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Tumblr Girls

Traits: The women must usually be of average appearance or lower. Though there is more bodily
variety, femininity (unless its Sailor Moon) is usually downplayed. Weird noses and mouths.
Clothes: Armor should not show any hints that they have boobs. Stuff that shows cleavage,
femininity (to a lesser extent) or sexuality are no-nos.
Exceptions: Sailor Moon (and the Scouts) are almost always the exception. Even if a cleavage-
exposing, skimpier outfit (like Power Girl's boob-window) is in character, it doesn't matter and
they'll link to some comic by Aaron Diaz.
The Good: Unlike Escher Girls (the other extreme), who all look like clones, the characters have
more variety so I'll give them that.

The reason I bring this all up is for a way to find to see humor, be annoyed and talk about bad
designs and ideals behind the Tumblr Girls designs.

Since there has been some confusion lately about what counts as an SJW style, I'll put up a quote
from @Valiant about the whole thing...

A good example in Tumblr Art is the prominent feature it's a gross fetisization or
stereotype of a minority, but there can be other factors like the message or style that
flags attention.

More on topic and more "Art Critic" Val, comin' straight at you: Crippled legs, vitiligo,
huge scars, albinism - these are all fun traits to draw in a character, but they should not
form the basis of all your art or a character. MANY of these people rely on purely luck-
of-the-draw afflictions, quirks or traits to make characters interesting. If the only
defining trait is an quirk, sexuality or injury and no other substance to them they aren't
really more then a prop piece; and if someone calls out this one dimensional character,
they are simply called bigoted and wrong.

All these artists appealing a guilty complex or a cheap way to appear as sanctimonious
as possible.

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