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EXERCISE 1. Decide whether these underlined clauses are AP for adjective phrase,
NC for noun clause or ADVP for adverb clause.
1. She cleaned the hospital, which was filthy, to the best of her ability.
2. Once he began his work, his crew restored buildings and made detailed maps of the
3. When Mount Vesuvius erupted in the year of 79, the city of Pompeii vanished.
4. He is most famous for what he wrote and drew.
5. During the Elizabethan era, many people believed that human society reflected the
order of the universe.
6. If families remained in order, the state would be in good shape.
7. A state that was orderly reflected the pattern of the universe.
8. Treason, which disrupted order, resulted in severe punishment.
9. Whoever committed treason risked torture, mutilation, and death.
10. Several individuals took the risk, even though the penalty was great.
11. After Elizabeth I became queen, she foiled several plots by her cousin, the queen of
12. Elizabeth wondered whether the execution of a fellow queen was immoral.

13. Finally she reached the moment when she had no real choice.
14. With true regret, Elizabeth signed the order that commanded her cousin's death.

15. Although she studied hard for her ESL vocabulary test, she got a bad grade.
16. When you arrive in school every day, you must go to your locker to get your things
ready for class.
17. I know why she wasn't in school yesterday.
18. I don't know yet whether I can come to your party.
19. Since I came to Germany I have not once played tennis.
20. The table, which costs $ 100, is made of steel.

EXERCISES 2. Write the adjective clause from thes following clauses. Look at the
example given!

1. She worked for a man. The man used to be an athlete.

2. They called a lawyer. The lawyer lived nearby
3. I sent an email to my brother .My brother lives in Australia
4. The waitress was very friendly. The customer liked the waitress
5. We broke the computer. The computer belonged to my father.
6. The glass was new. I dropped a glass.
7. The man is in the garden. The man is wearing a blue jumper
8. I know a man. His last name is Goose.
9. The man calles the police. His wallet was stollen.
10. We are studying sentences. They contain clauses.

EXERCISE 3. Choose the correct NOUN CLAUSE.

1. Last week, our cat gave birth to a litter of kittens, but we didn't know where ________.

a. is our cat
b. our cat was
c. our cat is
d. was our cat

2. Now, our cat is home again, and we can't believe how many ________.

a. kittens does she have

b. kittens has she
c. she has kittens
d. kittens she has

3. Can you imagine ________ ?

a. how cute they are

b. how cute are they
c. how they are cute
d. are they cute

4. The kittens are so noisy that I can hardly hear what ________.

a. are saying you

b. that you are saying
c. are saying you
d. you are saying

5. My husband said _________ try to keep them all.

a. don't we
b. that shouldn't
c. that we shouldn't
d. that we don't

6. The cat belongs to my daughter, so my husband insisted that ________ them for adoption.
(give them away)

a. she offer
b. she offers
c. she will offer
d. she must offer

7. He told us ________ sad, and that it would be better for everyone.

a. don't be
b. doesn't be
c. not be
d. not to be

8. She needed to find new homes for them, but she didn't know whom ________ .

a. should she ask

b. she should ask
c. she ask
d. she asks

9.She decided _____________ post some notices around the neighborhood.

a. that she
b. what she
c. what she would
d. that she would

10. Neighbors dropped by just to take a look. Everyone picked out ____________ .

a. which one he's like

b. which one he likes
c. which one he liked
d. which one they liked

11. One mother told her son, "_______ is daily care. Can you give that?"

a. That a pet needs

b. What a pet needs
c. Which a pet needs
d. Whether a pet needs

12. "Adopting a kitten depends on ____________ the ability to care for it."

a. have you
b. whether you have
c. that have you
d. if have you

EXERCISE 4. Complete the sentences with the given adverbial clauses. "before, after,
whenever, while, until and as soon as".

1. I went up to my room to drop off my bags__________I checked in.

2. I saw a stranded dolphin_________I was walking down the beach.
3. We had better wait here under the tree_________the rain slows down a bit.
4. I promise, I will call you soon_____we get there.
5. We'd better start our hike back to camp_______it gets dark.
6. Don't forget to brush your teeth______you go to sleep.
7. I will let you know________I get any information about your promotion.
8. Don't bother to call me__________you have any problem.
9. You should pick up Daniel from work_______you finish your dinner.
10. I prefer to drive__________I have a chance to travel.
11. You can't go anywhere__________you finish your assignments.
12. I didn't know about the accident_________I talked to Sam.
13. I called the firefighters________I saw the smoke coming from the forest.
14. I feel homesick__________I eat a homemade cake.
15. My hands begin to shake nervousl___________I am angry.


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