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1) Explain about package

2) What is a stream? What is the difference between Byte streams and Character streams?
How are they used to capture input from the user?
3) Differentiate between FileReader and BufferReader.
4) What are the methods available in the Character Streams? Discuss.
5) Write a program that counts number of characters, words, and lines in a file. Use
exceptions to check whether the file that is read exists or not.


6) "Java class can be used both as an applet as well as an application" - Support this
statement with an example.
7) Differentiate between application and applet.
8) With an example, explain how will pass parameters to an Applet.
9) What are the applications of an applet?
10) Can applet class have a constructor? Justify your answer with proper explanation and
11) Write a simple applet program to display a string “India won by 6 wickets”.
12) What is an applet? Explain its life cycle.
13) Differentiate between init() and start() methods with example.
14) Write an applet to display a smiley with a greeting message to the user.
15) Write an applet program for login page by considering username and password. If both
are correct then only it has to go to the next page. Otherwise it has to display the error
invalid user and password.
Event handling

16) What is the role of event listeners in event handling? List the Java event listeners
17) Explain delegation event model in detail.
18) Write a program to handle keyboard events
19) Write a program to handle mouse events
20) Explain in brief the event-handling mechanism in java with an example.
21) Explain about adapter classes in handling events.

Java Networking

22) Explain how to establish client-server communication using TCP with an example.
23) Explain how to establish client-server communication using UDP (Datagrams) with an
24) Briefly explain about networking classes and interfaces.
25) Explain about URL and URI in java.
Java Beans

26) What is a java bean? What are the advantages of Java bean?
27) What is introspection? What are the design patterns for properties? Explain.
28) Write an example to create a java bean?
Introducing Servlets
29) Explain life cycle of a Servlet.
30) Explain how to read Servlet parameters with an example.
31) Explain how to handle HTTP GET requests using HTML and Servlet program.
32) Explain how to handle HTTP POST requests using HTML and Servlet program.
33) Explain Session tracking with an example.
34) Explain the methods of Cookie class and explain how to use cookies using Servlet
35) What is HTTPServlet and GenericServlet.
36) Explain in brief about Servlet API.
37) Write the steps to compile and create Servlet source code?

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