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Activity 6

TPC 411 – Transportation Management

Directions: Answer the following question accordingly,

1. What are the issues and trends affecting transportation today?

The reality and perception of safety in crowded cars and stations, as well as the
possibility of long-term teleworking that may attract employees and offices, are all issues
that transit will have to deal with. Equity, in particular, could be crucial. The importance
of public transportation in providing access to opportunities cannot be overstated. When
comparing the use of rail with the bus system in Metro Manila, it becomes clear how vital
the bus system is for offering opportunities for the economically disadvantaged. The
primary mission of transit will almost certainly now incorporate a lot more equity. We
need to reconsider where and how public transportation will go. We must consider how
to better incorporate Transportation Network Companies into first- and last-mile
connections, particularly so that we can reach more people.

2. Give at least 2 innovations in transport development that has affected tourisms.

Although the travel industry is booming, I haven’t met one person who has not
complained about an experience they have had while traveling. There are obviously
factors that are beyond the control of the industry, such as the weather, but like most
other industries, there is room for innovation. For much of 2020, the COVID-19
pandemic forbade us from visiting other households, let alone travelling to a different
location or holidaying abroad. This had a devastating effect on the travel and tourism
industry. And here are 2 of most creative travel and tourism innovations of the past year.


Safran Aerosystems, a French cabin equipment supplier, has collaborated with Universal
Movement, a British seating designer, to develop a "Origami" seat that creates walls around economy-
class seats. The Interspace Comfort System design has two wings within the seatback that may be
unfolded to provide lateral support and prevent movement, leaving the middle seat of three empty and
creating a privacy barrier between seats. According to Safran, the concave cushioned shells, which are the
same height as the seat, can be put on 90% of economy seats. Quentin Munier, senior vice president of
strategy and innovation at Safran Seats, said the product should be available in the next few months, with
the premium-economy idea following later in the year.

When traveling, especially in a new place, it can be challenging to stay focused on sustainability.
Tookki, a French startup, provides a solution in the form of a free smartphone app that allows users to
identify ecologically friendly restaurants, hotels, transportation, and other services. Before being included
on Tookki, businesses and activities are vetted for their commitment to sustainability. Users can also
function as "ambassadors" on the network, sharing destinations and experiences. When Tookki approves
a recommendation, the ambassador receives points, which can be used to get discounts and other benefits
in Tookki partner brands' e-shops. The Tookki app features a map that allows users to search the
immediate area for sustainable establishments. There are also details such as business hours and phone
numbers. Tookki also has a website.

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