honorary Member
& Genetics of Alcohol Use Disorder 48 of the Romanian Academy of
Maria Bonea, Ioana V. Micluţia Medical Sciences, Iaşi)
Michael DAVIDSON (Professor, Sackler
& Psychosocial Factors Influencing Asperger Disorder 52 School of Medicine Tel Aviv Univ.,
Mihai Gabriel Alin Șuiu Apostol, Oana Boantă, Mihnea Manea, Mount Sinai School of Medicine,
Iuliana Dobrescu New York)
Virgil ENĂTESCU (Member of the Romanian
Academy of Medical Sciences, Satu
Ioana MICLUŢIA (UMF Cluj-Napoca)
& Elevated Plasma Fibrinogen a Possible Biomarker for Psychological Şerban IONESCU (Paris VIII Universiy, Trois-
Distress and Depression 55 Rivieres University, Quebec)
Traian Purnichi, Gabriela Puiu, Ileana Marinescu, Mihail C. Pîrlog, Mircea LĂZĂRESCU (Honorary Member of the
George Paraschiv, Silvia Ristea, Ruxandra Banu, Ioana G. Pavel, Romanian Academy
Mihai Bran, Lavinia Duică, Ruxandra Grigoraș, Valentin P. Matei of Medical Sciences, Timişoara)
Juan E. MEZZICH (Professor of Psychiatry
& Factors Associated with Medication Adherence in Patients with and Director, Division of Psychiatric
Schizophrenia 59 Epidemiology and International
Ana M. Romoșan, Felicia Romoșan, Liana Dehelean, Mihaela A. Simu, Center for Mental Health, Mount
Virgil R. Enătescu, Cristina A. Bredicean, Ion Papavă, Iris Druț, Sinai School of Medicine, New York
Mihaela O. Manea, Ioana Riviș, Simona D. Rădulescu, Radu Ș. Romoșan University)
& Metabolic Assessment and Quality of Life in a Sample of Patients in Teodor T. POSTOLACHE, MD (Director,
Mood and Anxiety Program,
Treatment with Olanzapine Depot 65
Department of Psychiatry,
Ana-Anca Talașman, Mihaela Nae, Alexandra Dolfi,Irina Luca, University of Maryland School of
Mihai V Zamfir Medicine, Baltimore)
& Postoperative Delirium Incidence and Oxidative Stress in Laparoscopic Sorin RIGA (senior researcher)
Surgery 69 Dan RUJESCU (Head of Psychiatric Genomics
Andreea D. Stanculescu, Dominic G. Iliescu, Octavian Dragoescu, Andrei and Neurobiology
and of Division of Molecular and
Drocas,Mihail C. Pirlog, Stefania Tudorache, Florea Purcaru, Clinical Neurobiology,
Traian Purnichi, Nicoleta A. Dragoescu Department of Psychiatry, Ludwig-
Maximilians-University, Munchen)
CLINICAL CASE Eliot SOREL (George Washington University,
Washington DC)
& Acute Psychotic Episode in a Patient with HIV Encephalopathy 74 (senior researcher)
Ana-Anca Talasman,Alexandra Dolfi, Mihaela Nae Tudor UDRIŞTOIU (UMF Craiova)


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Scientific articles published in the journal are credited with 80 CME credits / article.

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