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Moments of silence point the way towards better supercon-

Temporal patterns could show us how to reduce noise in supercon-
ductor devices

23.12.2021 - High-precision measurements have id which doesn’t dissipate energy, thus providing no
provided important clues about processes that im- resistance to electrical current.
pair the efficiency of superconductors. Future work
But Cooper pairs sometimes break, dissipating into
building on this research could offer improvements
two quasiparticles – unpaired electrons – that ham-
in a range of superconductor devices, such quantum
per the performance of superconductors. Scientists
computers and sensitive particle detectors.
still don’t know why Cooper pairs break, but the pres-
ence of quasiparticles introduces noise into tech-
nologies based on superconductors.

‘Even if there was only one quasiparticle per bil-

lion Cooper pairs, that would limit the performance
of quantum bits and prevent a quantum computer
from operating flawlessly,’ says Elsa Mannila, who
Aalto University researched quasiparticles at Aalto University before
The apparatus consisted of a micron-scale aluminium super-
moving to the VTT Technical Research Centre of
conductor separated from a normal conductor – metallic copper Finland. ‘If there are more unpaired particles, the
– by a thin insulating layer. When Cooper pairs in the super- lifetime of qubits is also shorter,’ she adds.
conductor broke, the quasiparticles would tunnel through the
insulation to the copper, where the researchers observed them Long silences
with a charge detector.
Understanding the origin of these quasiparticles –
Superconductivity depends on the presence of elec- in other words, knowing why Cooper pairs break –
trons bound together in a Cooper pair. Two elec- would be a step towards improving the performance
trons become coupled because of interactions with of superconductors and the many technologies that
the metal lattice, synchronizing with each other de- rely on them. To answer that question, researchers
spite being hundreds of nanometres apart. Below a at Aalto precisely measured the dynamics of Cooper
critical temperature, these Cooper pairs act as a flu- pair breaking in a superconductor.

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‘People usually measure the average number of sometimes one or more Cooper pairs breaks, and
quasiparticles, so they don't know what the se- that leads to a burst of tunnelling,’ says Mannila. ‘So
quence is like over time. We wanted to find out ex- a single breaking event might break more than one
actly when Cooper pairs break and how many pairs Cooper pair at a time.’
break at the same time,’ explains Professor Jukka
The silent periods were several orders of magnitude
Pekola of Aalto University.
longer than the bursts. The superconductor was en-
Together with researchers from Lund University and tirely free of quasiparticles for seconds at a time,
VTT, the team at Aalto set up an experiment to de- which is much longer than required for a qubit oper-
tect small numbers of quasiparticles in real-time. ation. ‘One always wants to get rid of quasiparticles,’
The apparatus consisted of a micron-scale alumini- says Pekola. ‘Our study marks an important step to-
um superconductor separated from a normal con- wards building ideally functioning superconducting
ductor – metallic copper – by a thin insulating layer. devices.’
When Cooper pairs in the superconductor broke, the
quasiparticles would tunnel through the insulation to Traces in time
the copper, where the researchers observed them ‘What on Earth makes Cooper pairs break? That's
with a charge detector. actually the key question,’ says Pekola. The ener-
gy to break a Cooper pair has to come from some-
‘The challenge was really in getting many things to
where, and the dynamics the researchers observed
work together,’ says Mannila. The analysis depend-
provide an important clue.
ed on having only a small number of quasiparticles,
which meant the experiment at Aalto’s OtaNano fa- Over the course of about 100 days, the researchers
cility had to be shielded from radiation and exter- found that quasiparticles bursts became less fre-
nal disturbance as well as being cooled to nearly quent in their experiment. ‘Time-dependent Cooper
absolute zero. The researchers also needed to de- pair breaking hasn’t been observed before, so that
tect tunnelling events in real-time with a resolution of was interesting and surprising,’ says Mannila.
microseconds, which they accomplished with an ul-
tra-low-noise superconducting amplifier developed An even more interesting result appeared when they
by Quantum Technology Finland and VTT. reset the apparatus and tried again. ‘When the ex-
periment was started over, everything began from
Bursts of noise scratch,’ says Pekola. ‘The rate at which quasiparti-
cles appear depends on how much time has passed
The researchers found that Cooper pairs break in
since we cooled the system to its lowest tempera-
bursts, with long periods of silence interrupted by
very short flurries of quasiparticles. ‘The picture that
emerged is that there is mostly silence and then

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These dynamics narrow the range of explanations search group is also part of InstituteQ, the Finnish
for Cooper pair breaking. Any external source, like quantum institute.
cosmic rays and other radiation sources, would have
to become less common over time and reset after Original publication:
about 100 days to match the changes seen in the Mannila, E.T., Samuelsson, P., Simbierowicz, S. et
experiment. al.; "A superconductor free of quasiparticles for sec-
onds"; Nat. Phys.; 2021
‘This rules out many or most things which has been
proposed,’ says Mannila. ‘We’ve shown that some-
thing is going on which has these long time delays,
and that isn’t something people would usually look
for. Now that the idea is out there, people can look
at these time scales in different systems for an ex-

To Pekola, the fact that the rate of quasiparticle

events decreases with time but not in an exponen-
tial manner is an important clue about the source
of energy to break Cooper pairs. ‘The restlessness
at the beginning might stem from impurities in the
materials. These impurities cool down much more
slowly than the device,’ he says. These small differ-
ences within the system could result in the release
of enough energy to break Cooper pairs, though this
remains speculation.

Pekola plans to continue with experiments using two

or more detectors to pin down the source of these
quasiparticles. By looking for correlations between
quasiparticle bursts in several devices, he hopes to
get more clues about precisely where the processes
driving Cooper pair breakage happen.

The research was carried out using OtaNano, a na-

tional open access research infrastructure. Aalto re-

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