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Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Facebook Ads Creative Masterclass ............................ ....3

Chapter 2: Facebook Audience Set-up........................................... ..20

Chapter 3: Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO)

And Cost Cap Bidding ..................................................................... 23

Chapter 4: Instagram Story Ads ....................................................... 28

Chapter 5: Advanced Scaling Methods: Scaling to $20k of Ad Spend

A Day...............................................................................................33

Chapter 1: Facebook Ads Creative

A s you’ll probably know by now, Facebook ads are really what

I live and breathe. They are what allowed me to grow my first
business and to make my first million. I’m known as one of the top 5
experts in the world for Facebook ads and I get asked to speak about
ads and funnels at masterminds and high-level events around the world.
Sure, they can frustrate me sometimes -- if an ad account gets banned
or costs suddenly go up -- but putting time into mastering Facebook
ads is really key when you want to sell something online. It will
definitely change your business and could even change your life.

Facebook is pretty much the biggest advertising platform out there

(besides Google) and being able to advertise on it is huge. But it does
take time to learn and master. In this chapter, I’m going to give you the
fundamental concepts that will work on every kind of business. This is
all based on tried and tested data from the hundreds of businesses I’ve
worked with.

The first thing to understand is that the hardest part of Facebook ads
is not the technical set-up. I could teach you this in a few hours and
experience would teach you how to scale and monitor your

This book is going to focus way more on the Facebook ad creative

side - the concepts, the hook, the funnel it goes to and so on - because
this is what takes more time to master.

To give you a quick summary, this chapter is going to cover:

 General best practices with Facebook ads

 Rules of advertising - The big picture view that includes
psychology and will apply to everything you do
 Establishing winning hooks

 High-converting headlines - some of the best, tried and tested
headline structures
 Best copy, images and videos
 What’s working well right now on Facebook - A big picture
summary of what is doing well
 Split testing - The psychology of growing your ad account and
 My 40x Ad Multiplier Rule, describing how to set up your ad
account to test enough and find winners
 Facebook Compliance basics

General Best Practices:

The copy must match the main funnel/offer and the copy should
match the image used

This is an obvious point but something a surprising number of

people forget. Your entire funnel and ad should be somewhat
congruent. People do tend to forget the headline they first read on your
ad but it still has to somewhat relate, in order for your ad to work.

Use strong headlines

A successful ad works on a three-step process. Your image will

cause people to stop scrolling their News Feed, your first line will then
entice them to read the copy and the body copy and headline should
cause the reader to take action. If one of these steps is broken, your ad
will fail.

Strong and catchy call to action (CTA)

Your CTA not only needs to link back to your headline for
congruency but it also needs to have a strong push to get people to
move along your funnel. There’s no point having a great image and
a great headline if people aren’t driven to take action.

Use controversy and curiosity

I would recommend using a lot of controversy in your ads,

though only in a compliant way, as well as curiosity and fun! Your
ads should be eye-catching and striking so, if you’re not creative,
you’re going to need to eventually hire someone to come up with
these concepts for you. Don’t make the mistake of hiring a media
buyer, who is technically minded and probably less creative, and
expect them to come up with great ads. The two skills really require
two different parts of the brain entirely and, though you will need
both skill sets, I’ve already mentioned you’re going to want to
focus way more on the creative side.

Speak to your audience, speak like your audience

Since we have already delved into avatars and copy pretty

extensively, you should already have a pretty good grasp on this.
Your ads need to talk to your avatar -- choose topics relevant to
them and highlight their pain points in creative ways.

Embrace testing

One of the biggest mistakes that people make with Facebook

ads is not testing enough. We will often test 20-40 ads out of the
gate and practically every day we are running a new ad. Once you
get established, I would strongly advise hiring someone purely to
create new ads for you every day. Testing ads was absolutely key
to my success with my first business.

Monitor relevance score

A big part of the Facebook algorithm is user experience.

Facebook knows that if people have a bad time using their site
because there are rubbish ads everywhere, people will just stop
using it. As a result, they really monitor your ads to see how they
affect user experience and this plays into how they charge you, how

well your ads do and so on. I’m going to go into this more later
but, for now, it’s important to mention that Unique Click-Through
Rate and Relevancy Score are two things you need to be checking.

