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Today I’m going to talk about Ed Stafford

Ed Stafford is a British explorer, author, TV presenter, motivational

speaker and a former British army captain. Ed Stafford holds the
Guinness World Record for being the first human ever to walk the length
of the Amazon River and the Walk from source to sea took him 860 days.
There are a few reasons why Ed Stafford decided to walk the entire
length the amazon:
1. First reason: Ed Stafford wanted to prove that his walk was possible,
simply because everyone said it couldn’t be done.
2. Second reason: Ed Stafford hoped that the walk would raise
awareness about the ongoing destruction of the Amazon rain forest.
During journey Ed Stafford faced wild nature and endless challenges.
After Ed’s GPS failed, he had to use a compass and a 60-years-old map
to find his way. When Ed approached a village for supplies, he realized
the village was no longer there and for a while Ed had to survive on
piranha and turtles. One time a swarm of wasps attacked Ed and stung
him over 30 times. Another time, he had to inject himself with
antibiotics for 3 weeks to stop a face-eating bug he had caught. As Ed
passed through the red zone in Peru, drug traffickers threatened him
with a gun, believing Ed to be a journalist reporting on their illegal
activities. In amazon Ed was being threatened by ashaninka Indians that
they would kill him if he walked through their land, and they were pretty
miffed to find Ed (attempting) to sneak through. Ed was arrested by an
indigenous tribe on suspicion of murder: A local man went missing and
because Ed turned up with a white face, he was number one suspect.
Eight hours of interrogation followed and included them being furious
that the Queen hadn’t personally signed Ed’s passport.
Ed Stafford is happy that his achievement succeeds in raising lots of
money and drawing attention to the many threats to the amazon
rainforest. Also, Ed said that he thinks he was massively underprepared
for the Amazon in terms of mental robustness “he struggled hugely and
had wars going on in his head. In hindsight, he still had a long way to go
to make peace with himself and who he was. Nowadays he has nothing
to hide from. He can deal with whatever life throws at him.”
Now Ed Stafford is filming in documentary, raising three his kids and
work as motivational speaker.
No, I wouldn't do something similar to what Ed Stafford did, because I
think It is crazy and too much risky.

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