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Landscape and Urban Planning 182 (2019) 92–100

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Research Paper

Quantifying the cooling-effects of urban and peri-urban wetlands using T

remote sensing data: Case study of cities of Northeast China
Zhenshan Xuea, Guanglei Houa, Zhongsheng Zhanga, Xianguo Lyua, Ming Jianga,b,
Yuanchun Zoua, Xiangjin Shena, Jie Wangc, Xiaohui Liua,

Research Center of Wetland Ecology and Environment, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, CAS, Changchun 130102, China
Jilin Provincial Joint Key Laboratory of Changbai Mountain Wetland and Ecology, Changchun 130102, China
School of Transportation and Vehicle Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, ZiBo, China


Keywords: World urbanization has been increasing at a rapid pace over the past few decades, particularly in developing
Cooling-effect countries. The urban heat island (UHI) effect, which occurs during rapid urbanization, profoundly affects human
Urban wetlands life and health. The cooling-effect (CE) of urban wetlands can effectively mitigate the impact of UHI. In this
Urban heat island study, we estimated the intensity of UHI and quantitatively assessed the CE of urban wetlands in cities of
northeast China by using split-window algorithm (SWA) to estimate land surface temperatures (LST) from
Landsat-8 TIRS. We used correlation analysis to examine the relationships between characteristics of wetlands
and surrounding buildings and two cooling-effect indices: normalized cooling capability index (NCCI) and
normalized cooling efficiency index (NCEI). Our results have shown that the cooling-effect of rivers is much
higher than that of other wetlands types and green spaces. The average NCCI of wetlands is 42.3 times higher
than that of green spaces. A strong positive relationship exists between the cooling capability of urban wetlands
and the area, shape and hydrologic connectivity of wetlands. Wetlands with more complex shape have better
cooling-effect. The average NCCI of wetlands connected to other surface waters six times higher than that of
isolated wetlands. There is a negative relationship between the cooling capability of urban wetlands and height
and density of surrounding buildings. These findings are helpful for designing urban wetlands and for urban
planning to minimize the potential environmental impacts of UHI.

1. Introduction indirect impacts on energy consumption, environmental quality, and

human health (O’Malley et al., 2014).
Over the past 3 decades, the extent of cities, particularly in devel- Compared with traditional air temperature measurement techni-
oping countries, grew dramatically across the globe. In 2016, over 54 ques, remote sensing and GIS techniques are increasingly used in recent
percent of the world’s population lived in urban areas. By 2030, global studies of the UHI effect (Rasul et al., 2017; Yusuf, Pradhan, & Idrees,
urban areas are projected to increase by 1.2 million sq·km. Nearly half 2014). By using land surface temperatures (LST) data detected by
of the increase is forecasted to occur in Asia, with China and India thermal infrared sensors, such as NOAA/AVHRR, TERRA/MODIS, and
absorbing over half of the regional total (Angel, Parent, Civco, Blei, & Landsat, etc., the distribution, dynamicity, and heterogeneity of UHI
Potere, 2011; Seto, Güneralp, & Hutyra, 2012). Also, China’s urban effect could be explicitly revealed (Clinton & Peng, 2013; Li, Zhang, &
population is projected to nearly double from 2000 to 2030 (Cao, Chen, Kainz, 2012; Sun, Chen, Chen, & Lü, 2012). Unlike Landsat TM/ETM
Pang, Zheng, & Nilsson, 2012). The rapid urban expansion could di- sensors with only one thermal band, Landsat 8 thermal infrared sensor
rectly alter climate and hydro-systems locally to regionally (Grimm (TIRS) contains two thermal bands at 100-meter resolution (Barsi et al.,
et al., 2008). A well-known climatic phenomenon caused by urbani- 2014; Rozenstein, Qin, Derimian, & Karnieli, 2014). This makes it is
zation is the urban heat island (UHI) effect: replacing natural land- possible to apply split-window (SW) algorithms and get more accurate
scapes with man-made surfaces causes excess heat storage which is LST data (Yu, Guo, & Wu, 2014).
slowly released at night (Arnfield, 2003; Coutts, Tapper, Beringer, Urban and peri-urban wetlands are those which are located in or
Loughnan, & Demuzere, 2013; Kim, 1992). UHI has both direct and adjacent to the boundaries of a city and provide a variety of benefits