Rules Of Advertising

Respect the sales process

The first key rule of advertising is to respect the sales process.

Always remember that when you’re running ads only 2-3% of cold
traffic are going to be ready to buy right away. Over 90 days, another
5-10 percent will be ready, which is where you’ll start to see the
importance of retargeting ads. On those ads, you’ll most likely get a 5-
10% conversion rate and then over the next 6 months to a year, another
30 or 40% of your audience will be ready to buy. This is why you build
a brand, make free content, include opt-ins and so on. More and more
people will come back if you do a good job with this. However, it’s
still crucial to remember that 50% of your audience, or even more, will
never go for your offer. This is an important mindset shift you need to
make early on because you can’t go into Facebook ads thinking “Why
isn’t everyone buying?!”

Be contextual

You need to think about your ad level funnel. The first stage of the
buyer's journey is known as Top of Funnel (TOF). People are described
as “cold” here, meaning they are cold to your brand and they don’t
know who you are. Going in with a hard sell at this stage will most
likely mean that 2-3% of people will go for your offer. You can do this,
especially with low-ticket offers, but to generate real revenue, your ads
will need to focus on the other 97%. You need ads that target every
stage of the buyer journey.

A good analogy that I often use is the story of two people meeting
in a bar. Going straight in with a sell to cold traffic is like going up to
the first girl you see in a bar and asking them to go home with you.

Sure, this might work maybe 3% of the time but 97% of the time it
won’t because some key steps have been missed.

Just as in real life, you might take a girl or guy out on a couple of
dates, hang out with them, maybe meet their friends, your top of funnel
content needs to focus on getting leads used to you and building

Leads go from cold to semi warm to warm, where maybe they’re on

your email list, they’ve seen your sales page, they’ve downloaded your
e-book and so on. They’re getting used to you. This is where the 90
days come in and you’ll sell to another 5 or 10% of people. Bottom of
funnel, though, is where most of your sales will happen. This is where
you’re going to start pitching your offer and really focusing on re-
targeting. In re-targeting, you might say something like “Last chance
to buy!” for example.

Be fun, creative and stand out

The next rule that you need to remember is that your ads need to be
fun and they should stand out. I attribute a lot of my success to the fact
that I am both technical - able to analyze numbers and strategy - yet am
also very creative. I do understand that this is rare but to really nail
Facebook ads, you do have to get both sides of this dialed in as much
as you can.

I already mentioned the power of being funny and controversial in

your ads. When selling to cold traffic, this can really help because
people will tend to put a barrier down and if you master both (funny
and controversial) then you are able to sell to them more easily and
more subtly. Just as in-person, where you’re less likely to buy from
someone who is cold and impersonal, building trust and evoking
emotion in your ads is key.

Be everywhere

This is more of a master level tip but, to whatever extent that you
can, you need to try to dominate your space. You want your avatar to
be thinking “I’ve seen this guy everywhere… I’ve seen all these ads
and all these testimonials. I guess he really does know what he’s
doing.” You want to stay at the forefront of their mind. My business
partner, Tai Lopez, is incredibly skilled with this and this omnipresence
is part of what makes him such an incredible marketer.

Establishing Hooks:

When identifying your ad angles, writing copy, and establishing

your hooks, you need to focus on evoking emotion. Here are the key
ways in which you can do this:


Speak about failures of your past clients or failures of people trying

other agencies or products, for example. You need to make the reader
resonate. Consider asking questions along the lines of “Does this sound
like you?”


Speak to your avatar’s goals, show them that your clients have
achieved these goals and show them that they could too.


The concept of an “enemy” doesn’t necessarily refer to a real person

but instead to any barriers or issues that your avatar might face. For
example, for someone trying to lose weight, this could be the weekend
which causes them to break their diet and binge eat.


Spark your audience’s curiosity. Getting people curious about

your ad, what you do, how it works and so on can be really
powerful. Here you’ll want to use lots of open-ended phrases like
“Imagine” and “What if?” Make sure the copy is really intriguing.


This links back to the use of failures but, in the case of fears,
you will be a bit bolder with your copy. You might, for example,
go into detail about how you used to lie awake at night worrying
about your weight, worrying about the weekend when you would
binge and so on.

