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Illu s i v e F o ol

A drano Mirkent travels the

kingdoms and realms creating
whimsical illusions and performing
fantastical tricks. Everyone knows his
legerdemain and illusions aren’t real,
yet no one has caught on that his entire
persona is a falsehood. He plies his trade
in bustling cities, sleepy backwater towns,
and even faraway meadows —this trick-
ster’s reputation draws crowds to even
these remote places — but these are not
chosen at random. Each performance is one
part of a maleficent plan to open a planar
gate to a long-sealed dimension, the home
and prison of a forgotten god-like entity
consumed with a potent evil that has filled
WRITING Joseph Colman
Adrano’s mind with false promises of
COLOR ART Ellis Goodson
limitless knowledge. EDITING Mike Myler
LAYOUT Frank Michienzi

Illusive Fool  |  EN World EN5ider

History chores, but was a fair and caring man that always
took an interest in the successes and troubles of
The flax fields of the Mirkent family farm is where his pupils, certain that his thoroughness and their
Adrano spent his youth, surrounded by extended repeated exercises would sometimes frustrate the
family that had lived in the area for generations. energetic young students.
He was a bright child and enjoyed school, quickly Adrano swiftly learned his lessons and expe-
finishing his lessons and always looking for more rienced periods of boredom, especially in the
to learn and explore. The magician Oran visited evenings when most apprentices were occupied
Adrano’s town and put on a show that was more with their studies —which is why he started
than the usual sleight of hand most traveling magi- perusing the seemingly endless stacks of the
cians performed, seeming to conjure magical beasts guild’s library. He spent many evenings and nights
who danced amongst spinning lights — and the alone there, ultimately drawn deeper and deeper
true illusionist saw the glimmer of magical talent into the dustier backrooms. After a year Adrano
in the eyes of young Adrano. found himself in a chamber that had been long
Oran returned twice a year for a month at a time forgotten, its shelves and books covered in inches
over the next eight years, performing in the area of dust save for an impeccably clean three volume
but mostly spending time instructing Adrano in set that showed no signs of age. The tomes sat in the
the ways of magic (specifically the crafting of illu- middle of a shelf and were it not for their pristine
sions). The mage left texts and assignments for his appearance surely he would never have noticed
student while absent, lessons that were dutifully them. As Adrano opened the first volume the text
studied and practiced constantly. Adrano mastered glowed golden, illuminating his face, and though it
all Oran had to teach by his sixteenth birthday was written in a language unknown to him as he
when his teacher enrolled him into an illusionist stared at the diagrams and script, with every turn
guild with an apprenticeship to the guildmaster. of the page the infernal text became more legible.
Adrano’s family were saddened to see him leave, These books quickly became an obsession of
but had known for years that his talents would take Adrano’s and as he spent more and more time
him out of the small farming community. with them, he neglected his studies to the point of
The Illusionist Guild, formally known as the ignoring his mentor and assignments. The guild-
Praestiginian Academy, sits atop a hill two day’s master learned of Adrano’s books and confronted
travel from any settlement. The appearance of the him but the impetuous student refused to listen to
castle seems to change the longer it is viewed, shim- reason and would not hand them over. Ultimately
mering and shifting in daylight and moonlight. the tomes were pried from his hands and Adrano
In the copper-lined halls and classrooms Adrano was locked in his chambers, left to ponder his fate.
learned more than he ever dreamed possible. The That night Adrano heard whispers in his sleep,
master worked his apprentices hard at lessons and at first thinking them a strange dream. A disem-
bodied voice told him that the books would grant
Open Game Content | The game rule information in this knowledge without end, and that if the diagrams in
article is designated Open Game Content. All other material the third volume were traced onto the land and the
in this article, including maps and illustrations (including rites performed at the correct locations then a lost
illustrations in the public domain), in-character and out-of- god of lore would be released from his intradimen-
character narrative and descriptive text, character and place sional prison. Adrano rose from bed and followed
names, trade dress, “EN Publishing,” “EN World,” “EN5ider,” the directions of the voice as it guided him along
EN Publishing product and article titles, and the ledges and roofs of the guild’s castle until
EN World and EN Publishing logos, are designated finally he stood at the windows of the guildmas-
Product Identity. ter’s chambers.

Illusive Fool  |  EN World EN5ider

Entering stealthily and creeping along the PERSISTENT PIGEONS
wall, Adrano unknowingly activated the wards Wondrous item, rare
protecting the chambers and the guildmaster was This magical golden cage is 1-foot across and wide,
awoken by magical alarms. He panicked and threw and 18 inches high. It acts as the home for the magical
a powder from a nearby desk into his teacher’s face, avians summoned from it. When its command words
fleeing with the infernal books and an enchanted are spoken and a pinch of birdseed is sprinkled over
robe that lay nearby. Now a wanted man, Adrano the cage, 3 pigeons appear. The pigeons appear
adopted the disguise of a clown — concealing normal, but under observation by someone that
his face in colorful makeup and mirth, traveling has cast detect magic they emit a golden glow. The
throughout the land to complete the diagrams so pigeons require no food, water, or rest. They cannot
meticulously described in his accursed tomes. be harmed by nonmagical means, although a casting
of dispel magic instantly returns them to their cage.

