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What is the Setting?

Though the world was born with magic and wonder, not all are born with such a gift. And though
this magic helped the races out of the despair of the Dark Ages, it was the inventions of both
dwarf and man alike that eventually brought everyone into an age of technology. The old ways
of magic and mysticism were never forgotten... just simply set aside in favor of the television
and car. But as the world divided over two wars, and eventually began to unite again under the
banner of capitalism, the individual became more and more obsessed with worldly possessions.
Greedy companies trying to outdo each other eventually gave way to a global crisis...

With global warming on the rise, and new wars being raged over the rights for oil and coal grew
fiercer and fiercer, the magical forces that wove through all of the known world grew angry. So
angry, in fact, that it began to strike back. At first, druids and sorcerers were thrown out of public
forums as laughing stocks- lauded as nothing more than hippies with an agenda. It wasn't until
scientists stepped forward with a startling discovery that the profiteers finally listened.

Areas of the world were under threat from nature's own forces. Reports of witches and
elementals attacking small villages emerged from Russia, and rumours of horrible creatures in
the Australian outback had been proven true via long-range photography and satellite feed. It
was here at the Great World Summit that everyone realized that it was far too late to go back on
the harm they’ve done to the planet- but the wrath of Mother Nature could be halted.... at least,
for a time.

At groundbreaking speed, legislation was pushed through by the UN and most countries of the
world to seek out alternative fuels. Nuclear power became more and more common, and in little
more than two centuries, the world entered the Second Industrial Age. Technological
breakthroughs came so rapidly, that companies began to work together to help keep up with the
demands of rapid progress.

However, it was all too late. About 60 years after the Great World Summit, Mother Nature made
its first big move. Sweeping disasters wiped out most of Russia and Australia; and in a matter of
weeks, Nature had proven it's point. It was only after Sydney had become a last bastion against
her forces that the attacks just stopped, and the earth became peaceful again.

Years became decades, decades spanned into centuries, and the world churned onward, just
as it always does. Unwilling to leave their precious Motherland, Russia is now home to Thorin‘s
Bastion- a giant train city that weaves all around Russia, stopping only for natural resources and
produce from farms, before moving once again. Sydney lays abandoned, a huge floating city
now over it as a refuge for Druids and mystics coming to study the monsters and plantlife.
The world may have all but forgotten the Great World Summit, but now magic has earned its
place right alongside the miracles of technology. Megacorporations born from the Second
Industrial Age are just as powerful as world governments, and the world has fallen into a
dystopia. Greed for money and lust for power rules above all else, and for many- it's a daily fight
for survival.
And Mother Nature? She just watches on…

World Religion
● Modern religions + a few race-specific
● Religion isn't as prominent on the whole as it used to be
● "Druidic" religions *are* more popular, though. Pagan/new age/hippie religions are more
common with magic folk.

The Oni King: Said to be the first Oni in existance, this god is still venerated by Oni kind today.
He is a god of power, luck, and revelry- all things near and dear to an Oni's heart.

Thorin Goldhammer: Revered by the dwarves as their chief god of industry and glory through
hard labor, he is also revered by the Gnomes as one of the first and greatest minds in the First
Industrial Age. Though not necessarily a deity by his right, centuries of veneration have
ascended him to godhood.

The Primal: Some call it Mother Nature, others Gaia. In any case, the Primal refers to the
magical energies that are woven into our world. It's the rain that falls, the wind that blows, the
fire that cooks your food and the trees that grant you shade. Though not referred to by this
name, the Primal is a staple part of many Pagan and Druidic belief systems.

Example Races
This is only a short list of example races, but you can play as (most) anything you want as long
as it fits the setting. The only hard rules here are no aliens, and no mutants (ala super heroes).
While demons are allowed, angelic beings are not. Also all animal-based racial ideas must be
ran by the GM before character creation. Psychics are fine, but keep in mind that all psychic
powers fall under “magic”, ala D&D psions. If you aren’t sure that something’s allowed- ask the

Elves: Can be found throughout the world, but the highest concentrations of them are in Europe
(usually near/around the UK) and India. Most of them are inclined to follow their natural links
towards nature and the fae, if they are religious at all. However, the Elves that reside in India
are more inclined to follow the Hindi faith over any other religious system.

