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NAME: ________________________________________




Form: 4s Paper: 1 Time: 1 hour 10 minutes


Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about
to answer and decide which choice is BEST, then SHADE it. ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS.

1. When the computer is working on given instructions, it is called

(A) Output (C) Processing

(B) Storage (D) Input

2. Hexadecimal has a base value of

(A) 6 (C) 16
(B) 8 (D) 18

3. Which of the following is NOT a function of the control unit?

(A) Read instructions

(B) Interpret instructions
(C) Direct operations
(D) Execute instructions

4. In an automated information processing system, a scanner is used for

(A) Data capture (C) Presentation

(B) Processing (D) Distribution

5. Students were asked to share ideas and find solutions to environmental issues common to their
territories. What communication tools are essential for online collaboration?

(A) Computer, communication software, modem

(B) Computer, desktop publishing software, telephone
(C) Computer, graphics software, facsimile
(D) Computer, word processing software, modem

6. E-mail may be used in an organization for both internal and external communication. Which of the
following functions should the e-mail service provide?

I. Reply to e-mail messages received

II. Create new messages
III. Receive attachments
IV. Send attachments

(A) I and II only

(B) II and IV only
(C) I, II and IV only
(D) I, II, II and IV

7. The unit of storage used to represent a character is

(A) bit (C) word

(B) byte (D) kilobyte

8. Main memory is another name for ___________ store.

(A) Backing (C) major

(B) immediate access (D) disk
NAME: ________________________________________
9. An examination board uses a computer system for marking multiple choice answer sheets. Other
than the inputting by keystrokes, what method is the most appropriate for recording student
choices to facilitate the marking of this type of examination by a computer system?


(B) MICR (D) Barcode reading

10. When confronted with a problem, the first step in tackling the problem is to

(A) Identify the problem

(B) Analyze the problem
(C) Generate solution
(D) Represent the problem as an algorithm

11. In a fishing village scores of dead fish along the coast line generated much concern and fear
among residents. The authorities focused on

I. Quickly removing the dead fish from the beach

II. Informing the public not to consume the fish
III. Collecting samples of dead fish for analysis
IV. Gathering data on waters surrounding the coast

Which of the following information was ESSENTIAL to solving the problem?

(A) I only (C) III and IV only

(B) I and II only (D) I, II, III and IV

12. Which of the following storage media provides sequential access only?

(A) Floppy disk

(B) Magnetic disk
(C) Magnetic tape
(D) Optical Disk

13. The prefix _____________ means billion.

(A) giga
(B) kilo
(C) tera
(D) exa

14. An interactive service allows users to

(A) Draw
(B) Send e-mail
(C) Have real time conversations
(D) Have readily accessable batches of files

15. ___________ refers to the number of bits that may be held in a word.

(A) Clock speed

(B) Word size
(C) Sequential access
(D) Device interface

16. Word processing packages are generally used to

(A) finding a particular record or group of records based on a set of criteria

(B) creating resumes, memos, letters, faxes and web pages
(C) calculating the interest on loans
(D) creating a form so as to minimize errors during data entry
NAME: ________________________________________
17. Which of the following is NOT an example of a computer crime?

(A) Releasing a worm

(B) Hacking
(C) Theft or destruction of computer equipment
(D) Sending an e-mail with attachment

18. ______________ is the most common type of volatile memory.

(B) Flash memory

19. _______________ is a primary storage device that may be programmed once by the user.


20. A bit is a ______________ digit.

(A) denary
(B) analog
(C) binary
(D) small

21. A _____________ is the smallest element in an electronic image.

(A) byte
(B) character
(C) pixel
(D) point

22. Which of the following is an advantage of e-mail to a company?

(A) Loss of productivity due to personal use

(B) Increased risk of contracting viruses
(C) Cost effective communication channel
(D) The ability of employees to communicate with family members

23. The capacity of a DVD is typically measured in _________________.

(A) Kilobytes (KB or K)

(B) Megabytes (MB)
(C) Gigabytes (GB)
(D) Terabytes (TB)

24. A _____________ is a sequentially accessed medium.

(A) Disk drive

(B) Magnetic disk
(C) Magnetic tape
(D) Tape drive

25. A ____________ is the smallest addressable unit on a disk.

(A) track
(B) platter
(C) cylinder
(D) sector
NAME: ________________________________________
26. All of the following are important attributes of algorithms EXCEPT…..

(A) They must be precise

(B) They must be infinite
(C) They must be unambiguous
(D) The instructions must be in a logical sequence

27. Which of the following storage media uses laser technology to store data?

(A) Floppy Disk

(B) Magnetic tape
(D) Hard Disk

28. The MOST suitable device for the output of architectural drawing is a

(A) Plotter (C) Graphics tablet

(B) Laser printer (D) Light pen

29. Which of the following output is an example of a hardcopy?

(A) An oral speech delivered by a speaker

(B) A bill produced from a printer
(C) The display on a monitor
(D) A picture on a wall produced from a multimedia projector

30. The Principal of your school is establishing a computer lab. The Principal is LEAST likely to be
concerned with

(A) The training of teachers

(B) Data-warehousing (A database designed to support decision making in an
(C) The hiring of a competent computer laboratory technician
(D) The infrastructure

31. Company ABC set up an online store/website to sell goods. Which is LEAST likely reason for so

(A) Reaching a larger number of customers

(B) Ensuring that website designers remain employed
(C) Increasing business opportunity
(D) Having a competitive edge