Corresponding author at: Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
E-mail address: (X. Liu).
Received 7 March 2018; Received in revised form 26 October 2018; Accepted 28 October 2018
Available online 02 November 2018
0169-2046/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Z. Xue et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 182 (2019) 92–100

and services (Lannas & Turpie, 2009; Wang, Ning, Yu, Xiao, & Li, 2008). approximately the same latitude in the central part of the Northeast
Remarkably, urban and peri-urban wetlands can provide a significant Plain of China, and are about 120 km apart (Fig. 1). The average ele-
cooling-effect (CE) to surrounding areas to weaken increasing UHI ef- vations of Changchun City and Jilin City are 236.8 and 183.4 m above
fects (Manteghi, Limit, & Remaz, 2015; Sun et al., 2012). However, sea level, respectively. Both cities are under the influence of semi-
most UHI studies generally focus on the cooling-effect of parks and humid and continental monsoon climates, characterized by hot and
forest cover. To fully explain the effect of urban and peri-urban wet- humid summers and cold winters. The annual mean temperature and
lands on the temperature of cities, more research on the design, dis- maximum temperature of Changchun City is about 6.38 °C and 11.78 °C
tribution, and type of urban wetlands is necessary. In this paper, we and that of Jilin City is about 5.67 °C and 12.21 °C (based on long-term
quantitatively assessed the cooling-effect of wetlands in Changchun and climate records from the weather stations located at 43.9° N, 125.22° E
Jilin, two major cities of the Northeast, China that has experienced and 43.8° N, 126.6° E). The population of Changchun City and Jilin City
rapid development in recent decades. By using LST data derived from in 2016 was 4.38 million and 2.23 million, respectively. The built-up
Landsat 8 TIRS and land cover data, we determined the boundary area (BUA) of Changchun City has increased from 90 km2 in 1980 to
threshold for cooling-effect and calculated normalized cooling cap- 506.3 km2 in 2015, an increase of 462.6%. The BUA of Jilin City also
ability index (NCCI) and normalized cooling efficiency index (NCEI) of increased within this period from 72 km2 to 185 km2, an increase of
each wetland. Specifically, our aims were 1) to measure the efficiency around 156.9%. Historical levels of urbanization and hydrological
and capability of urban wetlands’ CE, 2) to quantify the relationship connectivity of wetlands in Changchun City were digitized from his-
between cooling-effect and wetland characteristics, such as size, hy- torical city maps published in 1958. The current urban land cover data
drologic connectivity, landscape and height of surrounding buildings. and digital surface model (DSM) of the two cities used in this study
The results from this study have important implications for many other were extracted from urban digital datasets provided by Data Center of
inland cities. the Provincial Department of Land and Resources. Different levels of
urbanization and nearly identical climatic conditions make the two
cities suitable study area for a contrastive study of urban wetlands’ CE.
2. Methods and material

2.1. Study area and ancillary data 2.2. Image pre-processing and wetland extraction

Changchun City (43° 52.8′ N, 125° 21′ E) is the capital and largest In this study, remotely sensed data in the form of Landsat-8 TIRS
city of the Jilin province of China, and has a total area of approximately with two thermal infrared spectral bands were used to retrieve LST.
7557 km2. Jilin City (43° 52′ N, 126° 33′ E) covers an area of 3636 km2, Cloud-free images were delivered by the Geospatial Data Cloud (http://
second to Changchun City in Jilin province. These two cities are at, acquired at approximately10:21 AM (Beijing time)

Fig. 1. Location of urban area and wetlands in the Changchun City and Jilin City.

