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Strongly Typed Views in ASP.

NET MVC Application

In this article, I am going to discuss Strongly Typed Views in ASP.NET MVC Application with

examples. Please read our previous article before proceeding to this article where we
discussed ViewBag in the ASP.NET MVC application. At the end of this article, you will understand
What is Strongly Typed View in ASP.NET MVC and when and how to use strongly typed view in MVC

In ASP.NET MVC, we can pass the data from the controller action method to a view in many different
ways like ViewBag, ViewData, TempData and strongly typed model object. If we pass the data to a
View using ViewBag, TempData, or ViewData, then that view becomes a loosely typed view. Here we
will discuss how to create a strongly typed view in the ASP.NET MVC application.

Creating Strongly Typed View in MVC

In order to create a strongly typed view in ASP.NET MVC application, we need to pass the model
object as a parameter to the View() extension method. The Controller base class provide us the
following four overloaded versions of View() extension method which we can use to pass the model
data from the controller action method to a view.

We are going to use the overloaded version which takes only the model object as the input
parameter. As the input parameter is of object type, so we can pass any data. Modify the Index
action method of the Home Controller as shown below to pass the Employee object as a parameter
to the View extension method.

using FirstMVCDemo.Models;

using System.Web.Mvc;

namespace FirstMVCDemo.Controllers

public class HomeController : Controller

public ActionResult Index()

EmployeeBusinessLayer employeeBL = new EmployeeBusinessLayer();

Employee employee = employeeBL.GetEmployeeDetails(101);

ViewBag.Header = "Employee Details";

return View(employee);

Changes in Index.cshtml View:

In order to create a strongly typed view in ASP.NET MVC Application, we need to specify the model
type within the view by using the @model directive. As here, the Employee class is going to be the
model so we need to specify the model directive as shown below.

@model FirstMVCDemo.Models.Employee

The above statement will tell that we are going to use FirstMVCDemo.Models.Employee as the
model for this view. Here in the directive (@model), the letter m is in lowercase and the statement
should not be terminated with the semicolon.

Then we can access the model properties simply by using @Model, here the letter M is in uppercase.
So, in our example, we can access the Employee object properties such as Name, Gender, City,
Salary, etc. by using @Model.Name, @Model.Gender,
@Model.City, and @Model.Salary respectively.

So Modify the Index.cshtml view file as shown below to make the view as strongly typed.

@model FirstMVCDemo.Models.Employee

<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />

<title>Page Title</title>




<table style="font-family:Arial">


<td>Employee ID:</td>

<td>@Model.EmployeeId </td>
























That’s it. Now run the application and navigate to the “/Home/Index” URL and you will see the
employee data as expected in the webpage.

Advantages of using Strongly Typed View in ASP.NET MVC Application: 

We will get the following advantages when we use strongly typed views in the ASP.NET MVC

1. Strongly Typed View in ASP.NET MVC provides compile-time error checking as well

as intelligence support.

2. If we misspell the property name, then it comes to know at compile time rather than at

In our example, we are still using ViewBag to pass the Header from the Controller to the View. Then
the question that should come to your mind is how we will pass the Header to a strongly typed view
without using ViewBag. Well, we can do this by using the View Model in the ASP.NET MVC

In our next article, I am going to discuss the View Model in the ASP.NET MVC application with
Example. Here, in this article, I try to explain Strongly Typed View in ASP.NET MVC application. I
hope this Strongly Typed View in the MVC article will help you with your need. I would like to have
your feedback. Please post your feedback, question, or comments about this article.

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