Oni: Reside mostly in Japan, but some are found in China (Hong Kong) as well. After having
been culled due to their primal nature in the distant past, the Oni still alive today usually make a
living either as yakuza or pmc brutes, or take on labor-intensive jobs.

Dwarves: Extremely industrious, they originated in Russia before spreading to Northern

Europe, and eventually became one of the founding settler races of the Americas. Though they
are still found heavily in these areas today, they are also plentiful throughout the world.
Goblins & Gnomes: No one is exactly sure when and where they came into existence- only
that they did. While goblins were long despised and seen as mindless vermin, it's their sister-
race, the gnomes, that are said to help tame them into contributing members of society by the
time of the First Industrial Age. Though there are still more feral packs in less inhabited areas of
the world, goblins and gnomes are both considered an integral part of society today. While
Goblins are more related to Orcs and Ogres, Gnomes are said to be more closely related to the

Vampires: There is no dispute as to where the first vampire came from- Transylvania. Though
it's difficult to find any copy outside of a classroom, the account Bram Stoker wrote is the first
historic chronicle of a vampire that is still known today. These days, vampires can be found all
over the globe- with some variances depending on region. Though in the older ages, vampires
were hunted down en masse, they are now treated more so as citizens- so long as they obey
the laws of society.

Who Are You?

In an effort to better curb and control the war between Megacorporations, the UN has issued a
full scale ban on company-owned private armies and strike teams owned by these businesses
(though security teams are still a necessary allowance for the safety of their employees).
However, hiring private mercenary companies (PMC) groups to do the dirty work for them is not
only allowed- it's encouraged to help stimulate the economy. Though these mercenaries often
are hired to wage battles for CEOs, many have been known to take on a wide variety of jobs- so
long as the money is good.

It’s the year 2471, over 350 years have passed since the end of the Second Industrial Age. Your
group is part of a newly-minted PMC: Hogo-sha Inc. Ran by an old Oni that simply goes by
"Nakano-san"; your group is based out of Neo Tokyo, Japan. Your company prides itself on
advertising that it will take on most any job- big or small, you'll do it all. Make no mistake, while
some of the jobs you'll embark on will be far more grizzly than others, Nakano-san seems to
have a desire to try to make the world a better place for everyone… most of the time. After all,
money talks. And the last thing you want to do is to tell a multi-billion dollar corporation 'no'
when they come knocking on your door...

Character Creation & Game Mechanics

All characters start at PL 8 (max), and players may have up to three characters at maximum. If
you need more than the starting points PL 8 gives you to finish your character concept, ask the
GM! Creating multiple characters is encouraged, but not required, as there will be a variety of
jobs and situations that the company will have to tackle.

Magic vs. Technology: While both are very prevalent in the world, the two aren't nearly as
incompatible as one may think- with some exceptions.
● Any organic being with the ability to do so may use magic. Magic comes in a plethora of
varieties, but all revolve around the manipulation and use of the Primal.
● Magic cannot be cast through regular technology. If you try to cast a fireball through your
robotic arm, your arm will explode! If you cast it through your organic arm, you'll be fine.
Keep this in mind if you want to get robotic limbs. HOWEVER...
● Magitech is becoming more and more popular among casters! While also not compatible
with regular technology (often called “regtech”), magic can freely and safely be used
through implants and devices. Keep in mind- regtech and magitech are NOT compatible.
You cannot use magictech to hack normal technology, neither does it work the other way
around. You also can't have both normal and magitech enhancements at the same time.
However, you can have both magitech and normal tech as gear, so long as it's not linked
together in any physical fashion (i.e. cables, plugs, etc.)
● Technology is still the most commonly used kind of tech on the planet, and magitech is
still only being used on a smaller scale. Magitech is more commonly used in weapons,
augmentations and enhancements, and sometimes small-human sized robots.
● Regular technology cannot affect incorporeal creatures, unless otherwise enchanted to
do so. Only magic and magitech can (for half damage, unless it has the ‘affects
incorporeal’ trait specifically).

