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ASTRA OLE Part II - Group 8

Q. Given the results of the pilot, how would you disseminate the whole of Karnataka?

The dissemination of Atra Ole, given the results of the pilot, could be done in a new way.
1) Free Astra ole stoves could be constructed for the people below the poverty line and the
socially marginalized communities in the villages.
2) Various levels of hierarchy could be created for the agents that would help in the
dissemination of the stove in the whole of Karnataka. There are 31 districts in Karnataka
and around 30000 villages, a team of many agents could be made for each district and
each agent would in turn take a group of villages where he/she would provide
information on how to build, use and extract the full benefit of the Astra Ole stoves.
3) The block development officers and the panchayats could be used as models for the
Astra Ole to influence the villagers into adopting the Astra Ole
4) The cooking programs could be launched for the villagers to train them on how to use
the Astra Ole stove to cook their regional recipes. This would ensure the stoves are not
fence-sitters and have higher adoption rates.
5) Regular TV/radio/other ads should be played out on how to use the ASTRA OLE stoves.

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