Z. Xue et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 182 (2019) 92–100

Table 1 Ts = A0 + A1 T10 A2 T11 (1)

LST statistics of urban wetlands.
where Ts is LST, T10 and T11 are the brightness temperature of the two
Condition Min temperature Max temperature Wind (m/ thermal infrared bands 10 and 11 of Landsat-8. A0, A1, A2 are coeffi-
(oC) (oC) s) cients and they are decided by the following formula:
Changchun Sunny 20.5 32.4 S 1.73 A0 = E1 a10 + E2 a11 (1-1)
Jilin Sunny 19.4 31.6 S 1.78
A1 = 1 + A + E1 b10 (1-2)
on July 4, 2016. The path/rows of the World Reference System (WRS) A2 = A + E2 b11 (1-3)
of the two Landsat-8 images were 118/29 for Changchun City and 118/
30 for Jilin City. Weather condition in both cities on the exact day of Based on the algorithm developed by Qin et al., we defined:
imaging was shown in Table 1. Ci = i i( ) (1-4)
Before LST conversion, the two Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS images were
radiometrically calibrated and geometrically corrected with an accu- Di = [1 i( )][1 + (1 i) i( )] (1-5)
racy of fewer than 0.5 pixels. All images pre-processing was performed Where εi is the land surface emissivity of band i and τi(θ) is the
in the ENVI 5.1 software. We employed the visual interpretation atmospheric transmittance for the given zenith view angle θ of band i.
method to extract wetland information from Landsat-8 OLI images. In The parameters in formula (1) are described as follows:
this study, 21 wetlands (3 rivers, 5 reservoirs and 11 lakes), 19 in
Changchun City and 2 in Jilin City, with a total area of 36.6 sq·km, were A = D10 / E0 (1-6)
selected for investigation (Fig. 1). Three urban green spaces without E1 = D11 (1 C10 D10 )/ E0 (1-7)
wetlands in Changchun City (Gongqingtuan Park, Daishan Park, and Yu
Park) were selected for comparative analysis (Table 2). E2 = D10 (1 C11 D11)/ E0 (1-8)

E0 = D11 C10 D10 C11 (1-9)

2.3. LST retrieval from thermal infrared data
The formula (1) used three parameters, namely brightness tem-
The split-window algorithm (SWA) removes the atmospheric effect perature, land surface emissivity, and atmospheric transmittance.
through differential atmospheric absorption in the two adjacent
thermal infrared channels centered at about 11 and 12 μm, and the 2.3.1. Brightness temperature
linear or nonlinear combination of the brightness temperatures is fi- We calculated the brightness temperature by the header file of
nally applied for LST estimation (Du, Ren, Qin, Meng, & Zhao, 2015; Landsat-8. First, the DN values of the images are converted radiance
O’Malley et al., 2014). Previous studies have shown that, for Landsat-8 using gain and bias values (Qin, Li, Gao, & Zhang, 2006).
TIRS, the performance of the split-window algorithm (SWA) is better
RD = gain × DN + bias (2)
than that of mono-window algorithms (MWA) (Jiménez-Muñoz,
Sobrino, Skoković, Mattar, & Cristóbal, 2014; Song et al., 2015). So in where RD is the radiance of the cell value, gain and bias are value for a
this study, we used SWA to estimate LST from TIRS aboard Landsat-8. specific band in the header file. Then the radiance is converted
The SWA is derived from a first-order Taylor-series linearization of the brightness temperature without atmospheric correction.
radiative transfer equation (Yu, Privette, & Pinheiro, 2007) and its K2
formulation takes the general form (Qin, Dall'Olmo, Karnieli, & T= K
ln( RD1 +1) (3)
Berliner, 2001): i

Table 2
LST statistics of urban wetlands.
Name Area of Edge temperature Lowest Wetland Shape Area of Average height Area of Density of
water (ha) (oC) temperature (oC) connectivity index vegetation (ha) of building (m) building (ha) building (%)

