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Escuela de Educación Secundaria N°1 “Manuel Belgrano”

Trabajo 2 de Inglés de Acompañamiento para aprobar 4to Año

Profesora: Gabriela Patetta
Alumno/a: ………………………………………………


Las oraciones condicionales nos sirven para hablar de Situaciones Imaginarias o para dar consejos:
- Observemos la siguiente oración, y su significado en Castellano:
If I had money, I would buy a car.
(Si yo tuviera dinero) , ( compraría un auto.)
-Esta oración está compuesta de dos partes:
En la parte donde está la palabra IF , la estructura es:
IF + PERSON + Verb in the PAST (2° column / verb+ed)
-En la otra parte, la estructura es:
PERSON + WOULD + Verb in the infinitive (1° Columna de la lista )
- La palabra WOULD no tiene significado , pero le agrega la terminación “ía” al verbo que acompaña:
BUY : comprar - WOULD BUY : compraría .
-Y también podemos abreviar WOULD así : I would buy = I’d buy

Ahora miremos estos ejemplos:

1- If I had money, I would lend you some.
2- If I studied, I would pass the test.
3- If I were a princess, I would live in a castle.
4- If my mum had time, she would go to gym classes .
¿Qué significan estas oraciones? Escribirlas en Castellano.
1- ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2- ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3- ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4- ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Teniendo en cuenta esta información, realizaremos las siguientes actividades usando el Condicional II
Activity 1: Choose the correct verb tense in each of the following sentences. (elegir la opción correcta
en cada oración, las opciones están abajo de todas las oraciones)
1. If I were hungry, I __________________________ a sandwich.
2. I would buy a new car if I __________________________ more money.
3. If he __________________________ his homework everyday, he would get better marks.
4. If our parents were here, they __________________________ us what to do.
5. I would help her if she __________________________ me.
6. If I found a $20 dollar bill on the street, I __________________________ it.
7. I __________________________ to your party on Saturday if I didn’t have to work.
8. I would call them if I __________________________ their telephone number.

1. a) make b) will make c) would make

2. a) had b) have c) will have
3. a) does b) did c) will do
4. a) told b) would tell c) tell
5. a) ask b) asked c) asks
6. a) keep b) kept c) would keep
7. a) came b) would come c) will come
8. a) knew b) know c) will know

Activity 2: Finish these ideas …(terminar estas ideas)

1- If I found $100.000, I would……………………………………………………
2- If I finished secondary school, I would…………………………………………
3- If I saw fire at my neighbour’s house, I would………………………………….
4- If I were rich, ……………………………………………………………………
5- If I could visit any place in the world, ………………………………………….
Activity 3: Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (completar con la forma correcta
de los verbose n paréntesis).
1-If I _____________ (know) the truth I would tell you.

2-If I ________ (have) more money I would buy a new house.

3-John _____________ (come) if Mary called him.

4-If I ________ (be) you, I would visit Ann.

5-If I ________ (study) harder I would pass my two exams.

6-Maria’s baby _______________ (sleep) if you kept silence.

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