Headlines, Copy, Images and Video:

Some examples of tried and tested headline structures and strong

copy include…

Training-based headlines (for opt-ins, webinars and VSLs, for

1. FREE Masterclass: The ____
2. [FREE] 8 Secrets to ____
3. [FREE] Learn To ____ Without ___
4. Register Now: “The ___ Masterclass.”
5. Starting Soon: FREE ___ Training

Controversial statements
“Eating vegetables is bad for your health”
“Ok I admit it, I hated ____ but then I found ____”
“The average person fails their diet after 2 weeks.”
Famous inspirational quotes that attract attention.

Play on a cliché
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with… a Clif bar”
This works particularly well if you have more of a personal brand.
“Wait! Don’t miss this!”
Direct Callout
“Are you a sales professional sick of chasing leads?”

Here is another example of how you could structure your ad copy:

Callout pain point
Tired of XYZ?
I know what that’s like because I’ve been there too…
Hi, I’m ___

More empathy
I used to be just like you
Negative emotion, increase the drama
It was really bad/crazy…
Turning point
Then I discovered ___
Eureka moment
And my life was never the same again
Positive emotion and success story, again with drama
Now I want to share it with you. Emphasize credibility.
Insert solution
I created this product/service to help others
Here’s your chance …

If you’re looking for a really easy, short ad template to get you

started, check these out:

Discover the latest techniques to ___


Find out how for FREE:

2. “Insert testimonial”

Discover the latest techniques to ___

Find out how for FREE:

Visual Elements:

Some more of the visual elements that work effectively in Facebook

ads include:
 Use of emojis. Always remember that ads should be easy to
read…Try to implement line breaks at least after every 4 lines
and remember that emojis are another great way to break text
 Face-to-camera videos which emphasize authenticity
 Re-targeting with testimonial ads is a great idea. However, these
B-roll or testimonial-based videos work more effectively at
bottom of funnel where the viewer is already aware of your

What’s Working Well Right Now

I’ve already covered many of the elements that my agency uses to

create high-converting ads but here is a list to give you some more
ideas of what is currently working well:

 Relevance to the current moment - speaking about politics, or a

viral TV show, for example
 Gender specific content and calling out your avatar - just be
careful about calling out too many personal attributes, as this
can get your ads flagged
 Clickbait/viral style copy
 Short and direct
 Memes and graphics
 Video ads with captions
 Boomerang-style videos
 “3 biggest mistakes” style copy
 Education-based, longer-form copy
 Contrarian - so going against a belief pattern - for example, “No,
you don’t have to go low-carb to lose weight.”
 User-generated content - for example, a photo of someone with
your product and a story about them and how your product
improved their life.

40x Ad Multiplier Rule

I’m moving on now to how you need to structure your ad account

(in terms of video/headline/image/copy set-up) in order to get enough
data to test to optimize your ad results. Personally, I blew so much
money while learning this, so trust me when I say that knowing this
information early on in your journey with Facebook ads will really help
you out. I will teach you the technical set-up of this in a later chapter;
this list will act as an overview of what you should implement…

 Start with at least 10 images in one dynamic ad set. Facebook
will cycle through these images and you will be able to see
which perform best.
 If you feel comfortable with creating video, you can also set up
5 videos in one dynamic. I made my first million without video.
However, I definitely would have made more if I had learnt to
implement video more quickly. I would 100% recommend
getting into video as early as you can and testing a variety of
 Set up two Dynamic Ad sets with 10-15 headlines split between
them. You will be able to think up 10 headlines just from the
examples that I included earlier.
 Split 10 pieces of copy between two dynamics.
 You’ll then want to show these ad sets to around 5-10 different
audiences to test audiences.
 After a few weeks, you’ll start to see the winners. Take the top
3-4 of each section (image, headline and so on) and start
segmenting them. For example, take the winning headline and
the winning image and put that in one ad. Take the 2nd headline
and 2nd image and put that in another. This will help you verify
the winners and assess how they perform by themselves.

Facebook Compliance

I always compare Facebook to a spouse…both are unpredictable.