Bayi Reservoir 143 32.2 26.8 1 1.49 1.7 5 3.5 1.6

Changchun Park 4.2 34.8 30 0 1.13 52.8 10.5 5.0 6.8
Chaoyang Park 3.5 38 31.2 0 1.86 14.4 11.1 8.2 17.6
Fuqiang Reservoir 47.3 33.9 26.8 1 1.32 0.0 5 0.0 0.0
Guanlanhu Park 14.9 35.8 29.1 1 3.05 10.4 5.8 3.2 4.7
Hongqi Reservoir 14.3 36.4 27.5 1 1.16 0.0 5 0.2 1.6
Jinjiang Park 2.1 34.7 31.4 0 1.06 10.9 20.2 1.9 6.9
Jingyuetan Lake 397.5 30.5 25.8 0 2.76 133.6 5.1 2.9 0.1
Laodong Park 3.7 38.9 31.9 0 1.31 3.9 11.4 3.6 25.4
Nanhu Park 85.9 34.7 26.3 1 2.06 181.0 12.1 9.9 3.5
Shengli Park 2.4 37.2 31.1 0 1.55 21.3 12.8 6.7 13.6
Wildlife Garden 11.1 35.4 29.1 0 1.68 66.8 11 10.3 10.2
Tongxinhu Park 13.6 33.9 27.6 1 1.33 2.6 9 1.9 3.6
Xixin Reservoir 88 33.1 26.9 1 1.23 0.0 5 1.8 0.9
Xinglong Reservoir 6.2 34.2 28.3 1 1.23 17.0 5.4 8.3 5.2
Yanming Lake 25 34.5 27.4 0 1.51 21.2 7.3 6.8 4.9
Yitong River 640.4 33.6 24.6 1 7.54 642.5 5.4 62.5 5.5
Youyi Park 8.7 33.9 28.7 1 1.60 5.3 12 63.9 116.7
Zhengyanghu Park 2.5 38.5 31.2 0 1.69 7.3 13.5 13.1 26.2
Gongqingtuan Park 0 36.3 32.7 0 1.19 4.1 10.3 2.6 31.8
Daishan Park 0 37.1 31.6 0 1.16 10.3 12 2.6 23.5
Yu Park 0 38.5 30.6 0 1.17 15.1 12.4 7.9 25.5
Songhua River 2090.5 33.2 19.3 1 6.33 187.1 6.9 109.3 4.9
Wende River 54.8 31.5 26 1 4.92 0.2 5.1 5.4 4.6

Note: in the Wetland connectivity column, 1 for connect and 0 for disconnect.

