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In respect to a robust PMS culture apart from stretch KRAs and its KPIs.

We must enhance evidence based performance and productivity feedback.

Step 1 : To allot minimum 30 mins for evidence based feedback one to one

Step 2 : this feedback should start with sharing the strength / achievements
in last 3 months or 1 year on the inputs recorded in the
performance record booklet.

Step 3 : Explicit feedback will be given on each KRA/KPIs with proper facts
and figures (evidences)

Step 4 : Feedback to be given on core competence, functional/technical

competence , strategic competence.

Step 5 : Linking the feedback with training gaps and getting the training
facilitated through HR or if there is an area in which we have in
house resources to get people trained on priority.

Step 6 : To conduct this exercise regularly.

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