You think that you’re being well-behaved but one day, suddenly,
you’re in trouble and you don’t know why. Sometimes you’ll do
something to push your luck and then you’ll have to be on your best
behavior for a while. Ultimately, both situations can be challenging but
you stick with them, and navigate through them, because they have
long-term value.

And here’s the thing. If you’re 100% perfect with Facebook

compliance, you won’t make money with your ads. Other advertisers
will always be sneaky and push their luck and you’ll fall behind if you
don’t do this a little at times too.

I have full training that describes my advice for not getting in
trouble with Facebook but I will give a broad outline here:

Remember that Facebook protects user experience, so don’t talk at

the user. For example, don’t say something like “you can lose 20
pounds.” Facebook doesn’t like you calling its members out in a
negative way. Writing “How [X customer of yours] lost 20 pounds…”
is going to achieve the same effect, so be smart about the way you
word things.

Don’t include any before and after descriptions. For example,

don’t say “Late on your mortgage payments? Learn how to make
money now.” Instead, say, “We had over 100 members that were
struggling to pay their mortgage and we helped them turn their life
around and get financial freedom.” Facebook views this totally
differently. Be careful with claims. For example, you wouldn’t say
“How I made $100,000 in 20 days.” This seems really unrealistic and
way too broad. You could, on the other hand, say “Some of my
clients’ businesses grow from 50-200% over the first 6 months.” You
can include a time frame but, again, be careful with it. The second is
way less extreme and unrealistic. Obviously, you shouldn’t say
anything that is untrue anyway, especially because you always want
to comply with the law.

Next Steps

Brainstorming ads
Get out a pen and paper or your laptop and brainstorm some ads.
What are 5-10 different hooks that you can test? What are 6-10 images
that you can test? Don’t forget that, when you’re starting out, it’s totally
okay to use stock images. Brainstorm video ideas. What topic could
you pick up your camera and shoot a selfie video on right now? You
don’t need to overthink this too much. Say you work with taxes, you
could shoot a quick video on “The 3 biggest mistakes people make with

their taxes,” put this in an ad with a good headline and some strong
copy and direct people to an opt-in to a VSL which describes how you
can save them $3000. This could be an incredible funnel if executed

Don’t worry if it takes you some time

Being creative takes time and so does figuring out the best ads.
Remember that 9/10 of your ads will fail but that 1/10 will make you a
lot of money. I had around 5,000 ads in my account with my fitness
business at one point and only 20 winning ads running but all my work
with testing these ultimately paid off.

Refer back to this book

Use this book to remind you that you always need to be speaking to
your avatar and practice with the frameworks I have given you while
you are starting out.

Don’t forget that the key is to test, test, test, and then test
some more.

Look at what other people are doing

If you see someone running ads all the time or having an ad running
for a really long time, there’s a 99.9% chance that they are making
more money than they put in. There are a few people out there that
don’t know what they are doing with ads and essentially just burn
money with guessing but, in general, looking at these people who are
spending millions of dollars on ads is going to give you tips for your

Optimize and adjust as you go.

I had to learn pretty quickly that there is no perfect formula. The
work never ends with Facebook ads and you always need to optimize
and adjust. When you figure out your winning ads and you scale them,

suddenly they stop working and you need new ones. This is just how it
goes and to be successful you need to understand this.

Knowing what is included in this chapter is going to set you way

apart from all the people who are just advertising aimlessly on
Facebook and who give up when it doesn’t work.

If you’re ready to learn more about the technical set-up of your ads,
carry on to the next chapter…

Facebook Ad Examples (Swipes)



Chapter 2: Facebook Audience Set-up

T his chapter is going to amplify your knowledge of your

audience and really give you everything you need to optimize
and set up your audiences on Facebook.

As I’ve mentioned earlier, if you have an offer that would appeal to

a broad audience, you can go broad with your Facebook audience set-
up sometimes. However, you should still also go niche and test
different interests in order for your ads to perform optimally.

If you want to take a quick test to figure out whether you should
class your audience as broad, consider this. If you lined up 100 people
on the street, would 50% of them be interested in your offer? If I lined
up 100 women on the street, I could be confident that 50% of them
would be interested in losing weight. On the other hand though, if I
were trying to help hairdressers start their own salons, probably only a
couple of people would be hairdressers out of the 100. This is why it’s
so important, particularly when you have a niche offer, to really make
sure your ads are hitting the right audiences.

