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By Kaden
Chapter 1 Moving

Once on a farm, there were these evil people. Their

names were Blunt, Fat Mouth, and Duck Face. They
loved music. It was their friend. They used it for
plans. “I’m getting tired of using music,” said Duck
Face. “What else can we use?” asked Blunt. “Well,”
said Fat Mouth “we could use speech to do it.” “I
guess” said Duck Face. “But I want to move to
Mexico.” “OK, let’s go!” they all said. So they went
to get their stuff but they had one problem. They
needed to get some money. They had to decide how
to get there. “Why are we doing this bad trip?” said
Fat Mouth sulking. “Why don’t we rob a bank?” said
Duck Face. Blunt and Fat Mouth’s face lit up at the
idea. “Great idea!” complemented Blunt. “What are
we doing here? Let’s go.”

Chapter 2 To Make a Long Story Short

They got moving.

Chapter 3 The Bad Guys

“Guys, let’s split up” said Duck Face, and they did.
When they split up, Duck Face saw a bank about 200
yards away. “Let’s rob this bank” he thought to
himself. He was in Boston, Massachusetts and the
others were in Maine and he tried to feel his way
back but got stuck in New York City and found a
bigger bank to rob. He drove to the bank to rob.
“What a big bank” he thought. So he made up this
plan. This is how it looked.

Nobody could catch him. “Ha ha ha! This will be


Chapter 4 Meanwhile
“But Mom, I did all my chores!” Mike protested. “No,
go and play with a friend” said his mom. “Ahh, Mom,
please just for a few minutes?” “No.” “Darn” said
Mike. “I could have finished that level I wasn’t
finished on.” When he went to Seen’s house, he saw
something that wasn’t right. “Hey Seen, can you go
to the bank with your gun?” “GUN!?!” Mike thought
half regretting asking. He knew not to play with
guns. “How could I forget?” Thought Mike. “This is a
matter of saving the bank, not playing with guns.”
“Okay” said Mike. “Let’s go!”

Chapter 5 The Robbers Are Discovered

Duck Face got the others. “Guys I think I found a

humongous bank to rob,” said Duck Face excitedly.
“Okay,” they both said. They did not know it but
Mike and Seen were spying on them. I heard them
saying they are going at night to bust the vault. “We
need two guns in a hand. We need to hide above and
while you are calling the police I will distract them.
Don’t forget a paper and a pen.” “Why?” asked Seen.
“For their license plate number.” “Oh yeah...wa…
wait…” “Okay Okay.”

Chapter 6 The Real Capture

“Dave! Clean your room and stop playing video
games” said his mom. His video game was about
Super Man who was fighting three villains. He got to
level three. All these threes [three villains and level
three] means something is wrong. Duck Face, Blunt,
and Fat Mouth were getting ready. “Okay” Fat Mouth
said. Dave saw something that looked like a cue to
go there. Mike, Seen and Dave met in the bank.
“Nice job!” Mike said. I cued you to come here. Your
job is to distract them and lead them into the trap.
“How do I distract them?” Dave asked. “Pretend that
you are bad and lie to them saying that the money is
where the cops are not.” “It’s where our trap is,”
Mike said. “Ready!” the boys said together. At night
Mike, Seen, and Dave were setting up for the
capture. Then Duck Face, Blunt, and Fat Mouth were
in the bank. “Hi” said Dave. “Don’t go over there.
Go over here.” “Thanks!” Blunt said. Thirty seconds
later “Arrrrrggg” said Fat Mouth. “He tricked us.”
But Duck Face stole the money!

Chapter 7 Suspended

On Friday Seen, Dave, and Mike met in the office.

“Guys, let us go to my house and do some detective
work,” said Mike . “Why do we need to do this,”
asked Seen. “So we can we can prove that Duck
Face and his gang robbed the bank”. “All right”, Mike
said. “I am the leader.” Just then, “Seen Denb, Mike
DiskusHow, and David Mexenjab, come to the office
IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!,” yelled the principal. “Uh-O,” Said
Dave. It was ten O, clock sharp. “I am very angry
with you three but I will not suspend you, because
you guys are new here.” Said the principal. “Bye.”
They all said. Then snuck out of school.

Chapter 8 something To Believe In

When they got home, Mike started something he

never did around anyone, he started drawing
amazing pictures. “Wow” said Seen and Dave. Let’s
get moving. Those are amazing pictures. “I can’t
believe it.” Wait a minute “picture.” Dave said. If you
can draw a picture of Duck Face, Blunt, and Fat
Mouth in disguise, then we can prove that they
robbed the bank.” “Dave, these crooks are smart.”
Said Not if we say we are secret crooks and dress
up in disguise.” Great idea!!!” Mike said. Let’s do it at

Chapter 9 Dream, Dream, And Dream Some More

Dave went to bed at 5:00 in the afternoon. He was

dreaming about “the three thieves” “I made a plan,
said Duck Face in the dream we will move to Mexico
and There will be no proof that we robbed the most
valuable bank in the U.S.A. He saw more plans and
then his alarm went off. He went to Seen’s house.
“Guys, I had a dream about there plans. Mike met
them alone in the bank he asked them to get there
masks on then he quickly drew them. While Dave
body guarded Seen because Seen was calling the

Chapter 10 Celebrate

“Let’s go,” said Fat Mouth. “Not so fast,” said The

chief of police. By 7:00, Duck Face, Blunt ,and Fat
Mouth were put in jail for life, they were bank
robbers, murders, and house robbers. Huge New
York City bank awarded them 5,000,000$ and they
gave a very famous talk. “In all my life, I can’t
imagine to catch such dangerous criminals.” Said

(To be continued)

Author’s Note

I got the idea to write this story from real life things
and stories. Mainly from A To Z Mysteries by Ron

Hope you enjoy.


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