32. The decimal equivalent 000011112 is

(A) 8 (C) 15
(B) 12 (D) 28

33. The BCD representation of (-15) is

(A) 1000 00011111 (C) 000000011111

(B) 101100101111 (D) 101100010101

34. Which of the following is NOT a type of application software?

(A) Word processor

(B) Spreadsheets
(C) Windows
(D) Smart Draw

35. Which of the following is NOT a function of an operating system?

(A) Control input/output operations

(B) Provide security
(C) Perform calculations
(D) Provide a friendly interface
NAME: ________________________________________

36. An example of multitasking is

(A) Doing a background save while typing a document

(B) Allowing many users to use the same program
(C) Allowing one user to use one program
(D) Opening one program by many users

37. Quality Developers is a company that writes programs to do specific jobs for other companies.
These programs are called:

(A) General-purpose software (C) Custom-purpose software

(B) Special- purpose software (D) Off-the-shelf software

38. Which of the following device interface integrates the device controller into the disk or CD drive?


39. The third column in a defining diagram lists

(A) Inputs.
(B) Processes.
(C) Outputs.
(D) Storage.

40. Which of the following is NOT a software interface?

(A) Command-driven
(B) Touch screen
(C) Menu-driven
(D) Graphical User Interface (GUI)

41. Arrange the following secondary storage devices in order of increasing capacity from smallest to
largest: a 1 GB memory card, CD-ROM, DVD and a 128 MB flash drive.
(A) Flash drive, CD-ROM, memory card, DVD
(B) Flash drive, CD-ROM, DVD memory card
(C) Memory card, flash drive, CD-ROM, DVD
(D) Memory card, CD-ROM, flash drive, DVD

42. The name of the interface used by blind persons to perform operations on a computer is
(A) sensor
(B) icon
(C) braille
(D) touch screen

43. Which of the following statements is UNTRUE?

(A) CPU = peripherals + computer system
(B) All computers have input devices
(C) All computers have input capabilities
(D) All input devices are peripherals

44. In flowcharting, which basic operation is a rectangle used to represent?

(A) decision (C) process/assignment
(B) input/output (D) storage

45. Which of the following items CANNOT be sent via email?

(A) Text documents

(B) Parcels
(C) Sound files
(D) Graphic images
NAME: ________________________________________

46. Which ONE of the following statements BEST describes the term ‘information’?

(A) It is raw facts

(B) It is meaningful
(C) It is not the result of processing
(D) Does not have any value

47. A ____________ is a named location memory, the value of which changes during program

(A) constant
(B) literal
(C) sentinel
(D) variable

48. A bit is a ______________ digit.

(A) denary (C) binary

(B) analog (D) small

49. Pseudocode is a ______________ method of representing algorithms.

(A) Graphical
(B) Textual
(C) Verbal
(D) Visual

50. A variable can be BEST defined as…………..

(A) something that is likely to vary; something that is subject to variation

(B) one whose value determines the value of other variables
(C) a factor that can influence the outcome of an experiment or factors that can affect a
tests outcome
(D) a symbolic name assigned to a memory location that stores a particular value.

51. The algorithmic structure takes which of the following order…………….

(A) Header, Declaration, Terminator and Body

(B) Header, Terminator, Declaration and Body
(C) Header, Body, Declaration and Terminator
(D) Header, Declaration, Body and Terminator

52. During problem decomposition, expected results are documented in the ______ column in the
defining diagram.

(A) input
(B) processing
(C) output
(D) storage

53. Which statement is used to determine if the value of x is the same or less than the value of y?

(A) If x < y (C) If x > y

(B) If x <= y (D) If x >= y

54. Which of the following is an example of a statement involving ARITHMETIC operations

(A) Get num1, num2 (C) Sum = num1 + num2

(B) Print total-cost (D) Maximum = 0

55. In word processing, an effective way to move the 3rd paragraph to place it after the 5th paragraph is

(A) Copy and paste (C) Cut, copy and paste

(B) Copy, cut and paste (D) Cut and paste
NAME: ________________________________________
56. Which of the following common word-processing tasks may be accomplished using the cut-and-
paste technique?

(i) selecting text

(ii) copying text
(iii) moving text
(A) (i) only (C) (ii) and (iii)
(B) (i) and (ii) (D) (iii) only

57. The design of any computer program involves two major phases. They are…..

(A) The Defining- Problem Phase & The Implementation Phase

(B) The Problem-Solving Phase & The Test Algorithm Phase
(C) The Defining- Problem Phase & The Test Algorithm Phase
(D) The Problem-Solving Phase & The Implementation Phase

58. Which of the following statements best describes word size?

(A) The number of seconds a computer takes to complete an operation.

(B) The number of times the process needs to be executed to complete an operation.
(C) The number of bits that a computer can handle in one operation.
(D) The number of bytes or kilobytes in a sector of a secondary storage medium.

59. Given the following algorithm

display k

The value for k is

(A) 10 (C) 13
(B) 11 (D) 14

60. Which of the following algorithms satisfies the requirement of asking the user to input two
numbers, calculating the average and displaying the result?

(A) Display ‘Enter two numbers’

input a, b
c = (a+b)/2
display c

(B) input a, b
c = (a+b)/2
display c

(C) Display ‘Enter two numbers’

input a, b
c = a+b/2
display c

(D) input a, b
c = a+b/2
display c

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