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Introduction to Alternative Literature: Curriculum Proposal

Melissa Perlman

EDU 603 Curriculum 2.0

Dr. Jennifer Wojcik


Introduction to Alternative Literature: Curriculum Proposal

Part I: Statement of Educational Philosophy

Student-centered learning affords children the opportunity to explore concepts and

interests to fuel a passion for knowledge, skill-building, and self-reflection. Progressive and

humanistic theories aim to create an environment that focuses on the learner from a myriad of

different angles, which can create a fully-immersive and interactive educational experience. It is

important that students are not treated as if they are solely vessels for information. All learners

are unique and require a multi-instructional design approach and a supportive school

environment where teachers act as catalysts for learning.

One of the main purposes of education is to prepare young learners for their futures,

allowing for real-life application and skill-building to surface in educational settings. John

Dewey, known for his progressive and humanistic viewpoints, “…believed that education should

be student-centered, emphasize the student instead of the subject matter, encourage curiosity, and

approach the learning process as equally important to what is being learned” (Carter, 2018, p.4).

In regards to this school of thought, education is not about mastering subjects. Rather it focuses

on growing through comprehensive life lessons and interactions intermingled with subject-

context. Wang (2011) highlighted progressive/constructivist themes within the learning process

by explaining that individuals build knowledge stores by way of interaction with external stimuli

combined with existing knowledge, skills, and experiences. Education is about active learning,

rather than passive accumulation of information (p.62).

According to Carter (2018), “Carl Rogers believed children have a natural desire to learn.

He advocated a child-centered curriculum in which children could explore freely to satisfy their

academic needs without fear of threat or criticism” (p.4). The role of a young learner sets the

framework for nurturing instructor roles in progressive and humanistic settings. “Teachers are

not transmitters of knowledge, but organizers for the learning activity of students” (Wang, 2011,

p.62). The Universal Design for Learning framework acknowledges that learners are diverse.

Teachers should be proactive regarding this awareness and are responsible for delivering lessons

that cater to all types of learners. Teachers can take this proactivity one step further and compile

information to create a learner profile for every student receiving instruction (See Appendix A).

These profiles give instructors insight into how to proceed with delivering content in ways which

will benefit the diversity within a classroom setting. This cognizant planning should occur within

the developmental stages of instructional design (McGhie-Richmond & Sung, 2013, p.45). It is

important that multiple methods of instruction are embedded into curriculum delivery. Instructors

must continue to steer clear of the one-size-fits-all approach to a model that is multi-faceted and

beneficial to all varieties of learners (McGhie-Richmond & Sung, 2013).

In reference to literary content, “…when the goal is to foster empathy by teaching

narrative competence or to improve students’ observational abilities, the type of instruction

offered in literary creative writing courses can help train students to be highly attentive to textual

features” (Kerr, 2010, p.300). Instead of teaching literature, writing, and presenting in a

traditional sense, progressive methods allow for more exploration and creative expression. When

students are introduced to new forms of literature and are then able to practice writing their own

pieces and presenting to peers, they are able to truly experience the art of writing as a craft.

“Progressive educators believe in the education of the whole child, including the child's

intellectual, emotional, spiritual, moral, physical, and social development” (Kretchmar, 2018,

p.1). Uncovering new authors and genres introduces learners to experimenting with prose and

gives students the ability to discover inner thoughts, feelings, and emotions which can translate

on paper. This adds to character building and introspective qualities to materialize within a


When progressive and humanistic practices are implemented in educational settings,

students are able to get the most out of their learning experiences. Exploration, active learning,

multi-instructional design, and teachers as passive guides are components which revolutionize

learning. In order for students to truly have a passion for education, teachers must instill this

excitement and set the stage for exploratory success and outlets for all learners.

Part II: Curriculum Rationale

This curriculum is designed to cater to the needs of sixth-grade students who attend a K-8

school in Sherman, Connecticut. The middle school students have rotating class periods. Below

is the standard class makeup:

 Learners in all classes range from 11-12 years of age.

 Period 1 has a balanced ratio of boys to girls.

 Period 2 has a balanced ratio of boys to girls.

 Period 3 has an uneven ratio of boys to girls with more than 75% of the class comprised
of female students.
 Among the students in each period, a majority are United States citizens who are native
English speakers.
 There are a few students of Hispanic descent spread among the three groups of
 There are no students with special accommodations/needs among these three groups.

However, some tend to lose focus at times and may need help to refocus.

The students who will partake in this curriculum have formal experience with academic-style

writing. These learners are aware of how to format traditional papers by crafting an introductory

paragraph, supporting body paragraphs, and a conclusion. All students have a basic

understanding of proper punctuation, grammar, and spelling. While levels of writing ability vary

among learners, genres being broken down, discussed, practiced, and presented will be relatively

new to each student. Public-speaking has been practiced in prior grades and level of

comfortability will undoubtedly vary for each student.

While students partaking in this curriculum are all of similar age and intellect, every

individual has his or her own way of learning, which is why differentiated instruction is so

important. “There is no one, clear, universal explanation of how we learn and subsequent

guidebook as to how we should teach. Rather, there is a range of theories, each with their

background in a different psychological and epistemological tradition. To understand learning

then, we have to understand the theories, and the rationale behind them” (UCD, n.d., para.

2). When traditional subjects are taught in non-traditional ways, learners are able to get in touch

with creative roots allowing them to feel more motivated and in control of educational

experiences. The content within this curriculum can be categorized as a lesson to be instructed

with Progressivist/Constructivist methods simultaneously with humanistic/existentialist methods.

