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Dulag, Nicky John CFE105B 2/5/2022

II. (10 points)

If you were not able to attend any Religious Activity:
REFLECTION: What is your motto in life? How do you put it into practice?

- I have different mottos to get through life however this is the one that I like best so far. “It is
what it is”. I know that this is a very common saying nowadays and everyone uses it casually but
at the same time, for me, it is very helpful whenever I got down, disappointed, or sad, or
broken, things like that. It eases my mind when I say “it is what it is”. It helps me focus on the
good energy rather than dwelling on the negative one. It reminds me that things happen
whether you like them or not, things that is out of your control. And to be honest, this motto is
how I get by.

Favorite verse:

- “I got that fire in my soul”. This is from the song Me, myself and I by G-eazy. I chose this
specifically considering how the verse hits hard, for me. It means that no matter how things go
bad I always have me for myself for life. That I know I can get up and rely on myself no matter
what and say it is what it is. Life goes on.

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