Z. Xue et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 182 (2019) 92–100

where T is the brightness temperature, K1 and K2 are constants. RDi is this study); Te is edge temperature; Ti is temperature of pixeli; n is pixel
the radiance of the band 10 and 11 of Landsat 8. number.
To facilitate analysis, the CCI value of all 24 wetlands and green
2.3.2. Land surface emissivity spaces were normalized between 0 and 1, where 0 means minimum
In contrast to the ocean emissivity, the land surface emissivity is effect and 1 means maximum effect, according to the formula (6). The
significantly different for the varying vegetation heterogeneity, soil result of normalization was named as normalized cooling capability
moisture, roughness and viewing angle (Salisbury & D’Aria, 1994). index (NCCI).
Currently, several methods have been proposed to retrieve the emis-
sivity for different sensors. NDVI-based emissivity method (NBEM) for NCCI=
(MAX-MIN) (6)
emissivity estimation from the infrared and visible band has been dis-
cussed in detail and successfully applied to various sensors (Dash, where CCI is the cooling capability index value; MIN is the minimum of
Göttsche, Olesen, & Fischer, 2002; Li et al., 2013; Snyder, Wan, Zhang, the CCI value; MAX is the maximum of the CCI value.
& Feng, 1998; Yu et al., 2014). In this study, we used the NBEM by The shape index was adopted to analyze the influence of cooling-
normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) derived from the effect by wetland shape, and is described as follows:
Landsat-8 OLI to estimate the land surface emissivity of TIRS bands as P
the following equations: SI = 2
A (7)
a1 + bi NDVI < 0.2
red where SI is the shape index; P is the perimeter of wetland; A is the
i = vi Pv + si (1 Pv ) + Ci 0.2 NDVI 0.5 wetland area. SI increases as the shape of a patch become more irre-
vi + Ci NDVI > 0.5 (4-1) gular.
The average slope of the LST curve between the original point and
NDVI NDVImin edge for every wetland was calculated to indicate the cooling efficiency
pv =
NDVImax NDVImin (4-2) (CEE). All the average slopes of wetlands were normalized between 0
where ρred is the reflectance of red band (bang 4), Pv is the vegetation and 1, where 0 means minimum efficiency and 1 means maximum ef-
fraction, εs and εv is the emissivity of soil and vegetation, ai, bi, Ci is the ficiency, accordingly to the formula (8) and defined as normalized
essential coefficients, which is given by Yu et al. (2014). cooling efficiency index (NCEI).
2.3.3. Atmospheric transmittance (MAX-MIN) (8)
Based on the multilayer radiative transfer code MODTRAN4.0, the
relationship between vertical column water vapor content and atmo- where MIN is the minimum of the CEE, MAX is the maximum of the
spheric transmittance were investigated in mid-latitude summer and CEE.
1976 standard US atmospheric profile (see Table 2) (Mao, Qin, Shi, &
Gong, 2005). In this study, vertical column water vapor content ne- 3. Results
cessary for the SWA were obtained from the MODIS product (MOD07)
temporally and spatially coincident to the Landsat-8 overpass. The time 3.1. Extent and intensity of the UHI effect
Terra/MODIS overpass was 10:30 AM (Beijing time) on July 4, 2016, at
nearly the same time as the Landsat-8. Thus, the atmospheric trans- Meteorological data from 1981 to 2011 of the two weather stations
mittance was calculated using the mid-latitude summer formula of collected in this study illustrates the rising trend of LST in Changchun
Table 3. City and Jilin City (Fig. 2-a). In the past 30 years, the annual mean
ground temperature of Changchun City has risen 4 °C, from 5.9 °C to
2.4. Descriptors of urban wetland and CE 9.9 °C, and that of Jilin City has risen 4.6 °C, from 5.7 °C to 10.3 °C.
After 2001, the trend of warming in both cities has significantly ac-
In order to quantitatively measure CE of wetland, we built 40 buf- celerated. Under urban sprawl and climate warming, the UHI effect in
fers with a distance of 50 m from the edge of every wetland, covering a Changchun City and Jilin City has become serious in recent years.
distance of 2000 m. The mean LST for every buffer was extracted by Fig. 2-b illustrates LST is highly correlated with the building volume
overlaying buffer layer with LST images. To identify the edge of the CE with R2 of 0.733.
for every wetland, we profiled and curved the mean LST of buffers vs The average hourly temperature on 4th July 2016 recorded by
distance, and defined the first inflection point as “edge temperature” of weather stations shows the LST in Changchun reached a peak at 13:00
the CE for the wetland. Then, based on the value of the “edge tem- with the maximum LST 56.1 °C. While the LST in Jilin reached a peak at
perature”, the cooling capability index (CCI) was calculated by the 12:00 with the maximum LST 40.4 °C (Fig. 3). Peak values of UHI are
following formula: mainly located in these open spaces surrounded by tall buildings with
high building density (Fig. 4-C). Spatial distribution of LST over
Changchun City and Jilin City is shown in Fig. 4. For Changchun City
CCI = (A × (Te Ti ))
n (5) (Fig. 4-A), the LST ranged between 20.7 °C and 52.8 °C. For Jilin City
(Fig. 4-B), the LST ranged between 16.4 °C and 47.2 °C. The lowest
where CCI is cooling capability index. A is the area of pixeli (900 m in temperature was recorded from the surface of water bodies in wetlands,
while the highest LST comes from built-up areas. The vegetated areas
record an average temperature of 32 °C in Changchun City and 29.3 °C
Table 3 in Jilin City. The mean LST of 21 urban wetlands was 26.6 °C, lower
The relationship between atmospheric transmittance and water vapor. than that of three urban green spaces (31.6 °C). For wetland type, the
Profile Estimation Equation R2 mean LST of rivers (23.3 °C) is lower than that of reservoirs (27.3 °C)
and lakes (29.3 °C).
1976US standard τ10 = −0.1146w + 1.0286 0.9882
τ11 = −0.1568w + 1.0083 0.9947
3.2. The NCCI and NCEI of urban wetlands’ CE
Mid-Latitude summer τ10 = −0.1134w + 1.0335 0.986
τ11 = −0.1546w + 1.0078 0.996
Fig. 5 shows the edge points of urban wetlands and green spaces.

