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Basic Practice Unit 2

Vocabulary 20 points Grammar 20 points

1 Elige la respuesta correcta. (7 puntos) 1 Completa las frases con los verbos entre
paréntesis. Utiliza el Past Simple en afirmativa.
1. Mosquitoes usually bite / reach at night.
(6 puntos)
2. People often have a child / fall in love after
1. The police officer ................................ (save)
they get married.
many people last night.
3. When you develop / freeze water, it becomes
2. I ................................ (eat) a salad yesterday.
3. A dog ................................ (bite) Tim last week.
4. James hopes to graduate / die from university
next year. 4. We ................................ (study) for the test
two days ago.
5. Can dolphins survive / fight out of water for
a long time? 5. They ................................ (volunteer) at a hospital
last year.
6. Doctors try to save / pull people’s lives.
6. George ................................ (go) home at 11.00 pm.
7. Emily wants to get divorced / get a job
because she needs money. 2 Escribe frases con estas palabras. Utiliza la
2 Relaciona A con B para formar expresiones. forma correcta del Past Simple. (6 puntos)
(5 puntos) 1. you / meet / interesting people / on your trip / ?
A B ............................................................................
1. improve ...... a. to a new home 2. he / not ride / his bike / to school / yesterday / .

2. cross ...... b. money ............................................................................

3. she / go / to university / in New York / .
3. steal ...... c. in a hospital
4. volunteer ...... d. your marks
4. why / you / do / that / ?
5. move ...... e. the street
3 Completa las frases con estas expresiones. 5. they / not improve / their marks / in maths / .
(4 puntos) ............................................................................
grow up  are born  go to university  get married 6. how many / countries / your parents / visit /
1. Most people .................................... in last year / ?
hospitals. ............................................................................
2. Bob hopes to meet a nice woman
and .................................... . 3 Completa las frases con los verbos entre
paréntesis y la forma correcta de used to.
3. You must .................................... and study
(8 puntos)
hard to become a doctor.
1. Bill .................................... (not need) help
4. This is a great place for children. I want my with his history homework.
children to .................................... here.
2. We .................................... (eat) a lot of pizza.
4 ¿Estas frases son verdaderas (T) o 3. ................................ you ................................
falsas (F)? (4 puntos) (have) long hair?
...... 1. People usually get divorced because they 4. I ................................ (not enjoy) swimming,
are happy. but now I love it!
...... 2. Sisters and brothers often fight. 5. ................................ Adam ................................
...... 3. Tall people can’t reach things in high (live) here?
places. 6. Mel ................................ (go) surfing often.
...... 4. Babies develop inside their mothers. 7. I ................................ (watch) TV every evening.
8. I’m good at French now, but I ................................
(not get) good marks in it.

 NEW ENGLISH IN USE ESO 2 BASIC PRACTICE Photocopiable © Burlington Books 

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