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Jorris Macospag as The Killer

James Axell Garcia as Leo Brazos
Amer Sarip as Logan Brazos
Adrian Borbon as Luke Brazos
Arwuan Legaspi as Ivy Severino
Louieleigh as The News Reporter

Setting: Inside the home of the Brazos Family, around 8:00 p.m. on a Thursday.
News Reporter (over the radio): Another victim was brutally murdered inside the comfort of her own
home. 21-year-old Brielle Castro was stabbed for approximately 9 times and had her arm cut off. Lead
detective, Luke Brazos, believes that this was the work of the so-called The Chopper. According to the
police, the killer is still at large, so as much as possible, people should take extra caution.
Leo: Boy, he should’ve thought of another nickname. No one will take him seriously if he wants to be
known as The Chopper. (mockingly, while laughing)
Logan: The Chopper sounds like something a helicopter would be named. (laughing)
Luke: Boys, this isn’t something to joke about. And besides, it’s the police that named him…
Logan: Or her. Women can be vile as well.
Leo: What a way to be a feminist, Logan.
Luke: As I was saying, you shouldn’t kid about something so serious. The Chopper might be anywhere
near our house and the last thing he would want to hear is people making fun of his nickname. I have to
go. They need me at the office. Ivy would be here any minute now…
*doorbell rings*
Logan: I think that might be her.
*door opens*
Ivy: Hi, am I late?
Luke: No, I was just about to leave. Take care, you guys. Don’t do anything stupid.
*Luke leaves*
Ivy: What do you want to do tonight?
Leo: We were about to watch The Eternals tonight. Logan, make some popcorn while I set this up.
*after a while*
Logan: We don’t have popcorn, you dimwit.
Leo: What? Oh right, I made some last night. My bad.
Ivy: Do you want me to run to the store and get some snacks and soda?
Logan: Yes, please.
Ivy: Be right back. Don’t start the movie without me.
Leo: Here, take the money Dad left us. Hurry up, it’s getting late.
Ivy: Chill, Leo. I’m not a 13-year-old girl.
*Ivy leaves*
Leo: Want to watch some sitcoms while we wait?
Logan: Yeah sure.
*show playing in the background. a vase shatters outside*
Leo: What was that?
Logan: It’s probably a squirrel or something.
Leo: I don’t know. I have a weird feeling about tonight.
Logan: Would you stop being paranoid? There’s no way that the killer can be around us.
Leo: He might be! Logan, I’m getting scared. Turn off the T.V.
Logan: I told you it was nothing.
*someone knocks*
Logan: That might be Ivy.
Leo: Nonsense! She can’t be that quick!
*knocking intensifies*
Logan: You’re right. And if it is Ivy, she wouldn’t have to knock. But it might be someone we know!
Leo: It’s 8:00 P.M., Logan! Who would visit us at such a late hour?
*someone bangs on the door*
Leo: Let’s hide in your room. *whispers*
*door breaks*
Killer: You can’t hide from me, kiddos. You better come out while I'm asking nicely. Nothing good comes
out when my patience runs out.
Logan: W-what should we do?
Leo: Don't ask. I- I don't know too. But who is that freak supposed to be?
Logan: Wait... what if they're the rumored psycho killer going around...
Leo: The Chopper? No way! If they really are, then we're dead meat.
Logan: Either way, let's call for help first!
*phone rings*
Leo: Dad, please help us. There's someone suspicious inside our house.
Luke: What? Where is Ivy?
Logan: She went out to buy us some food in the store.
Luke: That's weird. I specifically instructed her to not leave you two alone. Why did she?-
*footsteps can be heard in the background interrupting Luke*
Leo: Dad, please hurry up. We're scared.
Luke: Okay, Listen, I need you boys to stay put and keep quiet while you wait for me. I'll be there soon.
*hangs up* *silence*
Logan: It suddenly became quiet... (whispers)
Leo: I can't stand this, we should get ourselves a weapon to defend ourselves at least.
Logan: Okay. I got you, I will get the baseball bat, and the broom is all yours.
Leo: Seriously? A broom? But, hey congrats, you're finally putting that baseball bat of yours into good
Logan: Shut up. And It's better to prepare for the worst to come. Anyway, did you hear what Dad
mentioned on the phone earlier?
Leo: You mean about Ivy?
Logan: Yeah, isn't it suspicious? She's also the one who brought up buying snacks and soda when Dad
told her not to leave us two alone.
Leo: You know, you got a point. It's almost as if she knows that this would happen. And notice how she’s
not afraid of going out this late at night?
Logan: Maybe because she has nothing to be afraid of. Who knows- she could be the accomplice of The
Chopper or she’s actually the one behind all these brutal murders...?
Leo: That's a scary thought. But the one inside our house right now needed to knock in order to get in.
Why would she go through all that trouble?
Logan: Maybe for the scary factor and to completely terrify us.
*door creaks* *Leo and Logan became alarmed and hold out their weapons*
Killer: Aha! There you are! I knew I was hearing some muttering coming from behind the door.
Logan: Oh shoot! It's not her. Don't come closer here or we'll strike at you!
Leo: Hey, Logan! Why did you not lock the door? (screaming but whispering tone)
Logan: I locked it! Unless the lock is broken or someone broke it.
Leo: But... Ivy is the only one who goes in and out of your room right? Don't tell me...
Killer: Ivy? Do you mean the girl outside who is unconscious right now and bleeding at your front door?
Logan: What? That doesn't make sense. Are you The Chopper then? And why would you even hurt your
Killer: You got it all wrong.
Logan: What do you mean by that?
Killer: I have no need for an accomplice. I only came here to seek revenge. But you did get one thing