Be sure to read the whole of this chapter. It contains a trick that I

didn’t learn for a while but one that will literally save hours of your

Audience Research

I’m about to teach you a way to generate 20 to even 40 different

relevant interests to target with just a couple of clicks…

1. Open up your Audience page, where you’ll see all of your

saved audiences, as well as opening the audience insights

2. Enter into the search field a page that you know your avatar
is interested in. It needs to be a page with a large following
that Facebook can collect enough data.
3. From here, you’ll get a breakdown of the demographic of
the people who like this page. It’ll tell you everything from
their age to their education level and so on.
4. Now, this is where it gets really interesting. Click on to
page likes at the top. This is where Facebook will generate
similar interests of your audience to that which you have
searched for - so pages of authors they like, pages of
coaches and so on. It also displays their affinity level with
each page. You can think of this as a confidence level.
5. You can instantly take these and create new ad sets and,
what’s more, these interests frequently change and update
so this is definitely worth referring back to regularly.

The only thing to bear in mind when choosing a new interest to

target is that the audience number of that page is big enough.
Remember that you can adjust locations throughout this process and
that you can add a number of pages in one ad set to boost audience size.
If your own Facebook page has a large following, you can even put that
in, in order to better understand what people who like your brand also

A Useful Hack…

So, you’ve done your audience research. You’ve got your audience
insights tab pulled up and you’ve made your first ad following what I
taught in the last chapter. You know that you need to test your ads but
you want to do this as efficiently as possible.

This hack is going to allow you to duplicate and test 10 audiences

really quickly.

1. Select your campaign and have your ads set up and ready to

2. Click on ad sets and click duplicate. You can either
duplicate this audience in the existing campaign or add a
new one. Set up a new one and name it something like
“TOF:10 Audience Test:[ad name].”
3. Go into each of these new ad sets and make adjustments
based on the new interests you have to target from your
audience insights page.
4. Click “Save as new” NOT “Update.” Update will override
data on the wrong ad set and things will start getting really
5. Run these ads for a few days and see which audience gets
the best results.

This is a really simple process, especially compared to doing it

manually, so definitely make the most of this and test out new
audiences regularly.

You can also replicate this duplication with your ad creatives in

order to test out headlines, copy, images and so on. I really can’t stress
enough how important testing and monitoring are. If you’re spending
$50 or $100 a day, you’re going to test for maybe 5-7 days. If, like me
you’re spending upwards of $400, you’re going to be looking at things
every couple of days because the money soon adds up.

Speaking of money, in the next chapter, I am finally going to take

you through a key bidding technique that you need to master in order
to be successful with your ads…

Chapter 3: Campaign Budget
Optimization (CBO) And Cost Cap

N ow that you have your ad account set up and your audiences

optimized, there is another key thing that you need to learn to
allow you to really scale…

Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO) is an ad strategy that

Facebook introduced about a year ago. In the next couple of years,
CBO will go from something you should know to something you need
to know if you want to advertise on Facebook.

What is CBO?

CBO is a strategy that takes away the problem of setting up multiple

budgets at ad set level. In the past, we would go in and set $50 a day
per ad set, for example. Now, with CBO, we will set the budget from
campaign level and Facebook will allocate this budget across the
different ad sets to get the best results based on its algorithm.

As I mentioned before, this is not yet perfect as the algorithm is still

learning. However, it is getting better all the time and, though
Facebook has pushed back making CBO mandatory, it almost
definitely soon will be. This is why it is key that you learn it now.

Technical Set-Up

The technical set-up here is really simple. As a rule, the way I would
calculate my starting budget is this. I’m going to put 5 or 10 audiences
in the campaign and I want to pay $20 per audience daily so, if I have
7 ad sets in the campaign, I’ll set the daily budget at $140 at campaign

It’s also important to bear in mind that there is an option to

manipulate the set-up a little through ad set spend limits. If one of
your audiences was smaller than the rest, you might say that you don’t

want Facebook to spend more than X amount on that particular
audience per day through the maximum spend limit. You’ll do this if
you know that the audience you’re targeting is small, because it will
more quickly become exhausted.