“Progressivists tend to believe that schooling should be about learning to work with and

cooperate with other people and that education is not meant to be competitive, but cooperative.

Additionally, progressivists will seek to engage the learner visually, aurally and kinesthetically—

embracing physical, emotional and social learning as well as academic learning” (Post

University, n.d., p.2).  In regards to this module, the themes are very learner-centered. Below are

objectives embedded within the curriculum as they relate to each school of thought:

 Writing and public-speaking will be made interesting to students because they are

interacting with their peers and figuring out what genres interest them.

 Learning about modern writers is relevant and can be connected to present day

trends/themes in literature.

 Practicing public-speaking/presentations in a class environment allows for growth by way

of constructive peer giving and receiving of feedback.

 In order to cater to aural, verbal, and visual learners, mixed forms of instruction and

content will be utilized within the classroom in which lesson is delivered (Post

University, n.d.).

For a true passion for learning to arise, students have to engage in course material that keeps

their interest. “Humanistic theory came about as a reaction to behaviorist theory—Humanists

believe that the desire to learn is intrinsic within human beings and that people are motivated to

learn because they wish to find their place within the world” (Post University, n.d., p.3). In this

alternative literature curriculum, the way material is delivered and practiced is meant to get

students interested in a topic that many are not fond of. Beliefs regarding a positive learning

experience are as follows:

 By practicing writing skills and public-speaking, students will help find out what their

interests, strengths, and weakness are. Learning more about themselves will begin the

“where do I belong” questioning as it relates to their futures.

 Students learning how to write varying forms of literature puts learning into their own

hands by way of self-expression/creativity.

 Peer feedback after the “Alternative Slam” presentation increases socialization and

teaches students to accept/give feedback.


 Presenting one’s works allows students to express themselves. In a classroom setting, the

instructor will make the student feel supported and cared for. Negative experiences are

not a catalyst for successful soul-searching endeavors, naturally (Post University, n.d.).

Representation, action and expression, and engagement are principles outlined within the

Universal Design for Learning framework (CAST, 2018). Each component is utilized to fulfill an

educational objective. Representation embodies how content is delivered to a learner which tends

to include multiple modalities of instruction. Visual content, verbal deliveries, and written

information are all ways in which students can choose to absorb content. Action and

expression concern how the instructor invites learners to utilize multiple types of tools to better

understand the content. This allows learners to use many outlets which can suit a variety of

needs. Engagement concerns how students put what they have learned to use. When doing

assignments to show mastery of concepts, instructors should allow learners to show their

comprehension by choosing what medium they use to show what they know (Post, n.d.).

Within this unit, students will be introduced to three forms of literature which go beyond the

traditional essay writing style. Poetry, creative writing in the form of short stories, and memoir

writing will be introduced and practiced so students can learn how to write in varying states of

mind using numerous voices. This first goal is academic and students will be introduced to three

forms of literature which go beyond the traditional essay writing style. Poetry, creative writing in

the form of short stories, and memoir writing will be introduced and practiced. Content will be

represented in a way that allows students to see how each type of writing is organized, visually.

Students will also be given the opportunity to experience the aforementioned genres by watching

videos, listening to works being read, practicing writing skills, and partaking in presenting

original works. Action and expression will be embodied within tools used by students to write

their creative pieces. Templates will be provided for students so they are aware of how to

organize each of their three types of literature. Video instruction will also allow students to go

back and review tips which will help them with their writings. In terms of engagement, students

will be given the opportunity to compile their final works in a writing portfolio which they

design and create in class. Students will have the opportunity to use web tools when practicing

writing and when reflective journaling (Post, n.d.).

Writing tends to be a topic that can be intimidating for a lot of students, especially younger

learners who may struggle with finding their voice while simultaneously practicing prose.

Emotionally, public-speaking and addressing an audience is another intimidating topic. The end

goal of this instruction will allow students to become more comfortable sharing with peers in a

classroom setting while simultaneously becoming accustomed to presenting content in front of

one other. This second goal is social-emotional and will allow students to become more

comfortable sharing with peers in a classroom setting while simultaneously becoming

accustomed to presenting content in front of one other. Regarding representation, an “Alternative

Slam” will commence to close out the curriculum so that students are able to share what they

have created with their classmates. Students will read one of their three works in front of the

class and will need to create an audio recording and video for the two remaining works. Action

will revolve around students practicing another form of writing by way of creating a blog.

Students will post a reflection on how it felt to write a poem, short story, or memoir chapter-

practicing sharing thoughts and emotions revolving around the writing process. They will post

this on a classroom-blog managed and run by the instructor. Lastly, students will participate in a

discussion forum and will be able to give in-class feedback to peers after each presentation (Post,


Part III: Unit Plan

Stage I

Grade 6: Introduction to Alternative Literature: Writing and Presentation as a Catalyst

for Self-Expression

In this unit, students are given the opportunity to experience writing as a catalyst for self-
expression which goes beyond traditional academia. Students will be introduced to modern
poetry, creative writing in the form of short stories, and memoir-style writing. After an initial
introduction to writers, genres, and new concepts, students will practice writing their own
original works which will then be presented in front of their peers.

