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English 1301.


13 October 2013

A Night to Remember

I remember the night of the party like it was yesterday. It was one of the craziest nights of

my life, but I would not change a thing. I did some crazy things that night which ultimately

taught me a lesson I will never forget. I partied, drank, and got arrested.

The day started out normal. I planned on staying in the house and not going anywhere.

That was until I got a phone call from one of my friends, Ashley. Ashley wanted to go to a party.

She was really pumped about the party. She said it was going to be the party of the year, and

everyone was talking about it. She eventually persuaded me into going with her to the party.

We walked into the party, and saw people everywhere. There were girls all around the bar

and the guys were handing out free drinks. The music was blaring and the crowd was going

crazy. The lights were so low that you could hardly see anything. So far the party was living up

to its hype. As Ashley and I lingered around the party we saw a VIP room. The admission into

the room was three shots. At first we were hesitant, but we decided to go into the room.

After about five minutes in the VIP room I began to feel different. My words began to

slur, and my reflexes began to slow down. I took one look at Ashley, and saw that she also had

the same symptoms I had. We started to dance and enjoy the insane feeling that was going

through our body. Time began to fly by, and before we knew it the party was over.

As we stumbled out of the party we saw couples that reminded Ashley of her

ex-boyfriend. It wasn’t long until Ashley began driving to his house. As we pulled up to the
house we noticed a car that usually is not there. Ashley saw the car, and jumped out and ran to

his window. She peered into the window and saw a girl. The look on her face was a mixture of

pain and rage. She began beating on the window until it shattered. When she saw that it broke

she began to crawl through the window. I went in behind to stop her, but it was too late. She

began fighting the girl, and since I could barely hold myself up I was unable to stop her. After

two minutes I heard her ex on the phone with the police. At that time I knew it was time to leave,

but before I could get to the car, the police arrived.

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