Most of the time, though, you won’t need to use spend limits at all
because CBO really does a lot of the work for you. You can see how
CBO is working by going into your ad sets and monitoring where
Facebook is spending the money and how it is working with the
algorithms to get you the best click per action and so on.

CBO works well most of the time but it is key that you monitor it
closely. You need to let CBO run for a couple of days and, after this,
you need to start checking the individual ad sets daily. If you don’t do
this, Facebook will occasionally keep one running that isn’t doing so

Using CBO To Scale An Account:

I’m going to show you how you can use CBO to scale your ad
account. This is really going to be key for how you’ll scale to the top
of your game with Facebook ads.

1. Set up the first CBO campaign with a few audiences and a

few interests and set up a few different creatives to find the
winning one.

2. After about a week, you’re going to take your best creative

and make a CBO campaign with it.

3. This campaign is going to have 4 different audiences in it.

 The first will be a lookalike list of your buyers. This is a

list of more people like your existing buyers. If you don’t
have the buyers for this yet, you can focus on the next three
 Lookalike % of your email list.

 Lookalike % of your web traffic.
 Lookalike % of people that follow you on Facebook or
 Bear in mind that the pixel does need a few thousand hits
to work so if you are very new, you probably won’t be able
to use these audiences. In this case, you can take this same
method and apply it to four different winning interest
groups that you have tested so far.
 You’re then going to take just one of these audiences and
multiply it by 5. For each of these audiences, you’ll then
have 5 ad sets in there with the exact same audience and
the only difference will be that you are testing different
creatives. For instance, you might have one with a different
headline and one with a different image and so on.

How To Scale With Cost Cap:

Cost cap is a limit that is set to indicate the price you want to spend
on average per sale. If this is possible with its algorithm, Facebook will
then work to get you the sales at that price. Bear in mind that you’re
only going to be able to do this when you’ve made a few hundred sales
or so and you’re spending a decent amount of money.

This will work in a similar way to what I’ve just outlined…

1) You’re going to make 5 more CBO campaigns.

2) In one of them, you’ll set your goal tier. For example, if

you have a cost per sale goal of $60, this would be your goal

3) You’ll set up another one at $10 under, so $50 in this


4) You’ll then set up another 2 or 3 each $10 dollars higher,

so $70, $80 and $90.

5) Don’t worry about the number that your highest tiers will
be set up at. You always want to give the algorithm
breathing space. Remember that it is all based on averages
so it will end up working out.

Of course, you can only really start to scale with this method once
your ads are dialed in and things are starting to take off. However, as
with much of what I teach you in this book, it is going to be crucial to
your success that you understand the concept as early as possible.

Chapter 4: Instagram Story Ads

I n this chapter, I’m going to talk you through one of the simplest,
most underutilized ad placements - the Instagram Story ad.
These are a really quick ad type that is 100% worth practicing. As I’ve
said before, the creative side of your ads is really what is going to make
them successful and this is what you really need to home in on. If I
were starting out again, I would go and shoot an Instagram story ad
every day for the next 90 days. I’m going to run you through all the
best practices of Instagram story ads here...

Technical Set Up

Most of the time, you are going to want to set up everything with
your Instagram Story ads through Ads Campaign Manager on
Facebook. As I explained in Chapter 11, the only difference when
setting up an Instagram story ad is that you’re going to want to set up
your placement to publish only on Instagram Story, and maybe
Facebook Story as well. Remember, these are published as full screen
vertical column ads with text that sits on the video or image itself. And
the CTA will always be to “Swipe Up”.

If you want to play around with boosting some of your posts or

stories within Instagram itself, you can do that, but don’t do this at

Here are the key things you need to know about boosting on

 You can set it up to lead people to your Instagram profile, your

website or to your direct messages.
 The only problem with leading people to your website is that
you will have to set up a separate funnel link to accurately track
this as Instagram doesn’t use the pixel.
 Sending people to Direct Message can work well if you have a
service-based offer. You’d just put a story ad out saying

something like “Hey I’m Rudy, I run a large agency helping
businesses with Facebook ads and funnels. I’d love to see how
I could help your business scale. Swipe up to learn more.” This
is something super easy and trackable because, of course,
you’ll notice if you suddenly start getting more DMs.
 Set up is more limited on Instagram than on Facebook in terms
of selecting your audience but you can still search for, say, a
magazine to target.