Goal 1: At the end of this unit, students should be able to understand what components
differentiate poetry, short stories, and memoirs from one another. Students will become
acquainted with famous modern poets, short-story writers, and memoirists while being able to
identify them by name and genre-style.
Goal 2: Students should be able to identify what poetry, short stories, and memoirs sound like
when listened to aurally. Students should also be able to compose their own alternative
literature pieces. Students should know how to conduct themselves in front of an audience by
way of eye-contact, voice projection, and feedback reception while presenting in front of peers.
Goal 3: Students will understand more about themselves and their preferences in regards to
self-expression thought alternative forms of literature outside of the standard academic essay.
Students will also understand that writing outside of academia can be considered an art form
used to relay one’s opinions, emotions, and thoughts. Students will gain a greater
understanding of what alternative writing styles are while coming to terms with their
strengths/weaknesses while presenting in front of peers.

Content Standard(s)

 Students will be introduced to current poets, short-story writers, and memoirists.
Students will become familiar with writers’ names and works.
 Students will know what structural components are found in poetry, short stories, and
 Students will be given the definition of self-expression so they know what it means to
be expressive in a literary sense.
 Students will know what “voice” is in a literary sense. They will know which emotions
and tones are commonly associated with specific writing styles/literary genres.
 Students will be able to identify famous writers and specific works done by said writers

based on the three styles being addressed.

 Students will write their own poem, short-story (genre of choice), and memoir chapter.
 Students will present one of their written pieces in front of the class to practice public-
speaking and appropriate receiving of critical feedback.
 Students will be able to identify a style of writing based on structure, content, and
 Students will understand that writing outside of academia can be considered an art form
used to relay one’s opinions, emotions, and thoughts.
 Students will gain a greater understanding of personal strengths and/or weaknesses
while presenting in front of peers.
 Students will understand there are appropriate and inappropriate ways to receive
feedback. Students will also understand receptiveness takes practice.
 Public-speaking is a skill which takes reflection and practice over time, similar to
writing various forms of literature.

Content Standards Primary Expected Performances

 Names of modern poets, short-story  Identify authors based on famous works

writers, and memoir writers. and writing style.
 The definition of self-expression.  Write an original poem, short story, and
 The structural format that is memoir chapter.
commonly seen within the  Identify whether a piece of literature is a
alternative genres within this lesson. poem, a short story, or a memoir.
 The differences between a poem, a  Effectively deliver a presentation in
short story, and a memoir. front of peers.
 Social norms in regards to presenting  Accept feedback and give feedback in a
in front of an audience. socially-acceptable manner.
 Each genre of alternative literature  Write with appropriate emotion for
requires a different voice. genre and content.

Enduring Understandings Essential Questions

Overarching Enduring Understandings: 1. In what situations could knowing how to

 Writing, in many ways, is write alternative forms of literature to be a
considered an art form in which an useful skill? Why?

individual can express himself or 2. What makes an engaging public speaker and
herself. how can you emulate these skills? How can you
 Each person who presents original make presentations your own while still
works have his or her own way of effectively delivering to an audience?
doing so. 3. How does exploring and reading works of
 Reading various genres and literary modern creative writers help spur your own
prose allow for individuals to see quest for self-exploration?
life from various perspectives and 4. In what ways do you feel that writing is good
by exploring new content, self- for you, personally? (i.e. physical, mental,
exploration is unavoidable. emotional)
 There are standard practices of 5. How does knowing how to give and receive
public-speaking, but ultimately, one feedback aid an individual in bettering his or
must learn strengths and weaknesses her social skills?
to become a presenter/speaker and
building these skills take time.
 There is an appropriate way to give
and receive feedback, similar to
public-speaking, these skills take
time and practice.

Unit Specific Enduring Understanding

Exploration of literature helps individual

students become aware of what genres they
have a preference for. By learning about
new types of literature, practicing various
writing styles, presenting original works,
and receiving/giving feedback, students
understand more about themselves in terms
of likes, dislikes, strengths a, and
weaknesses. The more students learn about
themselves in relation to skills and subjects,
the more their skills and solidified
knowledge will transcend outside of the

Knowledge and Skills

Students will know the definition of self-expression as it relates to literature and writing.
Students will know what “voice” is in a literary-sense.
Students will know which emotions and tones commonly link to specific writing styles/genes.
Students will know names of modern-day writers in the poetry, short story, and memoir

Students will know the difference between a poem, a creative short-story, and a memoir.
Students will know basic guidelines surrounding presenting in front of an audience and
receiving/giving feedback.

Students will be able to write poetry with content of their choosing in proper format based on
the type of poetry being written.
Students will be able to write a short-story with content of their choosing in proper format.
Students will be able to write a memoir “chapter” in their own unique voice.
Students will be able to identify famous modern writers and specific works.
Students will be able to stand in front of their peers and present an original work to the class at
a beginner’s level.
Students will be able to receive/give feedback from peers in an appropriate manner at a
beginner’s level.

Stage II

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Performance Task

GRASPS Elements of the Performance Task

G – Goal Task: Write a poem, short story, and memoir chapter. Choose
What should students accomplish by one writing piece to orally present to peers/instructor and listen
completing this task?
to feedback.
R – Role
What role (perspective) will your
Grasps components outlined below.
students be taking? Goal: The goal is to become familiar with alternative literary
A – Audience genres. With this newfound familiarity, you will create a
Who is the relevant audience? portfolio of original works and get a feel for speaking in front of
others by reading one of your pieces to the class.
S – Situation Role: You are a writer, presenter, and critic.
The context or challenge provided to
the student. Audience: The target audience is a mix between fellow
P – Product, Performance classmates and your instructor.
What product/performance will the Situation: The situation requires you choose one of the three
student pieces of alternative literature which you have written. You are
then required to give an oral presentation in a writing/presenting
“Alternative Slam", which will be followed by peer
Product/Performance: You will create a writing portfolio
composed of your three original pieces of alternative literature
in order to conduct an in-class reading. The purpose of
presenting in front of peers/instructor is to practice public-
speaking and receiving feedback.

