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@uaogoueu rUad usu BuW De Tr. VEY, SCUUKDKUG Ie we Adobe Photoshop is one of the most powerful image editing tools in the world And the software seems to be everywhere: on our computers and smart phones, social media, in fashion magazines, newspapers and even our subconscious and edited, Apparently we are so used io phoios being modified, altered, fitered that "un-photo shopped” photos of celebrities shock us and go viral n is an artistic expression of types of visual electronic Photoshop graphic de: information that can be designed for a website or advertisement It has also been used in print media Using the important featurés design can help the user create functional and pl accessing tutorials offered with the software. The tutorials can also help the more experienced users maximize usage of the Photoshop features. Turn Photos into Graphics Onc of thte,featiecs tia, Photoshop or drawing option, With painiing photograph. This feature can render the photo as a caricature to use in your g design. Basics of Graphic Design Using Photoshop ‘The features in Photoshop graphic design address the basics of graphic design. A user can manipulate images using actions, layers of images and styles, Creating shapes, drawing and painting can also be used along with cropping, retouchin} filling to create interesting graphics. Below are the basics of graphic design that can be addressed through the ws important features of Photoshop graphic design, Colors. Color grabs the attention of the viewer and is effective: intended for advertisements or signage. Using the color options easy and the effects can he seen immediately making finding the’ PS easy. create a bold image. ‘ty Ye y te, By Lines. Lines are used to direct the ber teagever and to organize th ¥ iy, graphics. Using Photoshop features, you Gan use lines to border or divide: Boxes can also be created to highlight text within the graphics. Mass. Mass is created when text and graphic elements are used for contr idea with: can alsotbe defined as the overall effect of an image. The key create the right amount of contrast to grab the attention of the viewer int abe and afiiaetive manner Textures. Textures can be created from scratch; however textures t preloaded in the Photoshop software can also be used. They can add. 6 be Pew VU VU’ SU UU creating a layered, in depth effeet, This same effect can be achieved Tor websites and advertisements with the soltware. Adobe Photoshop is one of the world’s leading graphics editing programs, developed by Adobe Systems. Available on Mac OS or PC, Photoshop is used as one of the leading image design programs for the World Wide'Web. The most ridges" between other Adobe recent version of Photoshop, or Photoshop CS2, products such as Image Ready, Illustrator, Premiere, After Effects, and Encore DVD to produce professional videos and DVDs.; Photoshop uses 2 file format Be called a .PSD or .PDD to store multiple layers of an image. Recently Adobe iY ‘ tal oho, itis also used Photoshop is used primarily in di et ie Be atcal face professional companies “ay Adobe Photoshop was originally created as a convenient and powerful way te retouch photos. its most basic features include easily cropping and straightening photos that were either scdlitied ore taken with a digital camera. Under- or overexposed photos can be easily rescued with the retouch power of the Camera RAW and other plug-ins. Photos taken in difficult lighting situations can be perfected hy a few clicks of a mouse. Filters and plug-ins can he used to make the picture seem old or change to_—iblack_=— and_— whites Many web and graphics designers use Photoshop to create and design company logos and advertisements. Built in Photoshop effects and filters can make designing professional logos or advertisements a quick and simple process. With jed together and effects ose who desire to aintbrush tool return to the finger painting days of their youth, Photoshop has 2 P: the power of layers and opacity, pictures can be blend! such as shadows, blurs, etc. are made possible. And, for thi ie eeds to let out with countless brush shapes and textures for anyone who just M i creativity. their shop. a of Perspectives, shapes, and type on a path are just a few noni rs or cloud writing in amazing text effects that are available. Stimy, dripping ig the sky are made easy from filters and text effect8, bait Photoshop. Web designers thrive on Photoshop for wrakigs sninfations using Photoshop with other Adobe products. The things that;can’be done with Photoshop are literally endless. This is truly and amazing program corelDraw corelDraw is an integrated vector-based program that makes it easy to create professional artwork CorelDraw (styled CorelDRAW) is a vector Braphics editor developed and N50 th marketed by Core! Corporation. vals undies CorelDraw with bitmap-image editor Corel Photo-Paint as well as other graphics-related programs Vevvvvvvvuvvwevvvuwe vw we NOT with them than defining images as bit map or a huge number of individual Defining images as a series of vectors is a more efficiertt way to work pixels. This is because even a simple object might have thousands of pixels, each individually defined, whereas the same image might be defined more rationally as a small number of curve segments. CorelDRAW 10 vector image files are often smaller than comparabie bitmapped image files. A bit map tile of 2724 KB will be justof 112 KB m CorelDRAW, X “ G Ne In addition to creating more compact files, Corel DRA W's 5 2 CareIDRAW image to have other important advantages. You can’ ei a thumbnail sketch or icon or a billbeard- hic. When you change the However, graphié, désignef have ft work with bitmaps, especially while working with>images.that appear‘in. or as Web pages. Popular Web browsers cannot interpret images: in Corel DRAW’s native format. The relatively low of computer ake curves jagce regardless of how smooth and high-resolution the original image. : CorelDRAW give you the capability of creating almost any graphic image file and you witt ever need. Most of the images arc stil! destined tor hard copy CorelDRAW’S vector-based images are best for printed output. Corel’s vector CorelDRAW Basics Li Introduction 5 . ith that power, CorelDRAW 10 is a very powerful graphic design package. With ca ination comes a fairly complex design environment and an almost infinite com! ; tools of tools and effects. In this book you will lea to work with: post these and effects. : a oe ieee Computer graphics programs arc classified in tig categories. Thetist type ) tc. where in graphic programs are bitmapped programs like Adol Grete, the images are created in the form of bitmap, ‘The other st taf graphic programs use vector graphics where the eraphics are" “Ss of, mathematical curves. CorelDRAW belong to the category Of. vector,

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