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Before I was born, many machines welded and shaped me, many hands polished me and

packed me. I am a "Hercules BSA kids’ bicycle".

As soon I was born, I was shipped to local cycle mart in Bangalore. I was quite popular on
display as my designs and low cost made most of the visitors bought me. I was bought by 27-
year-old man who gifted me to his nephew. I was very happy to begin a new phase of my life.
The 2-year-old used to ride me almost every day and his father took good care of me. Once a
week, they dusted me and once a month a water bath. I must say he is going to be good cyclist
as cycled a bit fast as per his age and did good handing. Whenever there was a repair, his father
took me to a local shop in madiwala market. Soon I in a year, his father had to go to Chennai as
there is going to be twins for his mother. I was scared that would the leave me here but instead
took me. As his brothers were 2 yrs. old, they demanded me, but he did want to give them. As
years passed the boy growed up and changed two cycles but did not forget or leave. But soon I
became old, and his mother did want me in the house, he did want to give me away as we
developed an emotional bonding. He could not overpower his mother and said bye to me
shedding tears. Their house maid took me and gave to his child. He did not like me and used to
kick me, dismantle me and gave me lot of pain. As soon I was non-functional, they threw me in a
local scrapyard. Now I lie among other cycles remembering my best friend and my golden period.

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