Standards & Criteria for Success: Your standards and criteria

for success will be based on your writing style and presentation
components (presenting/feedback).
Your poem, short-story, and memoir chapter should...

 Be original works with original, student-chosen content/themes.

 Should follow proper formatting per. genre requirements.
S – Standards & Criteria  Should be written with proper grammar and spelling.
Your presentation should...
for Success
Create the rubric for the  Showcase one of the three literary pieces you have created.
Performance Task  Be audible and project across the classroom so it can be heard by
 Have plenty of eye contact and appropriate gestures to keep
audience engaged.
 End with an appropriate exchange in which you will receive
feedback/critiques from peers/instructor.

Full Rubric for Grading Standards: (See Appendix B).

Other Evidence Student Self-Assessment

Throughout this unit, much observation, Reflective journaling sessions will take place
writing, self-reflection, and feedback surrounding various topics related to
giving/receiving will take place. A final alternative literature and practicing
writing portfolio with each genre under writing/presenting skills. The student will be
review will be handed in. Exploration of given a rubric to assess the original piece of
alternative genres will take place and shared writing and presentation conduct/behaviors.
with classmates on genre-specific days. Students will meet with the instructor prior to
Instructor will observe student working on presenting their original piece to the class so
learning more and practicing writing of that they can make revisions. Students will
alternative forms of literature. meet with instructor post-presentation to
discuss how it went so students can reflect on

Stage III

Learning Plan (Stage 3)

Where are your students Early on students will be provided materials that
headed? Where have they been? highlight structural differences between types of poetry,
How will you make sure the short-stories, and memoir chapters. This content will be
students know where they are relatively new because it does not fall within academic
going? essay writing students have been made accustomed to.

Students will be made aware of final presentation and

This surrounds the direction in writing portfolio which will be handed in to demonstrate
which the instructor would like the mastery at the end of the unit. Compilation of finished
unit to go and expectations for products will be graded and assessed at the end of the
learners throughout (and by the end semester. This will include a portfolio with three writing
of) the unit. Here, the main styles covered within the unit. The writing piece student
tasks/project to be accomplished by chooses to present will be reviewed and edited by the
the end of the unit will be to be instructor before presentations. This way, the student is
presented to learners. This task will able to make corrections and polish their piece. The
be presented at the beginning of the presentation is meant for students to practice speaking in
curriculum during initial lesson front of an audience. The presentation also acts as a
introduction so students know what skill-enhancer so students can practice appropriate
is to be expected before diving into behavior/conduct while giving/receiving feedback.
the course and during the course Learners will sit down with the instructor after the initial
itself. introduction of unit and end goals/projects. The student
will set goals for themselves which the instructor will
type up. The sheet of goals will be kept for the instructor
and given to the student. Goal obtainment will be
discussed after writing portfolio and presentation at the
end of the unit.

How will you hook students at Question to be posed: "What don’t you like about
the beginning of the unit? writing essays?" Students will be given ten minutes to
write a reflection piece on why they do not like writing
This concerns how students are essays. Students will share briefly and alleviate any
going to be initially engaged and possible new unit tension.
pulled into course content.
Challenge for learners: What if you were told that
writing can be good for you and in some ways can even
be seen as art? Would you believe that?    In order to
challenge boredom behind the subject of writing, these
aforementioned questions would be used to spur critical
thinking and encourage class discussion.

Videos of expressive story reading, poetry slams, and

artistically done works of writing will aid students in
becoming motivated and excited about wanting to move
forward in the unit.

Genres will be introduced by way of poetry readings, a

short-story reading, and a memoir chapter reading.

Talk about the creative portfolio which students will

make, allow students to decorate their portfolio folders.

Talk about presentations and setting up the classroom

like a stage for the “Alternative Slam” event.

A public-speaking video will be watched in advance so

students know what to strive for during class
What events will help students Aural: Various alternative pieces will be read
experience and explore the big throughout the curriculum and students will be asked to
idea and questions in the unit? read works from famous modern authors. Exercises
How will you equip them with listening for voice, identifying emotion, and identifying
needed skills and knowledge? structure based on reading style will be
practiced.  Students will practice active listening when
This step concerns the big ideas observing peers present and while listening to feedback.
and the real-life understanding
students should strive to obtain Visual:  Templates, rubrics, and writing structure
from participating in this lesson. examples will be course materials which will be
The Universal Design for Learning delivered during lectures. These will be made accessible
model will be largely recognized in online to students as well. Videos will be shown in-class
this step of WHERETO. It is to exemplify how presentations appear publicly, how
important that multiple methods of narration can take on an art form, and show specific
instruction are embedded in writers reading works. Self-assessments, goal sheets,
curriculum delivery. The Universal and handouts give visual students the opportunities to
Design for Learning model see what they are doing/working with.
acknowledges that learners are
diverse. By appealing to all types Verbal:  Students will be asked to present in front of
of learners, the UDL principles of peers to practice verbal skills.  Feedback will be
"What", "How", and "Why" will be discussed with learners on a teacher/peer basis so
more clearly understood by conversations will resonate with verbal learners.
students (CAST, 2018). Students will also practice communicating with peers
when receiving feedback in front of the class and when
giving feedback during partnering sessions.
How will you cause students to Students will initially set goals for themselves with
reflect and rethink? How will instructor at beginning of unit. Goal achievement will be
you guide them in rehearsing, discussed at end of unit.
revising, and refining their
work? Students will have the opportunity to receive feedback
and revise their work prior to presenting and prior to
Basically, after learning new handing in portfolio.
concepts and practicing newfound
writing skills, how are students After presentations, students will be given a partner to
going to improve their performance conduct a peer reviewing exercise and students can
now and in the future?  Prior to revise based on feedback.
class presentations, the writing
piece of choice will be handed in Before handing in final portfolio, students will be given
for the instructor to read and one last opportunity to go back and revise their work