Appearance When the pigeons arrive at their destination, they

wait for a return message to be tied to a leg before
Adrano only appears in public with his clown returning to the owner of the cage.
makeup on, concealing his face with pastel swirls and
streaks of glitter that help draw attention away from
his angular facial features, high-placed cheekbones, Adrano has become an expert at politely rebuffing
sharp brow, and neatly trimmed brown hair framing people’s attempts to socialize with him after perfor-
his sienna-toned face. Even so, he is considered hand- mances. He feels a ceaseless drive to study the tomes
some with or without any cosmetics applied. and becomes irritable if he is kept from them for too
He wears jester’s pants with slits of contrasting long. The only exception to this compulsive behavior
colors and a loose fitting shirt covered by a multi- is when he interacts with farmers and their families.
colored patchwork robe. Adrano struts with He will dine with them and accept any hospitality
confidence through the streets of cities and towns they show, spending considerable time entertaining
performing small bits of legerdemain, the bells their children and teaching small tricks. This return
sewn into his pants and shirt cuffs twinkling as he to the familiarity of farm life is the only thing that
performs. His build is wiry and compact with the eases his obsession with the diagrams.
lean, tense musculature of an acrobat— an appear-
ance that not only draws attention, but distracts
observers making it easier to perform his tricks.
Traveling near and far, Adrano has spent years
Personality tracing the ancient diagram on the land itself
and is singularly driven in his quest. If he is not
Though he is quick of wit and has a sharp tongue, performing he is on the road, traveling light with
Adrano’s good nature makes people feel at ease only a pack donkey carrying his few possessions.
and his joking rarely offends —yet his outwardly He always keeps the strange books on his person,
shining personality is just as much of a performance hidden in a bag of holding stored in an interior pocket
as anything else he does. In private he is quiet, impossible to pilfer from without his knowledge.
reserved, and solely focused on his stolen texts, As he walks, Adrano drops a line of ash made from
utterly obsessed with the idea that there are hidden the burned pages of other tomes.
layers of knowledge in the books. He pours over Adrano has built a reputation throughout the
them again and again, seeking secrets he missed in realm and maintains it by advertising. He keeps a
the countless times he’s read through them. network of advertising agents in his employ and
communicates with them via persistent pigeons kept in

Illusive Fool  |  EN World EN5ider

a golden cage that always appears empty. The agents entity to slip a tiny bit of consciousness through the
distribute posters for upcoming shows, hire barkers, prison dimension and into a mortal mind. Adra-
and organize private shows for affluent patrons. no’s day-to-day activities do not seem evil as his
None of them know the true purpose of the clown’s true purposes are well concealed. If anyone tries
seemingly harmless shows and they rarely see him, to impede his progress he becomes increasingly
having payments delivered by courier or deposited agitated until eventually becoming enraged, doing
into banks or merchant house holding accounts. anything to escape from people stopping him for
He pays them well and his cover as a successful more than a short amount of time.
performer has thus far withstood scrutiny.
Armor Class 17 (magic robe)
A powerful eldritch force drives Adrano to complete Hit Points 40 (7d6+5)
the diagram, and the closer he gets to finishing his Speed 30 ft.
work the more single-minded he becomes — the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
trickster does not realize it but he is possessed by 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 19 (+4)
the dark power that has communicated with him Skills Perception +6
through the books. The entity was released into Senses passive Perception 16
Adrano’s mind when the tomes were first opened, Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Infernal (written)
using his thirst for knowledge as a pathway for the Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Spellcasting. Adrano is a 7th level spellcaster that uses
Charisma as his spellcasting ability (spell save DC 15; +7
WAKING NIGHTMARE to hit with spell attacks). He knows the following spells:
4th-level illusion (sorcerer, warlock, wizard) Cantrips: dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion,
Casting Time: 1 Action prestidigitation, shocking grasp
Range: 60 feet 1st-level (4 slots): color spray, disguise self,
Components: V, S, M (rheum from a hound) silent image, fog cloud
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute 2nd-level (3 slots): invisibility, mirror image, shatter
This spell creates an illusion of the most horrifying 3rd-level (3 slots): fear, hypnotic pattern, major image
nightmare of a creature within range. The nightmare 4th-level (1 slot): waking nightmare
is visible to all creatures able to see, but only the ACTIONS
target makes a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, it Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
finds itself immersed in a scene pulled from its most ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) bludgeoning damage, or
sinister dreamscape. The illusion overwhelm’s the 5 (1d8+1) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands.
target’s senses and it is incapacitated for the dura-
tion as it finds itself surrounded by horrors of its Adrano relies on spells to confuse and hinder
own making. If the affected individual takes physical opponents while he attempts to flee, and as he is
damage the illusion will be broken, and at the end of continually pursued he keeps a full purse to pay for
each of its turns it repeats the saving throw, ending hired help to protect him (2d4 thugs). In addition
the effect on itself on a success. After the incapaci- to his persistent pigeons, Adrano has a rare magic
tated condition ends on the target, it suffers one level robe (which requires attunement but increases his
of exhaustion as the terror it has experienced lingers armor class to 15 + Dexterity modifier while not
on in its mind. wearing armor) and a bag of holding. e

Illusive Fool  |  EN World EN5ider

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