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Situation 1: invite someone to a party celebrating

A: Hi Peter, how are you?

B: Hey, Dan. I am well, thank you. How about you?

A: I heard that you won the frist price in the chemistry contest. Congratulation.

B: I couldn’t be better. Thank Peter

A: I am having a party this weekend to celebrate the prize. I would love for you to come if you can make

B: of course, I would love to join. Where and when will the party be held?

A: We are having a party at my house. Come around 6 p.m

B: That sounds great. Do you want me to bring anything?

A: I will prepare the food

B: But if you would like to bring something, then perhaps you can bring something to drink or play with,

A: Is there any dress code?

B: No, not a big deal, I just want to share the moment with everyone

A: I can’t wait, How many people are there expecting?

B: Not many, probably around 15. By the way, Have you seen KRISS? I want to invite her, but couldn’t
find her anywhere

A: I saw her on the 3rd floor of the building A. She was participating in the music club’s meeting

B: Ok great, I will go and invite her. See you on Sarturday

A: See there, thanks Dan

Situation 2: invite someone to pair up to prom

A: Hey Mia, are you interested in the school prom this weekend?

B: What’s up Wiliam, who doesn’t like prom?

A: Of course, I like it. Prom this year sounds like lots of fun.

B: right? I heard there will be special activities that are totally diffirent from prom last year

A: yes, so nice though

B: Hum.. have you had a date? I would like to ask if you can go to the prom with me Mia?

A: I would love to Wiliam. Unfortunately, I have a family reunion on Saturday.

A: So I can’t join the prom, my sister will study abroad soon. I’m very sorry
B: That’s totally fine Mia. I will tell you What is special this year. It’s just… I may have to go to the prom
alone… haha

A: Alime told me she still hesitated to go to prom. Because she has no one to pair up with. You can try to
ask her

B: Oh, really. Thank a lot, Let me ask her

A: You are welcome, Please take a lot of photos and tell me what happens at the prom. I’m extremely
sorry I can’t go

B: Don’t worry.. I will. At least you will have a wonderful time with my sister before you are apart. T

A: Thank William

Situation 3: Invite a new neighbor to a BBQ party

A: Hi, it’s me, Grey. My neighbor

B: Hi Grey, How are you? I’m Mathew

A: GREAT, and you

B: I’m good. My family just moved in yesterday. So we are still a bit busy

B: I intented to go over and say hi to your family this evening though. Thank for coming, please come in

A: Thank mathew, But you seem still busy with the house. Can I have only a few minutes of your time?
We can have a longer chat next time.

B: Ok, what happened Grey?

A: I just wanna say hello and would like to invite you and your family to my place for a BBQ party this

B: Oh, sure. When is it?

A: Around 5 p.m

B: Is there anyone else coming?

A: There will be another 5 neighbors’ family

B: Sounds like a nice event, is there a special occasion?

A: I got a new outdoor grill and we would like to meet you and your family too

B: it is so nice of you all. What can I bring to the party?

A: Would you like to bring som beverages?

B: Sure. Let me take care of the drinks then

A: Great. We usually share food as well. Our neighbor, Amber, has excellent apple pies
B: That sounds is so delicious. This is going to be a great party

A: I hope so, hope my grill works as well too.

B: I hope so too, a long time no backyard BBQ party

A: Ok, see you on Saturday then Matthew

B: Thank for inviting me and my family, Grey, SEE you

A: You’re welcomed

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