right. I am in fact The Chopper.
Leo: Then, if you’re The Chopper... what did you do to Ivy, huh?
Killer: She’s probably going to die soon with the amount of blood that she lost. And soon, it will be your
Leo: I- I don’t know what you’re plotting but you should give it up. Dad will be here soon and you will
pay for hurting Ivy and the instance you left even a small scratch on us.
Killer: That’s even better. He should witness with his own eyes the gruesome acts I’ll commit later.
Logan: D-don’t you get it? We won’t let you do as you please. If Dad caught you, you won’t be getting
out of the prison alive and you’ll rot there until the day that you die.
Killer: Hah... (scoffing tone) As if I’ll suffer the same fate as my Old man. And who would have guessed...
you’re exactly like your father. Always getting in my way.
Leo: Dad is only doing his job! You, on the other hand, deserve to be in jail for killing many innocent
Killer: No, you don’t get it. It’s your dad’s fault that I couldn’t kill my old man. If it wasn’t for him
intervening and putting my Old man in prison, I could have taken my sweet time torturing that nasty
person who made me this way.
Logan: (whispers to Leo) Dad should be here anytime soon but this guy’s bad news. He intended to kill
his father!
Leo: (whispers to Logan) I know. He definitely has a lot of screw loose here and there.
Killer: Hm... I’ll let your comment slide because you’re finally asking the right question this time.
Leo: Yikes! He heard us.
Logan: We’re doomed. B-but what do you mean you’ll let it slide?
Killer: Perfect. I should tell you the reason why you two are necessary for me to complete my revenge
while waiting for your Dad to come home... that way, he can see how I stab each of you till’ blood comes
gushing out of your mouth and mutilate you to be the exact replica of the teddy bear that I had as a kid.
*Killer Sits by the bed as the two boys make their way across the room trembling in fear, but at the
same time on guard to defend themselves from any surprise attacks.
Killer: Would you look at that we have the same Bear (killer scoffs as he reaches for the bear). No, wait a
minute…. (*rips off one of the bear's arms). Aaaahhhh there we go, now we have the same bear.
Leo: Oh you really are insane. Shoot did I just say that out loud?
Logan: What do you think genius?
Killer: What did you just call me? Insane?! INSANE?! You know, wanna know what’s insane…go ahead
Logan: Wanting to kill your own father?
Leo: Great we’re dead, see you on the other side bother.
Killer: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (*the killer laughed hysterically and stopped). No. What's insane is the fact
that I lost my mother to an abusive lunatic who can’t get his life straight, which made me lose the only
family I’ve come to know.
Logan: Your father killed your mother?
Leo: I guess crazy runs in the family (Leo whispers to Logan).
Logan: Do you have a death wish?
Killer: He did, and I was left with nothing but an abusive father. When I came of age, I knew everything
had to come to an end. Till your heroic of a father showed up and ruined my chances.
Logan: But your father died in prison just as you wanted, thanks to our father.
in anger)
*the boys started to tremble in fear as the killer approached the both of them
Killer: I can’t wait to see my brother's face when he sees his boys lying lifeless on the ground.
Leo: Brother?!
Logan: Wait, so you’re our uncle?
Killer: You see before my mother lost her bonkers, she was married to your grandfather, eventually gave
birth to your golden boy of a father. Now when your grandfather passed, she found herself a new lover,
my father, I think you know what happens next.
Logan: You would really kill your own nephews?
Killer: Ooooh please, you didn’t even know you had an uncle that existed till now.
Leo: He has a point.
Logan: Sorry whose side are you on?
Killer: So tell me who wants to go first? Your arms would be a great addition to my collection(*a smirk
plastered on the killers face
Killer: ... AAAHHH
*Ivy appeared from behind the killer and knocked him out using a frying pan.
Logan: Ivy?!
Leo: Oh my gosh you’re alive.
Ivy: Miss me boys? Come on, let's get out of here.
*Ivy reaches for the boys’ hands as they make their way out of the house.
Leo: Wait a minute how are you okay? The killer said you were minutes from dying.
Logan: Yeah, he said you were bleeding to death, but….
Leo: You’re not bleeding?
Ivy: What are you talking about?
Leo: The killer never saw you before entering the house did he?
Ivy: Oh well, guess you caught me. Now raise your hands where I could see them. (*Ivy said as she held
out a gun from behind her back)
Logan: So you are with the Chopper.
Ivy: Please, if I was an accomplice to The Chopper I would’ve thought of a better alias. Come to think of
it, my brother was never really the cream of the crop.
Leo: Brother?! Wait how many more mystery siblings does our father even have?
Ivy: Just me and the Chopper, I’m the youngest. When our father was sent to prison, my brother left me
in an orphanage. Growing up, I soon discovered our twisted and messed-up family tree and decided to
get vengeance myself.
Logan: Vengeance?
Ivy: Who do you think killed our father in prison?
Leo: Wait, so why kill us? You had your vengeance already.
Ivy: You’re right, but you’ve seen me now plus you know everything, and unlike my sloppy brother I
can’t afford any loose ends….Sorry boys it’s nothing personal.
Killer: YOU!
Ivy: Hi Brother remember me? (*Ivy shoots at the killer but misses)
*shots were fired left and right as the boys took cover
*police cars started pulling up, and the detective rushed his way into the house
Luke: BOYS!!!

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