Z. Xue et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 182 (2019) 92–100

Fig. 2. Annual mean ground temperature of Changchun City and Jilin City during the period from 1981 to 2011.

Fig. 3. The average hourly temperature on 4th July 2016 in Changchun and Jilin.

Fig. 4. LST maps of Changchun City and Jilin City.

Z. Xue et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 182 (2019) 92–100

Fig. 5. Min, mean and max LST in each buffer outside the 24 wetlands and green spaces and edge points.

Fig. 6. NCCI of 24 wetlands and green spaces.

The distance between edge points to wetland or green space shows the Fig. 6 represents NCCI (normalized volume values of the 24 wet-
extent of CE. For the 24 wetlands and green spaces in this study, the lands and green spaces) in Changchun City and Jilin City. The NCCI of
extent of CE ranges from 1000 m of Jingyuetan lake to 150 m of Hongqi Songhua River is the highest (1.0), followed by Jingyuetan Lake (0.24)
Reservoir and Xixin Reservoir, with an average distance of 371.1 m. The and Yitong River (0.18), and Gongqingtuan Park is the lowest (0). The
mean distance of lakes (434 m) was the furthest, followed by that of NCCI of Songhua River is nearly 1128 times higher than that of
rivers (400 m), green spaces (300 m) and reservoirs (280 m). The mean Gongqingtuan Park. The mean NCCI of rivers is highest (0.4), followed
cooling ability of urban wetlands was 2.74 °C, ranging from 6.36 °C in by lakes (0.027), reservoirs (0.019) and green spaces (0.0018). Fig. 7
Songhua River to 1.27 °C in Jinjiang Park. The mean cooling ability of shows NCEI of all 24 wetlands and green spaces. The top three most
three green spaces was 2.54 °C. efficient wetlands are Hongqi Reservoir (1.0), Xixin Reservoir (0.99)

Z. Xue et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 182 (2019) 92–100

Fig. 7. NCEI of 24 wetlands and green spaces.

Table 4
Spearman's Rho Correlations between indexes of CE and wetland characteristics.
Index Area of Edge temperature Lowest Wetland Shape index Area of Average height of Area of Density of
water temperature connectivity vegetation building building building

NCCI 0.947** −0.182 −0.158 0.536** 0.553** 0.457* −0.416* 0.168 −0.625**
NCEI −0.081 0.044 −0.105 0.393* −0.239 0.067 −0.215 −0.129 −0.038

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Fig. 8. Hydrologic connectivity of urban wetlands in Changchun City in 1950 and 2015.