critique, so this will allow for that

specific piece to undergo two based on any feedback given by teacher and/or students.
editing sessions.
Student will write a follow-up journal entry in regards to
the initial goals they set for themselves. They will
discuss what they have learned, what they like/disliked
about the unit, and how they think they will use their
knowledge for the future.

How will you help students to Students will have the presentation rubric handed out at
exhibit and self-evaluate their the beginning of the unit which they will use to assess
growing skills, knowledge, and their presentations and original writing piece.
understanding throughout the
unit? Students will have student-teacher conferences.
Conferences will be conducted before the unit fully
Learners will self-assess using begins with objective outlining and goal setting for each
rubrics as they relate to the student.
G.R.A.S.P.S. task which aligns
with course objectives and During the follow-up conference at end of unit, student
important themes. will write a reflective journal entry and discuss goals
with instructor. Together the conference will go over
strengths and weaknesses with a plan moving forward
on how student can improve, practice, and strengthen

Writing portfolio final compilation will allow students to

exhibit their understanding and skill building which
occurred during unit.

How will you tailor and Hands-on, technology-centered activities, and practice
otherwise personalize the activities will be peppered throughout the unit and are
learning plan to optimize the outlined below:
engagement and effectiveness of
ALL students, without Hands-on activities:
compromising the goals of the
unit?  Reflective journal entries in physical journal.
 Decorate portfolio folder for writing compilation.
This stage is concerned with
delivering and implementing a Collaborative activities:
lesson based on the unique needs
of learners. By appealing to all  Active listening and oral class presentation.
types of learners, the lesson is  Editing and revising work.
likely to be more effective.  Listening to writing to pick out genre and
Another way to tailor a unit is to emotional content.

cater to traditional and  Giving and receiving feedback through

technological trends to aid learner teacher/peer exchanges.
growth. Student goals and ability
will have been assessed prior to Web-based activities:
unit delivery so while standards
may be slightly staggered based on  Google Docs. will be used so students can access
capability, the following with be class content and materials online when not in
included. the physical classroom.
 Students will explore different writers and genres
using the internet when preparing genre-specific
homework assignments.
 Students will take advantage of web tools such as
online blog site.

(See Appendix C for Planning Pyramid).

How will you organize and Portfolio folder will organize class hand-outs, individual
sequence the learning activities student goals, assessment rubrics, and works in progress.
to optimize the engagement and
achievement of ALL students? Journal will be physically used or can be written and
saved as a word document online based on student
Organization is key. In class, a preference.
folder will contain all materials
utilized within this unit. For All course content/lecture materials will be available
students who may struggle with online.
organization, options to write
reflections online will be made A class blog site will be set up so students will have the
available. All class content will be option to post their works online to receive more peer
made available online as well. feedback (Post University, n.d.).

# Lesson Activities Resources

Lesson Title

Composition notebook or
Question to be posed: "What don’t you like about
laptop for online reflection.
writing essays?" Students will be given ten
minutes to write a reflection piece on why they do
Class discussion sessions with
not like writing essays. Students will share briefly
instructor acting as facilitator
and alleviate any possible new unit tension.
Challenge for learners: What if you were told that
Student Goal-Setting Chart (See
writing can be good for you and in some ways can
Appendix D).
Introduction even be seen as art? Would you believe that?    In
to Unit order to challenge boredom behind the subject of
writing, these aforementioned questions would be
used to spur critical thinking and encourage
further class discussion.

Conferences with instructor for goal-setting

Students will learn what “voice” is in a literary Game/Activity surrounding
sense. They will learn which emotions and tones identification of a style of
are commonly associated with specific writing writing based on emotion,
styles/literary genres. content, and voice. Activities
using visual and aural skills
Instructor reads a poem, short story, and memoir with be practiced.
chapter. Reading of genres will help associate
2 Emotional emotions or voice within literature and will give Composition notebook or
Conveyance & students an understanding of how the genres laptop for online reflection on
Voice differ. what self-expression means and
make a definition for “voice”.
Students will be given the definition of self-
expression so they know what it means to be
expressive in a literary sense.

Students will be introduced to current poets, short- Audio, visual, oral resources of
story writers, and memoirists. famous modern writers.

Let’s Meet Students will become familiar with writers’ names Handouts of writing pieces per.
Some Writers and works by way of class handouts. genre.

Students will watch video content of specific

writers’ presenting/reading works.
4 Students will learn about which structural PowerPoint presentation
How to components are found in poetry, short stories, and projections will be utilized so
Structure memoirs. students can visually see
Genres differences between various
Students will be able to identify a style of writing genres.
based on structure, content, and prose.

