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The term ‘social media’ has become a part and parcel of everyday life.

It’s a user-
friendly online platform for social interaction and gives a sort of emotional support
by virtually connecting with so many friends and followers. But the debate on social
media has also become very essential and relevant to share various views and
information about its role in our daily life. It can reveal the various aspects of social
media which affect peoples’ life in either positive or negative ways.

As a part of the debate on social media, I am trying to highlight certain facts about
social media that have a negative impact on our life. We’re talking about friends and
connections that we have through social media. But do so many friends really exist
in our lives in a real sense? The presence of virtual friends gives an illusion of getting
connected to a larger social life but doesn’t give the effect in reality as a means of
social support. There has to be an actual social interaction, not virtual, to keep up the
friendship. The debate on social media also emphasizes the fact that spending too
much on social media makes people habituated to indirect, non-verbal
communication. They are losing ability and interest in direct face-to-face interaction,
especially the young age groups. In fact, today’s kids and teens are growing up
learning how to communicate with others by looking at the screen, not at another
person’s face. This leads to a mindset resistant to wider social networking with
family and relatives, which is really alarming. Online communication encourages the
habit of nonverbal communication which has no involvement of facial gesture, body
language and expression of emotions through vocal reactions. In this way, people
are missing lots of such small real-time interactions that help a person become more
mature and sensitive.

The most crucial effect as revealed through the debate on social media is on the
mental health of the user. In the present scenario of a nuclear family, with family
members having hardly any time to spend with each other, a sense of loneliness and
depression tends to develop, especially among kids and teens. They try to find a
solution in social media – just like drugs, which might have some fix for everything.
This brings an unhealthy cycle of coming back to social media again and again but
getting more frustrated. People feel they would feel better and satisfied after using
social media, which is not the case most of the time. It’s a very similar characteristic
to any other type of addiction.

 spending more time on social media keeps people away from the realities of life.
This can have a very adverse effect on one’s mental health. The debate on social
media also highlights the fact that people spend less time meeting in person but
prefer to express their emotions in the form of emojis. This is not at all a healthy way
of communicating positive or negative feelings. In-person interaction can be less
smooth or predictable, but it has some positive and meaningful impacts. Personal
bonding is definitely missing in social media which many people are longing for.
Another aspect that comes into the picture through the debate on social media is
how people are getting trapped by regularly comparing themselves with others, as
they scroll through social media. They constantly make judgments in comparison
with others and feel depressed.  It is quite natural that this comparison with others
also can generate a feeling of jealousy, and results in posting some envy-inducing
messages to show his/her life better than others. This leads to an unhealthy cycle of
sharing negative emotions on social media platforms.

1.Cyber bullying
Most of the children have become victims of the cyberbullying over the past. Since
anyone check create a false profit and do anything without being traced, it has
become quite easy for anyone to bully on the Internet. Threats, intimidation
messages and rumors check be sent to the masses to create discomfort and chaos in
the society
Explicit data and privacy keep easily be hacked and shared on the Internet. Which
include make fiscal losses and loss to personal life. Similarly, identity theft is
another issue that include give fiscal losses to anyone by hacking their private
accounts. Many private twitter and Facebook interest have been hacked in the past
and the hacker had posted materials that have affected the individual’s personal
lives. This is one of the dangerous disadvantages of the social media and every
user is advised to keep their personal data and accounts safe to avoid such
The addictive part of the social media is very mean and check disturb personal
lives as well. The youngster are the most related by the addiction of the social
media. They get included very extensively and are eventually cut off from the
society. It can also waste individual time that could have been utilized by
productive tasks and activities.
4.Forgery and Scams
Many examples are accessible where individuals have scammed and commit fraud
through the social media.
5.Protection Issues
Now a day’s security agencies have access to people private accounts. Which fails
the retreat almost compromised. You never know when you are visited by any
investigation officer regarding any issue that you mistakenly or unknowingly
discussed over the internet.
 6.Ruin Reputation
Social media check easily ruin someone’s reputation just by creating a fraudulent
story and spreading across the social media. Similarly businesses can also suffer
losses due to bad reputation being conveyed over the social media.
10.Glamorizes Alcohol
One of the disadvantages of the social media is that people start to follow others
who are rich or drug addicted and share their views and videos on the web. Which
eventually inspires others to follow the same and get addicted to the drugs and

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