Z. Xue et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 182 (2019) 92–100

and Tongxinhu Park (0.82). The mean NCEI of reservoirs is 0.65, higher the average NCCI of urban wetlands is 42.3 times higher than that of
than that of green spaces (0.58), rivers (0.44) and lakes (0.31). urban green spaces. Although the temperatures closed to green spaces
are getting reduced less than those of wetlands, by about 2.53 °C, ve-
3.3. Correlation analysis of the NCCI and NCEI with the wetland getation around or in wetlands performs significant functions including
characteristics maintaining water quality and quantity in wetlands, improving air
quality, directly shading buildings, and providing aesthetic value. To
On average, larger wetlands are cooler than smaller ones, while the maximize the CE, it is important to build more wetland parks combined
CE of urban wetlands is more related to the characteristics of urban with increased tree cover in both cities to maximize cooling via both
wetlands. For example, the area of Bayi Reservoir (143 ha) is larger evapotranspiration and shading. Our results also show that, although
than that of Nanhu Park (85.9 ha), but the NCCI of Bayi Reservoir Songhua River has the highest NCCI, the extent of its' CE is only 300 m,
(0.038) is lower than that of Nanhu Park (0.055). Still, the Spearman which is limited by the river bank. For Jilin City, more wetlands con-
Rho is 0.947 (p < 0.01) and 0.457 (p < 0.05) between NCCI and area nected to Songhua River should be designed. For Changchun City,
of water and vegetation, respectively. There is a positive relationship special attention should be paid to the spatial arrangement of urban
between NCCI and Shape index, and the Spearman Rho is 0.533 wetlands for urban planning.
(p < 0.05). Strong negative correlation has been observed between
NCCI and building characteristics, −0.416 (p < 0.05) with an average 4.3. Limitation and future research directions
height of the building and −0.625 (p < 0.01) with the density of the
building. Wetland connectivity is positively correlated to NCCI and The results of this study are affected by several limitations. First, the
NCEI of wetlands, and the Spearman Rho is 0.536 (p < 0.01) and temporal resolution and spatial resolution of the Landsat-8 TIRS are
0.393 (p < 0.05), respectively (Table 4). deficient for studying the whole process of UHI. By using Landsat-8
TIRS of 100-meter resolution, the spatial heterogeneity of LST could
4. Discussion fade. Moreover, images used in this study taken around 10:21 AM could
not demonstrate LST characteristics at night. It has been reported that
4.1. Implications for urban wetland design and management some urban wetlands may exacerbate UHI during the night over the hot
seasons (Gunawardena et al., 2017; Steeneveld, Koopmans,
The general conviction that air temperature in urban wetlands can Heusinkveld, & Theeuwes, 2014). Second, the process of heat transfer
be cooler than non-wetlands has been confirmed by many studies (Li & between wetlands and atmosphere in urban areas is influenced by other
Yu, 2014; Sun et al., 2012; Wu, Ye, Shi, & Clarke, 2014). Intensive factors such as vegetation type, precipitation, irrigation, humidity, and
evaporation from wetlands could increase air humidity and then reduce wind flow etc. Also, this study only focuses on the shape index of
the temperature of surrounding areas (Gunawardena, Wells, & wetlands. Therefore, more research is needed with high spatial and
Kershaw, 2017; Zhao, Lee, Smith, & Oleson, 2014). The results from this temporal resolution LST data and more monitoring data about the hy-
study indicate that temperatures close to wetlands are getting reduced drologic connectivity of wetlands to reveal the cooling-effect of urban
about by 2.74 °C in comparison to surrounding areas; the effect of urban wetlands on their surroundings.
wetlands on the temperature of cities was determined by urban wetland
area, shape, connectivity, and type. The size of wetlands is the most 5. Conclusions
important element for explaining reducing air temperature. In addition,
a more complex shape is preferable for CE of wetlands. Furthermore, In this study, 21 urban wetlands and 3 green spaces in Changchun
the results of this study also indicated that the hydrologic connectivity City and Jilin City were selected to measure the capability of mitigating
of wetlands is another important factor for CE. Hydrologic connectivity UHI by using Landsat-8 TIRS data. The results show that CE of urban
of wetlands determines in part their water renewal rate and hydrologic wetlands was significantly correlated to the wetland area, shape, and
functions (Ameli & Creed, 2017; Golden et al., 2014). The average NCCI hydrologic connectivity. In contrast, the characteristics of surrounding
of wetlands connected to other surface waters is 0.11, nearly six times buildings such as volume, height, and density could limit the CE of
higher than that of isolated wetlands without surface inlets or outlets. urban wetlands. Our findings have important implications for wetland
The NCCI of Yitong River is 0.18, only one-sixth that of Songhua River, design and urban planning. Reconnection of urban wetlands to rivers
for it has been in no flow condition for years due to upstream reservoir could be a cost-efficient way to mitigate UHI effects. High volume,
construction. Fig. 8 shows hydrologic connectivity of wetlands of height and density buildings surrounding urban wetlands should be
Changchun City in 1950 and 2015. Urbanization has reduced hydro- avoided in urban planning.
logic connectivity between wetlands and rivers through the construc-
tion of dams and roads. To increase the capacity of CE of urban wet- Acknowledgements
lands, wetlands should be designed more natural and environmentally
friendly with considerable area and complexity. Therefore, effective Research funding was provided by the National Key Research and
measures such as dam removal and reconnection of wetlands to rivers Development Program of China (2016YFC0500401, 2016YFA0602303);
should be taken to improve the CE of urban wetlands. the National Science Foundation of China (41671087, 41671081,
41471081). Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, CAS (IGA-
4.2. Implications for urban planning 135-05)

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