Class discussion will take place surrounding how

alternative genres have a visually different
appearance and layout than traditional academic

essays (i.e. exemplify Haiku versus short-story)

Students will spend the day decorating their Card-stock organization folders,
alternative literature portfolio to get excited about art supplies, decorations.
Portfolio filling it with final works!
5 Decorating
Day Brief class discussion on what a portfolio is,
different types, and their purposes.

H.W. will be assigned night before: Bring a poem Students will bring in
to share in class. discussion resources.

Class sharing of poems and discussions. Images/examples of poems.

to Poetry Poetry day: Various styles of poetry will be Class discussion session with
discussed and cultures of origin/popularity of instructor acting as facilitator
styles will be discussed. only.
Students will bring in
H.W. will be assigned night before: Bring a short-
discussion resources.
story to share in class.
Images/examples of short-story
Class sharing of short stories.
7 Introduction formatting.
to Short-
Short-story day: Short-stories will be discussed
Stories Class discussion session with
and how to structure a short-story will be
instructor acting as facilitator
explained in depth.

H.W. will be assigned night before: Bring a Students will bring in

memoir to class that you found/liked. Share a discussion resources.
chapter in class.
Composition notebook or
Class sharing of chapters. laptop for online reflection
pieces for student practice of
8 memoir-style writing.
to Memoirs Memoir day: Memoirs and their purpose will be
discussed. How to write in a way that reflects Class discussion session with
personal conversation will be discussed. Class instructor acting as facilitator
time will be given to practice first-person, only.
memoir-style writing.

Importance of public-speaking and presenting will

be discussed. Videos of good and bad
examples of public-speaking
Videos of good and bad public speakers will be
played for the class. After each video, students A handout of public-speaking
9 to Public-
will raise hand and discuss what behaviors dos and don’ts.
seemed effective and which behaviors didn’t.
Class discussion time with
Discussion about what constitutes a good instructor leading.

Videos about communication

Videos on good listening, discussing, and giving and feedback.
effective feedback will be watched. Feedback and
appropriate behaviors/conduct Videos of good versus bad
10 Communicatio
ways to give/receive feedback.
Practice giving and receiving feedback with peers
will act as an in-class activity. Class discussion time with
instructor leading.

Editing Students pick which piece they want to use for

11 Conference time and editing
Sessions with presentations. Conferences with instructor will
Instructor focus on editing and revisions for piece.

Slam Half of the class will present their writing piece
Class time for presentations.
Presentations and stand in front of audience to receive feedback.
Day 1
Slam Half of the class will present their writing piece
Class time for presentations.
Presentations and stand in front of audience to receive feedback.
Day 2
After presentations, students will be given a Class time for
partner to conduct a peer reviewing exercise on peer-reviewing/feedback
how they performed. Students will swap writing sessions.
14 Peer-Feedback
portfolios and write on feedback for partner.
Day and
Partner will use feedback sheet to finish up Students must come in with
Portfolio Swap
compilation/portfolio. (almost-final) drafts of writing
portfolios with original works
in each genre for swap session.
Conference time with
Students will hand it final writing portfolios with
one piece in each genre. One of the pieces will be
End of Unit the one presented in front of the class. Student
Student should come in with
15 Conferences will sit down with teacher and will discuss self-
final portfolio compilation,
Day 1 rubric and how they felt with goal achievement.
filled out self-assessment rubric
Instructor will discuss future plans of action and
for presentation/original work,
will grade portfolio with student present.
and beginning of unit goals.
Conference time with
Students will hand it final writing portfolios with
one piece in each genre. One of the pieces will be
End of Unit the one presented in front of the class. Student
Student should come in with
16 Conferences will sit down with teacher and will discuss self-
final portfolio compilation,
Day 2 rubric and how they felt with goal achievement.
filled out self-assessment rubric
Instructor will discuss future plans of action and
for presentation/original work,
will grade portfolio with student present.
and beginning of unit goals
Class will end unit by working as a group with
teacher to design a class writing blog. Students
16 Class Blog Site Screen projector and blog site.
will add their writing pieces to the class blog site
as year continues.

Part IV: Checking for UDL Principles

Assess and Reflect (Stage 4)
Considerations Comments
Required Areas of Study: There are plenty of opportunities for students to learn content,
practice skills/behaviors, and present/evaluate. The alignment
between outcomes, performance, and learning experiences tie in
together by way of skill building/overarching ideas. Overall,
students will discover various genres and will get to interact/learn
more about the aforementioned alternative forms of literature.
Students will create their own works with content of their choosing
so that writing is made to be even more enjoyable and learner-
specific. Presenting and communicating are skills which transcend
beyond the classroom, so constant work within these areas helps tie
the unit together.

Adaptive Dimensions: For struggling students:

Students who struggle with organization will be able to access

content online as well as receive it in class.
Students who prefer to use a computer when journaling or taking
notes will be able to do so.
Tutoring will be made available to students who require help or
who have issues in certain areas.

For students who need a challenge:

Students who need a challenge can choose another genre to add to

their writing portfolio.
Students who need a challenge can get in front of the class to share
homework assignments on each of the three genre-specific days.

