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Scenario #19

Ask to speak with the manager. You bought some very expensive chocolates, and when you
them, you found a cockroach inside! You want to speak with the manager as soon as

Aliezah- Customer

Aliezah barges in the store*

Aliezah:I would like to speak with your manager right now!

D: good afternoon maam how may I help you?

A: I recently bough these products in your store and I cannot believe this why is there a
cockroach inside?!

D:I sincerely apologize about what happened and what you have experienced about our
product.we don’t hear of this issues too often so it might be due to a manufacturing defect

A:I am so dissapointed I even bought the expensive ones. What could’ve happened if I didn’t
notice the insect.

D: For the inconvinience Maam Alieza the management would like to replace the product you
recieve and give you a discount in your next purchase. If it's okay with you Maam

A: Okay that sounds great but you have to make sure that this will not happen again

D: thank you for reaching this concern to us and i promised that this will jever happen again

A: ok thank you

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