What Makes A Good Instagram Story Ad?

Instagram story ads have to be 15 seconds long so there’s a pretty

simple structure that I will always follow with them…

1. The first 2-3 seconds will always be an attention-

grabber/pattern interrupt. If you’re a personal trainer, for
example, you might get someone to record you doing a
couple of clapping push-ups.

2. The next 2-3 seconds need to introduce who you are and
establish some social proof. For example, you might say
“Hey, I’m X and I’m a home workout specialist.”

3. There then needs to be around 5 seconds where you go

into avatar benefits and pains. In the example of trying to
work out from home, this might sound like “I know it’s
hard when you’re trying to lose weight at home and
you’re not sure what to do” and so on.

4. You need to end with a call to action of around 5 seconds

long. You might say, for instance, “In the next 90 days,
I’m going to teach you how to lose weight with XYZ
technique. Swipe up to learn more.”

It’s important to make your Instagram stories feel organic so that

people don’t feel like they are watching an ad. A great way to do this
is through humor. If you can naturally incorporate humor, you should

do this wherever possible. Remember that it’s ok if you feel like you
want to script your ad and, if you’re camera shy, it’s also ok to ask
someone else to jump on camera for you.

It’s really about making your story ads interesting, unique and as
natural as possible. Another great tip for this is to create your ads on
Instagram, as if you were just posting a regular story, and then to
upload them on your laptop. This means that you’re able to use all the
regular fonts that will make your ad look way more organic.

Instagram story ads can be incredibly successful. One really good

way to use them is within an Instagram story to lead magnet funnel.
You could even just set this story up as an image, with text over it
saying something like “Swipe up for my free online course on how I
XYZ.” A great tip for you with any image-based ad is to use yellow.
Yellow is obviously super eye-catching so it tends to get great results.

Some examples are on the next page:

Final Tips

I would really recommend sitting down now and planning out 5

hooks or angles that you could take with your Instagram story ad. As
with any ad creative, remember that you’ve got to come up with some
completely different and interesting ideas because, if the first doesn’t
work and you’ve got nothing else, you’ll be stuck.

It’ll take a lot of testing but eventually you’ll find the real winning
angles and you can really focus on them. Within my fitness business,
we are doing $15,000-$20,000 a day and running hundreds of ad sets
but our actual number of ad creatives is 3… Of course, it’s taken years
to get to this point but, at the same time, what I want to emphasize is
that you should never stop coming up with ideas and testing them. One
of these 3 is an idea I thought of just recently!

Thinking creatively with your Instagram story ads is one of the

many techniques that will help you scale your ad account to thousands
of dollars a day. In the next chapter, I’m going to take this to another
level with an exploration of some advanced scaling methods…

Chapter 5: Advanced Scaling Methods:
Scaling to $20k of Ad Spend A Day

N ow that you’re over halfway through reading this book,

you’re probably getting most of the fundamentals in place
and you’re starting to think more long term about your ad account. In
this chapter, I’m going to show you how you can set yourself up for
success with scaling your ad accounts to those high figures - $10k or
even $20k a day.

Note: When I say scaling an account to $X a day, I’m talking about

spend -- not revenue. Because once you have some campaigns dialed
in, i.e. making sales consistently and predictably, you want to be able
to increase the amount you spend on that campaign so you can bring
in more sales.

Most people struggle with this because, as you start spending more,
your costs to acquire good traffic can also go up. So you have to do
this strategically.

A lot of the principles that I’m going to teach in this chapter will
still work exactly the same way if you’re trying to take your account
from $1,000 a day to $10,000 a day, as they would if you are just trying
to reach that first $1,000.

The first $1,000 is actually harder to reach than the first $10,000 in
most cases. Every element - from your funnel to your copy and so on -
needs to be strong in order to get to $1,000. Once you’ve got there you
know that everything is working and that it’s just a case of scaling…

If you get to $1,000 a day consistently and you’re breaking even or

making a profit, you know that you’re ready to start scaling.