Instructional Approaches:

The entire unit is focused around personal exploration and skill

building. Teacher conferences and individual goal setting occur at

the beginning and end of the unit. Students will also be given the
opportunity to give feedback and participate in relevant activities
with peers. Methodology includes in-class and online work so all
students are catered to. Multiple forms of instruction to keep aural,
verbal, and visual students engaged are present throughout the unit.

Resource Based Learning:

All content and resources brought in and discussed by the instructor

will be available online. Pieces of literature brought in by students \
will not be available on an ongoing basis.

FNM/I Content and

Perspectives/Gender Students are allowed to write about content of their choosing for
Equity/Multicultural each genre. Works written by varying ages, perspectives,
Education: viewpoints, etc. will be shared in class. Each student will get to
choose which genre to present. Each student is given the
opportunity to give and receive feedback while interacting with
instructor/peers. Inappropriate and ill-manned feedback will not be
tolerated in the classroom. Students will be made to feel supported
and light-hearted when presenting in front of the class to share what
they have created. One of the underlying themes in this unit is self-
expression and creativity and each student is encouraged to explore.


Carter, S. (2018). Humanism. Humanism - Research Starters Education, 1–8. Retrieved from


CAST. (2018). The UDL guidelines. CAST, Inc. Retrieved from

Kerr, L. (2010). More than words: Applying the discipline of literary creative writing to the practice

of reflective writing in health care education. Journal of Medical Humanities, 31(4), 295.



Kretchmar, J. (2018). Progressive education. Progressive Education -- Research Starters Education,

1. Retrieved from


McGhie-Richmond, D. & Sung, A. (2013). Applying universal design for learning to instructional

lesson planning. International Journal of Whole Schooling, 9(1), 43–57. Retrieved from


Post University. (n.d.). Developing instructional goals: Universal design for learning instructional

models. John P. Burke-School of Public Service and Education. Retrieved from


Post University. (n.d.). Educational philosophy and theory. EDU603, Curriculum 2.0. Retrieved from


Post University. (n.d.). Learner profiles & planning pyramids. EDU603, Curriclum 2.0. Retrieved




Post University. (n.d.). Step 3: The learning plan and the elements of whereto. EDU603, Curriculum

2.0. Retrieved from



UCD Teaching and Learning. (n.d.). Education theory. University College Dublin. Retrieved from

Wang, C. (2011). Design of the model of constructivist learning theory for moral education in

physical education teaching. International Education Studies, 4(3), 62–65. Retrieved from


Appendix A

Example of Learner Profile

Appendix B

Rubric for Students: G.R.A.S.P.S. Task

Poor Fair Good Outstanding Scor
1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points e
sufficient time
Student devotes a lot
and effort to
of time and effort to
Student devotes the writing
the writing process
Student devotes some time and effort process (pre-
little time and to the writing writing,
drafting, reviewing,
effort to the process but was not drafting,
Writing Process and editing). Work
writing process. very thorough. Does reviewing, and
is easily
Does not seem to enough to get by. editing). Work
recognizable as a
care. Writing genre is is /4
poem, short-story,
hard to decipher. recognizable
and/or memoir
as a poem,
and/or memoir
There is one
There are three or
There are two or spelling error
more spelling There are no
more spelling errors and/or one
errors and/or spelling or
and/or punctuation punctuation
punctuation errors punctuation errors in
Spelling and error in the final error in the
in the final draft. the final draft.
Punctuation draft. Structure final draft.
Sentence structure Structure follows
loosely follows Structure
and genre which student
genre which student follows genre /4
paragraphs/stanza is presenting.
is presenting. which student
s are non-existent.
is presenting.
The original
The original work
There is little The original work work contains
contains many
evidence of contains few a good amount
creative details
creativity in the creative details of creative
and/or descriptions.
original work. and/or descriptions. details and/or
Creativity The author has
The author does The author has tried descriptions.
clearly used their
not seem to have to use original The author has
imagination and
used much content to show clearly used /4
created a very
imagination. imagination. their
unique piece.
Writing is very well-
Ideas and scenes
Writing is organized. The
seem to be
well student turns in an
randomly Writing is a little
organized. attractive and
arranged. No hard to follow. The
The student complete copy of the
Organization structure relates to student turns in a
turns in a original work in the
and Neatness any of the genres. complete copy of the
complete copy correct format.
The student turns story, but formatting
of the story in Student takes
in an incomplete needs work. /4
the correct critique/conferencin
copy of presented
format. g feedback into
Volume Volume often too Volume is loud Volume is Volume is loud
soft to be heard enough to be heard loud enough enough to be heard
by all audience by all audience to be heard by by all audience
members. members at least all audience members throughout
80% of the time. members at the presentation.

least 90% of
the time. /4
Stands up Stands up straight,
straight and looks relaxed and
Slouches and/or Sometimes stands establishes confident.
Posture and Eye does not look at up straight and eye contract Establishes eye
Contact people during the establishes eye with everyone contact with
presentation. contact. in the room everyone in the
during room during the /4
presentation. presentation.
Often mumbles or Speaks clearly
Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and
cannot be and distinctly
distinctly all (94- distinctly all (100-
understood OR all (100-95%)
Clarity 85%) the time, but 95%) the time and
mispronounces the time, but
mispronounces one mispronounces no
more than one mispronounce
word. words.
word. s one word. /4
and responses
respectful and
Most statements and
appropriate All statements, body
responses were
language language, and
Statements, respectful and in
when responses to
responses and/or appropriate language
receiving feedback were
body language when receiving
feedback, but respectful and used
were consistently feedback, but there
Receiving/ once or twice appropriate
not respectful and was one sarcastic
Giving Audience body language language. Student
student was remark. Student was
Feedback was not. shows a clear
completely closed slightly defensive
Student shows understanding of
off to feedback and did not seem to /4
a decent their
from the care about
amount of strengths/weaknesse
audience. strengths/weaknesse
understanding s regarding
s regarding
regarding presenting abilities.
Final Score /32

