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Before Shirley even opens the door, she knows something is going on.

No music flooded from the front door as soon as she stopped in front of it. She didn't hear
any alarms, nor were there any new complaint letters from her neighbours stuck to the door.

Mr Aranov's colorful one still stood in the same spot. The man's hastily scrawled manic
rambling and accusations of witchcraft amuses Shirley, but not enough to lift the unease
from her shoulders.

Whatever is waiting for her can't be that bad, can it? Amulet is very capable of defending
themselves, the place she picked is safe and she doesn't have any real reason to be afraid.

Except for the fact that the entire hallway also smelled of pomegranate and flour.

Shirley is mildly relieved by the sight that greets her

"So, I see you've redecorated."

Shirley had left in a hurry that morning. After spending most of the previous night awake
talking with Florian while she rewrapped her bandages, she had overslept. She couldn’t be
sure if she had tied her shoelaces before she left the apartment, or if the three hair ties
around her wrist actually belonged to her. It was a total mystery to her whether Florian or
Amulet were awake when she told them to help themselves to the fridge and to have a good
day before she left.

She did however distinctly remember that her carpet had been brown shag, the couch she
and Amulet picked up off the curb a few blocks away was threadbare and back breaking,
and most of the furniture hadn’t matched. So, unless her eyes were playing very elaborate
tricks on her, that in no way described the living room she had just walked into.

Where the shag had been this morning there was now a warm looking rug of bright, happy
yellow that appeared soft enough to fall asleep on. The couch had been transformed into
black leather with a high back and a wide seat where one could comfortably fit their whole
body. Her coffee table, covered in nicks and scratches from whatever hell it had been
through before being in her possession, had been replaced by one made of what looked like
very dark, well-polished wood.

The rest of his furniture had apparently been treated to the same makeover. Mismatched
cloth had all become complimenting shades of yellow and black, varying between dark and
pastel, and the wood had all turned into the same expensive looking, dark kind as the coffee
table. There were new drapes hanging in the windows and if he wasn’t terribly mistaken; a
new coat of paint on his entire apartment in a shade of white so crisp it might have been
fresh fallen snow.

Florian turns towards Shirley so fast that her hair whips Amulet in the face.
"Miss Shirley, welcome back."

"How did you even get all of this up here?"

"Well, you see-"

Amulet lights up like a Christmas tree and shushes her. "Florian taught me real magic! Also,
side note, you can do real magic!" They say, nearly vibrating in place. "Well, I already knew
that, but I know everything and it's still exciting!"

Shirley tenses at that, and raises a single arched eyebrow. "Is that so?"

Instead of answering, they demonstrate by all but tripping over their unlikely houseguest to
stumble to Shirley. Amulet's eyes flare up in a bright, yet deep magenta as they whisper
something into their palms softly, then abruptly grab the hem of Shirley's sweater.

A ripple goes through it, without displacing Shirley's scarf, or her bag and jacket. In its wake
it leaves warm, thick knit fabric, in a familiar pattern of blue, pink and white stripes.

The experience makes Shirley's every hair stand on end.

Florian stares intently, trying to gauge her reaction. Amulet's mega watt grin fades a little as
they feel Shirley's apprehension.

"Warn me. Next time please." Shirley relaxes her shoulders, and time starts again. The room
lets out a collective sigh of relief. "Have you two eaten yet?" She says, after hanging up her
coat and stepping out of her boots.

Florian shakes her head in response. "Mx. Amulet has informed me that it is customary to
wait for everyone to be present for a meal."

"That's because they can't cook.".

Amulet blows a kiss in her general direction before throwing on the coat she just took off.
"I'm going out! Very important business."

"No, you aren't." Shirley waves a wooden spoon in their direction, from behind the island
separating the kitchenette from the living room. "You're gonna eat first, then you can go
cause as much trouble as your little baby heart desires."

"I'm not a baby! I'm practically grown up!" Amulet stomps their foot, "And I'm in high school

"You may be smarter than the average snotty fifteen year old but don't forget that I'm the
adult here."

"Except you aren't the only adult!"

Both siblings turn to Florian. The sheer intensity in their combined gaze makes Florian's ears
flatten against the sides of her skull. "I…Agree with Miss Shirley?"

Shirley doesn't quite smile, but she nods at Florian. "That's the deciding vote, piroshki will be
done soon."


"No, Amulet. That's final."

The teenager huffs, and stomps back to their room.

Shirley opens her mouth to say something, before seemingly changing her mind. With a sigh
and a stretch, she goes back to what she was doing before.

Florian takes a moment to really look at her host properly.

"I apologise about the sudden change, Miss Shirley. I should have consulted you."

Shirley's unwavering, stoic attitude gave way to something tired and weary. Florian frowns at
the tired look in her eyes.

"Don't worry about it. So this is your debt repaid and whatnot?"

Florian looks openly shocked by that.

"You- What?! This is merely a courtesy for dirtying your living space!"

"You really have to stop treating almost dying as some minor inconvenience."

Florian shakes her head, tentatively standing up and sitting on a stool at the kitchenette
island. "You're ridiculous, do you even realise the magnitude of what I owe you, Miss

Shirley's eyes veer off to the side, avoiding Florian's persistent gaze. "I felt it. After you
swore yourself to it." Shirley shivers minutely. "It's strangely familiar, if a little overwhelming."

Florian nods, "I understand, and I apologise for springing it up on you without explaining."

"You're a princess, right?" Shirley's lips quirk upwards, ever so slightly. "Think I could get a
castle for saving you?"

"Oh, at least ten of them, Miss Shirley."

At that, Shirley laughs. It's inelegant and sharp, but very comforting all the same. Florian
finds herself longing for it the moment she stops.
"You should really stop calling me Miss, it's getting kind of strange."

"You are the head of the house Devine from what I understand, and you are my host."
Florian shrugs, "I think the honorific is fitting."

Shirley's smile takes on a shade of sadness at that. "That's definitely one way to say it.
Though believe me I don't think I should be head of anything."

She turns away and starts chopping vegetables in smooth, deliberate movements on a
banged up looking cutting board.

"I may not know you that long, but I can tell something is bothering you, Miss Shirley."

Her movements slow a shade. "I don't really know what I'm doing, is the thing." Shirley
begins, voice nearly inaudible. "The fact of the matter is that I can't be what everyone around
me needs me to be? It's… It's hard."

She sighs once, deep enough to rattle her bones.

"That's… Very honest."

Shirley shrugs. "I don't have much other than honesty."

Florian mulls over her answer for a time before speaking. "If it means anything, the only thing
I need for you to be is honest, Shirley."

Her host smiles lightly at her.

"That sounds perfect, Flor."

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