When rolling up a character, please mark any technology/gear/augmentations your character

my use as either regtech or magitech. Also, all magic powers get the (affect incorporeal [half])
trait for free- please mark the trait with (f).

Three Questions: As you are creating your character, there are three questions you should
keep in mind.
1. What made your character decide to become a mercenary?
2. Who is someone your character has wronged, and why? (This can be a group or
an individual.)
3. What is something your character would kill to know or have?
GM via discord. If you can’t come up with answers immediately- that’s okay! The GM will be
happy to work with you.

About Neo Tokyo

Neo Tokyo is one of the biggest metropolis’ in the world, alongside such giants as New York,
Los Angeles, and Hong Kong. It’s also one of the most densely packed due to it being a hotbed
for global industry and innovation. At the center of the city is a sprawling forest of giant
skyscrapers that seems to be growing larger and larger every day. In order to combat the need
for space in such a gigantic city, a recent initiative has resulted in the construction of several
self-contained tower blocks; which includes small stores and even farming centers to help keep
up with the demand for produce. There are even whole vertical farms (owned by [insert
company here]) dedicated to this purpose. Trends in this city come in waves, pop-up clubs and
cafes changing as quickly as one week to the next. Though the stressful safety of corporate life
is one most strive for, not everyone is so willing to make it the full focus of their lives- many
outright rejecting it completely. Make no mistake- Neo Tokyo is a battleground for a constant
struggle for power. After all, money is power. And without money? You’re either in the streets, or

Notable Factions Include:

● Yakuza- Though Japan is home to several Yakuza syndicates, there are three operating
in some capacity in Neo Tokyo today.
○ Hinoyama-gumi is famously ran by an Oni of the same last name, and is the
oldest Yakuza clan in all of Japan. It’s also the most welcoming to yokai and
other non-human races of the three.
○ While the Arakawa-kai may not hold as much power and territory as the other
two and is small by comparison, this organization has drawn a lot of attention
from other syndicates all over Japan for one simple reason- the current leader is
a woman.
○ Majima-gumi is the rival syndicate of Hinoyama-gumi, and has been around
since the First Industrial Age. In stark contrast to Hinoyama-gumi, no yokai are
allowed to join in any official capacity, and it’s forbidden for any members of other
humanoid races to gain a position of power. While there are rumors that the
Majima-gumi are connected to the Children of the Sun, no official statements or
investigations have been made on these claims.
● Children of the Sun (Shinto Extremists)- Though it took centuries upon centuries for
yokai at large to make peace with humans, it wasn’t until only recently that a national law
recognized these types of magical creatures as full sovereign citizens of Japan- only
have the most minimal of sentient rights in the ages before. Unfortunately for them, a
cultist organization known simply as the “Children of the Sun” have been fighting them
every step of the way.. And now that yokai are recognized as having all the same rights
as other humanoids, they’ve started going to violent, extreme measures in order to make
sure that these Japan-native monsters know their rightful place in the world: dead in the
● Yokai- Yokai have been in Japan for just as, if no longer, than humans and other
humanoid races. Though there was constant fighting between these factions, it wasn’t
until around the First Industrial Age that yokai were begrudgingly allowed a presence in
society. Even though yokai are now just as commonly found as any other of the races in
Neo Tokyo, there are still those who would turn their noses- or worse yet, try to wage
war against them.
● Street Gangs/Thugs- Though Tokyo once boasted to be one of the safest places in the
world, the dangers that once kept to their own corners of the city are now an all-too
common occurrence. Though most all of them recognize the Yakuza as the high
authority in the criminal underworld, they will push and trample over anyone who gets in
their way.
● Keisatsu-chō (police)- The Japanese police certainly have their hands full keeping law
and order in Neo Tokyo. Though they are well equipped for the job, there is only so
much they can do when both the Yakuza and Megacorps have them under their thumbs.

