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Exercise 1:

Symbolization, Working with tables, Geoprocessing


A: Calculate the population density (total population) in square kilometres

(km2) for each Woreda using the administrative boundaries and the

census information contained in the Dbase File census.dbf

Step by step procedure:

1. Change the coordinate system of your data frame (properties) to

UTM, Zone 37N, WGS 84

2. Add a new field to the Woreda shape file called AREA (Field type

= double)

3. Calculate the area in km2 using the calculate geometry using the

coordinate system of the data frame

4. Join the census information to your Woreda shape file

5. Add a new field to the Woreda shape file called POP_DENS (Field

type = double) and use the field calculator to calculate the

population density on Woreda level.

B: Use the DISSOLVE tool contained in ArcToolbox to dissolve (aggregate)

the Woredas based on their Zones (Dissolve Field). Name your output

shape file ZONES. Be sure to create summary statistics for population and

area and use the field calculator to calculate the population density on

Zonal level.
BDU-GIS I 2007

C: Use the UNION tool contained in ArcToolbox to overlay the Woreda’s

with the forest polygons. Name your output shape file Woreda_Forest.
Calculate the area in km2 and create a summary statistic (sumforest.dbf)

to summarize the forest area on Woreda level.

D: Create a layout in a scale of….. and display both results in graduated

colours using an appropriate classification scheme.

E: Label all Regions and add a title, scale bar, Coordinate grid (geographic

coordinates), and a legend for both themes.

F: Export your map as a PDF-File in a resolution of 200 DPI.

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