Setting Yourself Up For Success

To kick this chapter off, I’m going to give you a few things to think
about that will build on what you have learned so far in this book…

Make sure your copy and messaging are optimized both for
conversion and, where possible, compliance. To improve conversion
rates, everything needs to be consistent. I mean this in terms of
branding - from the images they see on your ads to your landing
pages to your thank-you pages and so on - but also more in terms of
strength and strategy.

A lot of people are good at getting one aspect right but that can
only get you so far. You need to have everything dialed in - from your
ads to your backend offers - in order to really scale and make way
more money.

Review your avatar and avatar subsets as you go. What I mean by
avatar subsets is this. Say your audience research gives you some
different interests. Eventually, you might notice that, within a
particular interest group, people aged 35-45, for example, cost half
the amount per lead than other age groups and so you’d create a
subset here to target.

One of the best ways to scale on the ad level is to take one ad and
think of 3-5 variations. For example, if you had an ad about the three
biggest mistakes when making money online, you could then create
another about “the one biggest mistake…” or another about the
“mistake I was making for three years before…” When you find a
winning concept, expand upon it.

On the technical side, when you have that winner, you’ll want to
take that and duplicate it. This is really how I scale so fast, because
I’ll take one winner and duplicate it 3, 5, or 10 times with different
CBO campaigns and a dynamic with different headlines and images
and so on…

If you’re starting out with a low ad budget (for example, $25 a
day) you should use three-day test windows. When I started out, all of
my ads were at just $10 or $20 a day and part of how I made this
work was by paying $10 or $20 a day for three or four days and then
using that data to decide on the best image, ad, audience and so on.
Performing lots of these mini tests is what will give you the


Here is a list of key things that you can’t afford to neglect when
scaling your ad account:

 You need to be monitoring and scaling every day.

 You should use a mix of cost cap, dynamic and lowest cost
bidding strategies.
 As well as using everything I outlined in the last chapter
on cost cap and CBO, you will also want to try out ROAS-
based (return on ad spend) bidding. Simply hit duplicate
on your campaign and then, instead of selecting capcost,
select minimum ROAS. Of course, just as with cost cap
bidding, you have to be realistic. You can’t expect to get
back 4 times what you put in. You should put in the
minimum ROAS that you could afford. In reality, it’ll most
often be higher, especially since Facebook often doesn’t
account for up-sells.
 Never stop testing your ads! Remember that you can use
dynamic ads to test quickly as I demonstrated in Chapter
10. Take the winners and duplicate these to scale fast. You
will also need two or three strong ads that are winners from
testing and will ideally have social proof. The more social
proof (likes and comments) on an ad, the better Facebook
will view your ad, and the more trustworthy the ad will
look to your avatar.
 When you get to over $1,000 a day, you will want to pay
someone to get your funnel optimized for load speed. This
will probably only cost you around $100 but it’ll really
make a difference to your conversion rate.

 As you scale, make sure that you have your backend offers
and up-sells really dialed in. Your costs will most likely go
up since Facebook needs to show your ads to more people
and the quality here will go down a little. Be prepared for
this by increasing your AOV as much as possible. Though
your costs could come down overall because you find
better ads and optimize your funnel, you need to be aware
that if you used an identical ad and funnel for a year, the
cost would go up naturally.
 Make sure that you have fulfilment in place and that you
are ready to scale on the backend. You will most likely
have enough time as you scale to figure things out, but it’s
definitely important to bear this in mind.

How do you scale if your audience is really niche?

If your audience is super niche, you will need to focus less on

aggressive scaling/spending but more on refining your funnels
and setting up different offers and ads on a more regular basis.

How much should you add to your budget when you are increasing it?

A good rule of thumb is increasing your budget by 20% a day but

don’t forget that it’s also a good idea to use a decent amount of your
budget for testing. It’s only when I find those 2 or 3 best ads that I
know are really scalable that I’ll start to focus less on testing.

Should you use automation tools to watch over your campaigns?

None of my team use automation tools. Automation tools are

going to kill ads when you don’t need them to be killed. The other
problem with automation tools is that they prevent you/ your staff
from knowing your account as well as you could/ they should.
You won’t be monitoring so closely what’s working well.


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