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Question1 In which Event is it easiest to

increase Friendship Rank?

The correct answer is “Let’s Fight!!”
There are 3 battles in total that can
each be challenged once a day.
Increasing your Friendship Rank with
various characters can net you
Chrono Crystals, Special Moves for Shallot,
and increases in Tournament of Power stats.
*Some characters cannot teach Shallot their Special Moves.

Question2 Which color represents the strongest ability

effect available for an Equipment slot?
It’s “Red”!
From strongest to weakest,
it’s Red > Yellow > Green.
You can reroll a piece of Equipment’s
abilities by using Slot Removers.
Make full use of your Slot Removers and
aim to create high-rank Equipment!
Question3 These items can be obtained from various Events
and Summons, but where can you use them?
The correct answer is
      the “Exchange Shop”!
At the Exchange Shop,
you can trade for valuable items such
as Chrono Crystals and Multi-Z Power!
If you’re new to Legends, make sure to
check in on the Exchange Shop once in
a while!

Question4 What’s the most important factor in

forming a party?
It’s “Z Abilities”!
Z Abilities are special abilities that
increase the strength of
your party members.
Each Z Ability has its own conditions
that determine which party members
it will affect. Rarities and Elements are
also important when forming a party,
but keeping Z Abilities at the forefront of
your mind is crucial to putting together
a strong one!
Question5 Does Legends feature 3D recreations of outfits
that appear in the original anime?
In Dragon Ball Legends the same character’s appearance will be
different depending on where in the original anime they are from.
Gather characters from a bunch of different eras and see for yourself!

Question6 Who has yet to appear as a playable character

in Dragon Ball Legends?
They are all playable!
In Legends, you can play as a wide variety of characters from
the various Dragon Ball series. From crowd pleasers to cult favorites,
try to get your hands on as many as possible.
Question7 What happens when you collect
a certain amount of “Z Power”?
The correct answer is
“You can get or Limit Break a character”!
Collecting Z Power will increase the
number of stars that a character has,
as well as their strength.
Aside from Summons,
you can also increase a character’s
Z Power by using Multi-Z Power
that you can get from
the Exchange Shop or Events.
Multi-Z Power is an extremely
valuable item, so seek out Events
that offer it and take them on!

Question8 What rewards can you get from

the “Tournament of Power”?
It’s Chrono Crystals!
In the Tournament of Power,
you can get enough Chrono Crystals
to rival the rewards from PvP.
ToP is a strategic game mode
where you don’t directly control
your characters, so even players
who have difficulty with PvP
have a shot at topping the rankings!

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