Appendix C
Planning Pyramid

ALL Students:
Will know...
 The differences between a poem, a short-story, and a memoir.
 The definition of self-expression.
 Structural differences found in various genres of alternative literature.
Will be able to...
 Write an original poem, short-story, and memoir-chapter.
 Identify whether a piece of literature is a poem, a short-story, or a memoir.
 Define self-expression and why it is important in the writing process.
Will understand...
 Not all writing is academic in nature.
 Grammar and proper word usage is still necessary to practice in any form of writing.
 Presenting in front of others is a useful tool to be an effective communicator.

MOST Students:
Will know...
 Names of current/popular alternative writers.
 Emotions and tones typically associated with certain genres.
 The guidelines for being an effective public speaker.
Will be able to...
 Identify authors based on famous works and writing style.
 Write with appropriate emotion for genre and content.
Will understand...
 Public-speaking is a skill which takes reflection and practice over time, similar to writing
various forms of literature.
 Writing outside of academia can be considered an art form used to relay one's opinions,
emotions, and thoughts.

SOME Students:
Will know...
 Dialogue in which to appropriately accept critical feedback.
 Social norms in regards to presenting in front of an audience.
 Each genre of alternative literature requires a different voice.
Will be able to...
 Effectively deliver a presentation in front of peers.
 Accept feedback in a socially-acceptable manner.
Will understand...
 Their personal strengths and/or weaknesses while presenting in front of peers.

Appendix D
Student Goal-Setting Chart

Appendix E
Rubric for Curriculum Developer

Criteria for Self- Poor Fair Good Outstanding

Assessment 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points
Curriculum Curriculum
Curriculum does vaguely shows a clear Curriculum clearly
Conveyance of
not make highlights picture of what outlines deeper
importance behind importance is to be gained concepts and the big
instruction clear. behind from picture ideas.
instruction. instruction.
Curriculum has
Curriculum has Curriculum has
activities which
implemented implemented
Curriculum fails address all skills
activities to activities to
Transference of to implement outlined within
Applicable Skills activities for skill
cover roughly cover more than
objectives relating
half of half of
practicing. to reading, writing,
applicable applicable
presenting, and
skills. skills.
questions need
Essential questions do a
more Essential questions
Essential questions are good job at
development are very detailed
Questions/Objective poorly formulated aligning with /4
but are and align with all
s and do not align objectives.
somewhat course objectives.
with objectives. Could be more
aligning with
Curriculum has Curriculum has an
Curriculum has
multiple array of activities in
a few activities
Curriculum has activities for which students can
for students to
minimal activities students to practice skills to
practice skills
Ways for Student to for students to practice skills show
Show Mastery practice skills and
and show
and show comprehension. /4
show comprehension. Projects and
However, more
comprehension. However, more activities are
variety could be
variety is still implemented
needed. throughout the unit.
Curriculum Curriculum caters to
caters to all all types of learners
Curriculum only types of and has activities
Catering to Various only caters to a
Learning Types
caters to one type
couple types of
learners but is which allow /4
of learner. lacking in a students to practice
multi-medium hands-on and
approach. technological skills.
GRASPS Tool & GRASPS tool is GRASPS tool is GRASPS tool is GRASPS tool is /4
APT poorly utilized utilized but utilized fully utilized fully
and not near steps are with all steps. showing clear
completion. missing and Could align understanding of
APT could more clearly concepts. Tool
align more with APT. parallels very well

clearly with
with the APT.
Self-assessment activities are
activities are used at
activities are used at the
Learner Self- the beginning and
Self-assessment only used at the beginning and
Awareness of Goals end of unit. Student
activities are not end of the unit. end of unit.
by Way of Self-
present in this Student is not Student is
is clear on goal /4
Assessment & Self achievement due to
unit. made aware of unsure of
Reflection teacher-conferences
objectives/end whether or not
and peer feedback
goals. they achieved
initial goals set.
There are numerous
There are some
There are many ways in which
There are not ways in which
ways in which students can remain
many ways in students can
students can engaged by way of
which students remain
remain projects, activities,
can remain engaged, but
Student Engagement
engaged. Content they are
engaged. Hook learning about new /4
is decent but genres, creative
delivery is poor. inconsistent.
engagement decorating, and unit
Hook is non- Hook is there
declines at finale. Hook is
existent. but not very
various times. strong and piques
student interest.
Learning plan is
Organization is well organized.
There is no
Some present but Basic concepts are
organization is needs more explored before
Fluidity of Learning present but balance. Certain practice activities
there are concepts need and skill-building is
Concepts are
content gaps in to be solidified implemented.
thrown together
instruction. before moving Concept
forward. introduction makes
logical sense.
product has a Finished product
Finished product product has a
handful of has no grammatical
Writing has multiple errors handful of
grammatical but or spelling flaws.
Style/Finished including APA errors including
no spelling Less than two APA
Product mistakes and APA mistakes
flaws. A few mistakes are
spelling flaws. but no spelling
APA mistakes present.
are present.
Final Score /40

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