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Personal hygiene and health:

- Understand that sweets cause tooth decay.

- Have an awareness of the importance of a balanced diet.

- Understand and respect dining-room rules like: “Wash your hands before
you eat”, “Brush your teeth after eating”.

- Enjoy eating fruit.

- Realize the importance of protection from the sun in summer and the
cold in winter.
- Understand daily routines related to hygiene and dress.
- Be able to dress and undress themselves.

Behavior patterns

- Understand and respect dining-room rules like “Don’t throw food”, “Don’t
annoy your friends when they are eating”.
- Take pleasure in listening.

- Learn to choose, make thoughtful decisions.

- Say “please”, “thank you” and “sorry”.

- Promote positive behavior patterns in the school, in the classroom and in

the playground.
- Accept the concept of losing/winning when playing a game.
- Recognize difference between people, avoid discrimination.

- Have developed a helpful and co-operative attitude during playing time.

- Promote basic organizational habits: constancy, attention, effort,

- Be aware of the importance of a job well done and be able to take on

board the idea that correcting errors is part of “doing something better”.
- Appreciate clean and tidy surroundings.
Class routines

- Enjoy participating in a story.

- Enjoy listening to each other in the group situation.

- Show a willingness to tidy up and pleasure in helping.

- Not shout in class.

- Realize the importance of switching off lights, turning off taps, flushing
the toilet, putting paper in the bin, etc.
Greetings and goodbyes

- Say good morning, good afternoon, hello and goodbye.

- How are you? Fine, thank you.

- Express feelings: happy, sad, cross, angry, hungry, frightened, scared,

surprised, and shy.

- Express love for family and affection.

- Value the friendship and help of others.

- Have positive self-esteem, actively participate in class and enjoy seeing

displays of their own work and that of their peers.
- Play different roles and express emotions using dramatization (puppets,
soft toys…).

- Participate with pleasure at parties and celebrations.

Sharing and participating

- Realize that the classroom equipment belongs to everyone.

- Share classroom equipment and take turns to use things.

- Enjoy tidying up and know where to put things.

- Help in class and in the home, i.e. set the table at home, have class

- Be interested in contributing towards a frieze, decorating the class for

Festivals, collecting items for a display, bringing things from home.
- Take pleasure in giving presents (birthday, Christmas) and giving thanks.

- Take turns and follow the rules in a game.

- Enjoy celebrations and parties.

Showing respect

For people:

- Respect the equality of boys and girls; understand the importance of

avoiding sexist stereotypes in games, songs, classroom activities, stories
and use of language.

- Realize the importance of taking it in turns to speak.

- Have an appreciation of people who help us in our daily lives.

- Show an interest in other places, cultures and people speaking other

- Have respect for other people’s personal space.

For things:
- Take care of classroom equipment.

- Use different areas of the class correctly.

- Appreciate plants and animals.

- Be interested in looking after plants and animals.

- Show curiosity about the immediate environment.

- Know about traditions such as Christmas and other festivities.

- Have an awareness of road safety

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