Industry Giants & (M)egacorporations

● Anvil Heavy Industries (M)- Founded by the self-claimed descendant of Thorin
Goldhammer, Balin Goldhammer is the CEO of this megacorp headquartered in Detroit.
Though they are most famously known for their vehicle and industrial machine brands
(not-so-aptly named Anvil Motors and Steelclaw Industrial), they’re also heavy
competitors in the steel and weapon industries.
● Merlin’s Mark (M)- If it’s magic and mass produced, chances are it comes from Merlin’s.
Currently the largest company in Europe, it’s the leader in terms of magical items made
on the cheap. From spellbooks to wands, they’ve got all your needs for magical goods
covered… most of the time. Just don’t always expect it to work, as mass production has
lead to only a 95% quality rate. This company originated in the UK, but headquarters
was eventually moved to France.
● Morgana Unlimited- Based in jolly ol’ England, Morgana Unlimited is one of the top-
contenders in becoming the leader in magitechnology today. Though the majority of their
focus is on cybernetics and weaponry, rumor is they’re trying to make their way into
other markets in hopes to keep a leg up on the competition.
● Dharmatech (M)- The world leader in medical, biotech, and ‘green’ technology
Dharmatech was the most infamous company to rise out of the Second Industrial Age.
What began as an initiative to standardise cleaner forms of power, this company
eventually absorbed several other companies- including Johnson & Johnson- and now is
the world’s #1 creator and distributor of medical technology. They even own and operate
hospitals and clinics throughout the world, and their cybernetics are the golden standard
for the augmentation market.
● Demeter Industries- Though certainly not the biggest, Demeter Industries excels in
research and development for farming and food production. Based in the giant floating
city of Queensgrove, Australia, the Druids here have made a living of trading their
harvests and knowledge for the imported goods they need to thrive.
● Phage Media (M)- Formerly known as Disney, and then Feige Media, the name
changed once again sometime shortly after the Second Industrial Age. This multimedia
conglomerate covers everything from television, to movies, to news, and even holovids
and virtual reality. Though they have yet to manage to take over the market completely,
some say it’s only a matter of time- and money.
● Raiden Systems Inc. (M)- Based in Japan, Raiden Systems is the largest tech
company in the world. From computing, to industrial, and even cybernetics- if it has
computing tech in it, they’ve probably done it- or will soon buy someone who will. While
Raiden Systems is usually one of the first to ride a new trend, they’ve only recently
announced that they’ve begun R&D on magitech production.
● Vista (M)- The words “a Vista company” are an incredibly common occurrence in ads for
those living in the US; but make no mistake, this America-based company has their
fingers in a just about every trade there is all over the globe. Even so, Vista’s most
famous companies are their internet providers, software and program development.
Their search engine by the same name is known in most every household, and it’s rare
to find a computer these days that aren’t using one of the online services in some shape
or form.
● San He Yi (M)- Though the Great World Summit was known to bring about Second
Industrial Age, not every country came out of that age for the better. China and Hong
Kong, being among some of the most notorious for being environmentally unfriendly,
were unable to convert decades-long factories and were forced to start shutting down. It
was only a matter of years with the UN pressuring them that it became more and more
obvious that their economies were on the brink of collapse- until the Triad stepped in.
While the Triads had benefited greatly from their country's disaster; it soon became
obvious that when it fell, so would they. Negotiations eventually lead to them buying up
every manufacturing and industrial company they could- and are now one of the largest,
most profitable megacorps in the world. Overtime they became such fierce rivals of Vista
that out all warfare broke out between the companies, and is said to be the leading
reason why the ban on company-owned private armies happened in the first place.
● Evercorp (M)- Owning farms, food labs, and other food processing plants around the
world, Evercorp is the undisputed champion of keeping people from going hungry. With
hundreds of subsidiaries and brands under its belt; its elven CEO Mikael Greythorn is
famous for being both a ruthless businessman, as well as humanitarian.
● Aztechnology (M)- Centralized in Mexico and South America, as well as parts of the
Southern US, this is Raiden Systems’ leading competitor in the computer technology
market, despite being one of the smaller megacorporations. Though their tech
manufacturing can be found in everything from robots and servers to phones and
laptops, it’s their niche specialty companies that have given them cult status around the

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