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Class IX :

RMS CET Syllabus for Paper-I

(A). English Syllabus:

1. Grammatical Structure
2. Comprehension & passages
3. Antonyms
4. Synonyms
5. Vocabulary
6. Prepositions
7. Composition
8. Homonyms
9. Framing Questions
10. Articles
11. One word substitution
12. Comprehension Passages
13. Affirmative and Interrogative
14. Fill in the blanks
15. Spelling Check
16. Error correction
17. Grammar (Verbs, Adjectives, Noun, Gender, Structure, etc)


1. Linguistic applications and grammatical skills

2. Unread comprehension questions
3. Character idea
4. Utterance (source / origin)
5. Proverb
6. Introduction of the term
7. Synonym
8. Idiom
9. Sentence Transformation (Simple / Combined / Mixed)
10. Word Vivek (subtle difference in word usage)
11. Purge inaccurate sentences
12. Identification of verse distinction (grammatical category)

Social Science :

1. History
2. The First Cltles
3. The First Farmers and Herders
4. When
5. Where and How
6. New Ideas, Culture and Science
7. New Kings and Kingdoms
8. Regional Cultures
9. Geography, Agriculture
10. Resource’s for Types of Natural Human
11. Diversity
12. Political and Science
13. Regional Cultures
14. The First Farmers and Herders
15. Social Justice and the Marginable
16. Unpacking Gender
17. State Government
18. The Judiciary
19. Environment in tis Totally
20. Natural and Human Environment
21. Air and Planet Earth in the Solar System
22. Globe
23. Geography as a Social Study and as A Science
24. Challenging the Caste System
25. Rural Life and Society
26. Political Development
27. Sultans of Delhi
28. Creation of An Empire
29. Regional Culture


(A). Mathematics

1. Number System (LCM, HCF, Place Values, Smallest and greatest numbers, Rounding
off, Number series and patterns, BODMAS, Square, Square roots, cube and cube roots,
prime factorisation, Conversion of fractions to decimals or percentages and vice-versa,
2. Roman numeration and Rounding off numbers
3. Comparison of numbers
4. Greatest and smallest numbers
5. Unitary Method
6. Ratio and Proporation
7. Time, Work, Distance and Displacement
8. Lowest form and equivalent
9. Profit and loss based problems
10. Circle and its parts
11. Basic geometrical concepts such as point, line, line segment, ray etc
12. Classification of angles
13. Angles, triangles, circles etc
14. Angle sum property of triangles and quadrilaterals
15. Area of Triangles, Rectangle, squares, etc
16. Volume of Cube and cuboid
17. Area of Circle
18. Triangles, quadrilaterals and polygons
19. Conversion of units of Area and volume
20. Interior and exterior of given figures
21. Place value and face value of numbers
22. Temperature Measurement in degree Celsius and degree Fahrenheit
23. Angle sum property of triangles and quadrilaterals, etc


1. Reproduction
2. Food
3. Chemical Effects of Electrical Current
4. Electroplating
5. Solar System
6. Natural Phenomena
7. Energy
8. Light
9. Living /Non Living
10. Materials, etc

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